1,171 research outputs found

    SPH calculations of Mars-scale collisions: the role of the Equation of State, material rheologies, and numerical effects

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    We model large-scale (\approx2000km) impacts on a Mars-like planet using a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code. The effects of material strength and of using different Equations of State on the post-impact material and temperature distributions are investigated. The properties of the ejected material in terms of escaping and disc mass are analysed as well. We also study potential numerical effects in the context of density discontinuities and rigid body rotation. We find that in the large-scale collision regime considered here (with impact velocities of 4km/s), the effect of material strength is substantial for the post-impact distribution of the temperature and the impactor material, while the influence of the Equation of State is more subtle and present only at very high temperatures.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in Icaru

    Vitamin D3 receptor is highly expressed in Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    Background: Hodkin s lymphoma is one of the most frequent lymphoma in western world. Despite an overall good prognosis some patients suffer relapsing tumors which are difficult to cure. Over a long period Vitamin D has been shown to be a potential treatment for cancer. Vitamin D acts via the vitamin D receptor, a nuclear receptor, acting as an inducible transcription factor. We aimed to investigate the expression of vitamin D receptor as potential therapeutic target structure in Hodgkin s lymphoma as well as in non Hodgkin s lymphoma. Methods: We used a panel of 193 formalin fixed tissues of lymphoma cases consisting of 55 cases of Hodgkin s lymphoma and 138 cases on several non Hodgkin s lymphoma entities. Results: Vitamin D receptor is strongly expressed in Hodgkin s lymphoma, regardless of the subentity with an overall positivity of 80% of all Hodgkin lymphoma cases. In contrast, only about 17% of the analyzed non Hodgkin s lymphoma of B-cell origin showed positivity for vitamin D receptor. Predominant nuclear localization of vitamin D receptor in Hodgkin s lymphoma suggests activated status of the vitamin D receptor. Conclusions: From this study, we conclude that vitamin D receptor plays a potentially important role in pathogenesis of Hodgkin s lymphoma but not in non Hodgkin s lymphoma. Further investigations of mutational status and functional studies may shed some light in functional relevance of vitamin D receptor signaling in Hodgkin s lymphoma

    Collision and impact simulations including porosity

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    The Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) impact code (Benz & Asphaug 1994) has been developed for the simulation of impacts and collisions involving brittle solids in the strength-and gravity-dominated regime. In the latter regime, the gravitational overburden is used to increase the fracture threshold. In this paper, we extend our numerical approach to include the effect of porosity at a sub-resolution scale by adapting the so-called P -α model (Herrman 1969). Using our extended 3D SPH impact code, we investigated collisions between porous bodies to examine the sensitivity of collisional outcomes to the degree of porosity. Two applications that illustrate the capabilities of our approach are shown: 1) the modeling of a Deep Impact-like impact and 2) the computation of the amount of momentum transferred to an asteroid following the impact of a high velocity projectil

    Fragment properties at the catastrophic disruption threshold: The effect of the parent body's internal structure

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    Numerical simulations of asteroid break-ups, including both the fragmentation of the parent body and the gravitational interactions between the fragments, have allowed us to reproduce successfully the main properties of asteroid families formed in different regimes of impact energy, starting from a non-porous parent body. In this paper, using the same approach, we concentrate on a single regime of impact energy, the so-called catastrophic threshold usually designated by Q*D, which results in the escape of half of the target's mass. Thanks to our recent implementation of a model of fragmentation of porous materials, we can characterize Q*D for both porous and non-porous targets with a wide range of diameters. We can then analyze the potential influence of porosity on the value of Q*D, and by computing the gravitational phase of the collision in the gravity regime, we can characterize the collisional outcome in terms of the fragment size and ejection speed distributions, which are the main outcome properties used by collisional models to study the evolutions of the different populations of small bodies. We also check the dependency of Q*D on the impact speed of the projectile. In the strength regime, which corresponds to target sizes below a few hundreds of meters, we find that porous targets are more difficult to disrupt than non-porous ones. In the gravity regime, the outcome is controlled purely by gravity and porosity in the case of porous targets. In the case of non-porous targets, the outcome also depends on strength. We then propose some power-law relationships between Q*D and both target's size and impact speed that can be used in collisional evolution models.Comment: 18 pages, 19 Figures. Accepted for publication in Icaru

    Vitamin D3receptor is highly expressed in Hodgkin’s lymphoma

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    BACKGROUND: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is one of the most frequent lymphoma in the western world. Despite a good overall prognosis, some patients suffer relapsing tumors which are difficult to cure. Over a long period Vitamin D has been shown to be a potential treatment for cancer. Vitamin D acts via the vitamin D receptor, a nuclear receptor, acting as an inducible transcription factor. We aimed to investigate the expression of vitamin D receptor as a possible diagnostic marker and potential therapeutic target in HL as well as in B-cell derived non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL). METHODS: We used a panel of 193 formalin fixed tissues of lymphoma cases consisting of 55 cases of HL and 138 cases on several B-NHL entities. RESULTS: Vitamin D receptor is strongly expressed in tumor cells of HL, regardless of the sub entity with an overall positivity of 80% of all HL cases. In contrast, only about 17% of the analyzed origin-NHL showed positivity for vitamin D receptor. The detection of nuclear localization of vitamin D receptor in the tumor cells of HL suggests activated status of the vitamin D receptor. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests VDR as a specific marker for tumor cells of HL, but not of B-NHL subtypes. Further, the observed nuclear localization suggests an activated receptor status in tumor cells of HL. Further investigations of mutational status and functional studies may shed some light in functional relevance of vitamin D receptor signaling in HL

    Analyzing Tag Semantics Across Collaborative Tagging Systems

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    The objective of our group was to exploit state-of-the-art Information Retrieval methods for finding associations and dependencies between tags, capturing and representing differences in tagging behavior and vocabulary of various folksonomies, with the overall aim to better understand the semantics of tags and the tagging process. Therefore we analyze the semantic content of tags in the Flickr and Delicious folksonomies. We find that: tag context similarity leads to meaningful results in Flickr, despite its narrow folksonomy character; the comparison of tags across Flickr and Delicious shows little semantic overlap, being tags in Flickr associated more to visual aspects rather than technological as it seems to be in Delicious; there are regions in the tag-tag space, provided with the cosine similarity metric, that are characterized by high density; the order of tags inside a post has a semantic relevance

    Theory of planet formation

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    We review the current theoretical understanding how growth from micro-meter sized dust to massive giant planets occurs in disks around young stars. After introducing a number of observational constraints from the solar system, from observed protoplanetary disks, and from the extrasolar planets, we simplify the problem by dividing it into a number of discrete stages which are assumed to occur in a sequential way. In the first stage - the growth from dust to kilometer sized planetesimals - the aerodynamics of the bodies are of central importance. We discuss both a purely coagulative growth mode, as well as a gravoturbulent mode involving a gravitational instability of the dust. In the next stage, planetesimals grow to protoplanets of roughly 1000 km in size. Gravity is now the dominant force. The mass accretion can be strongly non-linear, leading to the detachment of a few big bodies from the remaining planetesimals. In the outer planetary system (outside a few AU), some of these bodies can become so massive that they eventually accrete a large gaseous envelope. This is the stage of giant planet formation, as understood within the core accretion-gas capture paradigm. We also discuss the direct gravitational collapse model where giant planets are thought to form directly via a gravitational fragmentation of the gas disk. In the inner system, protoplanets collide in the last stage - probably after the dispersal of the gaseous disk - in giant impacts until the separations between the remaining terrestrial planets become large enough to allow long term stability. We finish the review with some selected questions.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, proceedings workshop "Circumstellar disks and planets: Science cases for the second generation VLTI instrumentation", to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, ed. Sebastian Wol

    Mass transfer in eccentric binaries: the new Oil-on-Water SPH technique

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    To measure the onset of mass transfer in eccentric binaries we have developed a two-phase SPH technique. Mass transfer is important in the evolution of close binaries, and a key issue is to determine the separation at which mass transfer begins. The circular case is well understood and can be treated through the use of the Roche formalism. To treat the eccentric case we use a newly-developed two phase system. The body of the donor star is made up from high-mass "water" particles, whilst the atmosphere is modelled with low-mass "oil" particles. Both sets of particles take part fully in SPH interactions. To test the technique we model circular mass-transfer binaries containing a 0.6 Msun donor star and a 1 Msun white dwarf; such binaries are thought to form cataclysmic variable (CV) systems. We find that we can reproduce a reasonable CV mass-transfer rate, and that our extended atmosphere gives a separation that is too large by aproximately 16%, although its pressure scale height is considerably exaggerated. We use the technique to measure the semi-major axis required for the onset of mass transfer in binaries with a mass ratio of q=0.6 and a range of eccentricities. Comparing to the value obtained by considering the instantaneous Roche lobe at pericentre we find that the radius of the star required for mass transfer to begin decreases systematically with increasing eccentricity.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Community Assessment using Evidence Networks

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    Abstract. Community mining is a prominent approach for identifying (user) communities in social and ubiquitous contexts. While there are a variety of methods for community mining and detection, the effective evaluation and validation of the mined communities is usually non-trivial. Often there is no evaluation data at hand in order to validate the discovered groups. This paper proposes evidence networks using implicit information for the evaluation of communities. The presented evaluation approach is based on the idea of reconstructing existing social structures for the assessment and evaluation of a given clustering. We analyze and compare the presented evidence networks using user data from the real-world social bookmarking application BibSonomy. The results indicate that the evidence networks reflect the relative rating of the explicit ones very well.