632 research outputs found

    Exploring the experience of psychogenic syncope following diagnosis

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    This portfolio has three parts.I. Part one is a systematic literature review entitled ‘What are the psychological factors associated with psychogenic syncope or psychogenic non-epileptic seizures? Psychological factors that appear to be commonly linked to syncopal events of unknown medical origin are explored in relation to psychogenic syncope. Studies have widely acknowledged psychological distress in this patient group. The prevalence of psychological factors and their impact on people remains uncertain. A systematic search of four databases identified eleven studies. The findings are summarised and discussed from various perspectives. Clinical implications and areas of future research are highlighted.II. Part two is an empirical paper, utilising Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) entitled: ‘What are the experiences of people diagnosed with psychogenic syncope?’ The study explores peoples’ perspective of living with psychogenic syncope. A total of six people chose to participate in the study, which employed a semi-structured interview based on the self-regulation model (Leventhal, Nerenz & Steele, 1984). Five superordinate and seven subordinate themes emerged from the data. Peoples’ experience of psychogenic syncope was conceptualised by drawing on various theories in order to highlight a need for holistic healthcare practice. Wider psychosocial influences on people diagnosed with psychogenic syncope were also considered.III. Part three comprises appendices relating to part one and part two. Included in this is an epistemological statement of the stance of the researcher, and a reflective statement on the process of conducting the research, and its challenges


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    Prevalence of urinary incontinence among young female college students

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: The aim was to study the prevalence of urinary incontinence in young Icelandic female college students. We also studied how the incontinence effected their daily life, and also if they ever received any education and/or instruction on pelvic floor exercises. Material and methods: A total of 311 women in age range 16-19 years old were randomly selected from eight college schools in Iceland. This is about 3.7% of all women at this age's range living in the country. A validated four item (ICIQ short form) questionnaire was used assessing the prevalence, perceived causes and magnitude of urinary incontinence as well as effects on quality of life during the last 4 week. The questionnaire was translated into Icelandic according to an agreed international methodology. Additional two questions were asked regarding pelvis floor exercises. Results: Out of 311 students 294 responded (94.5%). About one third (32%) reported some urinary incontinence during the past four weeks, 11% had at least two episodes a week. Incontinence affected their quality of live in 26% of responders (mean value 2.8 on the scale 1-10). Over all 55% had symptoms of stress urinary incontinence, 24% pure urge incontinence and 21% had mixed symptoms. The majority or 78% of the women had not received any instructions about pelvic floor exercises. Conclusions: Urinary incontinence is a prevalent condition affecting the quality of life in 26% of young Icelandic female college students, stress incontinence being the most common symptom. Preventive measures such as pelvic floor exercises should be recommended in this age group.Tilgangur: Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna tíðni þvagleka meðal ungra kvenna í framhaldsskólum landsins sem og að kanna hve mikla kennslu þær hafa fengið í þjálfun grindarbotnsvöðva. Aðferðir: Úrtakið náði til 311 stúlkna á aldrinum 16-19 ára úr sex framhaldsskólum á höfuðborgarsvæðinu og tveggja af Suðurlandi. Þetta samsvarar 3,7% af fjölda stúlkna á þessum aldri í landinu. Alþjóðlegur staðfærður spurningalisti var notaður. Hann samanstendur af spurningum um tíðni, gerð, ástæður og áhrif þvagleka á daglegt líf. Auk þess voru tvær spurningar um fræðslu og kennslu í grindarbotnsæfingum. Niðurstöður: Alls svöruðu 294 stúlkur af 311 (94,5%). Um þriðjungur þeirra hafði fundið fyrir þvagleka, þar af voru 11% sem misstu þvag tvisvar eða oftar í viku. Um fjórðungur töldu einkennin hafa einhver áhrif á daglegt líf (að meðaltali 2,8 á kvarðanum 0-10). Rúmlega helmingur þeirra (55%) höfðu einkenni um hreinan áreynsluleka, 24% með bráðaleka og 21% höfðu blönduð einkenni. Yfirgnæfandi meirihluti stúlknanna hafði enga fræðslu fengið um grindarbotnsvöðva eða æfingar. Ályktanir: Þvagleki er algengur meðal ungra íslenskra kvenna og hafa einkennin áhrif á daglegt líf hjá fjórðungi þeirra. Með aukinni fræðslu um grindarbotnsvöðva og þjálfun mætti eflaust koma í veg fyrir þessi vandamál hjá mörgum þessara stúlkna

    Technical Note: Precise quantitative measurements of total dissolved inorganic carbon from small amounts of seawater using a gas chromatographic system

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    Total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT) is one of the most frequently measured parameters used to calculate the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in seawater. Its determination has become increasingly important because of the rising interest in the biological effects of ocean acidification. Coulometric and infrared detection methods are currently favored in order to precisely quantify CT. These methods however are not sufficiently validated for CT measurements of biological experiments manipulating seawater carbonate chemistry with an extended CT measurement range (~1250–2400 μmol kg–1) compared to natural open ocean seawater (~1950–2200 μmol kg−1). The requirement of total sample amounts between 0.1–1 L seawater in the coulometric- and infrared detection methods potentially exclude their use for experiments working with much smaller volumes. Additionally, precise CT analytics become difficult with high amounts of biomass (e.g., phytoplankton cultures) or even impossible in the presence of planktonic calcifiers without sample pre-filtration. Filtration however, can alter CT concentration through gas exchange induced by high pressure. Addressing these problems, we present precise quantification of CT using a small, basic and inexpensive gas chromatograph as a CT analyzer. Our technique is able to provide a repeatability of ±3.1 μmol kg−1, given by the pooled standard deviation over a CT range typically applied in acidification experiments. 200 μL of sample is required to perform the actual CT measurement. The total sample amount needed is 12 mL. Moreover, we show that sample filtration is applicable with only minor alteration of the CT. The method is simple, reliable and with low cumulative material costs. Hence, it is potentially attractive for all researchers experimentally manipulating the seawater carbonate system

    When the words fail: music as therapy for people with senile dementia

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