94 research outputs found

    Lek i begynneropplæringen. En analyse av styringsdokumenter for skole og SFO med fokus på lekens rolle i skolen.

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    Lekenes plass i skolen har vært en «het potet» i den norske samfunnsdebatten over lengre tid, og innføringen av seksårsreformen i 1997 var et kompromiss med lovnader om at det første skoleåret skulle være en kombinasjon av det beste fra barnehage og skole. Leken sto på det tidspunktet sterkt i skolen. Med LK06 ble leken skjøvet ut i kulda, og målstyring, kompetanseheving og grunnleggende ferdigheter overtok dens plass. Evalueringsarbeidet etter seksårsreformen startet først opp i 2022 og er ledet av forskere fra OsloMet. Parallelt med dette har et bredt fagfelt tatt til orde for at lekens vilkår i dagens samfunn er truet. Datagrunnlaget for denne masteroppgaven er en dokumentanalyse av to sentrale styringsdokumenter – Overordnet del av LK20 og Rammeplan for SFO. Formålet har vært å avdekke styringsdokumentenes fremstilling av leken, og å sammenligne hvordan Rammeplan for SFO og Overordnet del av Fagfornyelsen LK20 omtaler lekens rolle i skole og SFO. Jeg har arbeidet ut ifra følgende problemstilling: Hvordan forstås leken i Overordnet del og Rammeplan for SFO? Jeg har valgt en kvalitativ tilnærming til prosjektet, og i analysen avdekker jeg hvilke diskurser om lek som kommer til uttrykk i dokumentene. Datamaterialet er tolket i lys av aktuell teori innenfor temaene lek, læring og tilpasset opplæring. Analysen indikerer at Overordnet del av LK20 anerkjenner den frie leken som verdifull for de yngste elevene, og leken knyttes til dannelse og læring. I SFO prioriteres den barnestyrte leken og lekens egenverdi, og også her sees lek i sammenheng med både læring og dannelse. Det er bred faglig enighet om at lek er grunnleggende for barns utvikling, og anerkjente teoretikere som Vygotsky og Dewey tok tidlig til ordet for lekens uvurderlige verdi. Deres perspektiver er forsøkt redegjort i teorikapittelet. Funn identifisert i styringsdokumentene, er analysert og tolket, og drøftet i lys av relevant teori. De viktigste funnene i undersøkelsen avdekker ulikheter i styringsdokumentenes fremstilling av leken, der LK20 i hovedsak fremstiller leken i et læringsperspektiv mens den frie, barnestyrte leken er kjernen i skolefritidsordningens virksomhet. Masteroppgaven min er delt inn i åtte hovedkapitler og oppgavens struktur tar sikte på å besvare de formelle kravene knyttet til masteroppgaven. Nøkkelord: lek, lekende læring, styrt lek, seksårsreformen, begynneropplæring, SFO.The place of play in schools has been a contentious issue in the Norwegian public debate for a long time, and the introduction of the six-year reform in 1997 was a compromise with promises that the first year of school would combine the best from kindergarten and school. Play was highly valued in schools at that time. With LK06, play was pushed aside, and goal-directed teaching, skill development, and basic competencies took its place. The evaluation work after the six-year reform only began in 2022 and is led by researchers from OsloMet. In parallel with this, a broad field of expertise has expressed concern that the conditions for play in today's society are threatened. The data basis for this master's thesis is a document analysis of two central governance documents - the General Part of LK20 and the Framework Plan for SFO (School-Age Childcare). The purpose has been to uncover how play is portrayed in these governance documents and to compare how the Framework Plan for SFO and the General Part of the LK20 Fagfornyelsen address the role of play in school and SFO. I have worked from the following research question: How is play understood in the General Part and the Framework Plan for SFO? I have chosen a qualitative approach for the project, and in the analysis, I identify the discourses about play that are expressed in the documents. The data material is interpreted in light of current theory within the themes of play, learning, and adapted education. The analysis indicates that the General Part of LK20 acknowledges the value of free play for the youngest students, and play is associated with both formation and learning. In SFO, the child-directed play and the inherent value of play are prioritized, and here as well, play is seen in connection with both learning and formation. There is broad professional agreement that play is fundamental for children's development, and recognized theorists such as Vygotsky and Dewey early on emphasized the invaluable value of play. Their perspectives are described in the theoretical chapter. The findings identified in the governance documents have been analyzed, interpreted, and discussed in the context of relevant theory. The main findings in the study reveal differences in how play is portrayed in the governance documents, where LK20 mainly presents play from a learning perspective, while the free, child-directed play is the core of the school-age childcare's activities. My master's thesis is divided into eight main chapters, and the structure of the thesis aims to meet the formal requirements related to a master's thesis. Keywords: play, playful leraning, guided play, the six-year reform, beginner education, after-school care

    Prediction of postoperative pain after radical prostatectomy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a belief that the amount of pain perceived is merely directly proportional to the extent of injury. The intensity of postoperative pain is however influenced by multiple factors aside from the extent of trauma. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the relationship between preoperative factors that have been shown to predict postoperative pain and the self-reports of pain intensity in a population of 155 men undergoing radical prostatectomy (RP), and also to investigate if previous pain score could predict the subsequent pain score.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The correlation between potential pain predictors and the postoperative pain experiences during three postoperative days was tested (Pitmans' test). By use of a logistic regression analysis the probability that a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score at one occasion would exceed 30 mm or 70 mm was studied, depending on previous VAS score, age, depression and pain treatment method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Age was found to be a predictor of VAS > 30 mm, with younger patients at higher risk for pain, and preoperative depression predicted VAS > 70 mm. The probability that VAS would exceed 30 mm and 70 mm was predicted only by previous VAS value. Day two however, patients with epidural analgesia were at higher risk for experiencing pain than patients with intrathecal or systemic opioid analgesia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results show that it would be meaningful to identify RP patients at high risk for severe postoperative pain; i.e. younger and/or depressive patients who might benefit from a more aggressive therapy instituted in the very early postoperative period.</p

    Patients´ Experiences of Pain Following Day Surgery - At 48 Hours, Seven Days and Three Months

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    Recent studies indicate that patients experience pain after day surgery for a longer period than previously known. This requires verification. This was a prospective, descriptive correlational study. A convenience sample of 298 day surgery patients undergoing various surgical procedures was asked to report pain intensity and its interference with daily function 48 hours, seven days and three months after day surgery. Correlation and regression analyses were performed. On a NRS, 55% (n=230) reported pain (≥4) 48 hours after surgery, as did 43% (n=213) at seven days. Pain interfered with normal activities at ≥4 NRS at 48 hours and at seven days, after which it decreased

    Susceptibility and pathology in juvenile atlantic cod gadus morhua to a marine viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus isolated from diseased rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss

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    The first known outbreak caused by a viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) strain of genotype III in rainbow trout occurred in 2007 at a marine farm in Storfjorden, Norway. The source of the virus is unknown, and cod and other marine fish around the farms are suspected as a possible reservoir. The main objective of this study was to test the susceptibility of juvenile Atlantic cod to the VHSV isolate from Storfjorden. As the pathology of VHS in cod is sparsely described, an additional aim of the study was to give a histopathological description of the disease. Two separate challenge experiments were carried out, using both intra peritoneal (ip) injection and cohabitation as challenge methods. Mortality in the ip injection experiment leveled at approximately 50% three weeks post challenge. Both immunohistochemical and rRT-PCR analysis of organs sampled from diseased and surviving fish confirmed VHSV infection. No VHSV was detected in the cohabitants. The results indicate that Atlantic cod has a low natural susceptibility to this VHSV genotype III strain. One of the most extensive pathological changes was degeneration of cardiac myocytes. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that the lesions were related to VHSV. In some fish, the hematopoietic tissue of spleen and kidney showed degeneration and immunostaining, classical signs of VHS, as described in rainbow trout. Positive immunostaining of the capillaries of the gills, suggests this organ as a useful alternative when screening for VHSV.publishedVersio

    Lokalitetsstruktur i produksjonsområde 4 - Med fokus på forholdene i Nordfjord-Frøysjøen

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    I en bestilling fra Fiskeridirektoratet (Fdir) bes Havforskningsinstituttet (HI) å opparbeide et kunnskapsgrunnlag for en vurdering av lokalitetsstrukturen i Nordfjord. I et påfølgende møte mellom Fdir og HI den 16/11-20 ble det avtalt at HI skulle utføre en konnektivitetsanalyse mellom lokaliteter i produksjonsområde 4 (PO4) ut i fra dagens lokalitetsstruktur og lusenivåer–et såkalt «null-scenario». Havforskningsinstituttet sine modeller indikerer moderate eller høye konsentrasjoner av infektive lakselus i stort sett hele PO4, unntatt indre deler av de store fjordene. Vi rapporterer høye konsentrasjoner av infektive lakselus i områdene Sognesjøen, ytre deler av Sognefjorden, Austefjord, Masfjorden, og Frøysjøen samt i flere viker og trange sund langs kystlandskapet i PO4. Smittenettverket for lakselus i PO4 ser ut til å være delt opp i 10 klynger av tett sammenkoblede lokaliteter, med generelt lignende fordeling av klynger innad i fjorder for lus og virus. Nåværende utsett-strategi fordelt på sesong og partall/oddetalls-år ser ikke ut til å påvirke klyngestrukturen til smittenettverket i PO4 i nevneverdig grad. Rangeringen av smittefaktorer i PO4 viser stor geografisk variasjon, med generelt høy eksport av smitte fra flere lokaliteter i områdene Sognesjøen, Austefjord, Masfjorden og Osterfjorden/Sørfjorden. Spesifikt for klyngen Nordfjord-Frøysjøen observerte vi lav konnektivitet med lokaliteter i andre klynger, med unntak noen få lokaliteter i Frøysjøen. Koblingene innad i Nordfjord-Frøysjøen-klyngen var dominert av selv-smitte, og da særlig på virus-siden. Ethvert koordinert tiltak innad i Nordfjord vil derfor mest sannsynlig gi god effekt grunnet lav påvirkning utenfra.publishedVersio

    Effects of uniaxial pressure on the spin ice Ho2Ti2O7

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    The spin ice materials Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7 are experimental and theoretical exemplars of highly frustrated magnetic materials. However, the effects of an applied uniaxial pressure are not well studied, and here we report magnetization measurements of Ho2Ti2O7 under uniaxial pressure applied in the [001], [111] and [110] crystalline directions. The basic features are captured by an extension of the dipolar spin ice model. We find a good match between our model and measurements with pressures applied along two of the three directions, and extend the framework to discuss the influence of crystal misalignment for the third direction. The parameters determined from the magnetization measurements reproduce neutron scattering measurements we perform under uniaxial pressure applied along the [110] crystalline direction. In the detailed analysis we include the recently verified susceptibility dependence of the demagnetizing factor. Our work demonstrates the application of a moderate applied pressure to modify the magnetic interaction parameters. The knowledge can be used to predict critical pressures needed to induce new phases and transitions in frustrated materials, and in the case of Ho2Ti2O7 we expect a transition to a ferromagnetic ground state for uniaxial pressures above 3.3 GPa.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Sub-Saharan Africa's Mothers, Newborns, and Children: How Many Lives Could Be Saved with Targeted Health Interventions?

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    As part of the series on maternal, neonatal, and child health in sub-Saharan Africa, Robert Black and colleagues estimated mortality reduction for 42 countries and conclude that the use of local data is needed to prioritize the most effective mix of interventions

    Cohort profile: the Norwegian Registry of Persons Assessed for Cognitive Symptoms (NorCog) - a national research and quality registry with a biomaterial collection

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    Purpose: The Norwegian Registry of Persons Assessed for Cognitive Symptoms (NorCog) was established to harmonise and improve the quality of diagnostic practice across clinics assessing persons with cognitive symptoms in Norwegian specialist healthcare units and to establish a large research cohort with extensive clinical data. Participants: The registry recruits patients who are referred for assessment of cognitive symptoms and suspected dementia at outpatient clinics in Norwegian specialist healthcare units. In total, 18 120 patients have been included in NorCog during the period of 2009–2021. The average age at inclusion was 73.7 years. About half of the patients (46%) were diagnosed with dementia at the baseline assessment, 35% with mild cognitive impairment and 13% with no or subjective cognitive impairment; 7% received other specified diagnoses such as mood disorders. Findings to date: All patients have a detailed baseline characterisation involving lifestyle and demographic variables; activities of daily living; caregiver situation; medical history; medication; psychiatric, physical and neurological examinations; neurocognitive testing; blood laboratory work-up; and structural or functional brain imaging. Diagnoses are set according to standardised diagnostic criteria. The research biobank stores DNA and blood samples from 4000 patients as well as cerebrospinal fluid from 800 patients. Data from NorCog have been used in a wide range of research projects evaluating and validating dementia-related assessment tools, and identifying patient characteristics, symptoms, functioning and needs, as well as caregiver burden and requirement of available resources. Future plans: The finish date of NorCog was originally in 2029. In 2021, the registry’s legal basis was reformalised and NorCog got approval to collect and keep data for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose of the registry. In 2022, the registry underwent major changes. Paper-based data collection was replaced with digital registration, and the number of variables collected was reduced. Future plans involve expanding the registry to include patients from primary care centres.publishedVersio

    Endret lokalitetsstruktur i produksjonsområde 3 - vurdert virkning på spredning av lakselus, pankreassykdom og infektiøs lakseanemi

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    Havforskningsinstituttet (HI) og Veterinærinstituttet (VI) fikk en felles bestilling av Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet om å analysere effektene av ulike scenarioer for en ny lokalitetsstruktur i produksjonsområde 3 som kan gi mindre spredning av lakselus, ILA og PD mellom lokalitetene. Det er antatt at mindre smitte mellom lokalitetene vil gjøre det lettere å drive oppdrett av laks, med lave luseverdier, bedre fiskehelse og fiskevelferd, og dermed øke bærekraften. Ved hjelp av biofysisk modellering og nettverksanalyse av spredning av lakselus, PD og ILA mellom lokaliteter er det anslått at flytting av produksjon fra særlig smittespredende lokaliteter til mindre smittespredende lokaliteter, kan redusere den totale smitten mellom lokalitetene. Analysene viser at ved å fjerne tilfeldige lokaliteter hvor man flytter biomassen til de resterende lokalitetene vil redusere smittepresset, men ikke like effektivt som ved en strategisk flytting av biomasse fra de “verste” til de beste lokalitetene med tanke på smittespredning. I et av scenariene som er testet med Havforskningsinstituttet sine modeller er det indikert at smitten mellom lokalitetene kan reduseres med 46% for lakselus og 30% for virus, ved å redusere fra dagens 135 lokaliteter ned til 100 matfisklokaliteter – dette uten å redusere den totale produksjonen i produksjonsområdet. På tilsvarende måte indikerer Veterinærinstituttet sin lusemodell at en ved tilfeldig fjerning av halvparten av alle lokaliteter og refordeling av biomassen til andre lokaliteter i PO3 vil få rundt regnet ca. 20% færre voksne hunnlus, 20% færre andre mobile lus, og 20% færre behandlinger i hele området. Denne effekten blir større, dersom de lokalitetene som lukkes er strategisk valgt, dvs. at de er valgt på bakgrunn av hvor mye de bidrar til spredning av lus basert på HI sin nettverksmodell. Det synes dermed å være et stort potensial for å redusere smitten mellom lokaliteter ved å redusere antall lokaliteter i PO3 og samtidig opprettholde produksjonen. Imidlertid er det behov for mer omfattende analyser og utredning av ny lokalitetsstruktur, der en tar hensyn til en rekke andre faktorer som bl.a. om lokalitetene tåler økt biomasse med tanke på organisk belastning, selskapsstruktur, muligheter for sonevise utsett, samt påvirkning på vill laksefisk før en kan anbefale konkret ny lokalitetsstruktur i PO3.publishedVersio