168 research outputs found

    Transition from the macrospin to chaotic behaviour by a spin-torque driven magnetization precession of a square nanoelement

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    We demonstrate (using full-scale micromagnetic simulations) that the spin injection driven steady-state precession of a thin magnetic nanoelement exhibit a complicate transition from the quasi-macrospin to the chaotic behaviour with the increasing element size. For nanoelement parameters typical for those used experimentally we have found that the macrospin approximation becomes invalid already for very small nanoelement sizes (~ 30 nm), in contrast to the previously reported results (Li and Zhang, Phys. Rev. B, vol. B68, 024404-1 (2003))Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Magnetization precession due to a spin polarized current in a thin nanoelement: numerical simulation study

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    In this paper a detailed numerical study (in frames of the Slonczewski formalism) of magnetization oscillations driven by a spin-polarized current through a thin elliptical nanoelement is presented. We show that a sophisticated micromagnetic model, where a polycrystalline structure of a nanoelement is taken into account, can explain qualitatively all most important features of the magnetization oscillation spectra recently observed experimentally (S.I. Kiselev et al., Nature, vol. 425, p. 380 (2003), namely: existence of several equidistant spectral bands, sharp onset and abrupt disappearance of magnetization oscillations with increasing current, absence of the out-of-plane regime predicted by a macrospin model and the relation between frequencies of so called small-angle and quasichaotic oscillations. However, a quantitative agreement with experimental results (especially concerning the frequency of quasichaotic oscillations) could not be achieved in the region of reasonable parameter values, indicating that further model refinement is necessary for a complete understanding of the spin-driven magnetization precession even in this relatively simple experimental situation.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. B; In this revised version figure positions on the page have been changed to ensure correct placements of the figure caption

    Cosmological Signatures of Interacting Neutrinos

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    We investigate signatures of neutrino scattering in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and matter power spectra, and the extent to which present cosmological data can distinguish between a free streaming or tightly coupled fluid of neutrinos. If neutrinos have strong non-standard interactions, for example, through the coupling of neutrinos to a light boson, they may be kept in equilibrium until late times. We show how the power spectra for these models differ from more conventional neutrino scenarios, and use CMB and large scale structure data to constrain these models. CMB polarization data improves the constraints on the number of massless neutrinos, while the Lyman--α\alpha power spectrum improves the limits on the neutrino mass. Neutrino mass limits depend strongly on whether some or all of the neutrino species interact and annihilate. The present data can accommodate a number of tightly-coupled relativistic degrees of freedom, and none of the interacting-neutrino scenarios considered are ruled out by current data -- although considerations regarding the age of the Universe disfavor a model with three annihilating neutrinos with very large neutrino masses.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, minor changes and references added, published in Phys. Rev.

    Spin-transfer torque induced reversal in magnetic domains

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    Using the complex stereographic variable representation for the macrospin, from a study of the nonlinear dynamics underlying the generalized Landau-Lifshitz(LL) equation with Gilbert damping, we show that the spin-transfer torque is effectively equivalent to an applied magnetic field. We study the macrospin switching on a Stoner particle due to spin-transfer torque on application of a spin polarized current. We find that the switching due to spin-transfer torque is a more effective alternative to switching by an applied external field in the presence of damping. We demonstrate numerically that a spin-polarized current in the form of a short pulse can be effectively employed to achieve the desired macro-spin switching.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetic relaxation in finite two-dimensional nanoparticle ensembles

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    We study the slow phase of thermally activated magnetic relaxation in finite two-dimensional ensembles of dipolar interacting ferromagnetic nanoparticles whose easy axes of magnetization are perpendicular to the distribution plane. We develop a method to numerically simulate the magnetic relaxation for the case that the smallest heights of the potential barriers between the equilibrium directions of the nanoparticle magnetic moments are much larger than the thermal energy. Within this framework, we analyze in detail the role that the correlations of the nanoparticle magnetic moments and the finite size of the nanoparticle ensemble play in magnetic relaxation.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    'Hole-digging' in ensembles of tunneling Molecular Magnets

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    The nuclear spin-mediated quantum relaxation of ensembles of tunneling magnetic molecules causes a 'hole' to appear in the distribution of internal fields in the system. The form of this hole, and its time evolution, are studied using Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that the line-shape of the tunneling hole in a weakly polarised sample must have a Lorentzian lineshape- the short-time half-width ξo\xi_o in all experiments done so far should be E0\sim E_0, the half-width of the nuclear spin multiplet. After a time τo\tau_o, the single molecule tunneling relaxation time, the hole width begins to increase rapidly. In initially polarised samples the disintegration of resonant tunneling surfaces is found to be very fast.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Diversity of universes created by pure gravity

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    We show that a number of problems of modern cosmology may be solved in the framework of multidimensional gravity with high-order curvature invariants, without invoking other fields. We use a method employing a slow-change approximation, able to work with rather a general form of the gravitational action, and consider Kaluza-Klein type space-times with one or several extra factor spaces. A vast choice of effective theories suggested by the present framework may be stressed: even if the initial Lagrangian is entirely fixed, one obtains quite different models for different numbers, dimensions and topologies of the extra factor spaces. As examples of problems addressed we consider (i) explanation of the present accelerated expansion of the Universe, with a reasonably small cosmological constant, and the problem of its fine tuning is considered from a new point of view; (ii) the mechanism of closed wall production in the early Universe; such walls are necessary for massive primordial black hole formation which is an important stage in some scenarios of cosmic structure formation; (iii) sufficient particle production rate at the end of inflation; (iv) it is shown that our Universe may contain spatial domains with a macroscopic size of extra dimensions. We also discuss chaotic attractors appearing at possible nodes of the kinetic term of the effective scalar field Lagrangian.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, revtex4. Final version, some considerations added in response to referee remark

    FeCo Nanowire-Strontium Ferrite Powder Composites for Permanent Magnets with High-Energy Products

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    Due to the issues associated with rare-earth elements, there arises a strong need for magnets with properties between those of ferrites and rare-earth magnets that could substitute the latter in selected applications. Here, we produce a high remanent magnetization composite bonded magnet by mixing FeCo nanowire powders with hexaferrite particles. In the first step, metallic nanowires with diameters between 30 and 100 nm and length of at least 2 {\mu}m are fabricated by electrodeposition. The oriented as-synthesized nanowires show remanence ratios above 0.76 and coercivities above 199 kA/m and resist core oxidation up to 300 {\deg}C due to the existence of a > 8 nm thin oxide passivating shell. In the second step, a composite powder is fabricated by mixing the nanowires with hexaferrite particles. After the optimal nanowire diameter and composite composition are selected, a bonded magnet is produced. The resulting magnet presents a 20% increase in remanence and an enhancement of the energy product of 48% with respect to a pure hexaferrite (strontium ferrite) magnet. These results put nanowire-ferrite composites at the forefront as candidate materials for alternative magnets for substitution of rare earths in applications that operate with moderate magnet performance

    Theoretical study of the magnetization dynamics of non-dilute ferrofluids

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    The paper is devoted to the theoretical investigation of the magnetodipolar interparticle interaction effect on remagnetization dynamics in moderately concentrated ferrofluids. We consider a homogeneous (without particle aggregates) ferrofluid consisting of identical spherical particles and employ a rigid dipole model, where magnetic moment of a particle is fixed with respect to the particle itself. In particular, for the magnetization relaxation after the external field is instantly switched off, we show that the magnetodipolar interaction leads to the increase of the initial magnetization relaxation time. For the complex ac-susceptibility we find that the this interaction leads to an overall increase of the imaginary susceptibility part and shifts the peak on its frequency dependence towards lower frequencies. Comparing results obtained with our analytical approach (second order virial expansion) to numerical simulation data (Langevin dynamics method), we demonstrate that the employed virial expansion approximation gives a good qualitative description of the ferrofluid magnetization dynamics and provides a satisfactory quantitative agreement with numerical simulations for the dc magnetization relaxation - up to the particle volume fraction c ~ 10% and for the ac-susceptibility - up to c ~ 5 %.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR