82 research outputs found

    The Changing Face of Entrepreneurship in Germany

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    This paper explains individual start-up activities on the basis of both person-related characteristics and the regional context. The analysis is based upon micro data from the GEM adult population survey. Both individual and regional variables have an influence on the decision to become self-employed. There are considerable differences between nascent opportunity entrepreneurship and nascent necessity entrepreneurship. Whereas the results for opportunity entrepreneurship are in line with theoretical predictions the factors influencing necessity entrepreneurship are far more difficult to determine. The most significant change between 2001 and 2003/2004 is the reversal of the influence of a change in the regional rate of unemployment on nascent entrepreneurship activitie

    Moving on from nascent entrepreneurship:measuring cross-national differences in the transition to new business ownership

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    Nascent entrepreneurship and new business ownership are subsequent stages in the entrepreneurial process. We illustrate how information from the largest internationally harmonized database on entrepreneurship, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project, can be used to approximate the entrepreneurial process. We make a methodological contribution by computing the ratio of new business ownership to nascent entrepreneurship in a way that reflects the transition from nascent to new business ownership and provides cross-nationally comparable information on the efficiency of the entrepreneurial process for 48 countries. We report evidence for the validity of the transition ratio by benchmarking it against transition rates obtained from longitudinal studies and by correlating it with commonly used entrepreneurship indicators and macro-level economic indices. The transition ratio enables future cross-national research on the entrepreneurial process by providing a reliable and valid indicator for one key transition in this process

    What makes student entrepreneurs? On the relevance (and irrelevance) of the university and the regional context for student start-ups

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    Student start-ups are a significant part of overall university entrepreneurship. Yet, we know little about the determinants of this type of start-ups and, specifically, the relevance of context effects. Drawing on organizational and regional context literature, we develop and test a model that aims to explain student entrepreneurship in a contextual perspective. Based on unique micro-data and using multi-level techniques, we analyse nascent and new entrepreneurial activities of business and economics students at 41 European universities. Our analysis reveals that individual and contextual determinants influence students’ propensity to start a business. While peoples’ individual characteristics are most important, the organizational and regional contexts also play a role and have a differentiated effect, depending on the source of the venture idea and the stage of its development. Organizational characteristics, like the prevalence of fellow students who have attended entrepreneurship education, influence whether students take action to start a new firm (nascent entrepreneurship) but do not seem to support the actual establishment of a new firm. In contrast, the latter is less dependent on the university context but more strongly influenced by regional characteristics. Overall, our study contributes to our understanding of the emergence of start-ups in the organizational context of universities and has implications for initiatives and programs that aim at encouraging students to become entrepreneurs. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11187-016-9700-6

    Entrepreneurs’ Actions and Venture Success: A Structured Literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research

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    It is the actions of entrepreneurs that give rise to new organizations. However, a comprehensive understanding of what entrepreneurs do and what actually leads to venture success is currently lacking. To summarize existing research, we conduct a structured literature review including 59 empirical articles linking entrepreneurs’ behavior to venture success. We define "actions" as discrete units of "doing" that can—potentially be observed by others and "success" as firm-level success measured by firm status (e.g., firm survival) or performance (e.g., sales). More than half of the included articles are based on data from the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (PSED), but there are also important "stand-alone" studies. We analyze the "what," the "how," the "how much," and the "when" of entrepreneurs' actions that lead to venture success. In addition, we integrate the view of entrepreneurship as an evolutionary process. The analysis reveals that studies typically analyze "what" entrepreneurs but less often "when" and "how much" and rarely "why," "how," and "what else" they do. Based on our findings, we develop a six-point research agenda. Specifically, we argue that future research should strive to understand the motives behind entrepreneurs’ actions, consider how entrepreneurs conduct activities, and what kind of business ideas they are working on. Also, applying alternative measurements and capturing a more complete picture of what entrepreneurs do when starting a business but also aside from their venturing efforts might contribute to a better understanding of the relationship to venture success

    Masterpieces of Swiss Entrepreneurship

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    This open access book focuses on Switzerland-based medium-sized companies with a longstanding export tradition and a proven dominance in global niche markets. Based upon in-depth documentation and analysis of 36 Swiss companies over their entire history, an expert team of authors presents several parallels in the pathways and success factors which allowed these firms to become dominant and operate from a high-cost location such as Switzerland. The book enhances these insights by providing detailed company profiles documenting the company history, development, and how their relevant global niche positions were reached. Readers will benefit from these profiles as they compile a diverse selection of industries, mainly active within the B2B sector, with mostly mature companies (60 years to older than 100 years since founding) and different types of ownership structures including family firms. ‘Masterpieces of Swiss Entrepreneurship’ brings unique learning opportunities to owners and leaders of SMEs in Switzerland and elsewhere. Findings are based on detailed bottom-up research of 36 companies -- without any preconceived notions. The book is both conceptual and practical. It fosters understanding for different choices in development pathways and management practices. Matti Alahuhta, Chairman DevCo Partners, ex-CEO Kone, Board member of several global listed companies, Helsinki, Finland Start-up entrepreneurs need proven models from industry which demonstrate the various paths to success. “Masterpieces of Swiss Entrepreneurship” provides deep insights highlighting these models and the important trade-offs entrepreneurial teams must consider when choosing the path of high growth or of maximum control, as they are often mutually exclusive. Gina Domanig, Managing Partner, Emerald Technology Ventures, Zurich

    Masterpieces of Swiss entrepreneurship : Swiss SMEs competing in global markets

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    This open access book focuses on Switzerland-based medium-sized companies with a longstanding export tradition and a proven dominance in global niche markets. Based upon in-depth documentation and analysis of 36 Swiss companies over their entire history, an expert team of authors presents several parallels in the pathways and success factors which allowed these firms to become dominant and operate from a high-cost location such as Switzerland. The book enhances these insights by providing detailed company profiles documenting the company history, development, and how their relevant global niche positions were reached. Readers will benefit from these profiles as they compile a diverse selection of industries, mainly active within the B2B sector, with mostly mature companies (60 years to older than 100 years since founding) and different types of ownership structures including family firms. ‘Masterpieces of Swiss Entrepreneurship’ brings unique learning opportunities to owners and leaders of SMEs in Switzerland and elsewhere. Findings are based on detailed bottom-up research of 36 companies -- without any preconceived notions. The book is both conceptual and practical. It fosters understanding for different choices in development pathways and management practices. Matti Alahuhta, Chairman DevCo Partners, ex-CEO Kone, Board member of several global listed companies, Helsinki, Finland Start-up entrepreneurs need proven models from industry which demonstrate the various paths to success. “Masterpieces of Swiss Entrepreneurship” provides deep insights highlighting these models and the important trade-offs entrepreneurial teams must consider when choosing the path of high growth or of maximum control, as they are often mutually exclusive

    Verbreitung und effektive Kontrolle von Acker-Fuchsschwanz (Alopecurus myosuroides) im Hinblick auf die Resistenzentwicklung – Auswertung der Ringversuche der Bundesländer Brandenburg, Hessen, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen von 2000 bis 2014

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    Der Acker-Fuchsschwanz (Alopecurus myosuroides) nimmt regional sowohl in der Verbreitung als auch in der Befallsstärke in den Bundesländern Brandenburg, Hessen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sachsen und Thüringen zu. In den letzten Jahren mehren sich die Resistenznachweise bei Acker-Fuchsschwanz gegenüber ALS-Hemmern und ACCase-Hemmern in einigen ostdeutschen Bundesländern und Hessen.Es wurde ermittelt, mit welchen dikotylen Unkräutern der Acker-Fuchsschwanz am häufigsten vergesellschaftet vorkommt. Im gemeinsamen Versuchsprogramm von 2000 bis 2014 erfolgte die Prüfung der Leistungsfähigkeit verschiedener Herbizidbehandlungen. Insgesamt konnten 191 Versuche in die Auswertung einbezogen werden. Anhand der HRAC-Einstufung wurden Herbizid-Kombinationen gebildet, die entsprechend einer nachgewiesenen Resistenzsituation des Standortes zur Problemlösung beitragen können. Es wurden unterschiedliche Behandlungstermine sowie Einmal- und Mehrfachbehandlungen von Herbiziden und Tankmischungen getestet. Es erfolgte die Ermittlung des Einflusses der Besatzdichte von Acker-Fuchsschwanz auf die Wirksamkeit.Die im Herbst einmal applizierten bodenwirksamen Herbizide erzielten keine ausreichenden Wirkungsgrade gegenüber Acker-Fuchsschwanz (besonders bei stärkerem Besatz > 500 Scheinähren/m²). Eine sichere Bekämpfung ist durch die Kombination eines Bodenherbizides mit einem blattaktiven Partner möglich. Im Vergleich der Behandlungsverfahren waren Spritzfolgen wirkungssicherer als Einmalbehandlungen. Um einer weiteren Ausbreitung der Resistenzen entgegenzuwirken sind Wirkstoffgruppenwechsel und die Erzielung hoher Wirkungsgrade der Herbizidvarianten neben den ackerbaulichen Maßnahmen wie Aussaattermin, Einsatz des Pfluges und Fruchtfolge von hoher Priorität. Spread and control of blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides) according to an increasing occurrence of resistance - Evaluation of field trials in the federal states Brandenburg, Hessen, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia in the years 2000 - 2014An increasing occurrence of blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides) with high densities has been reported for Brandenburg, Hessen, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and Thuringia. In recent years, an increasing resistance to blackgrass especially to ALS inhibitors and partially to ACCase inhibitors has been reported for some eastern federal states and Hessen, too.It was determined to what extent dicotyledonous weeds are associated with blackgrass. The efficacy of different herbicide applications was tested in field trials between 2000 and 2014. A total of 191 trials have been included in the analysis of blackgrass. Using the HRAC-classification of herbicides tested, combinations of herbicides were used which might contribute to solve problems specifically linked to the detected resistance situation of the site. The study aimed to identify the right timing of the herbicide applications as well as applications as single or serial treatments and the use of herbicide at reduced doses according to the intensity of blackgrass.In autumn, single applications of soil active herbicides were not effective enough, especially at a high density of more than 500 heads of blackgrass per m2. The mixtures of soil active herbicides with leave active herbicides applied in autumn achieved very good control. The herbicide sequences were more effective than single applications. In order to counteract further spread of herbicide resistance, the right choice of the mode of action and highly efficacious herbicide treatments are the methods of choice, of course in addition to nonchemical controlling measures such as delayed autumn drilling, ploughing and crop rotation

    Responsible handling with herbicides regarding water protection in winter rape

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    Die bisher in der Praxis dominierende einmalige Herbizidanwendung im Vorauflauf entspricht nicht den Grundsätzen des Integrierten Pflanzenschutzes. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt lässt sich die schlagbezogene Unkrautsituation nicht abschätzen und Möglichkeiten einer Anpassung der Aufwandmengen der Herbizide sind sehr eingeschränkt. Aus diesem Grund wurde ein mehrstufiges integriertes Unkraut-Bekämpfungskonzept entwickelt, welches die zielgerichtete Anwendung der Nachauflaufherbizide stärker in den Fokus rückt. Mit diesem hier vorgestellten Konzept wird das Belastungsrisiko für Gewässer nach der Ausbringung von Herbiziden durch Wirkstoffaustrag und Abschwemmung reduziert. Es können eine Großzahl bedeutender Rapsunkräuter gut kontrolliert werden. Im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Versuchsprogramms der Bundesländer Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen wurden auf 139 Standorten im Zeitraum von 2010 – 2019 Versuche zur Unkrautbekämpfung im Winterraps im Sinne des mehrstufigen integrierten Unkraut-Bekämpfungskonzeptes durchgeführt. Die Versuchsergebnisse belegen, dass auf einem Fünftel der Winterrapsfläche die Notwendigkeit bestand, die vollen Aufwandmengen zu applizieren. Die Prüfung der Wirksamkeit von Varianten mit reduzierten Metazachlormengen bzw. Metazachlor-freien Varianten stand im Vordergrund der Untersuchungen. Trotz der geltenden Begrenzung der Wirkstoffausbringung von maximal 1000 g/ha wurden Metazachlor und dessen Metaboliten (Metazachlorsulfonsäure und Metazachlorsäure) in den letzten Jahren in Grund- und Oberflächengewässern vermehrt nachgewiesen. Zum vorbeugenden Gewässerschutz wird deshalb eine Reduzierung der Metazachlormenge auf ≤ 500 g/ha empfohlen. Die geprüften Alternativen werden hier diskutiert und in das mehrstufige Bekämpfungskonzept integriert.The prevailing single treatment pre-emergence weed control application does not comply with the principles of the integrated pest management. At this early stage of herbicide application an analysis of the number and range of later emerging weeds is not manageable in the necessary way. That means possible adjustments or reductions of the registered and therefore normally used herbicide product amounts are highly limited. On this basis, a multi-step-application-scheme was elaborated which focusses mostly on the target-oriented application of post emergence herbicides. The concept of this scheme minimizes the risk of water pollution caused by herbicidal export or run-off while the major important weeds in the winter rape culture are sufficiently controlled. As a part of the joint trial program of the federal states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia (2010 to 2019) this application scheme was implemented in several weed control trials in winter rape on 139 sites. The results proof that the use of the full registered product amount was only necessary on 20% of the included winter rape fields where the efficacy of metazachlor- reduced respectively Metazachlor–free test variants were as a main trial question. Despite the enacted application limit of 1000 g metazachlor and its metabolites per hectare there is still a major problem of a large number of findings of metazachlor sulphone acid and metazachlor acid in ground- and surface-water. Therefore, the reduction of the metazachlor application amount below 500 g per hectare is a strictly recommended precaution for water protection. Such (in the trials included) 500-g/ha- limited test-variants are discussed regarding their possible integration in the multi-step-application scheme in the article below

    Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Unternehmensgründungen im weltweiten Vergleich: Länderbericht Deutschland 2002

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    Der Länderbericht Deutschland im Rahmen des Global Entrepreneurship Monitors gibt seit 1999 jährlich Auskunft über die Gründungsaktivitäten, -motive und -einstellungen in der deutschen Bevölkerung. Er wird vom deutschen Team des GEM unter Leitung von Prof. Rolf Sternberg herausgegeben.The country report of Germany of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) provides a yearly analysis of entrepreneurship activities, motives, and attitudes in the German population, since 1999. It is published by the German team of the GEM under the lead of Prof. Rolf Sternberg

    Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Unternehmensgründungen im weltweiten Vergleich: Länderbericht Deutschland 2001

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    Der Länderbericht Deutschland im Rahmen des Global Entrepreneurship Monitors gibt seit 1999 jährlich Auskunft über die Gründungsaktivitäten, -motive und -einstellungen in der deutschen Bevölkerung. Er wird vom deutschen Team des GEM unter Leitung von Prof. Rolf Sternberg herausgegeben.The country report of Germany of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) provides a yearly analysis of entrepreneurship activities, motives, and attitudes in the German population, since 1999. It is published by the German team of the GEM under the lead of Prof. Rolf Sternberg