71 research outputs found

    Inhabit Utopia: A new outcome for large regenerated industrial areas in Milan

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    Among the projects for the recovery and reuse of large abandoned industrial areas in Milan - Italy, it is possible to highlight new outcomes that, considering the way in which the redevelopment takes place, both from the perspective of planning, location and relation with the city, create a regeneration process of the industrial historic heritage that produces a completely brand new outcome. An example is that of the two projects \u201cCity Life-Portello\u201d and \u201cPorta Nuova\u201d, in which the regeneration of derelict areas, within the urban structure, took place with highly intrusive methods and by creating contrapositions between new architectural elements and some historic buildings. In these areas, the abandoned space was completely recycled, reinvented and adapted to new uses allowing for creative experiments and launching completely new design experiences for the city of Milan. This happened through the use of \u201clandmarks\u201d of great connotative and semantic force that led these places to become \u201csomething else\u201d in the city. At the same time, however, in both cases, the link between past and future is too weak to create a real regeneration process of the industrial historic heritage and the end result is something completely new, "something else" within the city of Milan, from which it differs in shapes, colours, heights and meanings

    Re-reading The Geographical Study of Population Groups by M. Aurousseau

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    The pages that follow are taken from an article published in 1923 in the Geographical Review, the official journal of the American Geographical Association. The author, Marcel Aurousseau, was born in Australia in 1891 and was a geographer and geologist. He wrote hismost important geographical papers on population problems and settlements between1920 and 1924, when he worked at the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution in Washington DC. and for the American Geographical Society of New York

    Primary Adrenal Leiomyosarcoma: a Case Report and Literature Review

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    The case presented here illustrates a 75 year old female patient who underwent surgical resection of a right adrenal mass of uncertain nature. The final histological diagnosis was consistent with leiomyosarcoma arising from the adrenal anatomic site

    Histoire et dynamique des forĂȘts de l'ubac du massif des Maures au cours des derniers 8000 ans.

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    Le passé nous aide souvent à éclairer le présent. Ceci est également vrai dans le domaine des écosystÚmes forestiers. L'article qui suit retrace l'histoire de la végétation de l'ubac du massif des Maures : quelles étaient les espÚces présentes il y a 8000 ans ; comment la végétation naturelle a été transformée suite aux usages, notamment la mise en place du pùturage et de la suberaie productive ; comment se caractérise la dynamique en cours ces 40 derniÚres années..

    Preliminary results of phase II study of capecitabine and gemcitabine (CAP-GEM) in patients with metastatic pretreated thymic epithelial tumors (TETs)

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    Background: No previous prospective trials have been reported with capecitabine and gemcitabine (CAP-GEM) in patients with metastatic thymic epithelial tumors (TETs). We conducted a multicenter study to determine the activity and tolerability of this regimen in pretreated TETs. Patients and methods: A total of 15 patients were enrolled in the first stage of phase II study. All patients received CAP-GEM every 3 weeks. The primary end point was objective response rate (RR); secondary end points were toxicity, progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival. Results: Complete responses (CR) and partial responses were observed in three (20%) and three (20%) patients for a 40% RR, respectively. Grade 1-2 neutropenia, anemia and thrombocytopenia were the most common side-effects, noted in seven (46.7%), five (33.3%) and five (33.3%) patients, respectively. The most common grade 3 toxicity was neutropenia in three patients (20%). Median PFS was 11 months (95% confidence interval 4-17). The 1- and 2-year survival rates were 80% and 67%, respectively. Conclusion: We have decided to publish the preliminary results because this regimen was more active than that expected. Although our results are preliminary, CAP-GEM shows activity and safety in pretreated TETs. Furthermore, multicenter trials, also in first-line setting, are necessary to confirm our results

    La gran mor\ueca : l'epidemia di "spagnola" a Milano nell'inverno del 1918

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    La prima guerra mondiale induce profonde modificazioni nelle condizioni sanitare e sociali della popolazione milanese provocando un peggioramento generale del tenore di vita e della salute dei cittadini, alimentando la recrudescenza di malattie che ormai si credevano sotto controllo e aprendo la via al dilagare di nuove manifestazioni patologiche che raggiungono il culmine con lo scoppio dell\u2019epidemia influenzale di \u201cspagnola\u201d nell\u2019autunno del 1918. In soli 120 giorni, da ottobre 1918 a gennaio 1919 la pandemia influenzale contagi\uf2, nel mondo, oltre un miliardo di persone provocando la morte di oltre 20 milioni di malati (alcune stime pi\uf9 recenti ipotizzano la cifra di 40 milioni) e superando in mortalit\ue0 qualsiasi altra malattia epidemica. La citt\ue0 di Milano, cos\uec come l\u2019Europa e il resto del mondo, fu duramente colpita con oltre 850 morti per influenza o complicazioni polmonari gi\ue0 a settembre 1918, quasi 3.000 morti nel solo mese di ottobre, quasi 800 a novembre e oltre 900 nel successivo mese di dicembre. Un totale di oltre 5.550 in 120 giorni. Da parte di molti studiosi si sottolinea come la caratteristica pi\uf9 sconcertante della spagnola fu la sua labilit\ue0, il fatto che una volta passata non ne rimase traccia. La ricerca si prefigge di delineare il quadro qualitativo e quantitalivo della morbilit\ue0 e della mortalit\ue0 nella citt\ue0 di Milano nel biennio 1918-1919 nonch\ue8 le implicazioni di natura demografica, sociale ed economica collegate alla diffusione del morbo
