7,805 research outputs found

    Erratum to: Search for dark matter and unparticles in events with a Z boson and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV (JHEP, (2017), 9, (106), 10.1007/JHEP09(2017)106)

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    In the original paper, figure 10 was incorrect. The correct figure is shown below. Additionally, the unparticle entries in table 3, as well as figure 4 and 5 were labelled with incorrect values of ΛU

    Inclusive and differential cross section measurements of single top quark production in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV

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    Inclusive and differential cross sections of single top quark production in association with a Z boson are measured in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1 recorded by the CMS experiment. Events are selected based on the presence of three leptons, electrons or muons, associated with leptonic Z boson and top quark decays. The measurement yields an inclusive cross section of 87.9 +7.5 −7.3 (stat)+7.3 −6.0 (syst) fb for a dilepton invariant mass greater than 30 GeV, in agreement with standard model (SM) calculations and represents the most precise determination to date. The ratio between the cross sections for the top quark and the top antiquark production in association with a Z boson is measured as 2.37+0.56 −0.42 (stat)+0.27 −0.13 (syst). Differential measurements at parton and particle levels are performed for the first time. Several kinematic observables are considered to study the modeling of the process. Results are compared to theoretical predictions with different assumptions on the source of the initial-state b quark and found to be in agreement, within the uncertainties. Additionally, the spin asymmetry, which is sensitive to the top quark polarization, is determined from the differential distribution of the polarization angle at parton level to be 0.54±0.16 (stat)±0.06 (syst), in agreement with SM prediction

    Measurement of quark- and gluon-like jet fractions using jet charge in PbPb and pp collisions at 5.02 TeV

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    The momentum-weighted sum of the electric charges of particles inside a jet, known as jet charge, is sensitive to the electric charge of the particle initiating the parton shower. This paper presents jet charge distributions in s NN sNN \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 5.02 TeV lead-lead (PbPb) and proton-proton (pp) collisions recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC. These data correspond to integrated luminosities of 404 μb −1 and 27.4 pb −1 for PbPb and pp collisions, respectively. Leveraging the sensitivity of the jet charge to fundamental differences in the electric charges of quarks and gluons, the jet charge distributions from simulated events are used as templates to extract the quark- and gluon-like jet fractions from data. The modification of these jet fractions is examined by comparing pp and PbPb data as a function of the overlap of the colliding Pb nuclei (centrality). This measurement tests the color charge dependence of jet energy loss due to interactions with the quark-gluon plasma. No significant modification between different centrality classes and with respect to pp results is observed in the extracted quark- and gluon-like jet fractions.CMS Collaboration (ukupan broj autora: 2301

    Study of central exclusive pi+pi- production in proton-proton collisions at √s=5.02 and 13TeV

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    Central exclusive and semiexclusive production of pairs is measured with the CMS detector in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at center-of-mass energies of 5.02 and 13TeV. The theoretical description of these nonperturbative processes, which have not yet been measured in detail at the LHC, poses a significant challenge to models. The two pions are measured and identified in the CMS silicon tracker based on specific energy loss, whereas the absence of other particles is ensured by calorimeter information. The total and differential cross sections of exclusive and semiexclusive central production are measured as functions of invariant mass, transverse momentum, and rapidity of the system in the fiducial region defined as transverse momentum and pseudorapidity . The production cross sections for the four resonant channels , , , and are extracted using a simple model. These results represent the first measurement of this process at the LHC collision energies of 5.02 and 13TeV.CMS Collaboration (ukupan broj autora: 2326

    Searches for a heavy scalar boson H decaying to a pair of 125 GeV Higgs bosons hh or for a heavy pseudoscalar boson A decaying to Zh, in the final states with h → ττ

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    Citation: Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Asilar, E., Bergauer, T., . . . Woods, N. (2016). Searches for a heavy scalar boson H decaying to a pair of 125 GeV Higgs bosons hh or for a heavy pseudoscalar boson A decaying to Zh, in the final states with h???. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 755, 217-244. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2016.01.056Additional Authors: Friedl, M.;Fruehwirth, R.;Ghete, V. M.;Hartl, C.;Hörmann, N.;Hrubec, J.;Jeitler, M.;Knünz, V.;König, A.;Krammer, M.;Krätschmer, I.;Liko, D.;Matsushita, T.;Mikulec, I.;Rabady, D.;Rahbaran, B.;Rohringer, H.;Schieck, J.;Schöfbeck, R.;Strauss, J.;Treberer-Treberspurg, W.;Waltenberger, W.;Wulz, C. E.;Mossolov, V.;Shumeiko, N.;Suarez Gonzalez, J.;Alderweireldt, S.;Cornelis, T.;De Wolf, E. A.;Janssen, X.;Knutsson, A.;Lauwers, J.;Luyckx, S.;Ochesanu, S.;Rougny, R.;Van De Klundert, M.;Van Haevermaet, H.;Van Mechelen, P.;Van Remortel, N.;Van Spilbeeck, A.;Abu Zeid, S.;Blekman, F.;D'Hondt, J.;Daci, N.;De Bruyn, I.;Deroover, K.;Heracleous, N.;Keaveney, J.;Lowette, S.;Moreels, L.;Olbrechts, A.;Python, Q.;Strom, D.;Tavernier, S.;Van Doninck, W.;Van Mulders, P.;Van Onsem, G. P.;Van Parijs, I.;Barria, P.;Brun, H.;Caillol, C.;Clerbaux, B.;De Lentdecker, G.;Delannoy, H.;Fasanella, G.;Favart, L.;Gay, A. P. R.;Grebenyuk, A.;Karapostoli, G.;Lenzi, T.;Léonard, A.;Maerschalk, T.;Marinov, A.;Perniè, L.;Randle-conde, A.;Reis, T.;Seva, T.;Vander Velde, C.;Vanlaer, P.;Yonamine, R.;Zenoni, F.;Zhang, F.;Beernaert, K.;Benucci, L.;Cimmino, A.;Crucy, S.;Dobur, D.;Fagot, A.;Garcia, G.;Gul, M.;McCartin, J.;Ocampo Rios, A. A.;Poyraz, D.;Ryckbosch, D.;Salva, S.;Sigamani, M.;Strobbe, N.;Tytgat, M.;Van Driessche, W.;Yazgan, E.;Zaganidis, N.;Basegmez, S.;Beluffi, C.;Bondu, O.;Brochet, S.;Bruno, G.;Castello, R.;Caudron, A.;Ceard, L.;Da Silveira, G. G.;Delaere, C.;Favart, D.;Forthomme, L.;Giammanco, A.;Hollar, J.;Jafari, A.;Jez, P.;Komm, M.;Lemaitre, V.;Mertens, A.;Nuttens, C.;Perrini, L.;Pin, A.;Piotrzkowski, K.;Popov, A.;Quertenmont, L.;Selvaggi, M.;Vidal Marono, M.;Beliy, N.;Hammad, G. H.;Aldá Júnior, W. L.;Alves, G. A.;Brito, L.;Correa Martins Junior, M.;Hamer, M.;Hensel, C.;Mora Herrera, C.;Moraes, A.;Pol, M. E.;Rebello Teles, P.;Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E.;Carvalho, W.;Chinellato, J.;Custódio, A.;Da Costa, E. M.;De Jesus Damiao, D.;De Oliveira Martins, C.;Fonseca De Souza, S.;Huertas Guativa, L. M.;Malbouisson, H.;Matos Figueiredo, D.;Mundim, L.;Nogima, H.;Prado Da Silva, W. L.;Santoro, A.;Sznajder, A.;Tonelli Manganote, E. J.;Vilela Pereira, A.;Ahuja, S.;Bernardes, C. A.;De Souza Santos, A.;Dogra, S.;Fernandez Perez Tomei, T. R.;Gregores, E. M.;Mercadante, P. G.;Moon, C. S.;Novaes, S. F.;Padula, S. S.;Romero Abad, D.;Ruiz Vargas, J. C.;Aleksandrov, A.;Hadjiiska, R.;Iaydjiev, P.;Rodozov, M.;Stoykova, S.;Sultanov, G.;Vutova, M.;Dimitrov, A.;Glushkov, I.;Litov, L.;Pavlov, B.;Petkov, P.;Ahmad, M.;Bian, J. G.;Chen, G. M.;Chen, H. S.;Chen, M.;Cheng, T.;Du, R.;Jiang, C. H.;Plestina, R.;Romeo, F.;Shaheen, S. M.;Tao, J.;Wang, C.;Wang, Z.;Zhang, H.;Asawatangtrakuldee, C.;Ban, Y.;Li, Q.;Liu, S.;Mao, Y.;Qian, S. J.;Wang, D.;Xu, Z.;Zou, W.;Avila, C.;Cabrera, A.;Chaparro Sierra, L. F.;Florez, C.;Gomez, J. P.;Gomez Moreno, B.;Sanabria, J. C.;Godinovic, N.;Lelas, D.;Puljak, I.;Ribeiro Cipriano, P. M.;Antunovic, Z.;Kovac, M.;Brigljevic, V.;Kadija, K.;Luetic, J.;Micanovic, S.;Sudic, L.;Attikis, A.;Mavromanolakis, G.;Mousa, J.;Nicolaou, C.;Ptochos, F.;Razis, P. A.;Rykaczewski, H.;Bodlak, M.;Finger, M., Jr.;Finger, M., Jr.;Abdelalim, A. A.;Awad, A.;El Sawy, M.;Mahrous, A.;Radi, A.;Calpas, B.;Kadastik, M.;Murumaa, M.;Raidal, M.;Tiko, A.;Veelken, C.;Eerola, P.;Pekkanen, J.;Voutilainen, M.;Härkönen, J.;Karimäki, V.;Kinnunen, R.;Lampén, T.;Lassila-Perini, K.;Lehti, S.;Lindén, T.;Luukka, P.;Mäenpää, T.;Peltola, T.;Tuominen, E.;Tuominiemi, J.;Tuovinen, E.;Wendland, L.;Talvitie, J.;Tuuva, T.;Besancon, M.;Couderc, F.;Dejardin, M.;Denegri, D.;Fabbro, B.;Faure, J. L.;Favaro, C.;Ferri, F.;Ganjour, S.;Givernaud, A.;Gras, P.;Hamel de Monchenault, G.;Jarry, P.;Locci, E.;Machet, M.;Malcles, J.;Rander, J.;Rosowsky, A.;Titov, M.;Zghiche, A.;Antropov, I.;Baffioni, S.;Beaudette, F.;Busson, P.;Cadamuro, L.;Chapon, E.;Charlot, C.;Dahms, T.;Davignon, O.;Filipovic, N.;Florent, A.;Granier de Cassagnac, R.;Lisniak, S.;Mastrolorenzo, L.;Miné, P.;Naranjo, I. N.;Nguyen, M.;Ochando, C.;Ortona, G.;Paganini, P.;Pigard, P.;Regnard, S.;Salerno, R.;Sauvan, J. B.;Sirois, Y.;Strebler, T.;Yilmaz, Y.;Zabi, A.;Agram, J. L.;Andrea, J.;Aubin, A.;Bloch, D.;Brom, J. M.;Buttignol, M.;Chabert, E. C.;Chanon, N.;Collard, C.;Conte, E.;Coubez, X.;Fontaine, J. C.;Gelé, D.;Goerlach, U.;Goetzmann, C.;Le Bihan, A. C.;Merlin, J. A.;Skovpen, K.;Van Hove, P.;Gadrat, S.;Beauceron, S.;Bernet, C.;Boudoul, G.;Bouvier, E.;Carrillo Montoya, C. A.;Chierici, R.;Contardo, D.;Courbon, B.;Depasse, P.;El Mamouni, H.;Fan, J.;Fay, J.;Gascon, S.;Gouzevitch, M.;Ille, B.;Lagarde, F.;Laktineh, I. B.;Lethuillier, M.;Mirabito, L.;Pequegnot, A. L.;Perries, S.;Ruiz Alvarez, J. D.;Sabes, D.;Sgandurra, L.;Sordini, V.;Vander Donckt, M.;Verdier, P.;Viret, S.;Toriashvili, T.;Tsamalaidze, Z.;Autermann, C.;Beranek, S.;Edelhoff, M.;Feld, L.;Heister, A.;Kiesel, M. K.;Klein, K.;Lipinski, M.;Ostapchuk, A.;Preuten, M.;Raupach, F.;Schael, S.;Schulte, J. F.;Verlage, T.;Weber, H.;Wittmer, B.;Zhukov, V.;Ata, M.;Brodski, M.;Dietz-Laursonn, E.;Duchardt, D.;Endres, M.;Erdmann, M.;Erdweg, S.;Esch, T.;Fischer, R.;Güth, A.;Hebbeker, T.;Heidemann, C.;Hoepfner, K.;Klingebiel, D.;Knutzen, S.;Kreuzer, P.;Merschmeyer, M.;Meyer, A.;Millet, P.;Olschewski, M.;Padeken, K.;Papacz, P.;Pook, T.;Radziej, M.;Reithler, H.;Rieger, M.;Scheuch, F.;Sonnenschein, L.;Teyssier, D.;Thüer, S.;Cherepanov, V.;Erdogan, Y.;Flügge, G.;Geenen, H.;Geisler, M.;Hoehle, F.;Kargoll, B.;Kress, T.;Kuessel, Y.;Künsken, A.;Lingemann, J.;Nehrkorn, A.;Nowack, A.;Nugent, I. M.;Pistone, C.;Pooth, O.;Stahl, A.;Aldaya Martin, M.;Asin, I.;Bartosik, N.;Behnke, O.;Behrens, U.;Bell, A. J.;Borras, K.;Burgmeier, A.;Cakir, A.;Calligaris, L.;Campbell, A.;Choudhury, S.;Costanza, F.;Diez Pardos, C.;Dolinska, G.;Dooling, S.;Dorland, T.;Eckerlin, G.;Eckstein, D.;Eichhorn, T.;Flucke, G.;Gallo, E.;Garay Garcia, J.;Geiser, A.;Gizhko, A.;Gunnellini, P.;Hauk, J.;Hempel, M.;Jung, H.;Kalogeropoulos, A.;Karacheban, O.;Kasemann, M.;Katsas, P.;Kieseler, J.;Kleinwort, C.;Korol, I.;Lange, W.;Leonard, J.;Lipka, K.;Lobanov, A.;Lohmann, W.;Mankel, R.;Marfin, I.;Melzer-Pellmann, I. A.;Meyer, A. B.;Mittag, G.;Mnich, J.;Mussgiller, A.;Naumann-Emme, S.;Nayak, A.;Ntomari, E.;Perrey, H.;Pitzl, D.;Placakyte, R.;Raspereza, A.;Roland, B.;Sahin, M. O.;Saxena, P.;Schoerner-Sadenius, T.;Schröder, M.;Seitz, C.;Spannagel, S.;Trippkewitz, K. D.;Walsh, R.;Wissing, C.;Blobel, V.;Centis Vignali, M.;Draeger, A. R.;Erfle, J.;Garutti, E.;Goebel, K.;Gonzalez, D.;Görner, M.;Haller, J.;Hoffmann, M.;Höing, R. S.;Junkes, A.;Klanner, R.;Kogler, R.;Lapsien, T.;Lenz, T.;Marchesini, I.;Marconi, D.;Meyer, M.;Nowatschin, D.;Ott, J.;Pantaleo, F.;Peiffer, T.;Perieanu, A.;Pietsch, N.;Poehlsen, J.;Rathjens, D.;Sander, C.;Schettler, H.;Schleper, P.;Schlieckau, E.;Schmidt, A.;Schwandt, J.;Seidel, M.;Sola, V.;Stadie, H.;Steinbrück, G.;Tholen, H.;Troendle, D.;Usai, E.;Vanelderen, L.;Vanhoefer, A.;Vormwald, B.;Akbiyik, M.;Barth, C.;Baus, C.;Berger, J.;Böser, C.;Butz, E.;Chwalek, T.;Colombo, F.;De Boer, W.;Descroix, A.;Dierlamm, A.;Fink, S.;Frensch, F.;Giffels, M.;Gilbert, A.;Hartmann, F.;Heindl, S. M.;Husemann, U.;Katkov, I.;Kornmayer, A.;Lobelle Pardo, P.;Maier, B.;Mildner, H.;Mozer, M. U.;Müller, T.;Müller, T.;Plagge, M.;Quast, G.;Rabbertz, K.;Röcker, S.;Roscher, F.;Simonis, H. J.;Stober, F. M.;Ulrich, R.;Wagner-Kuhr, J.;Wayand, S.;Weber, M.;Weiler, T.;Wöhrmann, C.;Wolf, R.;Anagnostou, G.;Daskalakis, G.;Geralis, T.;Giakoumopoulou, V. A.;Kyriakis, A.;Loukas, D.;Psallidas, A.;Topsis-Giotis, I.;Agapitos, A.;Kesisoglou, S.;Panagiotou, A.;Saoulidou, N.;Tziaferi, E.;Evangelou, I.;Flouris, G.;Foudas, C.;Kokkas, P.;Loukas, N.;Manthos, N.;Papadopoulos, I.;Paradas, E.;Strologas, J.;Bencze, G.;Hajdu, C.;Hazi, A.;Hidas, P.;Horvath, D.;Sikler, F.;Veszpremi, V.;Vesztergombi, G.;Zsigmond, A. J.;Beni, N.;Czellar, S.;Karancsi, J.;Molnar, J.;Szillasi, Z.;Bartók, M.;Makovec, A.;Raics, P.;Trocsanyi, Z. L.;Ujvari, B.;Mal, P.;Mandal, K.;Sahoo, N.;Swain, S. K.;Bansal, S.;Beri, S. B.;Bhatnagar, V.;Chawla, R.;Gupta, R.;Bhawandeep, U.;Kalsi, A. K.;Kaur, A.;Kaur, M.;Kumar, R.;Mehta, A.;Mittal, M.;Singh, J. B.;Walia, G.;Kumar, A.;Bhardwaj, A.;Choudhary, B. C.;Garg, R. B.;Malhotra, S.;Naimuddin, M.;Nishu, N.;Ranjan, K.;Sharma, R.;Sharma, V.;Banerjee, S.;Bhattacharya, S.;Chatterjee, K.;Dey, S.;Dutta, S.;Jain, S.;Majumdar, N.;Modak, A.;Mondal, K.;Mukherjee, S.;Mukhopadhyay, S.;Roy, A.;Roy, D.;Roy Chowdhury, S.;Sarkar, S.;Sharan, M.;Abdulsalam, A.;Chudasama, R.;Dutta, D.;Jha, V.;Kumar, V.;Mohanty, A. K.;Pant, L. M.;Shukla, P.;Topkar, A.;Aziz, T.;Banerjee, S.;Bhowmik, S.;Chatterjee, R. M.;Dewanjee, R. K.;Dugad, S.;Ganguly, S.;Ghosh, S.;Guchait, M.;Gurtu, A.;Kole, G.;Kumar, S.;Mahakud, B.;Maity, M.;Majumder, G.;Mazumdar, K.;Mitra, S.;Mohanty, G. B.;Parida, B.;Sarkar, T.;Sudhakar, K.;Sur, N.;Sutar, B.;Wickramage, N.;Chauhan, S.;Dube, S.;Sharma, S.;Bakhshiansohi, H.;Behnamian, H.;Etesami, S. M.;Fahim, A.;Goldouzian, R.;Khakzad, M.;Mohammadi Najafabadi, M.;Naseri, M.;Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S.;Rezaei Hosseinabadi, F.;Safarzadeh, B.;Zeinali, M.;Felcini, M.;Grunewald, M.;Abbrescia, M.;Calabria, C.;Caputo, C.;Colaleo, A.;Creanza, D.;Cristella, L.;De Filippis, N.;De Palma, M.;Fiore, L.;Iaselli, G.;Maggi, G.;Maggi, M.;Miniello, G.;My, S.;Nuzzo, S.;Pompili, A.;Pugliese, G.;Radogna, R.;Ranieri, A.;Selvaggi, G.;Silvestris, L.;Venditti, R.;Verwilligen, P.;Abbiendi, G.;Battilana, C.;Benvenuti, A. C.;Bonacorsi, D.;Braibant-Giacomelli, S.;Brigliadori, L.;Campanini, R.;Capiluppi, P.;Castro, A.;Cavallo, F. R.;Chhibra, S. S.;Codispoti, G.;Cuffiani, M.;Dallavalle, G. M.;Fabbri, F.;Fanfani, A.;Fasanella, D.;Giacomelli, P.;Grandi, C.;Guiducci, L.;Marcellini, S.;Masetti, G.;Montanari, A.;Navarria, F. L.;Perrotta, A.;Rossi, A. M.;Rovelli, T.;Siroli, G. P.;Tosi, N.;Travaglini, R.;Cappello, G.;Chiorboli, M.;Costa, S.;Giordano, F.;Potenza, R.;Tricomi, A.;Tuve, C.;Barbagli, G.;Ciulli, V.;Civinini, C.;D'Alessandro, R.;Focardi, E.;Gonzi, S.;Gori, V.;Lenzi, P.;Meschini, M.;Paoletti, S.;Sguazzoni, G.;Tropiano, A.;Viliani, L.;Benussi, L.;Bianco, S.;Fabbri, F.;Piccolo, D.;Primavera, F.;Calvelli, V.;Ferro, F.;Lo Vetere, M.;Monge, M. R.;Robutti, E.;Tosi, S.;Brianza, L.;Dinardo, M. E.;Dini, P.;Fiorendi, S.;Gennai, S.;Gerosa, R.;Ghezzi, A.;Govoni, P.;Malvezzi, S.;Manzoni, R. A.;Marzocchi, B.;Menasce, D.;Moroni, L.;Paganoni, M.;Ragazzi, S.;Redaelli, N.;Tabarelli de Fatis, T.;Buontempo, S.;Cavallo, N.;Di Guida, S.;Esposito, M.;Fabozzi, F.;Iorio, A. O. M.;Lanza, G.;Lista, L.;Meola, S.;Merola, M.;Paolucci, P.;Sciacca, C.;Thyssen, F.;Azzi, P.;Bacchetta, N.;Benato, L.;Bisello, D.;Boletti, A.;Branca, A.;Carlin, R.;Checchia, P.;Dall'Osso, M.;Dorigo, T.;Dosselli, U.;Gasparini, F.;Gasparini, U.;Gozzelino, A.;Lacaprara, S.;Margoni, M.;Meneguzzo, A. T.;Montecassiano, F.;Passaseo, M.;Pazzini, J.;Pozzobon, N.;Ronchese, P.;Simonetto, F.;Torassa, E.;Tosi, M.;Zanetti, M.;Zotto, P.;Zucchetta, A.;Zumerle, G.;Braghieri, A.;Magnani, A.;Montagna, P.;Ratti, S. P.;Re, V.;Riccardi, C.;Salvini, P.;Vai, I.;Vitulo, P.;Alunni Solestizi, L.;Biasini, M.;Bilei, G. M.;Ciangottini, D.;Fanò, L.;Lariccia, P.;Mantovani, G.;Menichelli, M.;Saha, A.;Santocchia, A.;Spiezia, A.;Androsov, K.;Azzurri, P.;Bagliesi, G.;Bernardini, J.;Boccali, T.;Broccolo, G.;Castaldi, R.;Ciocci, M. A.;Dell'Orso, R.;Donato, S.;Fedi, G.;Foà, L.;Giassi, A.;Grippo, M. T.;Ligabue, F.;Lomtadze, T.;Martini, L.;Messineo, A.;Palla, F.;Rizzi, A.;Savoy-Navarro, A.;Serban, A. T.;Spagnolo, P.;Squillacioti, P.;Tenchini, R.;Tonelli, G.;Venturi, A.;Verdini, P. G.;Barone, L.;Cavallari, F.;D'Imperio, G.;Del Re, D.;Diemoz, M.;Gelli, S.;Jorda, C.;Longo, E.;Margaroli, F.;Meridiani, P.;Organtini, G.;Paramatti, R.;Preiato, F.;Rahatlou, S.;Rovelli, C.;Santanastasio, F.;Traczyk, P.;Amapane, N.;Arcidiacono, R.;Argiro, S.;Arneodo, M.;Bellan, R.;Biino, C.;Cartiglia, N.;Costa, M.;Covarelli, R.;Degano, A.;Demaria, N.;Finco, L.;Kiani, B.;Mariotti, C.;Maselli, S.;Migliore, E.;Monaco, V.;Monteil, E.;Musich, M.;Obertino, M. M.;Pacher, L.;Pastrone, N.;Pelliccioni, M.;Pinna Angioni, G. L.;Ravera, F.;Romero, A.;Ruspa, M.;Sacchi, R.;Solano, A.;Staiano, A.;Tamponi, U.;Belforte, S.;Candelise, V.;Casarsa, M.;Cossutti, F.;Della Ricca, G.;Gobbo, B.;La Licata, C.;Marone, M.;Schizzi, A.;Zanetti, A.;Kropivnitskaya, A.;Nam, S. K.;Kim, D. H.;Kim, G. N.;Kim, M. S.;Kong, D. J.;Lee, S.;Oh, Y. D.;Sakharov, A.;Son, D. C.;Brochero Cifuentes, J. A.;Kim, H.;Kim, T. J.;Ryu, M. S.;Song, S.;Choi, S.;Go, Y.;Gyun, D.;Hong, B.;Jo, M.;Kim, H.;Kim, Y.;Lee, B.;Lee, K.;Lee, K. S.;Lee, S.;Park, S. K.;Roh, Y.;Yoo, H. D.;Choi, M.;Kim, H.;Kim, J. H.;Lee, J. S. H.;Park, I. C.;Ryu, G.;Choi, Y.;Choi, Y. K.;Goh, J.;Kim, D.;Kwon, E.;Lee, J.;Yu, I.;Juodagalvis, A.;Vaitkus, J.;Ahmed, I.;Ibrahim, Z. A.;Komaragiri, J. R.;Md Ali, M. A. B.;Mohamad Idris, F.;Wan Abdullah, W. A. T.;Yusli, M. N.;Casimiro Linares, E.;Castilla-Valdez, H.;De La Cruz-Burelo, E.;Heredia-de La Cruz, I.;Hernandez-Almada, A.;Lopez-Fernandez, R.;Sanchez-Hernandez, A.;Carrillo Moreno, S.;Vazquez Valencia, F.;Pedraza, I.;Salazar Ibarguen, H. A.;Morelos Pineda, A.;Krofcheck, D.;Butler, P. H.;Ahmad, A.;Ahmad, M.;Hassan, Q.;Hoorani, H. R.;Khan, W. A.;Khurshid, T.;Shoaib, M.;Bialkowska, H.;Bluj, M.;Boimska, B.;Frueboes, T.;Górski, M.;Kazana, M.;Nawrocki, K.;Romanowska-Rybinska, K.;Szleper, M.;Zalewski, P.;Brona, G.;Bunkowski, K.;Byszuk, A.;Doroba, K.;Kalinowski, A.;Konecki, M.;Krolikowski, J.;Misiura, M.;Olszewski, M.;Walczak, M.;Bargassa, P.;Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, C.;Di Francesco, A.;Faccioli, P.;Ferreira Parracho, P. G.;Gallinaro, M.;Leonardo, N.;Lloret Iglesias, L.;Nguyen, F.;Rodrigues Antunes, J.;Seixas, J.;Toldaiev, O.;Vadruccio, D.;Varela, J.;Vischia, P.;Afanasiev, S.;Bunin, P.;Gavrilenko, M.;Golutvin, I.;Gorbunov, I.;Kamenev, A.;Karjavin, V.;Konoplyanikov, V.;Lanev, A.;Malakhov, A.;Matveev, V.;Moisenz, P.;Palichik, V.;Perelygin, V.;Shmatov, S.;Shulha, S.;Skatchkov, N.;Smirnov, V.;Zarubin, A.;Golovtsov, V.;Ivanov, Y.;Kim, V.;Kuznetsova, E.;Levchenko, P.;Murzin, V.;Oreshkin, V.;Smirnov, I.;Sulimov, V.;Uvarov, L.;Vavilov, S.;Vorobyev, A.;Andreev, Y.;Dermenev, A.;Gninenko, S.;Golubev, N.;Karneyeu, A.;Kirsanov, M.;Krasnikov, N.;Pashenkov, A.;Tlisov, D.;Toropin, A.;Epshteyn, V.;Gavrilov, V.;Lychkovskaya, N.;Popov, V.;Pozdnyakov, I.;Safronov, G.;Spiridonov, A.;Vlasov, E.;Zhokin, A.;Bylinkin, A.;Andreev, V.;Azarkin, M.;Dremin, I.;Kirakosyan, M.;Leonidov, A.;Mesyats, G.;Rusakov, S. V.;Vinogradov, A.;Baskakov, A.;Belyaev, A.;Boos, E.;Bunichev, V.;Dubinin, M.;Dudko, L.;Gribushin, A.;Klyukhin, V.;Kodolova, O.;Lokhtin, I.;Myagkov, I.;Obraztsov, S.;Petrushanko, S.;Savrin, V.;Snigirev, A.;Azhgirey, I.;Bayshev, I.;Bitioukov, S.;Kachanov, V.;Kalinin, A.;Konstantinov, D.;Krychkine, V.;Petrov, V.;Ryutin, R.;Sobol, A.;Tourtchanovitch, L.;Troshin, S.;Tyurin, N.;Uzunian, A.;Volkov, A.;Adzic, P.;Ekmedzic, M.;Milosevic, J.;Rekovic, V.;Alcaraz Maestre, J.;Calvo, E.;Cerrada, M.;Chamizo Llatas, M.;Colino, N.;De La Cruz, B.;Delgado Peris, A.;Dom'nguez Vázquez, D.;Escalante Del Valle, A.;Fernandez Bedoya, C.;Fernández Ramos, J. P.;Flix, J.;Fouz, M. C.;Garcia-Abia, P.;Gonzalez Lopez, O.;Goy Lopez, S.;Hernandez, J. M.;Josa, M. I.;Navarro De Martino, E.;Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, A.;Puerta Pelayo, J.;Quintario Olmeda, A.;Redondo, I.;Romero, L.;Soares, M. S.;Albajar, C.;de Trocóniz, J. F.;Missiroli, M.;Moran, D.;Cuevas, J.;Fernandez Menendez, J.;Folgueras, S.;Gonzalez Caballero, I.;Palencia Cortezon, E.;Vizan Garcia, J. M.;Cabrillo, I. J.;Calderon, A.;Castiñeiras De Saa, J. R.;De Castro Manzano, P.;Duarte Campderros, J.;Fernandez, M.;Garcia-Ferrero, J.;Gomez, G.;Lopez Virto, A.;Marco, J.;Marco, R.;Martinez Rivero, C.;Matorras, F.;Munoz Sanchez, F. J.;Piedra Gomez, J.;Rodrigo, T.;Rodr'guez-Marrero, A. Y.;Ruiz-Jimeno, A.;Scodellaro, L.;Vila, I.;Vilar Cortabitarte, R.;Abbaneo, D.;Auffray, E.;Auzinger, G.;Bachtis, M.;Baillon, P.;Ball, A. H.;Barney, D.;Benaglia, A.;Bendavid, J.;Benhabib, L.;Benitez, J. F.;Berruti, G. M.;Bloch, P.;Bocci, A.;Bonato, A.;Botta, C.;Breuker, H.;Camporesi, T.;Cerminara, G.;Colafranceschi, S.;D'Alfonso, M.;d'Enterria, D.;Dabrowski, A.;Daponte, V.;David, A.;De Gruttola, M.;De Guio, F.;De Roeck, A.;De Visscher, S.;Di Marco, E.;Dobson, M.;Dordevic, M.;Dorney, B.;du Pree, T.;Dünser, M.;Dupont, N.;Elliott-Peisert, A.;Franzoni, G.;Funk, W.;Gigi, D.;Gill, K.;Giordano, D.;Girone, M.;Glege, F.;Guida, R.;Gundacker, S.;Guthoff, M.;Hammer, J.;Harris, P.;Hegeman, J.;Innocente, V.;Janot, P.;Kirschenmann, H.;Kortelainen, M. J.;Kousouris, K.;Krajczar, K.;Lecoq, P.;Lourenço, C.;Lucchini, M. T.;Magini, N.;Malgeri, L.;Mannelli, M.;Martelli, A.;Masetti, L.;Meijers, F.;Mersi, S.;Meschi, E.;Moortgat, F.;Morovic, S.;Mulders, M.;Nemallapudi, M. V.;Neugebauer, H.;Orfanelli, S.;Orsini, L.;Pape, L.;Perez, E.;Peruzzi, M.;Petrilli, A.;Petrucciani, G.;Pfeiffer, A.;Piparo, D.;Racz, A.;Rolandi, G.;Rovere, M.;Ruan, M.;Sakulin, H.;Schäfer, C.;Schwick, C.;Sharma, A.;Silva, P.;Simon, M.;Sphicas, P.;Spiga, D.;Steggemann, J.;Stieger, B.;Stoye, M.;Takahashi, Y.;Treille, D.;Triossi, A.;Tsirou, A.;Veres, G. I.;Wardle, N.;Wöhri, H. K.;Zagozdzinska, A.;Zeuner, W. D.;Bertl, W.;Deiters, K.;Erdmann, W.;Horisberger, R.;Ingram, Q.;Kaestli, H. C.;Kotlinski, D.;Langenegger, U.;Renker, D.;Rohe, T.;Bachmair, F.;Bäni, L.;Bianchini, L.;Buchmann, M. A.;Casal, B.;Dissertori, G.;Dittmar, M.;Donegà, M.;Eller, P.;Grab, C.;Heidegger, C.;Hits, D.;Hoss, J.;Kasieczka, G.;Lustermann, W.;Mangano, B.;Marionneau, M.;Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P.;Masciovecchio, M.;Meister, D.;Micheli, F.;Musella, P.;Nessi-Tedaldi, F.;Pandolfi, F.;Pata, J.;Pauss, F.;Perrozzi, L.;Quittnat, M.;Rossini, M.;Starodumov, A.;Takahashi, M.;Tavolaro, V. R.;Theofilatos, K.;Wallny, R.;Aarrestad, T. K.;Amsler, C.;Caminada, L.;Canelli, M. F.;Chiochia, V.;De Cosa, A.;Galloni, C.;Hinzmann, A.;Hreus, T.;Kilminster, B.;Lange, C.;Ngadiuba, J.;Pinna, D.;Robmann, P.;Ronga, F. J.;Salerno, D.;Yang, Y.;Cardaci, M.;Chen, K. H.;Doan, T. H.;Jain, S.;Khurana, R.;Konyushikhin, M.;Kuo, C. M.;Lin, W.;Lu, Y. J.;Yu, S. S.;Kumar, A.;Bartek, R.;Chang, P.;Chang, Y. H.;Chang, Y. W.;Chao, Y.;Chen, K. F.;Chen, P. H.;Dietz, C.;Fiori, F.;Grundler, U.;Hou, W. S.;Hsiung, Y.;Liu, Y. F.;Lu, R. S.;Miñano Moya, M.;Petrakou, E.;Tsai, J. F.;Tzeng, Y. M.;Asavapibhop, B.;Kovitanggoon, K.;Singh, G.;Srimanobhas, N.;Suwonjandee, N.;Adiguzel, A.;Bakirci, M. N.;Demiroglu, Z. S.;Dozen, C.;Dumanoglu, I.;Eskut, E.;Girgis, S.;Gokbulut, G.;Guler, Y.;Gurpinar, E.;Hos, I.;Kangal, E. E.;Onengut, G.;Ozdemir, K.;Polatoz, A.;Sunar Cerci, D.;Tali, B.;Vergili, M.;Zorbilmez, C.;Akin, I. V.;Bilin, B.;Bilmis, S.;Isildak, B.;Karapinar, G.;Yalvac, M.;Zeyrek, M.;Albayrak, E. A.;Gülmez, E.;Kaya, M.;Kaya, O.;Yetkin, T.;Cankocak, K.;Sen, S.;Vardarli, F. I.;Grynyov, B.;Levchuk, L.;Sorokin, P.;Aggleton, R.;Ball, F.;Beck, L.;Brooke, J. J.;Clement, E.;Cussans, D.;Flacher, H.;Goldstein, J.;Grimes, M.;Heath, G. P.;Heath, H. F.;Jacob, J.;Kreczko, L.;Lucas, C.;Meng, Z.;Newbold, D. M.;Paramesvaran, S.;Poll, A.;Sakuma, T.;Seif El Nasr-storey, S.;Senkin, S.;Smith, D.;Smith, V. J.;Bell, K. W.;Belyaev, A.;Brew, C.;Brown, R. M.;Cieri, D.;Cockerill, D. J. A.;Coughlan, J. A.;Harder, K.;Harper, S.;Olaiya, E.;Petyt, D.;Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H.;Thea, A.;Thomas, L.;Tomalin, I. R.;Williams, T.;Womersley, W. J.;Worm, S. D.;Baber, M.;Bainbridge, R.;Buchmuller, O.;Bundock, A.;Burton, D.;Casasso, S.;Citron, M.;Colling, D.;Corpe, L.;Cripps, N.;Dauncey, P.;Davies, G.;De Wit, A.;Della Negra, M.;Dunne, P.;Elwood, A.;Ferguson, W.;Fulcher, J.;Futyan, D.;Hall, G.;Iles, G.;Kenzie, M.;Lane, R.;Lucas, R.;Lyons, L.;Magnan, A. M.;Malik, S.;Nash, J.;Nikitenko, A.;Pela, J.;Pesaresi, M.;Petridis, K.;Raymond, D. M.;Richards, A.;Rose, A.;Seez, C.;Tapper, A.;Uchida, K.;Vazquez Acosta, M.;Virdee, T.;Zenz, S. C.;Cole, J. E.;Hobson, P. R.;Khan, A.;Kyberd, P.;Leggat, D.;Leslie, D.;Reid, I. D.;Symonds, P.;Teodorescu, L.;Turner, M.;Borzou, A.;Call, K.;Dittmann, J.;Hatakeyama, K.;Kasmi, A.;Liu, H.;Pastika, N.;Charaf, O.;Cooper, S. I.;Henderson, C.;Rumerio, P.;Avetisyan, A.;Bose, T.;Fantasia, C.;Gastler, D.;Lawson, P.;Rankin, D.;Richardson, C.;Rohlf, J.;St. John, J.;Sulak, L.;Zou, D.;Alimena, J.;Berry, E.;Bhattacharya, S.;Cutts, D.;Dhingra, N.;Ferapontov, A.;Garabedian, A.;Hakala, J.;Heintz, U.;Laird, E.;Landsberg, G.;Mao, Z.;Narain, M.;Piperov, S.;Sagir, S.;Sinthuprasith, T.;Syarif, R.;Breedon, R.;Breto, G.;Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M.;Chauhan, S.;Chertok, M.;Conway, J.;Conway, R.;Cox, P. T.;Erbacher, R.;Gardner, M.;Ko, W.;Lander, R.;Mulhearn, M.;Pellett, D.;Pilot, J.;Ricci-Tam, F.;Shalhout, S.;Smith, J.;Squires, M.;Stolp, D.;Tripathi, M.;Wilbur, S.;Yohay, R.;Cousins, R.;Everaerts, P.;Farrell, C.;Hauser, J.;Ignatenko, M.;Saltzberg, D.;Takasugi, E.;Valuev, V.;Weber, M.;Burt, K.;Clare, R.;Ellison, J.;Gary, J. W.;Hanson, G.;Heilman, J.;Ivova Paneva, M.;Jandir, P.;Kennedy, E.;Lacroix, F.;Long, O. R.;Luthra, A.;Malberti, M.;Olmedo Negrete, M.;Shrinivas, A.;Wei, H.;Wimpenny, S.;Yates, B. R.;Branson, J. G.;Cerati, G. B.;Cittolin, S.;D'Agnolo, R. T.;Holzner, A.;Kelley, R.;Klein, D.;Letts, J.;Macneill, I.;Olivito, D.;Padhi, S.;Pieri, M.;Sani, M.;Sharma, V.;Simon, S.;Tadel, M.;Vartak, A.;Wasserbaech, S.;Welke, C.;Würthwein, F.;Yagil, A.;Zevi Della Porta, G.;Barge, D.;Bradmiller-Feld, J.;Campagnari, C.;Dishaw, A.;Dutta, V.;Flowers, K.;Franco Sevilla, M.;Geffert, P.;George, C.;Golf, F.;Gouskos, L.;Gran, J.;Incandela, J.;Justus, C.;McColl, N.;Mullin, S. D.;Richman, J.;Stuart, D.;Suarez, I.;To, W.;West, C.;Yoo, J.;Anders