258 research outputs found

    Cross-Product Extensions of the Gene Ontology

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    The Gene Ontology is being normalized and extended to include computable logical definitions. These definitions are partitioned into mutually exclusive cross-product sets, many of which reference other OBO Foundry ontologies. The results can be used to reason over the ontology, and to make cross-ontology queries

    PatMatch: a program for finding patterns in peptide and nucleotide sequences

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    Here, we present PatMatch, an efficient, web-based pattern-matching program that enables searches for short nucleotide or peptide sequences such as cis-elements in nucleotide sequences or small domains and motifs in protein sequences. The program can be used to find matches to a user-specified sequence pattern that can be described using ambiguous sequence codes and a powerful and flexible pattern syntax based on regular expressions. A recent upgrade has improved performance and now supports both mismatches and wildcards in a single pattern. This enhancement has been achieved by replacing the previous searching algorithm, scan_for_matches [D'Souza et al. (1997), Trends in Genetics, 13, 497–498], with nondeterministic-reverse grep (NR-grep), a general pattern matching tool that allows for approximate string matching [Navarro (2001), Software Practice and Experience, 31, 1265–1312]. We have tailored NR-grep to be used for DNA and protein searches with PatMatch. The stand-alone version of the software can be adapted for use with any sequence dataset and is available for download at The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) at . The PatMatch server is available on the web at for searching Arabidopsis thaliana sequences

    Biocurators and Biocuration: surveying the 21st century challenges

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    Curated databases are an integral part of the tool set that researchers use on a daily basis for their work. For most users, however, how databases are maintained, and by whom, is rather obscure. The International Society for Biocuration (ISB) represents biocurators, software engineers, developers and researchers with an interest in biocuration. Its goals include fostering communication between biocurators, promoting and describing their work, and highlighting the added value of biocuration to the world. The ISB recently conducted a survey of biocurators to better understand their educational and scientific backgrounds, their motivations for choosing a curatorial job and their career goals. The results are reported here. From the responses received, it is evident that biocuration is performed by highly trained scientists and perceived to be a stimulating career, offering both intellectual challenges and the satisfaction of performing work essential to the modern scientific community. It is also apparent that the ISB has at least a dual role to play to facilitate biocurators’ work: (i) to promote biocuration as a career within the greater scientific community; (ii) to aid the development of resources for biomedical research through promotion of nomenclature and data-sharing standards that will allow interconnection of biological databases and better exploit the pivotal contributions that biocurators are making

    Differences in cardiac phenotype and natural history of laminopathies with and without neuromuscular onset

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    Objective: To investigate differences in cardiac manifestations of patients affected by laminopathy, according to the presence or absence of neuromuscular involvement at presentation. Methods: We prospectively analyzed 40 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of laminopathy followed at a single centre between 1998 and 2017. Additionally, reports of clinical evaluations and tests prior to referral at our centre were retrospectively evaluated. Results: Clinical onset was cardiac in 26 cases and neuromuscular in 14. Patients with neuromuscular presentation experienced first symptoms earlier in life (11 vs 39 years; p < 0.0001) and developed atrial fibrillation/flutter (AF) and required pacemaker implantation at a younger age (28 vs 41 years [p = 0.013] and 30 vs 44 years [p = 0.086] respectively), despite a similar overall prevalence of AF (57% vs 65%; p = 0.735) and atrio-ventricular (A-V) block (50% vs 65%; p = 0.500). Those with a neuromuscular presentation developed a cardiomyopathy less frequently (43% vs 73%; p = 0.089) and had a lower rate of sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias (7% vs 23%; p = 0.387). In patients with neuromuscular onset rhythm disturbances occurred usually before evidence of cardiomyopathy. Despite these differences, the need for heart transplantation and median age at intervention were similar in the two groups (29% vs 23% [p = 0.717] and 43 vs 46 years [p = 0.593] respectively). Conclusions: In patients with laminopathy, the type of disease onset was a marker for a different natural history. Specifically, patients with neuromuscular presentation had an earlier cardiac involvement, characterized by a linear and progressive evolution from rhythm disorders (AF and/or A-V block) to cardiomyopathy

    Clinical presentations leading to arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy

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    Objectives To describe a cohort of patients with arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy (ALVC), focusing on the spectrum of the clinical presentations. Methods Patients were retrospectively evaluated between January 2012 and June 2020. Diagnosis was based on (1) ≥3 contiguous segments with subepicardial/midwall late gadolinium enhancement in the left ventricle (LV) at cardiac magnetic resonance plus a likely pathogenic/pathogenic arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC) associated genetic mutation and/or familial history of AC and/or red flags for ALVC (ie, negative T waves in V4-6/aVL, low voltages in limb leads, right bundle branch block like ventricular tachycardia) or (2) pathology examination of explanted hearts or autoptic cases suffering sudden cardiac death (SCD). Significant right ventricular involvement was an exclusion criterion. Results Fifty-two patients (63% males, age 45 years (31-53)) composed the study cohort. Twenty-one (41%) had normal echocardiogram, 13 (25%) a hypokinetic non-dilated cardiomyopathy (HNDC) and 17 (33%) a dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Of 47 tested patients, 29 (62%) were carriers of a pathogenic/likely pathogenic DNA variant. Clinical contexts leading to diagnosis were SCD in 3 (6%), ventricular arrhythmias in 15 (29%), chest pain in 8 (15%), heart failure in 6 (12%) and familial screening in 20 (38%). Thirty patients (57%) had previously received a diagnosis other than ALVC with a diagnostic delay of 6 years (IQR 1-7). Conclusions ALVC is hidden in different clinical scenarios with a phenotypic spectrum ranging from normal LV to HNDC and DCM. Ventricular arrhythmias, chest pain, heart failure and SCD are the main clinical presentations, being familial screening essential for the affected relatives' identification

    Improving Interpretation of Cardiac Phenotypes and Enhancing Discovery With Expanded Knowledge in the Gene Ontology

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    This work was funded through grants from the British Heart Foundation (BHF, SP/07/007/23671, RG/13/5/30112) and the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre; The Zebrafish Model Organism Database: National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI, HG002659, HG004838, HG004834); The Rat Genome Database: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute on behalf of the NIH (HL64541); The Mouse Genome Database: NGHRI (HG003300); FlyBase: UK Medical Research Council (G1000968); and Gene Ontology Consortium: NIH NHGRI (U41 HG002273) to Drs Blake, Cherry, Lewis, Sternberg, and Thomas. Professor Riley received BHF personal chair award (CH/11/1/28798). Professors Lambiase and Tinker received support from BHF and UK Medical Research Council. Professor Tinker received National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at Barts and BHF grant (RG/15/15/31742). Dr Roncaglia received EMBL-EBI Core funds

    Dovetailing biology and chemistry: integrating the Gene Ontology with the ChEBI chemical ontology.

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    BACKGROUND: The Gene Ontology (GO) facilitates the description of the action of gene products in a biological context. Many GO terms refer to chemical entities that participate in biological processes. To facilitate accurate and consistent systems-wide biological representation, it is necessary to integrate the chemical view of these entities with the biological view of GO functions and processes. We describe a collaborative effort between the GO and the Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology developers to ensure that the representation of chemicals in the GO is both internally consistent and in alignment with the chemical expertise captured in ChEBI. RESULTS: We have examined and integrated the ChEBI structural hierarchy into the GO resource through computationally-assisted manual curation of both GO and ChEBI. Our work has resulted in the creation of computable definitions of GO terms that contain fully defined semantic relationships to corresponding chemical terms in ChEBI. CONCLUSIONS: The set of logical definitions using both the GO and ChEBI has already been used to automate aspects of GO development and has the potential to allow the integration of data across the domains of biology and chemistry. These logical definitions are available as an extended version of the ontology from http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl

    Electrocardiogram analysis in Anderson-Fabry disease: a valuable tool for progressive phenotypic expression tracking

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    BackgroundElectrocardiogram (ECG) has proven to be useful for early detection of cardiac involvement in Anderson-Fabry disease (AFD); however, little evidence is available on the association between ECG alterations and the progression of the disease.Aim and MethodsTo perform a cross sectional comparison of ECG abnormalities throughout different left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) severity subgroups, providing ECG patterns specific of the progressive AFD stages. 189 AFD patients from a multicenter cohort underwent comprehensive ECG analysis, echocardiography, and clinical evaluation.ResultsThe study cohort (39% males, median age 47 years, 68% classical AFD) was divided into 4 groups according to different degree of left ventricular (LV) thickness: group A & LE; 9 mm (n = 52, 28%); group B 10-14 mm (n = 76, 40%); group C 15-19 mm (n = 46, 24%); group D & GE; 20 mm (n = 15, 8%). The most frequent conduction delay was right bundle branch block (RBBB), incomplete in groups B and C (20%,22%) and complete RBBB in group D (54%, p < 0.001); none of the patients had left bundle branch block (LBBB). Left anterior fascicular block, LVH criteria, negative T waves, ST depression were more common in the advanced stages of the disease (p < 0.001). Summarizing our results, we suggested ECG patterns representative of the different AFD stages as assessed by the increases in LV thickness over time (Central Figure). Patients from group A showed mostly a normal ECG (77%) or minor anomalies like LVH criteria (8%) and delta wave/slurred QR onset + borderline PR (8%). Differently, patients from groups B and C exhibited more heterogeneous ECG patterns: LVH (17%; 7% respectively); LVH + LV strain (9%; 17%); incomplete RBBB + repolarization abnormalities (8%; 9%), more frequently associated with LVH criteria in group C than B (8%; 15%). Finally, patients from group D showed very peculiar ECG patterns, represented by complete RBBB + LVH and repolarization abnormalities (40%), sometimes associated with QRS fragmentation (13%).ConclusionsECG is a sensitive tool for early identification and long-term monitoring of cardiac involvement in patients with AFD, providing "instantaneous pictures" along the natural history of AFD. Whether ECG changes may be associated with clinical events remains to be determined

    Annotation of gene product function from high-throughput studies using the Gene Ontology.

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    High-throughput studies constitute an essential and valued source of information for researchers. However, high-throughput experimental workflows are often complex, with multiple data sets that may contain large numbers of false positives. The representation of high-throughput data in the Gene Ontology (GO) therefore presents a challenging annotation problem, when the overarching goal of GO curation is to provide the most precise view of a gene's role in biology. To address this, representatives from annotation teams within the GO Consortium reviewed high-throughput data annotation practices. We present an annotation framework for high-throughput studies that will facilitate good standards in GO curation and, through the use of new high-throughput evidence codes, increase the visibility of these annotations to the research community