183 research outputs found

    Towards a playful approach to learning collaboration

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    This thesis looks into whether soft skills and group comprehension can be affected by playing a game designed for this purpose. If students can gain group work experience by playing. We developed a game for this purpose. With this game we could freely choose which elements we want to draw from reality. Games are often a limited and simplified version of reality. Limited in this context means that we have picked out some of the most important aspects of group work. This let players experience these elements during a short game round in contrast to everyday life, where a group work often takes days, or weeks. Initially, we hypothesized that among students there are many with little knowledge about how important it is to manage working in groups. This is because, especially during the corona shutdown, there were many students who did not work in, or form groups, even after encouragement from the lecturers. Not forming groups, especially at the beginning of a course can have consequences, like social implications, and losing out on gaining group work experience. It is certainly a problem that should be solved as soon as possible. Thus, we created a solution which we then tested. The results show that it is the case that students do have a grasp of soft skills and group comprehension. By using the game students get introduced to four of the five stages in Tuckman's Five-Stage Theory of Group Development. (Tuckman, 1965) where they can gain additional valuable experience without risk

    Towards a playful approach to learning collaboration

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    This thesis looks into whether soft skills and group comprehension can be af- fected by playing a game designed for this purpose. If students can gain group work experience by playing. We developed a game for this purpose. With this game we could freely choose which elements we want to draw from reality. Games are often a limited and simplified version of reality. Limited in this context means that we have picked out some of the most important aspects of group work. This let players experience these elements during a short game round in contrast to everyday life, where a group work often takes days, or weeks. Initially, we hypothesized that among students there are many with little knowledge about how important it is to manage working in groups. This is because, especially during the corona shutdown, there were many students who did not work in, or form groups, even after encouragement from the lec- turers. Not forming groups, especially at the beginning of a course can have consequences, like social implications, and losing out on gaining group work experience. It is certainly a problem that should be solved as soon as possible. Thus, we created a solution which we then tested. The results show that it is the case that students do have a grasp of soft skills and group comprehension. By using the game students get introduced to four of the five stages in Tuck- man’s Five-Stage Theory of Group Development. (Tuckman, 1965) where they can gain additional valuable experience without risk

    Topological phonon modes in filamentous structures

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    Topological phonon modes are robust vibrations localized at the edges of special structures. Their existence is determined by the bulk properties of the structures and, as such, the topological phonon modes are stable to changes occurring at the edges. The first class of topological phonons was recently found in 2-dimensional structures similar to that of Microtubules. The present work introduces another class of topological phonons, this time occurring in quasi one-dimensional filamentous structures with inversion symmetry. The phenomenon is exemplified using a structure inspired from that of actin Microfilaments, present in most live cells. The system discussed here is probably the simplest structure that supports topological phonon modes, a fact that allows detailed analysis in both time and frequency domains. We advance the hypothesis that the topological phonon modes are ubiquitous in the biological world and that living organisms make use of them during various processes.Comment: accepted for publication (Phys. Rev. E

    Deepwater flowthrough as a temperature stabilizer in rearing of halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) fry

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    Through the period of yolk sac absorption, halibut larvae were kept in plastic bags in plastic basins with flowthrough of deepwater. When maintaining sufficient flowthrough, in this period the temperature in the bags was consistently around 6°C, while the ambient temperature varied between 2 and 11°C

    Social Acceptance of Forest-Based Bioeconomy-Swedish Consumers' Perspectives on a Low Carbon Transition

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    The concept of the bioeconomy is associated with sustainable development changes and involves transitions in both production and consumption within systems. Many of these transitions relate to using renewable resources, like forest biomass, to meet basic needs, such as food, energy and housing. However, consumers must become aware of the forest-based bioeconomy so that they can contribute to the transition. This study aims to contribute to an understanding of this matter that may lead to social acceptance of the forest-based bioeconomy and, in particular, to Swedish consumer awareness of the concept and of a particular product (wooden multi-story buildings) representing the forest-based bioeconomy. The results show consumer awareness of forest sequestration capacity but less awareness of the connection to the forest-based bioeconomy and the role of wooden multi-story buildings. The results indicate a slow transition that is hindered by path dependence and limited comprehension among consumers of the effects of their choices for a forest-based bioeconomy. This study provides valuable insights for future studies of how consumer awareness and social acceptance of the forest-based bioeconomy are interconnected

    Organisasjonssosialisering - en stressende prosess?

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    Denne bacheloroppgaven undersÞker hva som kan gjÞres i oppstartsfasen av onboardingsprosessen for Ä redusere nyansattes stressnivÄ. Dette er et tema vi mener fortjener mer forskning. Vi har tatt utgangspunkt i to forskningsspÞrsmÄl: Hva sier forskning og litteratur pÄ omrÄdet (stress) om hva organisasjoner kan gjÞre for Ä redusere/hÄndtere stress, og hvordan kan dette settes i sammenheng med oppstartsfasen i en onboardingsprosess. Vi har benyttet kvalitativ metode for Ä besvare problemstillingen og oppgaven er gjennomfÞrt som et rent litteratursstudie. Empirien som er benyttet er litteratur og teori relatert til onboarding/organisasjonssosialisering og stress. I besvarelsen av det fÞrste forskningsspÞrsmÄlet konkluderer vi med at sosial stÞtte og jobbressurser er spesielt viktige aspekter i arbeidet med Ä mitigere stress. Videre fant vi at organisasjoner bÞr kartlegge de ansattes kunnskap og kompetansenivÄ for Ä sette arbeidskravene som gis i forhold til dette. I besvarelsen av det andre forskningsspÞrsmÄlet fant vi ut at nÄr det angÄr organisasjonssosialiseringstaktikker, kan det lÞnne seg Ä bruke institusjonelle taktikker for Ä mitigere nyansattes stressnivÄ. Dette er dog veldig avhengig av hva slags organisasjon det er snakk om

    Skogsbaserad bioekonomi - att vara eller inte vara? : en socio-teknisk övergÄng

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    In this study, social acceptance of forest-based bioeconomy and primarily wooden multi-story buildings was examined. This study is a pilot study. Earlier studies have examined different stakeholder groups’ perceptions of the bioeconomy, but one group that has not been examined thoroughly is the public. However, citizens perceptions and knowledge about bioeconomy is vital if a transition towards bioeconomy should take place, which is why this important stakeholder group need to be further examined. This study is aimed to identify hindering and enabling factors for social acceptance of a low-carbon transition in Sweden. The low-carbon transition is represented by a forest-based bioeconomy and wooden multi-story buildings. With the help of a theoretical framework that analyses innovations and social acceptance, several hindering and enabling factors for a low-carbon transition were found within the studied population. The study uses primary data from 204 respondents who answered a survey, and secondary data from scientific studies, policy documents, and official statistics. This study concludes that there was a lack of knowledge in the population regarding forest-based bioeconomy. The knowledge about wooden multi-story buildings was slightly higher. The population, in general, was positive towards wooden multi-story buildings. Among the respondents, the generally positive attitude towards forest-based bioeconomy and the knowledge about wooden multi-story buildings can be seen as enabling factors for social acceptance of a forest-based bioeconomy. An example of a hindering factor was the limited knowledge about the full meaning of the forest-based bioeconomy. This study should be seen as a snapshot of the studied respondents during the specific days the study was carried out, and it can be discussed if generalisations can be made. However, it provides valuable information about current perceptions and knowledge of citizens, which can guide future studies.I den hĂ€r studien har social acceptans av skogsbaserad bioekonomi och i synnerhet flervĂ„ningshus med stomme i trĂ€ undersökts. Denna studie kan ses som en förstudie till vidare undersökningar dĂ€r mer generella slutsatser skulle kunna dras. Tidigare studier har undersökt olika intressegruppers uppfattningar om bioekonomi, men en grupp som Ă€nnu inte undersökts Ă€r allmĂ€nheten. Att inkludera vanliga medborgare i samtalet kring bioekonomi pekas ut som en viktig faktor för acceptans av förĂ€ndring dock har gruppen medborgare i liten utstrĂ€ckning blivit undersökt vad gĂ€llande deras instĂ€llning och kunskap till bioekonomi. Syftet med denna studie var att identifiera möjliggörande och hindrande faktorer för social acceptans av en lĂ„gkoldioxid-övergĂ„ng i Sverige. I studien representeras lĂ„gkoldioxid-övergĂ„ngen av skogsbaserad bioekonomi samt höghus med stomme av trĂ€. Med hjĂ€lp av ett teoretiskt ramverk som analyserar innovationer och social acceptans har ett antal hindrande och möjliggörande faktorer för en lĂ„gkoloxid-övergĂ„ng identifierats hos den studerade populationen samt i samhĂ€llet i stort. Studien bygger pĂ„ primĂ€rdata frĂ„n en enkĂ€tundersökning som besvarades av 204 respondenter, samt sekundĂ€rdata i form utav vetenskapliga studier, policydokument och officiell statistik. I studien dras slutsatsen att i den undersökta gruppen respondenter i hög grad inte visste vad skogsbaserad bioekonomi var samt att kunskapen om flervĂ„ningshus i trĂ€ var nĂ„got högre och att man generellt var positivt instĂ€lld till flervĂ„ningshus i trĂ€. Den generellt positiva instĂ€llningen till skogsbaserad bioekonomi och flervĂ„ningshus med stomme i trĂ€ kan ses som ett exempel pĂ„ en möjliggörande faktor. Exempel pĂ„ hindrande faktorer Ă€r dĂ„lig kunskap om begreppet skogsbaserad bioekonomi. Denna studie bör ses som en ögonblicksbild av en de studerade respondenterna under de specifika dagarna studien pĂ„gick och ingen generalisering kan göras men studien kan ligga till grund för vidare forskning och ge en fingervisning av vad som skulle kunna vara möjliggörande och hindrande faktorer för att utveckla bioekonomin
