69 research outputs found

    Lincoln\u27s Constitution

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    Liberty and Justice Scholar dissects Fundamental Problem There is a sort of Fundamental Problem of Politics which goes like this: how can a political community—which after all has as its essential function the control of individual behavior — be dedicated to liberty? Theorists a...

    The Political Thought of the Civil War

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    There are fourteen essays in this volume, many of them based on lectures given at the Political Theory Institute at American University a few years ago. Each is a self-contained, extended piece of analysis of some relevant aspect of the Civil War. Reviewing each essay would make this piece far too long, and the editors’ “Introduction” does a fine job of that, anyhow. I will instead treat the whole as an example of doing “political theory” at a truly excellent level

    Justice Curtis in the Civil War Era: At the Crossroads of American Constitutionalism

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    Let Us Now Praise Practical MenBenjamin Curtis and he Dangers of Principled Pragmatism Benjamin Curtis served on the U.S. Supreme Court from 1851 to 1857, and was intellectually active during a time of intense and widespread debate about the meaning of various Constitutional provisions, an...

    Generación 2000

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    Generación2000 nace de una búsqueda por encontrar el confort en la insatisfacción crónica aparente en las generaciones más jóvenes. La visión proporcionada estos 4 años de universidad no solo me han servido para conocer en profundidad las preocupaciones de los jóvenes con un rango de edad que oscila entre los 18 y 28 años, si no para querer encontrar una solución a esta angustia generalizada. La finalidad de este podcast es iluminar las opciones que podemos barajar dentro del sistema educativo y laboral impuesto, sin perder la ilusión por el factor de supervivencia que supone en la vida de cada uno, pero a su vez, siendo realistas. La parte de la gestión está completamente vinculada a un punto de vista psicológico. La presencia de psiquiatras y psicólogos en este podcast es absolutamente esencial puesto que suponen la piedra angular y la razón de ser, por la que el incremento de depresión y ansiedad en los jóvenes. Los jóvenes estudiantes o trabajadores en su defecto también son esenciales puesto que se trata de un podcast dirigido exclusivamente a ellos. La opinión introspectiva de cómo viven el sistema educativo, qué cambios creen que serían beneficiosos, sus preocupaciones y limitaciones serán los caminos que marquen el ritmo del reportaje. El podcast se divide en tres episodios. El primero se centra en la perspectiva del alumnado el cuál describe el panorama educativo en España desde sus zapatos. El segundo episodio tiene la misma función, solo que esta vez los que dibujan el reportaje son docentes. El tercer episodio justifica los dos primeros con una visión psicológica y trata de encontrar soluciones a las distintas cuestiones.Generación2000 was born out of a quest to find comfort in the apparent chronic dissatisfaction of the younger generations. The vision provided by these 4 years of university has not only served me to know in depth the concerns of young people with an age range ranging between 18 and 28 years, but also to find a solution to this widespread distress. The purpose of this podcast is to illuminate the options that we can shuffle within the imposed educational and labor system, without losing the illusion for the survival factor that it supposes in the life of each one, but at the same time, being realistic. The management part is completely linked to a psychological point of view. The presence of psychiatrists and psychologists in this podcast is absolutely essential since they are the cornerstone and the reason for the increase of depression and anxiety in young people. Young students or workers in their absence are also essential since this is a podcast aimed exclusively at them. The introspective opinion of how they experience the education system, what changes they believe would be beneficial, their concerns and limitations will be the paths that set the pace of the report. The podcast is divided into three episodes. The first focuses on the perspective of the students who describe the educational panorama in Spain from their shoes. The second episode has the same function, only this time those who draw the story are teachers. The third episode justifies the first two with a psychological vision and tries to find solutions to the different issues

    Investigations on asymmetric syntheses by thiamine diphosphate dependent enzymes : optimization of C-C bond formation by reaction engineering

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    Die Benzoylformiatdecarboxylase aus Pseudomonas putida gehört zur Familie der Thiamindiphosphat abhängigen Enzyme und katalysiert die Bildung chiraler (S)-2- Hydroxyketone. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss des hydrostatischen Drucks bis zu 250 MPa sowie des pH-Wertes auf die Enantioselektivität für die rekombinante wtBFD sowie die Varianten BFD F464I, BFD A460I und BFD A460I F464I untersucht. Die Reversibilität des Systems wurde gezeigt sowie die Inhibierung des Systems durch Methylbenzoylphosphonatderivate mittels spektroskopischer Methoden, Aktivitätsuntersuchungen und Röntgenstrukturanalyse.Benzoylformate Decarboxylase from Pseudomonas putida is a thiamine diphosphate dependent enzyme that catalyzes the assymetric C-C bond formation of (S)-2-hydroxypropiophenon. In this work the effect of hydrostatic pressure up to 250 MPa and pH is shown on the enantioselectivity for the recombinant wtBFD as well as the variants BFD F464I, BFD A460I and BFD A460I F464I. The reversibility of the system was investigated as well as inhibitory studies with methylbenzoylphosphonate derivatives by spectroscopic methods, activity determination and X ray chrystallography

    Factors influencing public support for managing the mountain pine beetle epidemic

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    The mountain pine beetle (MPB) epidemic is the largest recorded outbreak in British Columbia’s history currently covering almost 10 percent of British Columbia’s 9.2 million hectares of forest. The problems it poses are not merely ecological but also social and economic. An evaluation of the public’s perceptions of mountain pine beetle management alternatives provides decision-makers with information needed to reduce conflicts, identify communication priorities, and make balanced decisions concerning the use and recovery of affected areas. A survey was administered to 312 respondents, half in Prince George, a more forest-dependent community, and half in Kelowna, a less forest-dependent one. While this research found considerable public support for increased harvesting, it did not vary by location even though the residents of Prince George, the more forest-dependent community, were more concerned about the economic impact of the MPB than the residents of Kelowna. Concern for the economic impact of the MPB was not associated with support for harvesting. In contrast, the residents of Prince George reported greater knowledge, which was associated with support for harvesting. Finally, holding an ecological modernization viewpoint was not associated with location but it was associated with support for harvesting. Although respondents in the two study areas were concerned with the economic impact of the mountain pine beetle, the driver for supporting increased harvesting appeared to be a belief that human intervention can solve environmental problems. This research demonstrates the value of an examination of the social determinants of public support for strategies for managing natural disturbances in the policy making process.Forestry, Faculty ofGraduat

    Barriers to Work Place Advancement Experienced by Women in Low-Paying Occupations

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    Glass Ceiling ReportGlassCeilingBackground7WomenInLowPayingOccupations.pdf: 49375 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Reversibility of asymmetric catalyzed C–C bond formation by benzoylformate decarboxylase

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    Benzoylformate decarboxylase (BFD) from Pseudomonas putida catalyzed the formation of 2-hydroxy-1-phenylpropanone (2-HPP), a 2-hydroxy ketone, from the kinetic resolution of rac-benzoin in the presence of acetaldehyde. The formation rate of 2-HPP via kinetic resolution of benzoin was 700-fold lower compared to the formation via direct carboligation of benzaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Further investigations revealed that BFD not only accepts (R)-benzoin but also 2-HPP as the substrate. A typical Michaelis–Menten type kinetics was observed starting from enantiopure (S)- or (R)-2-HPP. The formation of racemic 2-HPP while using benzoin as the donor in the presence of acetaldehyde and the racemization of (R/S)-2-HPP were detected. The equilibrium constant determined, showed favoured conditions towards the product side i.e. (R)-benzoin and 2-HPP. In the end, an extended reaction mechanism was proposed by supplementing the already known mechanism with the C–C bond cleavage activity of BFD towards 2-hydroxy ketones.Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich