131 research outputs found

    The Importance of Teaching British Civilization to Spark the Students’ Creative Historical Thinking Skill

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    هدفت هذه الورقة البحثية إلى استكشاف بعض الطرق الفعالة لتحفيز التفكير الإبداعي التاريخي لدى الطلاب الجامعيين للغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية. يواجه أستاذ الحضارة البريطانية بعض التحديات من خلال طرحه لبعض القضايا التي تخص الثقافة الغربية على الصعيدين النفسي والتعليمي فيما يتعلق بكيفية دمج الحياة الغربية الماضية بشكل واقعي في حياة الطلاب الحالية، تصميم بيئة تشجع على الإبداع و تطوير منهج لتعليم مهارات التفكير التاريخي كجزء من مناهج وبرامج الجامعة الجزائرية. ولتحقيق هذا الهدف، تم اعتماد المنهج التحليلي والملاحظة. الأمثلة التي ركز عليها البحث كانت حول البرلمان البريطاني، الطاعون الأسود، عائلة تيودور و مقارنة اقتباسات من كتب تاريخية متناقضة بحيث تساعد الطلاب ليس فقط على التعرف على أحداث ماضية وإنما الاستفادة من تحليلها والتعمق فيها وفهم الطرق، الوسائل والسياسات المتخذة من طرف المجتمع البريطاني في عصور مضت بعد مواجهتهم لمشكلات شبيهة بمشكلات عصرية. اهتم البحث بتقييم أهمية تطوير مهارة التفكير التاريخي في المناهج والدراسات الجزائرية من خلال وضع إسقاطات على تحديات العالم المعاصر، حيث يمكن الاستفادة من الحضارات القديمة وتمكين المتعلمين من اكتساب مجموعة واسعة من المعارف التواصلية والثقافية الأساسية لتعزيز الحس الإبداعي في أذهانهم.The aim of this research paper was to investigate some of the effective ways to stimulate the students’ creative historical thinking in EFL classrooms. A teacher of civilization adequately addresses major issues as they face a myriad of challenges and struggle both psychologically and instructionally, as to how to realistically incorporate Western past life into the students’ present life and to design an environment that encourages creativity or develop a systematic approach to teaching thinking skills as part of the university curricula. There are, however, many factors that result in the difficulty to introduce history studies to EFL classrooms. In order to achieve this objective, the observational and analytical approaches were used. The examples that this research centred around were the Houses of Parliaments, Black Death, the Tudor Dynasty and assessing contradictory quotes written by authors of history. There are many lessons that can be drawn from these lectures despite the fact that they took place in the Medieval and Renaissance Ages. This research, then, raises so many questions as to how the students critically investigate the contradictory historical data and how they benefit from the ways, policies and measures taken by leaders in history to overcome some complicated situations


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    Étroitement lié au héros grec Héraklès, dont il était le neveu, ainsi qu’au dieu phénicien Melqart, Iolaos est une figure mythique complexe. Fidèle compagnon d’Héraklès aux exploits duquel il fut souvent associé, il l’aida notamment à débarrasser la Libye de ses bêtes féroces ; d’après une légende, il eut alors à ressusciter l’Héraklès tyrien (Melqart), tué par Typhon, en lui faisant humer le fumet d’une caille rôtie. Cette relation privilégiée justifie la présence du nom Iolaos à côté de cel..

    Physiological and Biochemical Behaviour of Gleditsia triacanthos L. Young Seedlings Under Drought Stress Conditions

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    Drought affects a wide part of the world and constitutes one of the most important limiting factors for growth and development of vegetation cover. Plants evolved several physiological and biochemical mechanisms to cope with biotic and abiotic stresses. Gleditsia L. (Fabaceae) is a small genus of typically spiny trees native to America, Asia, and Africa. Among this genus Gleditsia triacanthos L. belongs to drought-tolerant species and could be a long-term solution for reforestation of dry land areas. The aim of our work is to study the impact water stress on G. triacanthos plants at early stage of development. After six weeks of culture, water stress was imposed during 19 days. A gradual dehydration of the soil caused a progressive drop in the relative water content (RWC) down to 60.54±2.06% at the end of treatment. On the other hand, G. triacanthos young seedlings show an important osmotic adjustment by an early accumulation of proline. The phenylpropanoids metabolism was also affected by water stress where a significant increase in total polyphenols, total flavonoids and anthocyanin concentrations was recorded. These compounds could play a dual role both in osmoregulation mechanism and antioxidant system. G. triacanthos stressed plants appear to protect its photosystems by increasing carotenoids rate and maintain a stable Chl a/b ratio despite a substantial decrease in chlorophyll pigments (Chl a+b) content


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    Étroitement lié au héros grec Héraklès, dont il était le neveu, ainsi qu’au dieu phénicien Melqart, Iolaos est une figure mythique complexe. Fidèle compagnon d’Héraklès aux exploits duquel il fut souvent associé, il l’aida notamment à débarrasser la Libye de ses bêtes féroces ; d’après une légende, il eut alors à ressusciter l’Héraklès tyrien (Melqart), tué par Typhon, en lui faisant humer le fumet d’une caille rôtie. Cette relation privilégiée justifie la présence du nom Iolaos à côté de cel..


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    Connues des Égyptiens, des Assyriens et des Babyloniens, les pratiques oniriques se rencontraient dans toute la Méditerranée bien avant la formation de la civilisation grecque qui en a hérité naturellement. Très anciennes en Afrique, elles sont mentionnées par Hérodote chez les Nasamons, tandis que Pomponius Mela rapporte que les Augiles (de l’oasis d’Aoudjila) avaient pour habitude de se coucher sur les tombeaux et de prendre pour réponses les songes qu’ils avaient pendant leur sommeil. L’in..

    The Impact of Students’ Future Imagined Identities on Their English Language Learning in an EFL Context: The Case of English for Law

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    This research project aimed at finding out ways of improving the teaching of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) by investigating the impact of students’ imagined future identities on their English language learning. The context for the present research project is an English for Law module offered to Postgraduate students of law in Algeria where I had an experience as an English tutor. The study employed an action research approach in three phases: Planning, Acting and Reflecting. Through these phases a number of research methods were used including: interviews with English teachers and faculty staff, classroom observation of several English sessions, implementation of pilot activities, teacher field notes and focus groups with students. This research project drew on Norton’s (2000-2010) understanding of English learners’ identity and its impact on language learning. The findings of this research revealed that while in the classroom, students construct future images of themselves, referred to as imagined identities. The study also found that a focus on such imagined identities impacts positively on students of law English learning process; leading them to invest in the practices of English and seeking membership in their future communities as both lawyer-users of English and professional-users of English. In addition, the findings also offer more understanding to ESP tutors to extend their evaluation to their students as either motivated or unmotivated, to focus on their investment in learning through their identity changes and the images they have of themselves and who they want to become. Noticing that could significantly help the tutors to select meaningful tasks, to create a better environment of learning, and to lead the course to achieve its objectives


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    Connues des Égyptiens, des Assyriens et des Babyloniens, les pratiques oniriques se rencontraient dans toute la Méditerranée bien avant la formation de la civilisation grecque qui en a hérité naturellement. Très anciennes en Afrique, elles sont mentionnées par Hérodote chez les Nasamons, tandis que Pomponius Mela rapporte que les Augiles (de l’oasis d’Aoudjila) avaient pour habitude de se coucher sur les tombeaux et de prendre pour réponses les songes qu’ils avaient pendant leur sommeil. L’in..

    Diagnostic biologique du syndrome des anticorps antiphospholipides

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    Le syndrome des anticorps antiphospholipides (SAPL) est une maladie auto-immune où les manifestations cliniques sont directement attribuables au caractère pathogène des auto-anticorps. Cette entité clinico-biologique est définie par l’association de manifestations cliniques, thromboses vasculaires et/ou complications obstétricales à la présence persistante d’anticorps antiphospholipides (APL). Le diagnostic biologique du SAPL est centré sur trois paramètres qui sont la recherche de lupus anticoagulants (LA), d’anticorps anticardiolipine (aCL) et d’anticorps anti-β2-glycoprotéine I (β2-GP I) d’isotypes IgG ou IgM. D’autres auto-anticorps comme les anticorps anti- phosphatidyl éthanolamine ou les anticorps anti-complexes  phosphatidyl sérine/prothrombine pourraient avoir un intérêt diagnostique en l’absence des anticorps habituellement présents, mais font encore l’objet d’évaluation. Ces APL sont détectés soit par technique Elisa, soit par la prolongation de tests de coagulation phospholipides dépendants mettant en évidence l’anticoagulant circulant de type lupique (LA : lupus anticoagulant) ou l’anticoagulant circulant de type anti-prothrombinase. Ce syndrome est dit SAPL primaire s’il n’y a pas de lupus érythémateux systémique ou maladie auto-immune apparentée associée, et est dénommé SAPL secondaire dans le cas contraire. La recherche d’APL a deux finalités, poser le diagnostic du SAPL devant une clinique évocatrice et évaluer le risque thrombotique du patient pour pouvoir mettre en route une thérapeutique adaptée. Le pronostic du SAPL dépend du territoire vasculaire touché et des manifestations viscérales associées. Cette mise au point détaille les méthodes de détection des APL et leur valeur diagnostique et décrit de nouveaux marqueurs biologiques plus prédictifs du risque thrombotique

    Adaptive-search template matching technique based on vehicle acceleration for monocular visual odometry system

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    One of the important tasks of an autonomous mobile vehicle is the reliable and fast estimation of its position over time. This paper presents the development of an adaptive technique to hasten and improve the quality of correlation-based template matching for monocular visual odometry systems that estimate the relative motion of ground vehicles in low-textured environments. Moreover, the factors that can affect the maximum permissible vehicle driving speed were determined and the related equations were derived. The developed system uses a single downward-facing monocular camera installed at an optimum location to avoid the negative effect of directional sunlight and shadows which can disturb the correlation. In addition, the normalized cross-correlation method is implemented to calculate the pixel displacement between image frames. Although this method is highly effective for template matching because of its invariance to linear brightness and contrast variations, it incurs high computational cost. Thus, the optimal sizes of image template and matching search area are selected and their locations are dynamically changed according to vehicle acceleration, in order to achieve a compromise between the performance and the computational cost of correlation. The proposed technique increases the allowable vehicle driving speed and reduces the probability of template false-matching. Moreover, compared to traditional full search matching techniques, the adaptive technique demonstrates high efficiency and accuracy and improves the quality and speed of the correlation with more than 87% of reduction in computational cost