1,951 research outputs found

    Early marine survival of steelhead smolts in Puget Sound

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    Smolt-to adult survival rates for Puget Sound steelhead populations have declined substantially over the last 25 years and remain at or near historic lows. From 2006-2009, nearly 1,400 steelhead smolts from 9 watersheds within Puget Sound were tracked from river mouth to the Pacific Ocean using acoustic telemetry to: (1) estimate early marine survival through Puget Sound, (2) identify common areas of abnormally high mortality along the migration route, and (3) to identify factors that may influence survival. Cormac-Jolly-Seber mark-recapture models were used to jointly estimate survival and detection rate at telemetry arrays. Estimated survival rates from river mouths to near the Pacific Ocean ranged from 1.5% (Skokomish River hatchery smolts in 2009) to 34.0% (Big Beef Creek wild smolts in 2006), and averaged 14.9% for all populations. Factors influencing survival included population, migration segment, migration year, and rearing type (i.e., hatchery or wild), while geographic region, body length, and tag type (i.e., 7mm or 9mm) showed lesser effects. Comparison of survival rates between migration segments implicated central Puget Sound and Admiralty Inlet as potential areas of heightened mortality. Early marine survival rates estimated here are very low considering that steelhead smolts spend only about two to three weeks in Puget Sound before entering the Pacific Ocean. Mortality in Puget Sound may be a major driver behind low observed smolt-to adult survival rates. This study addresses a major gap in steelhead marine life history knowledge and can help to inform future Puget Sound steelhead recovery planning efforts

    Within You / Without You: Biotechnology, Ontology, and Ethics

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    As Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs) have become more common, ethical issues have arisen regarding the deactivation of these devices. Goldstein et al., have shown that both patients and cardiologists consider ICD deactivation to be different from the discontinuation of other life-sustaining treatments. It cannot be argued ethically that ICDs raise new questions about the distinction between withholding and withdrawing treatment, and neither the fact that they are used intermittently, nor the duration of therapy, nor the mere fact that they are located inside the body can be considered unique to these devices and morally decisive. However, frequent allusions to the fact that they are located inside the body might provide a clue about what bothers patients and physicians. As technology progresses, some interventions seem to become a part of the patient as a unified whole person, completely replacing body parts and lost physiological functions rather than merely substituting for impaired structure and function. If a life-sustaining intervention can be considered a “replacement”—a part of the patient as a unified whole person—then it seems that deactivation is better classified as a case of killing rather than a case of forgoing a life-sustaining treatment. ICDs are not a “replacement” therapy in this sense. The deactivation of an ICD is best classified, under the proper conditions, as the forgoing of an extraordinary means of care. As technology becomes more sophisticated, however, and new interventions come to be best classified as “replacements” (a heart transplant would be a good example), “discontinuing” these interventions should be much more morally troubling for those clinicians who oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide

    Fractional power-law susceptibility and specific heat in low temperature insulating state of o-TaS_{3}

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    Measurements of the magnetic susceptibility and its anisotropy in the quasi-one-dimensional system o-TaS_{3} in its low-T charge density wave (CDW) ground state are reported. Both sets of data reveal below 40 K an extra paramagnetic contribution obeying a power-law temperature dependence \chi(T)=AT^{-0.7}. The fact that the extra term measured previously in specific heat in zero field, ascribed to low-energy CDW excitations, also follows a power law C_{LEE}(0,T)=CT^{0.3}, strongly revives the case of random exchange spin chains. Introduced impurities (0.5% Nb) only increase the amplitude C, but do not change essentially the exponent. Within the two-level system (TLS) model, we estimate from the amplitudes A and C that there is one TLS with a spin s=1/2 localized on the chain at the lattice site per cca 900 Ta atoms. We discuss the possibility that it is the charge frozen within a soliton-network below the glass transition T_{g}~40 K determined recently in this system.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Constraints on Type Ib/c and GRB Progenitors

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    Although there is strong support for the collapsar engine as the power source of long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), we still do not definitively know the progenitor of these explosions. Here we review the current set of progenitor scenarios for long-duration GRBs and the observational constraints on these scenarios. Examining these, we find that single-star models cannot be the only progenitor for long-duration GRBs. Several binary progenitors can match the solid observational constraints and also have the potential to match the trends we are currently seeing in the observations. Type Ib/c supernovae are also likely to be produced primarily in binaries; we discuss the relationship between the progenitors of these explosions and those of the long-duration GRBs.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figure

    Modeling the high-energy emission in GRB 110721A and implications on the early multiwavelength and polarimetric observations

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    GRB 110721A was detected by the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor and the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi satellite and the Gamma-ray Burst Polarimeter onboard the IKAROS solar mission. Previous analysis done of this burst showed: i) a linear polarization signal with position angle stable (ϕp=160±11\phi_p= 160^\circ\pm11) and high degree of Π=8428+16\Pi=84^{+16}_{-28}, ii) an extreme peak energy of a record-breaking at 15±\pm2 MeV, and iii) a subdominant prompt thermal component observed right after the onset of this burst. In this paper, the LAT data around the reported position of GRB 110721A are analysed with the most recent software and then, the LAT light curve above 100 MeV was obtained. The LAT light curve is modelled in terms of adiabatic early-afterglow external shocks when the outflow propagates into a stellar wind. Additionally, we discuss the possible origins and also study the implications of the early-afterglow external shocks on the extreme peak energy observed at 15±\pm2 MeV, the polarization observations and the subdominant prompt thermal component.Comment: 9 pages and one figure. Accepted for publication in Ap

    PPAR? Downregulation by TGF in Fibroblast and Impaired Expression and Function in Systemic Sclerosis: A Novel Mechanism for Progressive Fibrogenesis

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    The nuclear orphan receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-γ) is expressed in multiple cell types in addition to adipocytes. Upon its activation by natural ligands such as fatty acids and eicosanoids, or by synthetic agonists such as rosiglitazone, PPAR-γ regulates adipogenesis, glucose uptake and inflammatory responses. Recent studies establish a novel role for PPAR-γ signaling as an endogenous mechanism for regulating transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß)- dependent fibrogenesis. Here, we sought to characterize PPAR-γ function in the prototypic fibrosing disorder systemic sclerosis (SSc), and delineate the factors governing PPAR-γ expression. We report that PPAR-γ levels were markedly diminished in skin and lung biopsies from patients with SSc, and in fibroblasts explanted from the lesional skin. In normal fibroblasts, treatment with TGF-ß resulted in a time- and dose-dependent down-regulation of PPAR-γ expression. Inhibition occurred at the transcriptional level and was mediated via canonical Smad signal transduction. Genome-wide expression profiling of SSc skin biopsies revealed a marked attenuation of PPAR-γ levels and transcriptional activity in a subset of patients with diffuse cutaneous SSc, which was correlated with the presence of a ''TGF-ß responsive gene signature'' in these biopsies. Together, these results demonstrate that the expression and function of PPAR-γ are impaired in SSc, and reveal the existence of a reciprocal inhibitory cross-talk between TGF-ß activation and PPAR-γ signaling in the context of fibrogenesis. In light of the potent anti-fibrotic effects attributed to PPAR-γ, these observations lead us to propose that excessive TGF-ß activity in SSc accounts for impaired PPAR-γ function, which in turn contributes to unchecked fibroblast activation and progressive fibrosis. © 2010 Wei et al

    Event-related alpha suppression in response to facial motion

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.While biological motion refers to both face and body movements, little is known about the visual perception of facial motion. We therefore examined alpha wave suppression as a reduction in power is thought to reflect visual activity, in addition to attentional reorienting and memory processes. Nineteen neurologically healthy adults were tested on their ability to discriminate between successive facial motion captures. These animations exhibited both rigid and non-rigid facial motion, as well as speech expressions. The structural and surface appearance of these facial animations did not differ, thus participants decisions were based solely on differences in facial movements. Upright, orientation-inverted and luminance-inverted facial stimuli were compared. At occipital and parieto-occipital regions, upright facial motion evoked a transient increase in alpha which was then followed by a significant reduction. This finding is discussed in terms of neural efficiency, gating mechanisms and neural synchronization. Moreover, there was no difference in the amount of alpha suppression evoked by each facial stimulus at occipital regions, suggesting early visual processing remains unaffected by manipulation paradigms. However, upright facial motion evoked greater suppression at parieto-occipital sites, and did so in the shortest latency. Increased activity within this region may reflect higher attentional reorienting to natural facial motion but also involvement of areas associated with the visual control of body effectors. © 2014 Girges et al

    Mathematical modelling of polyamine metabolism in bloodstream-form trypanosoma brucei: An application to drug target identification

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    © 2013 Gu et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are creditedThis article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.We present the first computational kinetic model of polyamine metabolism in bloodstream-form Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of human African trypanosomiasis. We systematically extracted the polyamine pathway from the complete metabolic network while still maintaining the predictive capability of the pathway. The kinetic model is constructed on the basis of information gleaned from the experimental biology literature and defined as a set of ordinary differential equations. We applied Michaelis-Menten kinetics featuring regulatory factors to describe enzymatic activities that are well defined. Uncharacterised enzyme kinetics were approximated and justified with available physiological properties of the system. Optimisation-based dynamic simulations were performed to train the model with experimental data and inconsistent predictions prompted an iterative procedure of model refinement. Good agreement between simulation results and measured data reported in various experimental conditions shows that the model has good applicability in spite of there being gaps in the required data. With this kinetic model, the relative importance of the individual pathway enzymes was assessed. We observed that, at low-to-moderate levels of inhibition, enzymes catalysing reactions of de novo AdoMet (MAT) and ornithine production (OrnPt) have more efficient inhibitory effect on total trypanothione content in comparison to other enzymes in the pathway. In our model, prozyme and TSHSyn (the production catalyst of total trypanothione) were also found to exhibit potent control on total trypanothione content but only when they were strongly inhibited. Different chemotherapeutic strategies against T. brucei were investigated using this model and interruption of polyamine synthesis via joint inhibition of MAT or OrnPt together with other polyamine enzymes was identified as an optimal therapeutic strategy.The work was carried out under a PhD programme partly funded by Prof. Ray Welland, School of Computing Science, University of Glasgo

    Exploring the Partonic Structure of Hadrons through the Drell-Yan Process

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    The Drell-Yan process is a standard tool for probing the partonic structure of hadrons. Since the process proceeds through a quark-antiquark annihilation, Drell-Yan scattering possesses a unique ability to selectively probe sea distributions. This review examines the application of Drell-Yan scattering to elucidating the flavor asymmetry of the nucleon's sea and nuclear modifications to the sea quark distributions in unpolarized scattering. Polarized beams and targets add an exciting new dimension to Drell-Yan scattering. In particular, the two initial-state hadrons give Drell-Yan sensitivity to chirally-odd transversity distributions.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, to appear in J. Phys. G, resubmission corrects typographical error