39 research outputs found

    On the Equivalence of Different Lax Pairs for the Kac-van Moerbeke Hierarchy

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    We give a simple algebraic proof that the two different Lax pairs for the Kac-van Moerbeke hierarchy, constructed from Jacobi respectively super-symmetric Dirac-type difference operators, give rise to the same hierarchy of evolution equations. As a byproduct we obtain some new recursions for computing these equations.Comment: 8 page

    Intersection local times of independent fractional Brownian motions as generalized white noise functionals

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    In this work we present expansions of intersection local times of fractional Brownian motions in Rd\R^d, for any dimension d1d\geq 1, with arbitrary Hurst coefficients in (0,1)d(0,1)^d. The expansions are in terms of Wick powers of white noises (corresponding to multiple Wiener integrals), being well-defined in the sense of generalized white noise functionals. As an application of our approach, a sufficient condition on dd for the existence of intersection local times in L2L^2 is derived, extending the results of D. Nualart and S. Ortiz-Latorre in "Intersection Local Time for Two Independent Fractional Brownian Motions" (J. Theoret. Probab.,20(4)(2007), 759-767) to different and more general Hurst coefficients.Comment: 28 page

    Point Interaction in two and three dimensional Riemannian Manifolds

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    We present a non-perturbative renormalization of the bound state problem of n bosons interacting with finitely many Dirac delta interactions on two and three dimensional Riemannian manifolds using the heat kernel. We formulate the problem in terms of a new operator called the principal or characteristic operator. In order to investigate the problem in more detail, we then restrict the problem to one particle sector. The lower bound of the ground state energy is found for general class of manifolds, e.g., for compact and Cartan-Hadamard manifolds. The estimate of the bound state energies in the tunneling regime is calculated by perturbation theory. Non-degeneracy and uniqueness of the ground state is proven by Perron-Frobenius theorem. Moreover, the pointwise bounds on the wave function is given and all these results are consistent with the one given in standard quantum mechanics. Renormalization procedure does not lead to any radical change in these cases. Finally, renormalization group equations are derived and the beta-function is exactly calculated. This work is a natural continuation of our previous work based on a novel approach to the renormalization of point interactions, developed by S. G. Rajeev.Comment: 43 page

    Gauge-Invariant Quasi-Free States on the Algebra of the Anyon Commutation Relations

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    Let X=R2X=\mathbb R^2 and let qCq\in\mathbb C, q=1|q|=1. For x=(x1,x2)x=(x^1,x^2) and y=(y1,y2)y=(y^1,y^2) from X2X^2, we define a function Q(x,y)Q(x,y) to be equal to qq if x1y1x^1y^1, and to q\Re q if x1=y1x^1=y^1. Let x+\partial_x^+, x\partial_x^- (xXx\in X) be operator-valued distributions such that x+\partial_x^+ is the adjoint of x\partial_x^-. We say that x+\partial_x^+, x\partial_x^- satisfy the anyon commutation relations (ACR) if x+y+=Q(y,x)y+x+\partial^+_x\partial_y^+=Q(y,x)\partial_y^+\partial_x^+ for xyx\ne y and xy+=δ(xy)+Q(x,y)y+x\partial^-_x\partial_y^+=\delta(x-y)+Q(x,y)\partial_y^+\partial^-_x for (x,y)X2(x,y)\in X^2. In particular, for q=1q=1, the ACR become the canonical commutation relations and for q=1q=-1, the ACR become the canonical anticommutation relations. We define the ACR algebra as the algebra generated by operator-valued integrals of x+\partial_x^+, x\partial_x^-. We construct a class of gauge-invariant quasi-free states on the ACR algebra. Each state from this class is completely determined by a positive self-adjoint operator TT on the real space L2(X,dx)L^2(X,dx) which commutes with any operator of multiplication by a bounded function ψ(x1)\psi(x^1). In the case q0\Re q0), we discuss the corresponding particle density ρ(x):=x+x\rho(x):=\partial_x^+\partial_x^-. For q(0,1]\Re q\in(0,1], using a renormalization, we rigorously define a vacuum state on the commutative algebra generated by operator-valued integrals of ρ(x)\rho(x). This state is given by a negative binomial point process. A scaling limit of these states as κ\kappa\to\infty gives the gamma random measure, depending on parameter q\Re q

    Spectral methods in infinite-dimensional analysis

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    Spectral theory and Wiener-Ito decomposition for the image of a Jacobi field

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    Assume that K: H → T is a bounded operator, where H and T are Hilbert spaces and ρ is a measure on the space H. Denote by ρ the image of the measure ρ under K . We study the measure ρ under the assumption that ρ is the spectral measure of a Jacobi field and obtain a family of operators whose spectral measure is equal to ρ. We also obtain an analog of the Wiener-Itô decomposition for ρ. Finally, we illustrate the results obtained by explicit calculations carried out for the case, where ρ is a Lévy noise measure