1,071 research outputs found

    Modelling planetary dynamics by using the temperature at the core-mantle boundary as a control variable: effects of rheological layering on mantle heat transport

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    In planetary convection, there has been a great emphasis laid on the usage of the Rayleigh number as a control parameter for describing the vigor of convection. However, realistic mantle rheology not only depends on temperature, pressure, strain-rate and composition, but also on the nature of the dominant creep mechanism, which varies with pressure and also with temperature. It is difficult to study the effects of varying influences from the convective strength without also changing the mantle flow law in the process. We have adopted the approach of using as the sole control parameter, the temperature at the core mantle boundary, T , in modelling planetary dynamics with a composite non-Newtonian and Newtonian CMB rheology, which is temperature-dependent in the upper mantle and both temperature- and pressure-dependent in the lower mantle. Increasing the T strengthens convective vigor and leads to a non-linear increase of averaged temperature, CMB heat-flow and root-mean-squared velocity. The interior viscosity decreases strongly with T and internal heating due to CMB radioactivity. A viscosity maximum is found in the horizontally averaged viscosity profile at a depth around 2000 km. This viscosity hill moves downward with diminishing amplitude in the face of increasing dissipation number and internal heating. The bottom third of the lower mantle appears to be superadiabatic as a consequence of the stiff lower-mantle rheology. The . scaling relationship between the Nusselt Nu number and T shows a relatively insensitive increase of Nu with T .In CMB CMB . terms of an effective Rayleigh number of the whole system, Ra , the power-law exponent of the Nu Ra relationship is E E very low, around 0.12. Strong pressure-dependence of lower-mantle rheology and its large volume relative to the entire mantle would induce a much lower cooling rate of the planet than previous models based on parameterized convection with a temperature-dependent viscosity. q1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Disseminating genetically modified (GM) maize technology to smallholder farmers in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa: extension personnel’s awareness of stewardship requirements and dissemination practices

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    Advice and technical information from extension services are critical in promoting new technologies and their adoption by farmers. This study determined extension personnel’s awareness of GM maize technology and the associated extension services they provide to smallholder GM maize farmers in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with extension staff of the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) in the province. Results indicated that inadequate training of extension personnel on GM maize technology influenced their perceptions of GM maize technology and awareness of its stewardship requirements. Generally, personnel had a low level of awareness of GM maize technology as a pest control strategy. Awareness of GM maize stewardship requirements amongst extension personnel was also low. These extension personnel disseminated GM maize technology, which they generally perceived as a high-yield technology, to smallholder farmers using non-participatory approaches and media sourced from GM seed companies. The findings of this study suggest that ensuring safe and sustainable adoption of GM maize technology on smallholder farms will require a more participatory extension approach that emphasizes smallholder farmers’ access to information as well as the training of extension personnel on the stewardship requirements and dissemination practices associated with GM maize cultivation.Keywords: Dissemination, extension, GM maize technology, smallholders, stewardshi

    Accurate simulation estimates of phase behaviour in ternary mixtures with prescribed composition

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    This paper describes an isobaric semi-grand canonical ensemble Monte Carlo scheme for the accurate study of phase behaviour in ternary fluid mixtures under the experimentally relevant conditions of prescribed pressure, temperature and overall composition. It is shown how to tune the relative chemical potentials of the individual components to target some requisite overall composition and how, in regions of phase coexistence, to extract accurate estimates for the compositions and phase fractions of individual coexisting phases. The method is illustrated by tracking a path through the composition space of a model ternary Lennard-Jones mixture.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Lattice-switch Monte Carlo

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    We present a Monte Carlo method for the direct evaluation of the difference between the free energies of two crystal structures. The method is built on a lattice-switch transformation that maps a configuration of one structure onto a candidate configuration of the other by `switching' one set of lattice vectors for the other, while keeping the displacements with respect to the lattice sites constant. The sampling of the displacement configurations is biased, multicanonically, to favor paths leading to `gateway' arrangements for which the Monte Carlo switch to the candidate configuration will be accepted. The configurations of both structures can then be efficiently sampled in a single process, and the difference between their free energies evaluated from their measured probabilities. We explore and exploit the method in the context of extensive studies of systems of hard spheres. We show that the efficiency of the method is controlled by the extent to which the switch conserves correlated microstructure. We also show how, microscopically, the procedure works: the system finds gateway arrangements which fulfill the sampling bias intelligently. We establish, with high precision, the differences between the free energies of the two close packed structures (fcc and hcp) in both the constant density and the constant pressure ensembles.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures, RevTeX. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Correlation Functions Along a Massless Flow

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    A non-perturbative method based on the Form Factor bootstrap approach is proposed for the analysis of correlation functions of 2-D massless integrable theories and applied to the massless flow between the Tricritical and the Critical Ising Models.Comment: 11 pages (two figures not included in the text), Latex file, ISAS/EP/94/15

    QCD Strings as Constrained Grassmannian Sigma Model:

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    We present calculations for the effective action of string world sheet in R3 and R4 utilizing its correspondence with the constrained Grassmannian sigma model. Minimal surfaces describe the dynamics of open strings while harmonic surfaces describe that of closed strings. The one-loop effective action for these are calculated with instanton and anti-instanton background, reprsenting N-string interactions at the tree level. The effective action is found to be the partition function of a classical modified Coulomb gas in the confining phase, with a dynamically generated mass gap.Comment: 22 pages, Preprint: SFU HEP-116-9

    Structural Studies of Lanthanide Double Perovskites

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    This project focuses on the examination of the structures of lanthanide containing double perovskites of the type Ba2LnB'O6-d (Ln = lanthanide or Y3+ and B' = Nb5+, Ta5+, Sb5+ and/or Sn4+) using synchrotron X-ray and neutron powder diffraction. The first part of this project examined the relative stability of R3 rhombohedral and I4/m tetragonal structures as the intermediate phase adopted by the series Ba2LnB'O6 (Ln = lanthanide (III) or Y3+ and B' = Nb5+, Ta5+ or Sb5+). It was found that I4/m tetragonal symmetry was favoured when B' was a transition metal with a small number of d electrons, such as Nb5+ or Ta5+. This is due to the presence of p-bonding in these compounds. In the Ba2LnNbO6 and Ba2LnTaO6 series R3 rhombohedral symmetry was, however, favoured over I4/m tetragonal symmetry when Ln = La3+ or Pr3+ due to the larger ionic radius of these cations. The incompatibility of the d0 and d10 B'-site cations in this family of compounds was indicated by significant regions of phase segregation in the two series Ba2Eu1-xPrxNb1-xSbxO6 and Ba2NdNb1-xSbxO6. In the second part of this project the compounds in the series Ba2LnSnxB'1-xO6-d (Ln = Pr, Nd or Tb and B' = Nb5+ or Sb5+) were examined to understand the relative stability of oxygen vacancies in these materials compared to the oxidation of the lanthanide cations and to determine if any oxygen vacancy ordering occurred. It was found, using a combination of structural characterisation, X ray Absorption Near Edge Structure and Ultra-Violet, Visible and Near Infrared spectroscopies, that with Ln = Pr or Tb increased Sn4+ doping results in a change in the oxidation state of the Ln3+ cations to Ln4+. This leads to those series containing little or no oxygen vacancies. A loss of B site cation ordering was found to accompany this oxidation state change and phase segregation was found to occur in the Ba2PrSnxSb1-xO6-d series most likely due to the Pr3+ and Pr4+ cations segregating into different phases. The Nd3+ cations in the series Ba2NdSnxSb1-xO6-d, however, can not oxidise to the tetravalent state so the number of oxygen vacancies rises with increasing x. It was found that oxygen vacancies concentrate onto the axial site of the compounds with x = 0.6 and 0.8 at ambient temperature. In Ba2Sn0.6Sb0.4O5.7 the oxygen vacancies were found to change to concentrating on the equatorial site at higher temperatures and it is suggested that this oxygen vacancy ordering plays a role in the adoption of I2/m monoclinic symmetry
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