671 research outputs found

    ESO Imaging survey: Optical Deep Public Survey

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    This paper presents new five passbands (UBVRI) optical wide-field imaging data accumulated as part of the DEEP Public Survey (DPS) carried out as a public survey by the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) project. Out of the 3 square degrees originally proposed, the survey covers 2.75 square degrees, in at least one band (normally R), and 1.00 square degrees in five passbands. The median seeing, as measured in the final stacked images, is 0.97", ranging from 0.75" to 2.0". The median limiting magnitudes (AB system, 2" aperture, 5 sigma detection limit) are U_(AB)=25.65, B_(AB)=25.54, V_(AB)=25.18, R_(AB) = 24.8 and I_(AB)=24.12 mag, consistent with those proposed in the original survey design. The paper describes the observations and data reduction using the EIS Data Reduction System and its associated EIS/MVM library. The quality of the individual images were inspected, bad images discarded and the remaining used to produce final image stacks in each passband, from which sources have been extracted. Finally, the scientific quality of these final images and associated catalogs was assessed qualitatively by visual inspection and quantitatively by comparison of statistical measures derived from these data with those of other authors as well as model predictions, and from direct comparison with the results obtained from the reduction of the same dataset using an independent (hands-on) software system. Finally to illustrate one application of this survey, the results of a preliminary effort to identify sub-mJy radio sources are reported. To the limiting magnitude reached in the R and I passbands the success rate ranges from 66 to 81% (depending on the fields). These data are publicly available at CDS.Comment: 24 pages, 26 figures. Accepted for pubblication in A&

    The First VLT FORS1 spectra of Lyman-break candidates in the HDF-S and AXAF Deep Field

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    We report on low-resolution multi-object spectroscopy of 30 faint targets (R \~ 24-25) in the HDF-S and AXAF deep field obtained with the VLT Focal Reducer/low dispersion Spectrograph (FORS1). Eight high-redshift galaxies with 2.75< z < 4 have been identified. The spectroscopic redshifts are in good agreement with the photometric ones with a dispersion σz=0.07\sigma_z = 0.07 at z<2 and σz=0.16\sigma_z = 0.16 at z>2. The inferred star formation rates of the individual objects are moderate, ranging from a few to a few tens solar masses per year. Five out of the eight high-z objects do not show prominent emission lines. One object has a spectrum typical of an AGN. In the AXAF field two relatively close pairs of galaxies have been identified, with separations of 8.7 and 3.1 proper Mpc and mean redshifts of 3.11 and 3.93, respectively.Comment: 5 pages Latex, with 2 PostScript figures. Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    A refined stable restriction theorem for vector bundles on quadric threefolds

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    Let E be a stable rank 2 vector bundle on a smooth quadric threefold Q in the projective 4-space P. We show that the hyperplanes H in P for which the restriction of E to the hyperplane section of Q by H is not stable form, in general, a closed subset of codimension at least 2 of the dual projective 4-space, and we explicitly describe the bundles E which do not enjoy this property. This refines a restriction theorem of Ein and Sols [Nagoya Math. J. 96, 11-22 (1984)] in the same way the main result of Coanda [J. reine angew. Math. 428, 97-110 (1992)] refines the restriction theorem of Barth [Math. Ann. 226, 125-150 (1977)].Comment: Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 201

    The XXL Survey VII: A supercluster of galaxies at z=0.43

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    The XXL Survey is the largest homogeneous and contiguous survey carried out with XMM-Newton. Covering an area of 50 square degrees distributed over two fields, it primarily investigates the large-scale structures of the Universe using the distribution of galaxy clusters and active galactic nuclei as tracers of the matter distribution. Given its depth and sky coverage, XXL is particularly suited to systematically unveiling the clustering of X-ray clusters and to identifying superstructures in a homogeneous X-ray sample down to the typical mass scale of a local massive cluster. A friends-of-friends algorithm in three-dimensional physical space was run to identify large-scale structures. In this paper we report the discovery of the highest redshift supercluster of galaxies found in the XXL Survey. We describe the X-ray properties of the clusters members of the structure and the optical follow-up. The newly discovered supercluster is composed of six clusters of galaxies at a median redshift z around 0.43 and distributed across approximately 30 by 15 arc minutes (10 by 5 Mpc on sky) on the sky. This structure is very compact with all the clusters residing in one XMM pointing; for this reason this is the first supercluster discovered with the XXL Survey. Spectroscopic follow-up with WHT (William Herschel Telescope) and NTT (New Technology Telescope) confirmed a median redshift of z = 0.43. An estimate of the X-ray mass and luminosity of this supercluster and of its total gas mass put XLSSC-e at the average mass range of superclusters; its appearance, with two members of equal size, is quite unusual with respect to other superclusters and provides a unique view of the formation process of a massive structure.Comment: A&A, accepted; special XXL issu

    Évaluation des compĂ©tences pratiques en fin de deuxiĂšme cycle des Ă©tudes mĂ©dicales : exemple du drainage du bas appareil urinaire

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    IntroductionLe drainage vĂ©sical peut, mal pratiquĂ©, ĂȘtre iatrogĂšne en se compliquant notamment d’infections et de traumatismes de l’appareil urinaire. Cette Ă©tude a pour objectif de dĂ©terminer la capacitĂ© des Ă©tudiants en mĂ©decine de fin de deuxiĂšme cycle Ă  pratiquer les diffĂ©rents moyens de drainage des urines. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes Entre janvier et mars 2007, un questionnaire d’autoĂ©valuation des compĂ©tences de drainage urinaire a Ă©tĂ© envoyĂ© par mail Ă  un Ă©chantillon reprĂ©sentatif d’étudiants en mĂ©decine en derniĂšre annĂ©e d’externat, soit deux mois avant l’épreuve de l’examen national classant. RĂ©sultats Deux cent soixante-dix-sept rĂ©ponses ont Ă©tĂ© reçues et analysĂ©es. Soixante-douze Ă©tudiants (26 %) jugeaient qu’ils maĂźtrisaient le cathĂ©tĂ©risme urĂ©trovĂ©sical chez l’homme et 106 Ă©tudiants (38,3 %) chez la femme Ă  la fin de leur externat. Soixante et onze Ă©tudiants sur les 277 (25,5 %) avaient effectuĂ© un stage en urologie au cours de leur cursus. Parmi eux, 53,5 % estimaient acquis le sondage Ă  demeure (SAD) chez l’homme (p &lt; 0,001) et 39 (54,9 %) chez la femme (p &lt; 0,001). Soixante-treize Ă©tudiants (26,4 %) estimaient qu’ils maĂźtrisaient le sondage minute d’une femme ou d’un homme et un seul considĂ©rait la pose de cathĂ©ter sus-pubien comme acquis. Conclusion L’apprentissage des gestes de drainage urinaire est enseignĂ© de façon inappropriĂ©e au cours des Ă©tudes mĂ©dicales puisque de jeunes mĂ©decins se sentent incapables de les reproduire au terme de leur externat. Cela est critiquable, car le sondage doit pouvoir ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ© par tous mĂ©decins non urologues dans leur pratique quotidienne, notamment en terrain hospitalier. Cette Ă©tude doit mener Ă  une rĂ©flexion sur l’amĂ©lioration de l’enseignement des gestes pratiques mĂ©dicaux essentiels pendant l’externat

    Vortex matter in superconducting mesoscopic disks: Structure, magnetization, and phase transitions

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    The dense vortex matter structure and associated magnetization are calculated for type-II superconducting mesoscopic disks. The magnetization exhibits generically first-order phase transitions as the number of vortices changes by one and presents two well-defined regimes: A non-monotonous evolution of the magnitude of the magnetization jumps signals the presence of a vortex glass structure which is separated by a second-order phase transition at Hc2H_{c2} from a condensed state of vortices (giant vortex) where the magnitude of the jumps changes monotonously. We compare our results with Hall magnetometry measurements by Geim et al. (Nature 390, 259 (1997)) and claim that the magnetization exhibits clear traces of the presence of these vortex glass states.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
