909 research outputs found

    The tricellular vertex-specific adhesion molecule Sidekick facilitates polarised cell intercalation during Drosophila axis extension.

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    In epithelia, tricellular vertices are emerging as important sites for the regulation of epithelial integrity and function. Compared to bicellular contacts, however, much less is known. In particular, resident proteins at tricellular vertices were identified only at occluding junctions, with none known at adherens junctions (AJs). In a previous study, we discovered that in Drosophila embryos, the adhesion molecule Sidekick (Sdk), well-known in invertebrates and vertebrates for its role in the visual system, localises at tricellular vertices at the level of AJs. Here, we survey a wide range of Drosophila epithelia and establish that Sdk is a resident protein at tricellular AJs (tAJs), the first of its kind. Clonal analysis showed that two cells, rather than three cells, contributing Sdk are sufficient for tAJ localisation. Super-resolution imaging using structured illumination reveals that Sdk proteins form string-like structures at vertices. Postulating that Sdk may have a role in epithelia where AJs are actively remodelled, we analysed the phenotype of sdk null mutant embryos during Drosophila axis extension using quantitative methods. We find that apical cell shapes are abnormal in sdk mutants, suggesting a defect in tissue remodelling during convergence and extension. Moreover, adhesion at apical vertices is compromised in rearranging cells, with apical tears in the cortex forming and persisting throughout axis extension, especially at the centres of rosettes. Finally, we show that polarised cell intercalation is decreased in sdk mutants. Mathematical modelling of the cell behaviours supports the notion that the T1 transitions of polarised cell intercalation are delayed in sdk mutants, in particular in rosettes. We propose that this delay, in combination with a change in the mechanical properties of the converging and extending tissue, causes the abnormal apical cell shapes in sdk mutant embryos

    On the Energy-Momentum Tensor of the Scalar Field in Scalar--Tensor Theories of Gravity

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    We study the dynamical description of gravity, the appropriate definition of the scalar field energy-momentum tensor, and the interrelation between them in scalar-tensor theories of gravity. We show that the quantity which one would naively identify as the energy-momentum tensor of the scalar field is not appropriate because it is spoiled by a part of the dynamical description of gravity. A new connection can be defined in terms of which the full dynamical description of gravity is explicit, and the correct scalar field energy-momentum tensor can be immediately identified. Certain inequalities must be imposed on the two free functions (the coupling function and the potential) that define a particular scalar-tensor theory, to ensure that the scalar field energy density never becomes negative. The correct dynamical description leads naturally to the Einstein frame formulation of scalar-tensor gravity which is also studied in detail.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev D15, 10 pages. Uses ReVTeX macro

    Impact of D0-D0bar mixing on the experimental determination of gamma

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    Several methods have been devised to measure the weak phase gamma using decays of the type B+- --> D K+-, where it is assumed that there is no mixing in the D0-D0bar system. However, when using these methods to uncover new physics, one must entertain the real possibility that the measurements are affected by new physics effects in the D0-D0bar system. We show that even values of x_D and/or y_D around 10^{-2} can have a significant impact in the measurement of sin^2{gamma}. We discuss the errors incurred in neglecting this effect, how the effect can be checked, and how to include it in the analysis.Comment: 18 pages, Latex with epsfig, 8 figure

    Liquid spherical shells are a non-equilibrium steady state of active droplets

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    Liquid-liquid phase separation yields spherical droplets that eventually coarsen to one large, stable droplet governed by the principle of minimal free energy. In chemically fueled phase separation, the formation of phase-separating molecules is coupled to a fuel-driven, non-equilibrium reaction cycle. It thus yields dissipative structures sustained by a continuous fuel conversion. Such dissipative structures are ubiquitous in biology but are poorly understood as they are governed by non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Here, we bridge the gap between passive, close-to-equilibrium, and active, dissipative structures with chemically fueled phase separation. We observe that spherical, active droplets can undergo a morphological transition into a liquid, spherical shell. We demonstrate that the mechanism is related to gradients of short-lived droplet material. We characterize how far out of equilibrium the spherical shell state is and the chemical power necessary to sustain it. Our work suggests alternative avenues for assembling complex stable morphologies, which might already be exploited to form membraneless organelles by cells

    Feeding versus Feedback in NGC 4151 probed with Gemini NIFS. I. Excitation

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    We have used the Gemini Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph (NIFS) to map the emission-line intensity distributions and ratios in the Narrow-Line Region (NLR) of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151 in the Z, J, H and K bands at a resolving power ~ 5000, covering the inner 200 pc x 300 pc of the galaxy at a spatial resolution of 8 pc. We present intensity distributions I(r) in 14 emission lines. (1) For the ionized gas, I(r) is extended to ~ 100 pc from the nucleus along pos. angle PA=60/240 deg-- NE--SW), consistent with an origin in the known biconical outflow; while for the recombination lines I(r) ~ r^-1, for the forbidden lines I(r) is flat (r^0). (2) The H_2 emission lines intensity distributions avoid the region of the bicone, extending to r ~ 60 pc, perpendicular to the bicone axis, supporting an origin for the H_2-emitting gas in the galaxy plane. (3) The coronal lines show a steep intensity profile, described by r^-2. Using the line-ratio maps [Fe II]1.644/1.257 and Pa_b/Br_g we obtain a reddening of E(B-V)~0.5 along the NLR and E(B-V)>1 at the nucleus. Our line-ratio map [Fe II] 1.257/[P II] 1.189 is the first such map of an extragalactic source. Together with the [Fe II]/Pa_b map, these line ratios correlate with the radio intensity distribution, mapping the effects of shocks produced by the radio jet, which probably release the Fe locked in grains and produce the enhancement of the [Fe II] emission observed at ~ 1 arcsec from the nucleus. At these regions, we obtain densities N_e ~4000 cm^-3 and temperatures T_e ~ 15000K for the [Fe II]-emitting gas. For the H_2-emitting gas we obtain T ~ 2100K. The distinct intensity distributions, physical properties and locations of the ionized and molecular gas suggest that the H_2-emitting gas traces the AGN feeding, while the ionized gas traces its feedback.Comment: 22 pages. 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Induction of Empathy by the Smell of Anxiety

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    The communication of stress/anxiety between conspecifics through chemosensory signals has been documented in many vertebrates and invertebrates. Here, we investigate how chemosensory anxiety signals conveyed by the sweat of humans (N = 49) awaiting an academic examination are processed by the human brain, as compared to chemosensory control signals obtained from the same sweat donors in a sport condition. The chemosensory stimuli were pooled according to the donation condition and administered to 28 participants (14 males) synchronously to breathing via an olfactometer. The stimuli were perceived with a low intensity and accordingly only about half of the odor presentations were detected by the participants. The fMRI results (event-related design) show that chemosensory anxiety signals activate brain areas involved in the processing of social emotional stimuli (fusiform gyrus), and in the regulation of empathic feelings (insula, precuneus, cingulate cortex). In addition, neuronal activity within attentional (thalamus, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex) and emotional (cerebellum, vermis) control systems were observed. The chemosensory perception of human anxiety seems to automatically recruit empathy-related resources. Even though the participants could not attentively differentiate the chemosensory stimuli, emotional contagion seems to be effectively mediated by the olfactory system

    Infrared spectroscopy of NGC 1068: Probing the obscured ionizing AGN continuum

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    The ISO-SWS 2.5-45 um infrared spectroscopic observations of the nucleus of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 (see companion paper) are combined with a compilation of UV to IR narrow emission line data to determine the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the obscured extreme-UV continuum that photoionizes the narrow line emitting gas in the active galactic nucleus. We search a large grid of gas cloud models and SEDs for the combination that best reproduces the observed line fluxes and NLR geometry. Our best fit model reproduces the observed line fluxes to better than a factor of 2 on average and is in general agreement with the observed NLR geometry. It has two gas components that are consistent with a clumpy distribution of dense outflowing gas in the center and a more extended distribution of less dense and more clumpy gas farther out that has no net outflow. The best fit SED has a deep trough at ~4 Ryd, which is consistent with an intrinsic Big Blue Bump that is partially absorbed by ~6x10^19 cm^-2 of neutral hydrogen interior to the NLR.Comment: 15 pp, 4 figures, ApJ accepte

    Magnetotunneling spectroscopy of mesoscopic correlations in two-dimensional electron systems

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    An approach to experimentally exploring electronic correlation functions in mesoscopic regimes is proposed. The idea is to monitor the mesoscopic fluctuations of a tunneling current flowing between the two layers of a semiconductor double-quantum-well structure. From the dependence of these fluctuations on external parameters, such as in-plane or perpendicular magnetic fields, external bias voltages, etc., the temporal and spatial dependence of various prominent correlation functions of mesoscopic physics can be determined. Due to the absence of spatially localized external probes, the method provides a way to explore the interplay of interaction and localization effects in two-dimensional systems within a relatively unperturbed environment. We describe the theoretical background of the approach and quantitatively discuss the behavior of the current fluctuations in diffusive and ergodic regimes. The influence of both various interaction mechanisms and localization effects on the current is discussed. Finally a proposal is made on how, at least in principle, the method may be used to experimentally determine the relevant critical exponents of localization-delocalization transitions.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures include

    Spin injection and spin accumulation in all-metal mesoscopic spin valves

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    We study the electrical injection and detection of spin accumulation in lateral ferromagnetic metal-nonmagnetic metal-ferromagnetic metal (F/N/F) spin valve devices with transparent interfaces. Different ferromagnetic metals, permalloy (Py), cobalt (Co) and nickel (Ni), are used as electrical spin injectors and detectors. For the nonmagnetic metal both aluminium (Al) and copper (Cu) are used. Our multi-terminal geometry allows us to experimentally separate the spin valve effect from other magneto resistance signals such as the anomalous magneto resistance (AMR) and Hall effects. We find that the AMR contribution of the ferromagnetic contacts can dominate the amplitude of the spin valve effect, making it impossible to observe the spin valve effect in a 'conventional' measurement geometry. In a 'non local' spin valve measurement we are able to completely isolate the spin valve signal and observe clear spin accumulation signals at T=4.2 K as well as at room temperature (RT). For aluminum we obtain spin relaxation lengths (lambda_{sf}) of 1.2 mu m and 600 nm at T=4.2 K and RT respectively, whereas for copper we obtain 1.0 mu m and 350 nm. The spin relaxation times tau_{sf} in Al and Cu are compared with theory and results obtained from giant magneto resistance (GMR), conduction electron spin resonance (CESR), anti-weak localization and superconducting tunneling experiments. The spin valve signals generated by the Py electrodes (alpha_F lambda_F=0.5 [1.2] nm at RT [T=4.2 K]) are larger than the Co electrodes (alpha_F lambda_F=0.3 [0.7] nm at RT [T=4.2 K]), whereas for Ni (alpha_F lambda_F<0.3 nm at RT and T=4.2 K) no spin signal is observed. These values are compared to the results obtained from GMR experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, submitted to PR
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