126 research outputs found

    The Role of Mirror Dichroic in Tandem Solar Cell GaAs/Si

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    The good choice of the mirror dichroic between two solar cells was key to the development of the first two-terminal monolithic, multi-junction solar cell. In this paper describes a simulation for mirror dichroic between the first cell (GaAs) and second cell (Si ). In the simulation, Spectrum of the mirror Issued to first cell is changed the 0.3 ?m to0.6 ?m and the rest of the spectrum turns to the second cell. the By varying the mirror dichroic was demonstrate in the form of current-voltage(I-V) characteristics and quantum efficiency (QE). Keywords: multi-junction, mirror dichroic, quantum efficiency

    On self-coordinating web services using similarity and neural networks

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    This paper presents an approach, which adopts control tuples, to support the self-coordination of Web services. Usually coordination is a designer-driven activity where, for instance, the designer clearly indicates the actions that Web services have to perform during conflict resolution. In this paper, Web services are embodied with the mechanisms, which allow them to coordinate themselves during run-time. These mechanisms are encoded using control tuples that Web services post on tuple spaces. Web services consult a tuple space and consume the control tuples, which are relevant to their coordination work. © 2005 IEEE

    Evaluation Of The Heavy Metals Accumulate In Samples Of TheSediments, Soils And Plants By Icp­oes With The Average Sebou

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    The urban, industrial and artisanal wastes liquid of the town of Fez have a very remarkable impact in the valley of Sebou. For that, various samples of sediments, agricultural grounds and plants were collected upstream like downstream from the junction Oued Fez- Oued Sebou along about thirty the kilometers; and analyzed by the method of the optical spectrometry of emission to source of plasma in inductive coupling (ICP-OES). These analyses enabled us to evaluate the contents of heavy metals such as: Ba, Zn, Cr, Ni, Co, Cd, Pb, Cu and others. All the results record a high degree of contamination of the metal elements to the state of trace in samples of sediments, grounds and plants irrigated with worn water containing of the particles of suspended materials. We could establish significant correlations of each metal for the various compartments of the ecosystem.The urban, industrial and artisanal wastes liquid of the town of Fez have a very remarkable impact in the valley of Sebou. For that, various samples of sediments, agricultural grounds and plants were collected upstream like downstream from the junction Oued Fez- Oued Sebou along about thirty the kilometers; and analyzed by the method of the optical spectrometry of emission to source of plasma in inductive coupling (ICP-OES). These analyses enabled us to evaluate the contents of heavy metals such as: Ba, Zn, Cr, Ni, Co, Cd, Pb, Cu and others. All the results record a high degree of contamination of the metal elements to the state of trace in samples of sediments, grounds and plants irrigated with worn water containing of the particles of suspended materials. We could establish significant correlations of each metal for the various compartments of the ecosystem

    Electron irradiation induced reduction of the permittivity in chalcogenide glass (As2S3) thin film

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    We investigate the effect of electron beam irradiation on the dielectric properties of As2S3 Chalcogenide glass. By means of low-loss Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, we derive the permittivity function, its dispersive relation, and calculate the refractive index and absorption coefficients under the constant permeability approximation. The measured and calculated results show, to the best of our knowledge, a heretofore unseen phenomenon: the reduction in the permittivity of <40%, and consequently a modification of the refractive index follows, reducing it by 20%, hence suggesting a significant change on the optical properties of the material. The plausible physical phenomena leading to these observations are discussed in terms of the homopolar and heteropolar bond dynamics under high energy absorption.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, manuscript in preparation to send to Physical Review

    Simulation of Hetero-junction (GaInP/GaAs) Solar Cell Using AMPS-1D

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    Photovoltaic conversion is the direct conversion of electromagnetic energy into electrical energy continuously. This electromagnetic energy is the most solar radiation. In this work we performed a computer modelling using AMPS 1D optimization of hetero-junction solar cells GaInP / GaAs configuration for p/n. We studied the influence of the thickness the base layer in the cell offers on the open circuit voltage, the short circuit current and efficiency

    Trade Privacy for Utility: A Learning-Based Privacy Pricing Game in Federated Learning

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    To prevent implicit privacy disclosure in sharing gradients among data owners (DOs) under federated learning (FL), differential privacy (DP) and its variants have become a common practice to offer formal privacy guarantees with low overheads. However, individual DOs generally tend to inject larger DP noises for stronger privacy provisions (which entails severe degradation of model utility), while the curator (i.e., aggregation server) aims to minimize the overall effect of added random noises for satisfactory model performance. To address this conflicting goal, we propose a novel dynamic privacy pricing (DyPP) game which allows DOs to sell individual privacy (by lowering the scale of locally added DP noise) for differentiated economic compensations (offered by the curator), thereby enhancing FL model utility. Considering multi-dimensional information asymmetry among players (e.g., DO's data distribution and privacy preference, and curator's maximum affordable payment) as well as their varying private information in distinct FL tasks, it is hard to directly attain the Nash equilibrium of the mixed-strategy DyPP game. Alternatively, we devise a fast reinforcement learning algorithm with two layers to quickly learn the optimal mixed noise-saving strategy of DOs and the optimal mixed pricing strategy of the curator without prior knowledge of players' private information. Experiments on real datasets validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed scheme in terms of faster convergence speed and enhanced FL model utility with lower payment costs.Comment: Accepted by IEEE ICC202

    Real-time tracking and mining of users’ actions over social media

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    © 2020, ComSIS Consortium. All rights reserved. With the advent of Web 2.0 technologies and social media, companies are actively looking for ways to know and understand what users think and say about their products and services. Indeed, it has become the practice that users go online using social media like Facebook to raise concerns, make comments, and share recommendations. All these actions can be tracked in real-time and then mined using advanced techniques like data analytics and sentiment analysis. This paper discusses such tracking and mining through a system called Social Miner that allows companies to make decisions about what, when, and how to respond to users’ actions over social media. Questions that Social Miner allows to answer include what actions were frequently executed and why certain actions were executed more than others

    Renal oncocytoma: experience of Clinical Urology A, Urology Department, CHU Ibn Sina, Rabat, Morocco and literature review

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    Renal oncocytoma is a rare and benign renal tumor. Only few cases have been reported in Moroccan populations. In the present study, we reportour experiences in the diagnosis, management and follow-up of this disease. We report on six cases of renal oncocytoma indentified between 1990 and 2008 in the urology department of “CHU Ibn Sina” in Rabat. These six cases are listed among 130 kidney tumors reported during the study period. We assess the clinical, radiological and therapeutic features of the patients and we review literature. Six cases of renal oncocytoma,representing 4.6% of all primitive kidney tumors treated in our institution during the study period. The mean age was 53 ±9.7 years (range 34 to61 years). One patient was asymptomatic at presentation, five patients (83%) had flank pain and two (33%) had macroscopic hematuria. Thetumor was right sided in 4 cases (66%) and left sided in 2 cases (33%). All patients underwent CT scan which showed, in three cases, a centrallylocated stellate area of low attenuation. The clinical suspicion of  oncocytoma was made preoperatively in only 3 patients by imaging studies, but the suspicion of renal cell carcinoma persist and all patients were treated with radical nephrectomy. Definitive diagnosis was made in all cases postoperatively. All the tumors were well circumscribed but unencapsulated. The mean tumor size was 8,75±2,04 cm. Four patients were classified at stage pT2 and two at stage p T1. Most of the pathological features in our patients were typical of this entity.  Predominant cell type was a typical oncocytoma with general low mitotic activity. No extension to peri-nephric fat tissue or lymphovascular invasion was observed. After a mean follow-up of 36 months (range 26-62 months), there was neither recurrence nor death from oncocytoma. Accordingly, the disease-specific survival was 100%. Renal oncocytoma has a benign clinical course with excellent long-term outcomes. In our series, it happened mostly in females and is more frequently symptomatic. Although radical nephrectomy is the usual treatment, a conservative approach should be considered whenever there are signs of clinical and radiological presumptions.Key words: Renal oncocytoma, tumor, diagnosis, treatmen

    Séminome Spermatocytaire: à Propos d’un Cas et Revue de La Littérature Spermatocytic Seminoma

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    Le séminome spermatocytaire est une tumeur rare, représentant moins de 2% des cancers du testicule, survenant essentiellement chez le sujet âgé. Nous rapportons une nouvelle observation d’un patient âgé de 48 ans. La tumeur se présentait comme une prolifération de cellules en nappescompactes, avec 3 types cellulaires, des cellules de petite taille, des cellules intermédiaires et des grandes cellules. Il n’a été retrouvé ni contingent sarcomateux, ni séminome classique. L’analyse en immun histochimie n’a retrouvé aucune expression des cellules tumorales pour les anticorpsclassiques testés, notamment l’Ac anti PLAP et les marqueurs lymphoïdes. Le séminome spermatocytaire doit être reconnu, car son évolution est très favorable et ne nécessite qu’une simple orchidectomie, en l’absence d’un exceptionnel contingent sarcomateux ou de métastase où une chimiothérapie s’impose

    A PBIL for load balancing in network coding based multicasting

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    One of the most important issues in multicast is how to achieve a balanced traffic load within a communications network. This paper formulates a load balancing optimization problem in the context of multicast with network coding and proposes a modified population based incremental learning (PBIL) algorithm for tackling it. A novel probability vector update scheme is developed to enhance the global exploration of the stochastic search by introducing extra flexibility when guiding the search towards promising areas in the search space. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed PBIL outperforms a number of the state-of-the-art evolutionary algorithms in terms of the quality of the best solution obtained
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