187 research outputs found

    Structure Analysis of a New Psychrophilic Marine Protease

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    A new psychrophilic marine protease was found from a marine bacterium Flavobacterium YS-80 in the Chinese Yellow Sea. The protease is about 49 kD with an isoelectric point about 4.5. It consists of 480 amino acids and is homologous to a psychrophilic alkaline protease (PAP) from an Antarctic Pseudomonas species. The protein was purified from the natural bacterium fermented and crystallized. Its crystal structure (PDB ID 3U1R) was solved at 2.0 Å by Molecular Replacement using a model based on PAP, and was refined to a crystallographic Rwork of 0.16 and an Rfree of 0.21. The marine protease consists of a two domain structure with an N-terminal domain including residues 37–264 and a C-terminal domain including residues 265–480. Similar to PAP, the N-terminal domain is responsible for proteolysis and the C-terminal is for stability. His186, His190, His196 and Tyr226 are ligands for the Zn2+ ion in the catalytic center. The enzyme's Tyr226 is closer to the Zn2+ ion than in PAP and it shows a stronger Zn2+―Tyr-OH bond. There are eight calcium ions in the marine protease molecule and they have significantly shorter bond distances to their ligands compared to their counterparts in all three crystal forms of PAP. On the other hand, the loops in the marine protease are more compact than in PAP. This makes the total structure stable and less flexible, resulting in higher thermo stability. These properties are consistent with the respective environments of the proteases. The structural analysis of this new marine protease provides new information for the study of psychrophilic proteases and is helpful for elucidating the structure-environment adaptation of these enzymes

    Current status on Alzheimer disease molecular genetics: from past, to present, to future

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    Linkage studies, candidate gene and whole-genome association studies have resulted in a tremendous amount of putative risk genes for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Yet, besides the three causal genes—amyloid precursor protein and presenilin 1 and 2 genes—and one risk gene apolipoprotein E (APOE), no single functional risk variant was identified. Discussing the possible involvement of rare alleles and other types of genetic variants, this review summarizes the current knowledge on the genetic spectrum of AD and integrates different approaches and recent discoveries by genome-wide association studies

    Synaptic activity prompts γ-secretase–mediated cleavage of EphA4 and dendritic spine formation

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    Alzheimer's disease is an age-dependent neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by a progressive decline in cognitive function. γ-secretase dysfunction is evident in many cases of early onset familial Alzheimer's disease. However, the mechanism by which γ-secretase dysfunction results in memory loss and neurodegeneration is not fully understood. Here, we demonstrate that γ-secretase is localized at synapses and regulates spine formation. We identify EphA4, one of the Ephrin receptor family members, as a substrate of γ-secretase, and find that EphA4 processing is enhanced by synaptic activity. Moreover, overexpression of EphA4 intracellular domain increases the number of dendritic spines by activating the Rac signaling pathway. These findings reveal a function for EphA4-mediated intracellular signaling in the morphogenesis of dendritic spines and suggest that the processing of EphA4 by γ-secretase affects the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease

    Presenilin/γ-Secretase Regulates Neurexin Processing at Synapses

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    Neurexins are a large family of neuronal plasma membrane proteins, which function as trans-synaptic receptors during synaptic differentiation. The binding of presynaptic neurexins to postsynaptic partners, such as neuroligins, has been proposed to participate in a signaling pathway that regulates synapse formation/stabilization. The identification of mutations in neurexin genes associated with autism and mental retardation suggests that dysfunction of neurexins may underlie synaptic defects associated with brain disorders. However, the mechanisms that regulate neurexin function at synapses are still unclear. Here, we show that neurexins are proteolytically processed by presenilins (PS), the catalytic components of the γ-secretase complex that mediates the intramembraneous cleavage of several type I membrane proteins. Inhibition of PS/γ-secretase by using pharmacological and genetic approaches induces a drastic accumulation of neurexin C-terminal fragments (CTFs) in cultured rat hippocampal neurons and mouse brain. Neurexin-CTFs accumulate mainly at the presynaptic terminals of PS conditional double knockout (PS cDKO) mice lacking both PS genes in glutamatergic neurons of the forebrain. The fact that loss of PS function enhances neurexin accumulation at glutamatergic terminals mediated by neuroligin-1 suggests that PS regulate the processing of neurexins at glutamatergic synapses. Interestingly, presenilin 1 (PS1) is recruited to glutamatergic terminals mediated by neuroligin-1, thus concentrating PS1 at terminals containing β-neurexins. Furthermore, familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD)-linked PS1 mutations differentially affect β-neurexin-1 processing. Expression of PS1 M146L and PS1 H163R mutants in PS−/− cells rescues the processing of β-neurexin-1, whereas PS1 C410Y and PS1 ΔE9 fail to rescue the processing defect. These results suggest that PS regulate the synaptic function and processing of neurexins at glutamatergic synapses, and that impaired neurexin processing by PS may play a role in FAD

    Alzheimer's Disease-Linked Mutations in Presenilin-1 Result in a Drastic Loss of Activity in Purified γ-Secretase Complexes

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    BACKGROUND: Mutations linked to early onset, familial forms of Alzheimer's disease (FAD) are found most frequently in PSEN1, the gene encoding presenilin-1 (PS1). Together with nicastrin (NCT), anterior pharynx-defective protein 1 (APH1), and presenilin enhancer 2 (PEN2), the catalytic subunit PS1 constitutes the core of the γ-secretase complex and contributes to the proteolysis of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) into amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptides. Although there is a growing consensus that FAD-linked PS1 mutations affect Aβ production by enhancing the Aβ1-42/Aβ1-40 ratio, it remains unclear whether and how they affect the generation of APP intracellular domain (AICD). Moreover, controversy exists as to how PS1 mutations exert their effects in different experimental systems, by either increasing Aβ1-42 production, decreasing Aβ1-40 production, or both. Because it could be explained by the heterogeneity in the composition of γ-secretase, we purified to homogeneity complexes made of human NCT, APH1aL, PEN2, and the pathogenic PS1 mutants L166P, ΔE9, or P436Q. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We took advantage of a mouse embryonic fibroblast cell line lacking PS1 and PS2 to generate different stable cell lines overexpressing human γ-secretase complexes with different FAD-linked PS1 mutations. A multi-step affinity purification procedure was used to isolate semi-purified or highly purified γ-secretase complexes. The functional characterization of these complexes revealed that all PS1 FAD-linked mutations caused a loss of γ-secretase activity phenotype, in terms of Aβ1-40, Aβ1-42 and APP intracellular domain productions in vitro. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data support the view that PS1 mutations lead to a strong γ-secretase loss-of-function phenotype and an increased Aβ1-42/Aβ1-40 ratio, two mechanisms that are potentially involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease

    Gamma-Secretase-Dependent and -Independent Effects of Presenilin1 on β-Catenin·Tcf-4 Transcriptional Activity

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    Presenilin1 (PS1) is a component of the γ-secretase complex mutated in cases of Familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD). PS1 is synthesized as a 50 kDa peptide subsequently processed to two 29 and 20 kDa subunits that remain associated. Processing of PS1 is inhibited by several mutations detected in FAD patients. PS1 acts as negative modulator of β-catenin·Tcf-4 transcriptional activity. In this article we show that in murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) the mechanisms of action of the processed and non-processed forms of PS1 on β-catenin·Tcf-4 transcription are different. Whereas non-processed PS1 inhibits β-catenin·Tcf-4 activity through a mechanism independent of γ-secretase and associated with the interaction of this protein with plakoglobin and Tcf-4, the effect of processed PS1 is prevented by γ-secretase inhibitors, and requires its interaction with E- or N-cadherin and the generation of cytosolic terminal fragments of these two cadherins, which in turn destabilize the β-catenin transcriptional cofactor CBP. Accordingly, the two forms of PS1 interact differently with E-cadherin or β-catenin and plakoglobin: whereas processed PS1 binds E-cadherin with high affinity and β-catenin or plakoglobin weakly, the non-processed form behaves inversely. Moreover, contrarily to processed PS1, that decreases the levels of c-fos RNA, non-processed PS1 inhibits the expression c-myc, a known target of β-catenin·Tcf-4, and does not block the activity of other transcriptional factors requiring CBP. These results indicate that prevention of PS1 processing in FAD affects the mechanism of repression of the transcriptional activity dependent on β-catenin