613 research outputs found

    Trichothecenes NIV and DON modulate the maturation of murinedendritic cells

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    Nivalenol (NIV) and Deoxynivalenol (DON), mycotoxins of the trichothecene family are considered very common food contaminants. In this work, we investigated whether the immunotoxic effects ascribed to these trichothecenes may be mediated by perturbations in the activity of dendritic cells (DCs). Murine bone marrow-derived DCs were used to evaluate the effects of NIV and DON on the LPS-induced maturation process.We found that the expression of the class II MHC and of the accessory CD11c molecules, but not of the costimulatory CD86 marker, was down-regulated by NIV and DON exposure in LPS-treated DCs, as well as nitric oxide (NO) production. Interestingly, NIV, but not DON, induced DC necrosis. Moreover, the analysis of the cytokine pattern showed that IL-12 and IL-10 expressions induced by LPS exposure were suppressed by both trichothecenes in a dose-dependent fashion. On the other hand, the secretion of the proinflammatory cytokine TNFa was increased as a direct consequence of DON and NIV exposure. Taken together, our data indicated that the immunotoxicity of NIV and DON was related to the capacity of both trichothecenes to interfere with phenotypic and functional features of maturing DCs

    Phase Coupling in Langmuir Wave Packets: Evidence for Four Wave Interactions in Solar Type III Radio Bursts

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    The four wave interaction process, known as the oscillating two stream instability (OTSI) is considered as one of the mechanisms responsible for stabilizing the electron beams associated with solar type III radio bursts. It has been reported that (1) an intense localized Langmuir wave packet associated with a type III burst contains the spectral characteristics of the OTSI: (a) a resonant peak at the local electron plasma frequency, f(sub pe), (b) a Stokes peak at a frequency slightly lower than f(sub pe), (c) anti-Stokes peak at a frequency slightly higher than f(sub pe), and (d) a low frequency enhancement below a few hundred Hz, (2) the frequencies and wave numbers of these spectral components satisfy the resonance conditions of the OTSI, and (3) the peak intensity of the wave packet is well above the thresholds for the OTSI as well as spatial collapse of envelope solitons. Here, for the first time, applying the trispectral analysis on this wave packet, we show that the tricoherence, which measures the degree of coherent four-wave coupling amongst the observed spectral components exhibits a peak. This provides an additional evidence for the OTSI and related spatial collapse of Langmuir envelope solitons in type III burst sources

    Direct radiative effects by anthropogenic particles at a polluted site: Rome (Italy)

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    The direct radiative effect (DRE) by all (anthropogenic plus natural) and anthropogenic aerosols is calculated at the solar (0.3–4 μm) and infrared (4–200 μm) spectral range to better address the annual cycle of the anthropogenic aerosol impact at a site (Rome, Italy) significantly affected by pollution. Aerosol optical and microphysical properties from 2003 AERONET Sun/sky-photometer measurements and solar surface albedos based on MODIS satellite sensor data constitute the necessary input to radiative transfer simulations. Clear- and all-sky conditions are investigated by adopting ISCCP monthly products for high-, mid-, and low-cloud cover. It is shown that monthly mean values of aerosol optical depths by anthropogenic particles (AODa) are on average more than 50% of the corresponding all-aerosol-optical-depth (AOD) monthly means. In particular, the AODa/AOD ratio that varies within the (0.51–0.83) on autumn-winter (AW, October-March), varies within the (0.50–0.71) range on spring-summer (SS, April-September) as a consequence of the larger contribution of natural particles on SS. The surface (sfc), all-sky DRE by anthropogenic particles that is negative all year round at solar wavelengths, represents on average 60% and 51% of the all-sky sfc-DRE by all aerosols on AW and SS, respectively. The all-sky atmospheric forcing by anthropogenic particles (AFa) that is positive all year round, is little dependent on seasons: it varies within the (1.0–4.1)W/m2 and (2.0–4.2)W/m2 range on AW and SS, respectively. Conversely, the all-sky AF by all aerosols is characterized by a marked seasonality. As a consequence, the atmospheric forcing by anthropogenic particles that on average is 50% of the AF value on AW, decreases down to 36% of the AF value on SS. Infrared aerosol DREs that are positive all year round are significantly smaller than the corresponding absolute values of solar DREs. Clouds decrease on average ToA- and sfc-DRE absolute values by anthropogenic particles of 36% and 23%, respectively and are quite responsible of the seasonal dependence of aerosol forcing efficiencies by all and anthropogenic aerosols

    Phase Coupling Between Spectral Components of Collapsing Langmuir Solitons in Solar Type III Radio Bursts

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    We present the high time resolution observations of one of the Langmuir wave packets obtained in the source region of a solar type III radio burst. This wave packet satisfies the threshold condition of the supersonic modulational instability, as well as the criterion of a collapsing Langmuir soliton, i.e., the spatial scale derived from its peak intensity is less than that derived from its short time scale. The spectrum of t his wave packet contains an intense spectral peak at local electron plasma frequency, f(sub pe) and relatively weaker peaks at 2f(sub pe) and 3f(sub pe). We apply the wavelet based bispectral analysis technique on this wave packet and compute the bicoherence between its spectral components. It is found that the bicoherence exhibits two peaks at (approximately f(sub pe), approximately f(sub pe)) and (approximately f(sub pe) approximately 2f(sub pe)), which strongly suggest that the spectral peak at 2f(sub pe) probably corresponds to the second harmonic radio emission, generated as a result of the merging of antiparallel propagating Langmuir waves trapped in the collapsing Langmuir soliton, and, the spectral peak at 3f(sub pe) probably corresponds to the third harmonic radio emission, generated as a result of merging of a trapped Langmuir wave and a second harmonic electromagnetic wave

    Herança da resistência de variedades comerciais brasileiras de soja à podridão radicular de fitóftora.

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    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a herança da resistência à podridão radicular de fitóftora, causada por causada por Phytophthora sojae (Kaufm. & Gerd.), presentes em variedades comerciais resistentes BRS 260, BRS 262, BRS 246RR e BRSMG 752S. Até hoje 14 genes, denominados Rps, foram descritos por conferirem resistência à PRF, os quais tem sido amplamente utilizados nos programas de melhoramento para proteção das cultivares de soja. O material experimental foi desenvolvido a partir do cruzamento das quatro cultivares entre si, totalizando seis cruzamentos. A população F2, os parentais utilizados nos cruzamentos e a cultivar suscetível BRS 268, foram inoculados com o patógeno utilizando a metodologia de Keeling (1982), adaptada por Yorinori (1996). O teste do qui-quadrado (?2) foi aplicado para aceitar ou rejeitar os padrões de segregação encontrados de plantas mortas e não-mortas esperadas para a população F2 segundo padrões mendelianos. O cruzamento BRS 260 x BRS 246RR não resultou em nenhum indivíduo morto, com isso conclui-se que os mesmos contém um gene de resistência no mesmo loco conferindo resistência a P. sojae. Nos cruzamentos BRSMG 752S x BRS 260 e BRS 246RR x BRSMG 752S foram observados padrões de segregação semelhantes, correspondentes à segregação de dois genes dominantes independentes. As três combinações de cruzamentos envolvendo a cultivar BRS 262 indicam a presença de três genes segregando independentemente nesses cruzamentos. Pode-se concluir que apenas nesse grupo de quatro cultivares resistentes já existem quatro locos de resistência à P. sojae disponíveis para serem explorados em programas de melhoramento de soja

    Real human touch: performer-facilitated touch enhances presence and embodiment in immersive performance

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    Despite being an embodied medium, virtual reality (VR) prioritizes vision and sound over the other senses. While touch has been demonstrated to foster a sense of presence and embodiment, most haptic research in VR focuses on uncanny vibration motors or limited experiences of touch with simple props. Meanwhile, immersive performances such as Eve 3.0 incorporate performer- facilitated touch in novel ways to evoke a complete and social experience of human touch in VR. In response, we conducted a mixed-methods study to investigate the experience of performer-facilitated touch in a 360 video segment from the immersive performance Eve 3.0. Using a 3×2 factorial design, we compared touch from a diary prop and performer in festival and laboratory settings. We found that performer-facilitated touch increased realistic behaviours and questionnaire measures of social presence, embodiment, and tactile realism. The setting also had a significant effect with festival participants demonstrating significantly more behaviours indicating presence, particularly in the no-touch condition. Participant descriptions reveal that in addition to touch, a rich narrative and vivid visuals of social interaction were just as important in immersing participants in the experience and making them feel present. We find that participant experiences are a co-creation situated at the intersection of artefact and context that require a willing suspension of disbelief. The authentic setting and performance artefact afforded a deep understanding of the rich and complex experience of human touch in immersive performance

    Melhoria dos canais de comunicação da cadeia de suprimentos no setor de patrimônio e materiais (SPM) da Embrapa Florestas.

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    monthly averaged anthropogenic aerosol direct radiative forcing over the mediterranean based on aeronet aerosol properties

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    Abstract. The all-sky direct radiative effect by anthropogenic aerosol (DREa) is calculated in the solar (0.3–4 μm) and infrared (4–200 μm) spectral ranges for six Mediterranean sites. The sites are differently affected by pollution and together reflect typical aerosol impacts that are expected over land and coastal sites of the central Mediterranean basin. Central to the simulations are aerosol optical properties from AERONET sun-/sky-photometer statistics for the year 2003. A discussion on the variability of the overall (natural + anthropogenic) aerosol properties with site location is provided. Supplementary data include MODIS satellite sensor based solar surface albedos, ISCCP products for high- mid- and low cloud cover and estimates for the anthropogenic aerosol fraction from global aerosol models. Since anthropogenic aerosol particles are considered to be smaller than 1 μm in size, mainly the solar radiation transfer is affected with impacts only during sun-light hours. At all sites the (daily average) solar DREa is negative all year round at the top of the atmosphere (ToA). Hence, anthropogenic particles produce over coastal and land sites of the central Mediterranean a significant cooling effect. Monthly DREa values vary from site to site and are seasonally dependent as a consequence of the seasonal dependence of available sun-light and microphysical aerosol properties. At the ToA the monthly average DREa is −(4±1) W m−2 during spring-summer (SS, April–September) and −(2±1) W m−2 during autumn-winter (AW, October–March) at the polluted sites. In contrast, it varies between −(3±1) W m−2 and −(1±1) W m−2 on SS and AW, respectively at the less polluted site. Due to atmospheric absorption the DREa at the surface is larger than at the ToA. At the surface the monthly average DREa varies between the most and the least polluted site between −(7±1) W m−2 and −(4±1) W m−2 during SS, and between −(4±3) W m−2 and −(1±1) W m−2 during AW. The DREa at infrared wavelengths is positive but negligible, especially at the ToA (<0.3 W m−2). The average of DREa monthly-means referring to all sites has allowed getting a ToA- and sfc-DREa yearly-mean value of −(3±2) and −(5±3) W m−2, respectively at solar wavelengths. Last data, even if refer to a particular year, indicate that the radiative energy-balance of Central Mediterranean land and coastal sites is quite affected by anthropogenic particles

    Synergistic use of Sentinel-2 and UAV-derived data for plant fractional cover distribution mapping of coastal meadows with digital elevation models

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    Coastal wetlands provide a range of ecosystem services, yet they are currently under threat from global change impacts. Thus, their monitoring and assessment is vital for evaluating their status, extent and distribution. Remote sensing provides an excellent tool for evaluating coastal ecosystems, whether with small-scale studies using drones or national-/regional-/global-scale studies using satellite-derived data. This study used a fine-scale plant community classification of coastal meadows in Estonia derived from a multispectral camera on board unoccupied aerial vehicles (UAVs) to calculate the plant fractional cover (PFC) in Sentinel-2 MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) sensor grids. A random forest (RF) algorithm was trained and tested with vegetation indices (VIs) calculated from the spectral bands extracted from the MSI sensor to predict the PFC. Additional RF models were trained and tested after adding a digital elevation model (DEM). After comparing the models, results show that using DEM with VIs can increase the prediction accuracy of PFC up to 2 times (R2 58%-70%). This suggests the use of ancillary data such as DEM to improve the prediction of empirical machine learning models, providing an appropriate approach to upscale local studies to wider areas for management and conservation purposes
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