275 research outputs found

    Will Sony’s Fourth Playstation Lead to a Second Sony v. Universal?

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    Sony has included a “share” button on the next version of their popular PlayStation video game system. This feature is meant to allow players to record and share videos of their gameplay. This service shares similarities with the controversial “record” button that Sony included with its Betamax players over thirty years ago. The Betamax player was the subject of the landmark case Sony v. Universal, a foundational case for the modern application of copyright law to new technology. This Issue Brief examines how this “share” feature would fare under the framework laid out by Sony v. Universal and other evolutions in copyright law

    Low-cost Automation – changing the traditional view on automation strategies using collaborative applications

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    The labor cost has been one of the main reasons for industry to move some of the production to so called low-cost countries. Research has shown that this issue is more complex than just calculate labor cost as main driver. Organization culture, research and development and technical competence is also important drivers for a successful automation strategy. Another important factor when it comes to automation strategies is what production parameters to consider choosing the right automation. Traditionally five parameters have been considered i.e. Volume, batch sizes, variants, investment cost and labor cost. With new and cheaper solutions for automation these two views on automation and lowcost production need to be considered and changed. This paper will describe three demonstrators using low-cost automation solutions to automate simple tasks in final assembly systems. The stations\u27 investment cost is all below 50,000 euro. The first demonstrators have been set up and tested in a lab environment. The results show a high precision, easiness in programming and high quality. The aim is to test this further in real industrial environment to stress the system and to put it into a tougher environment

    How to design a smart factory?

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    The enabling technologies of today creates a lot of opportunities. Hence, with all the differentchoices the complexity of different hardware and software increases. Furthermore, thecommunication between all the system needs a structure in order to make the whole system moreflexible, proactive and productive factory. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how a smartfactory can be designed in terms of communication and interoperability between systems. To beable to demonstrate this a drone factory has been built in order to show a smart factory, from inhouselogistics to end-on-line quality check. This paper uses the pathway framework to describethe development of the smart drone factory

    Conceptualising Assembly 4.0 through the Drone Factory

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    This paper aims to discuss the complexity of designing an assembly system according to industry 4.0. This is done by introducing the drone factory as a learning facility at the digital innovation hub SIILab. The paper discusses the areas of Operator-Organisation, Operator-Technologies, Technologies-Product and Product-Organisation in a current state and information support subsystem, IIoT architecture and hardware in the assembly 4.0 context

    Evaluating Cobots for Final Assembly

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    AbstractCollaborative robots becomes more and more common in lab environment and soon also in industry. In order to create resource- and volume flexibility, dynamic and smart automation could be seen as an answer. This paper has investigated the collaborative robots UR3 and UR5 for O-ring assembly and final assembly, compared to the current state which is performed manually. The methodology Dynamo++ was used for measurement and analysis in terms of LoA (cognitive and physical), cycle-time and quality. Furthermore, automation strategy, safety and easiness of programming was investigated. Results show that collaborative robots have great potential in the middle product volume area. A lot of time, layout space and money could be saved with these solutions. However, standards and safety has to be investigated further in order to reach its fully potential

    Lead-Time Effect Comparison of Additive Manufacturing with Conventional Alternatives

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    This single case study used value stream mapping as input data to analyse alternatives for production of quenching tools in an on-site tool department of an automotive manufacturer. The existing manufacturing organised as a functional workshop was compared to the alternatives, adding an additive manufacturing cell or a conventional automated cell, with regards to lead-Time and needed process changes. The results indicate that lead-Time savings should not be the only reason for considering additive manufacturing. When it is beneficial for design and product functionality improvements, however, lead time improvements may give a contribution to the business case

    Jobbene med lavest lĂžnn. Hvem har jobbene og hvor lenge er folk i slike jobber

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    Rapporten legger vekt pÄ Ä forklare egenskaper ved de 20 prosent lavest lÞnnede arbeidsforholdene (jobbene), og nÄr det er relevant belyser vi lÞnnstakerne som besitter slike jobber

    Assembly 4.0: Wheel Hub Nut Assembly Using a Cobot

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    To achieve a flexible and adaptable assembly system (assembly 4.0) a combination of enabling resources and technologies are required. Collaborative robots (Cobots) are one such technology that can offer higher flexibility and quick adaptability in assembly systems. Cobots are becoming more common in the manufacturing industry, the use and application of cobots are constantly growing. Combining cobots with IIoT gives the possibilities to also communicate with cobots and employees to achieve an effective assembly system. This paper presents a design research experiment conducted using cobots in a lab environment. The experiment studies the use of cobots in a final assembly environment with the focus on testing feasibility, improving quality and ergonomics of a real industrial operation. The experiment setup is presented in detail and the results are discussed along with future research directions

    Nye variabler i a-ordningen: Ansettelsesform og Ă„rsak til sluttdato. UndersĂžkelse av datakvaliteten

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    Fra og med 1. januar 2021 rapporteres variablene ansettelsesform og Ärsak til sluttdato (sluttÄrsak)1 av arbeidsgivere gjennom a-ordningen. Rapporteringen er obligatorisk for alle ordinÊre og maritime arbeidsforhold, og frivillig for frilansere, oppdragstakere og personer som mottar honorar. I dette notatet undersÞkes datakvaliteten for disse variablene, der hensikten er Ä vurdere hvor godt egnet disse er til bruk i statistikk- og analyseformÄl. UndersÞkelsen dekker rapporteringen i perioden fra januar 2021 til oktober 2021, som er de mÄnedene endelige data er tilgjengelig for2 . Notatet begynner med en kort beskrivelse av a-ordningen, herunder rapporteringen til a-ordningen og videre databehandling, samt en beskrivelse av ArbeidskraftundersÞkelsen (AKU). I notatet fremkommer det at rapporteringen av variabelen ansettelsesform i a-ordningen gir stabile fordelinger over den aktuelle perioden, der forventede sesongmÞnstre kan identifiseres. Andelen uten verdi pÄ variabelen faller raskt til et stabilt, lavt nivÄ for de arbeidsforholdstypene der rapporteringen er obligatorisk. I analysen av konsistens fremkommer det at andelen som skifter verdi for ansettelsesform fra mÄneden fÞr er lav til Ä begynne med, og at denne reduseres ytterligere i lÞpet av den observerte perioden. Retningen pÄ endringen er for de fleste fra midlertidig til fast ansettelsesform. Sammenligningen med AKU viser at nivÄet pÄ andelen midlertidige arbeidsforhold ligger hÞyere i a-ordningen enn i AKU. PÄ hovednÊringsnivÄ finnes det noen stÞrre avvik, men andelen midlertidig ansatte er likevel stÞrst i de samme nÊringsgruppene bÄde i AKU og a-ordningen. Videre viser notatet at fordelingene for sluttÄrsak er relativt stabile over perioden, samtidig som ogsÄ denne tidsserien inneholder sesongeffekter. Andelen arbeidsforhold som mangler sluttÄrsak nÄr sluttdato er rapportert faller ogsÄ raskt til et relativt lavt nivÄ for de arbeidsforholdene der denne rapporteringen er obligatorisk, men denne andelen er likevel en del hÞyere enn tilsvarende for ansettelsesform. Analysen av konsistens viser at en begrenset andel av ordinÊre og maritime arbeidsforhold endrer sluttÄrsak mellom pÄfÞlgende mÄneder nÄr sluttdato er uendret. Det konkluderes med at det basert pÄ funnene i dette notatet synes rimelig at disse variablene kan anvendes til statistikk- og analyseformÄl

    A Two-Stage Bennet Decomposition of the Change in the Weighted Arithmetic Mean

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    The weighted arithmetic mean is used in a wide variety of applications. An infinite number of possible decompositions of the change in the weighted mean are available, and it is therefore an open question which of the possible decompositions should be applied. In this article, we derive a decomposition of the change in the weighted mean based on a two-stage Bennet decomposition. Our proposed decomposition is easy to employ and interpret, and we show that it satisfies the difference counterpart to the index number time reversal test. We illustrate the framework by decomposing aggregate earnings growth from 2020Q4 to 2021Q4 in Norway and compare it with some of the main decompositions proposed in the literature. We find that the wedge between the identified compositional effects from the proposed two-stage Bennet decomposition and the one-stage Bennet decomposition is substantial, and for some industries, the compositional effects have opposite signs.A Two-Stage Bennet Decomposition of the Change in the Weighted Arithmetic MeanpublishedVersio
