898 research outputs found

    Stable Branched Electron Flow

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    The pattern of branched electron flow revealed by scanning gate microscopy shows the distribution of ballistic electron trajectories. The details of the pattern are determined by the correlated potential of remote dopants with an amplitude far below the Fermi energy. We find that the pattern persists even if the electron density is significantly reduced such that the change in Fermi energy exceeds the background potential amplitude. The branch pattern is robust against changes in charge carrier density, but not against changes in the background potential caused by additional illumination of the sample.Comment: Accepted for publication in New Journal of Physic

    Contribution to the knowledge of the alticines from Iran, with description of a new Phyllotreta species (Col.: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae)

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    An account of the Iranian alticine fauna, comprising 59 species from 11 genera, is presented. Phyllotreta muehlei sp. nov. is newly described and 13 species are recorded for the first time from Iran

    Prestige and content biases together shape the cultural transmission of narratives

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    Context-based cultural transmission biases such as prestige are thought to have been a primary driver in shaping the dynamics of human cultural evolution. However, few empirical studies have measured the importance of prestige relative to other effects, such as the content biases present within transmitted information. Here, we report the findings of an experimental transmission study designed to compare the simultaneous effects of a high- or low-prestige model with the presence of content containing social, survival, emotional, moral, rational, or counterintuitive information. Results from multimodel inference reveal that prestige is a significant factor in determining salience and recall, but that several content biases, specifically social, survival, negative emotional, and biological counterintuitive information, are significantly more influential. Further, we find evidence that prestige serves as a conditional learning strategy when no content cues are available. Our results demonstrate that content biases serve a vital and underappreciated role in cultural transmissionIntroduction Methods - Experimental protocol - Participants - Story production - Recordings - Data coding and transcription - Data analysis - Ethics statement Results - Sample demographics - Participants showed preferential recall of biased information - Content biases were more influential than prestige bias - Transmission biases explain little variance in recall Discussion - Prestige bias has a minor effect on transmission - Prestige is unconsciously employed as a secondary bias - Content biases have distinct effects - Narrative structural features may aid transmission - Implications for the understanding of transmissio

    The use of beta-D-glucanase as a substitute for Novozyme 234 in immunofluorescence and protoplasting

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    Novozym 234 has been used for many years to prepare protoplasts of Aspergillus nidulans and other fungi for transformation. It has also been very useful in immunofluorescence studies for partially digesting walls of fixed hyphae or germlings to allow antibodies to penetrate into the cytoplasm. In recent years, the availability of Novozym 234 has become problematic, and we have searched for combinations of available enzymes that are suitable for protoplasting and immunofluorescence studies in A. nidulans

    Alanine-scanning mutagenesis of Aspergillus γ-tubulin yields diverse and novel phenotypes

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from "www.molbiolcell.org".We have created 41 clustered charged-to-alanine scanning mutations of the mipA, γ-tubulin, gene of Aspergillus nidulans and have created strains carrying these mutations by two-step gene replacement and by a new procedure, heterokaryon gene replacement. Most mutant alleles confer a wild-type phenotype, but others are lethal or conditionally lethal. The conditionally lethal alleles exhibit a variety of phenotypes under restrictive conditions. Most have robust but highly abnormal mitotic spindles and some have abnormal cytoplasmic microtubule arrays. Two alleles appear to have reduced amounts of γ-tubulin at the spindle pole bodies and nucleation of spindle microtubule assembly may be partially inhibited. One allele inhibits germ tube formation. The cold sensitivity of two alleles is strongly suppressed by the antimicrotubule agents benomyl and nocodazole and a third allele is essentially dependent on these compounds for growth. Together our data indicate that γ-tubulin probably carries out functions essential to mitosis and organization of cytoplasmic microtubules in addition to its well-documented role in microtubule nucleation. We have also placed our mutations on a model of the structure of γ-tubulin and these data give a good initial indication of the functionally important regions of the molecule

    Estudio de viabilidad de una planta de procesado de aletas de tiburón en Galicia

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    [Resumen] En este proyecto se lleva a cabo un estudio de viabilidad económica de la instalación de variadores de frecuencia, en los ventiladores, y un autómata programable en una planta de procesado de aletas de tiburón en Galicia. En primer lugar, se analiza el contexto de las aletas de tiburón y su procesado,centrándose en proceso de secado, ya que es donde se centrará el estudio de viabilidad por la implantación de los dispositivos considerados, en este proceso. A continuación, se realiza un estudio de las instalaciones y el caso concreto de la planta objeto de estudio en este proyecto. En base a ello, se definen las distintas alternativas de estudio que se considerarán. Una vez definidas las alternativas, se elabora un presupuesto para cada una de ellas, que determinará la inversión inicial necesaria. Se calculará el ahorro de energía y de coste, de la implantación de las distintas instalaciones considerada en cada alternativa, teniendo en cuenta las consideraciones oportunas en cada caso concreto. Por último, se lleva a cabo el análisis económico de las alternativas mediante el cálculo del Valor Actual Neto (VAN), la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) y el periodo de recuperación, y se realizará un estudio de sensibilidad para determinar cuáles son los aspectos del proyecto que más influyen sobre el resultado final.[Resumo] Neste proxecto lévase a cabo un estudo de viabilidade económica da instalación de variadores de frecuencia, nos ventiladores, e un autómata programable nunha planta de procesado de aletas de tiburón en Galicia. En primeiro lugar, analízase o contexto das aletas de tiburón e o seu procesado, centrándose no proceso de secado, xa que é onde se centrará o estudo de viabilidade pola implantación dos dispositivos considerados, neste proceso. A continuación, realízase un estudo das instlacións e o caso concreto da planta obxecto de estudio neste proxecto. En base a iso, defínense as distintas alternativas de estudo que se considerarán. Unha vez definidas as alternativas, elabórase un presuposto para cada unha delas, que determinará o investimento inicial necesario. Calcularase o aforro de enerxía e de coste, da implantación das distintas instlacións consideradas en cada alternativa, tendo en conta as consideracións oportunas en cada caso concreto. Por último, lévase a cabo o análise económico das alternativas mediante o cálculo do Valor Actual Neto (VAN), a TASA Interna de Retorno (TIR) e o periodo de recuperación, se realizaráse un estudo de sensibilidade para determinar cales son os aspectos do proxecto que máis inflúen sobre o resultado final.[Abstract]: In this project an economic feasibility study of the installation of frequency inverters, in the fans, and a programmable automaton in a shark fin processing plant in Galicia is carried out. First, the context of shark fins and their processing is analyzed, focusing on the drying process, since this is where the feasibility study will focus on the implementation of the considered devices, in this process. Next, a study of the facilities and the specific case of the plant object of study in this project is carried out. Based on this, the different study alternatives that will be considered are defined. Once the alternatives have been defined, a budget is drawn up for each of them, which will determine the initial investment required. The energy and cost savings of the implementation of the different facilities considered in each alternative will be calculated, taking into account the appropriate considerations in each specific case. Finally, the economic analysis of the aforementioned alternatives is carried out by calculating the Net Present Value (NPV), the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the payback period, and a sensitivity analysis is made to determine which aspects of the project have a greater influence on the final result.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.EPS). Enxeñaría en tecnoloxías industriais. Curso 2018/201

    Self-assembly in solution of a reversible comb-shaped supramolecular polymer

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    We report a single step synthesis of a polyisobutene with a bis-urea moiety in the middle of the chain. In low polarity solvents, this polymer self-assembles by hydrogen bonding to form a combshaped polymer with a central hydrogen bonded backbone and polyisobutene arms. The comb backbone can be reversibly broken, and consequently, its length can be tuned by changing the solvent, the concentration or the temperature. Moreover, we have proved that the bulkiness of the side-chains have a strong influence on both the self-assembly pattern and the length of the backbone. Finally, the density of arms can be reduced, by simply mixing with a low molar mass bis-urea