495 research outputs found

    La recherche biomédicale en Suisse : espace social, discours et pratiques

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    Cette étude porte sur la recherche biomédicale en Suisse dans une perspective interprétative. Elle s'intéresse à l'usage que font les acteurs scientifiques et institutionnels de la catégorie «biomédical», à la signification qu'ils en donnent et aux processus de structuration de la recherche biomédicale autour de ces enjeux de catégorisation. Nous avons formulé l'hypothèse que le «biomédical» pouvait être considéré comme un label, à savoir une stratégie discursive de positionnement des acteurs, ou pouvait constituer un champ, à savoir un espace social de recherche fortement structuré. Pour pouvoir vérifier la validité de ces hypothèses, trois perspectives analytiques ont été retenues: topographie, discours et pratiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons établi une topographie de la recherche biomédicale en repérant les acteurs (et leur appartenance disciplinaire) et les institutions qui s'associent au terme «biomédical», que ce soit pour décrire des institutions ou des projets de recherche. Les résultats de cette analyse offrent une première approximation d'un espace de la recherche en donnant une image d'un domaine peu unifié. Ainsi, l'usage de la catégorie «biomédical» dans les projets des chercheurs n'est pas le fait des seuls médecins et biologistes, mais également de représentants d'autres disciplines. La physique, la chimie et les sciences de l'ingénieur occupent ainsi également une place très importante dans cet espace de recherche. Puis, dans une perspective discursive, nous avons analysé le «biomédical» non seulement comme un label, mais également comme un objet-frontière permettant d'articuler différentes significations, de produire du sens là où des univers de recherche pourraient s'opposer, ou à coordonner des politiques qui ne l'étaient pas. L'analyse des différentes définitions du «biomédical» nous a confirmé l'existence d'un espace social marqué par une grande diversité disciplinaire, toutefois articulé autour d'un coeur médical et, plus particulièrement, d'une application médicale (potentielle ou actuelle). De plus, il ne semble pas y avoir de profondes luttes pour l'établissement de limites claires au «biomédical». Finalement, nous avons étudié les différentes activités de la production des savoirs (carrières, financement, collaboration, publication, etc.). Cette analyse a permis de comprendre que la diversité des définitions et des significations que les acteurs attribuent à la catégorie «biomédical» a aussi un ancrage dans la matérialité des réseaux sociotechniques dans lesquels les chercheurs s'inscrivent. Ces éléments confirment l'idée d'une fragmentation et d'une hétérogénéité de l'espace de la recherche biomédicale. En dépit de cette fragmentation, nous avons également montré que différentes mesures et instruments d'action publique visant à organiser et réguler les pratiques des chercheurs sont mis en oeuvre. Néanmoins et paradoxalement, la recherche biomédicale ne constitue pas pour autant un objet de politique scientifique abordé par les autorités politiques, en tous les cas pas sous l'angle de la catégorie «biomédical». Ces différents niveaux d'analyse ont permis d'arriver à la conclusion que la catégorie «biomédical» n'est pas suffisamment institutionnalisée et que le degré d'interaction entre l'ensemble des chercheurs qui en font usage est trop faible pour que l'on puisse considérer le «biomédical» comme un espace social fortement organisé et structuré, à savoir un champ de la recherche biomédicale. Cela est principalement lié au fait que les acteurs ne partagent pas les mêmes définitions de ce qu'est (ou devrait être) le «biomédical», que leurs pratiques de recherche s'inscrivent dans des univers relativement séparés, et que cette diversité ne donne pas lieu à de fortes luttes pour l'imposition d'une définition légitime ou de normes d'excellence scientifiques dominantes. Par contre, les analyses ont permis de confirmer la validité du «biomédical» comme label, puisque les acteurs se servent de cette catégorie pour valoriser leurs pratiques de recherche et se positionner, même si d'autres notions ont émergé ces dernières années («translationnel», «biotech», «medtech», médecine personnalisée, etc.). On peut, in fine, considérer le «biomédical» comme un probable langage commun («objet-frontière») reposant tant sur la scientificisation du médical que sur la médicalisation des sciences («de base» et «techniques »), visant à améliorer les conditions de possibilité d'un dialogue fructueux entre chercheurs fondamentaux et cliniciens

    Carnets de bord en sciences humaines : genèse, dynamique et fin d'une revue

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    Ce dernier numéro est l'occasion de faire un bilan et d'analyser les raisons qui nous ont conduits à décider de mettre un terme à l'existence d'une revue que nous avons animée pendant près de dix ans. Fidèles à la ligne éditoriale, nous dévoilons les coulisses de la production de Carnets de bord. Chemin faisant, nous nous livrons à un exercice d'auto-analyse susceptible d'éclairer la fragilité de ce genre d'initiatives intellectuelles dans un contexte universitaire où les critères managériaux d'évaluation ont largement gagné du terrain

    Mapping of Dynamic Transcriptome Changes Associated With Silica-Triggered Autoimmune Pathogenesis in the Lupus-Prone NZBWF1 Mouse

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    Crystalline silica (cSiO2) is a widely recognized environmental trigger of autoimmune disease. In the lupus-prone female NZBWF1 mouse, airway exposure to cSiO2 triggers pulmonary ectopic lymphoid neogenesis, systemic autoantibody elevation, and glomerulonephritis. Here we tested the hypothesis that upregulation of adaptive immune function genes in the lung precedes cSiO2-triggering of autoimmune disease in this model. The study include three groups of mice, as follows: (1) necropsied 1 d after a single intranasal instillation of 1 mg cSiO2 or vehicle, (2) necropsied 1 d after four weekly single instillations of 1 mg cSiO2 or vehicle, or (3) necropsied 1, 5, 9, or 13 weeks after four weekly single instillations of 1 mg cSiO2 or vehicle. NanoString nCounter analysis revealed modest transcriptional changes associated with innate and adaptive immune response as early as 1 d after a single cSiO2 instillation. These responses were greatly expanded after four weekly cSiO2 instillations. Concurrent with ectopic lymphoid neogenesis, dramatic increases in mRNAs associated with chemokine release, cytokine production, sustained interferon activity, complement activation, and adhesion molecules were observed. As disease progressed, expression of these genes persisted and was further amplified. Consistent with autoimmune pathogenesis, the time between 5 and 9 weeks post-instillation reflected an important transition period where considerable immune gene upregulation in the lung was observed. Upon termination of the chronic study (13 weeks), cSiO2-induced changes in transcriptome signatures were similarly robust in kidney as compared to the lung, but more modest in spleen. Transcriptomic signatures in lung and kidney were indicative of infiltration and/or expansion of neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, B cells, and T cells that corresponded with accelerated autoimmune pathogenesis. Taken together, airway exposure to cSiO2 elicited aberrant mRNA signatures for both innate and adaptive immunity that were consistent with establishment of the lung as the central autoimmune nexus for launching systemic autoimmunity and ultimately, kidney injury

    Docosahexaenoic Acid Consumption Impedes Early Interferon- and Chemokine-Related Gene Expression While Suppressing Silica-Triggered Flaring of Murine Lupus

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    Exposure of lupus-prone female NZBWF1 mice to respirable crystalline silica (cSiO2), a known human autoimmune trigger, initiates loss of tolerance, rapid progression of autoimmunity, and early onset of glomerulonephritis. We have previously demonstrated that dietary supplementation with the ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) suppresses autoimmune pathogenesis and nephritis in this unique model of lupus flaring. In this report, we utilized tissues from prior studies to test the hypothesis that DHA consumption interferes with upregulation of critical genes associated with cSiO2-triggered murine lupus. A NanoString nCounter platform targeting 770 immune-related genes was used to assess the effects cSiO2 on mRNA signatures over time in female NZBWF1 mice consuming control (CON) diets compared to mice fed diets containing DHA at an amount calorically equivalent to human consumption of 2 g per day (DHA low) or 5 g per day (DHA high). Experimental groups of mice were sacrificed: (1) 1 d after a single intranasal instillation of 1 mg cSiO2 or vehicle, (2) 1 d after four weekly single instillations of vehicle or 1 mg cSiO2, and (3) 1, 5, 9, and 13 weeks after four weekly single instillations of vehicle or 1 mg cSiO2. Genes associated with inflammation as well as innate and adaptive immunity were markedly upregulated in lungs of CON-fed mice 1 d after four weekly cSiO2 doses but were significantly suppressed in mice fed DHA high diets. Importantly, mRNA signatures in lungs of cSiO2-treated CON-fed mice over 13 weeks reflected progressive amplification of interferon (IFN)- and chemokine-related gene pathways. While these responses in the DHA low group were suppressed primarily at week 5, significant downregulation was observed at weeks 1, 5, 9, and 13 in mice fed the DHA high diet. At week 13, cSiO2 treatment of CON-fed mice affected 214 genes in kidney tissue associated with inflammation, innate/adaptive immunity, IFN, chemokines, and antigen processing, mostly by upregulation; however, feeding DHA dose-dependently suppressed these responses. Taken together, dietary DHA intake in lupus-prone mice impeded cSiO2-triggered mRNA signatures known to be involved in ectopic lymphoid tissue neogenesis, systemic autoimmunity, and glomerulonephritis

    Influence of Total Western Diet on Docosahexaenoic Acid Suppression of Silica-Triggered Lupus Flaring in NZBWF1 Mice

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    Lupus is a debilitating multi-organ autoimmune disease clinically typified by periods of flare and remission. Exposing lupus-prone female NZBWF1 mice to crystalline silica (cSiO2), a known human autoimmune trigger, mimics flaring by inducing interferon-related gene (IRG) expression, inflammation, ectopic lymphoid structure (ELS) development, and autoantibody production in the lung that collectively accelerate glomerulonephritis. cSiO2-triggered flaring in this model can be prevented by supplementing mouse diet with the ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). A limitation of previous studies was the use of purified diet that, although optimized for rodent health, does not reflect the high American intake of saturated fatty acid (SFA), ω-6 PUFAs, and total fat. To address this, we employed here a modified Total Western Diet (mTWD) emulating the 50th percentile U.S. macronutrient distribution to discern how DHA supplementation and/or SFA and ω-6 reduction influences cSiO2-triggered lupus flaring in female NZBWF1 mice. Six-week-old mice were fed isocaloric experimental diets for 2 wks, intranasally instilled with cSiO2 or saline vehicle weekly for 4 wks, and tissues assessed for lupus endpoints 11 wks following cSiO2 instillation. In mice fed basal mTWD, cSiO2 induced robust IRG expression, proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine elevation, leukocyte infiltration, ELS neogenesis, and autoantibody production in the lung, as well as early kidney nephritis onset compared to vehicle-treated mice fed mTWD. Consumption of mTWD containing DHA at the caloric equivalent to a human dose of 5 g/day dramatically suppressed induction of all lupus-associated endpoints. While decreasing SFA and ω-6 in mTWD modestly inhibited some disease markers, DHA addition to this diet was required for maximal protection against lupus development. Taken together, DHA supplementation at a translationally relevant dose was highly effective in preventing cSiO2-triggered lupus flaring in NZBWF1 mice, even against the background of a typical Western diet

    Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid Prevents Silica-Induced Development of Pulmonary Ectopic Germinal Centers and Glomerulonephritis in the Lupus-Prone NZBWF1 Mouse

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    Ectopic lymphoid structures (ELS) consist of B-cell and T-cell aggregates that are initiated de novo in inflamed tissues outside of secondary lymphoid organs. When organized within follicular dendritic cell (FDC) networks, ELS contain functional germinal centers that can yield autoantibody-secreting plasma cells and promote autoimmune disease. Intranasal instillation of lupus-prone mice with crystalline silica (cSiO2), a respirable particle linked to human lupus, triggers ELS formation in the lung, systemic autoantibodies, and early onset of glomerulonephritis. Here we tested the hypothesis that consumption of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid with anti-inflammatory properties, influences the temporal profile of cSiO2-induced pulmonary ectopic germinal center formation and development of glomerulonephritis. Female NZBWF1 mice (6-wk old) were fed purified isocaloric diets supplemented with 0, 4, or 10 g/kg DHA - calorically equivalent to 0, 2, or 5 g DHA per day consumption by humans, respectively. Beginning at age 8 wk, mice were intranasally instilled with 1 mg cSiO2, or saline vehicle alone, once per wk, for 4 wk. Cohorts were sacrificed 1, 5, 9, or 13 wk post-instillation (PI) of the last cSiO2 dose, and lung and kidney lesions were investigated by histopathology. Tissue fatty acid analyses confirmed uniform dose-dependent DHA incorporation across all cohorts. As early as 1 wk PI, inflammation comprising of B (CD45R+) and T (CD3+) cell accumulation was observed in lungs of cSiO2-treated mice compared to vehicle controls; these responses intensified over time. Marked follicular dendritic cell (FDC; CD21+/CD35+) networking appeared at 9 and 13 wk PI. IgG+ plasma cells suggestive of mature germinal centers were evident at 13 wk. DHA supplementation dramatically suppressed cSiO2-triggered B-cell, T-cell, FDC, and IgG+ plasma cell appearance in the lungs as well as anti-dsDNA IgG in bronchial lavage fluid and plasma over the course of the experiment. cSiO2 induced glomerulonephritis with concomitant B-cell accumulation in the renal cortex at 13 wk PI but this response was abrogated by DHA feeding. Taken together, realistic dietary DHA supplementation prevented initiation and/or progression of ectopic lymphoid neogenesis, germinal center development, systemic autoantibody elevation, and resultant glomerulonephritis in this unique preclinical model of environment-triggered lupus

    Engineering access to higher education through higher education fairs

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    Text from van Zanten A., Legavre A. “Engineering access to higher education through higher education fairs”, in Goastellec G., Picard F. (ed.) The Roles of Higher Education and Research in the Fabric of Societies, Leuven, Sense Publishers, 2014 (in press). Transition to higher education is a major social process. This transition has been mostly studied by French sociologists of education and higher education from perspectives focusing predominantly on the role of the socio-economic status, academic profiles and different tracks followed by secondary school students (Merle 1996, Duru-Bellat and Kieffer 2008, Convert 2010), and, to a lesser extent, on the types of secondary schools attended (Duru-Bellat and Mingat 1998, Nakhili 2005) and the local higher education provision (Berthet et al. 2010, Orange 2013). Although these structural determinants play a major role in explaining significant regularities, they provide more powerful explanations for individuals representing the extremes of the different variables considered, leaving room for the influence of other major factors for those students in intermediate situations. In addition, even in the case of students occupying extreme positions, structural perspectives better explain the distribution of students between different higher education tracks than they do between institutions and disciplines. In this chapter, we adopt a perspective that we see as complementary to and interacting with the perspective centred on structural determinants by focusing on the role of the devices that mediate the exchanges between students and higher education institutions, and more specifically on one device: higher education fairs. Our purpose in doing so is not only to document how these various devices frame, in ways that remain largely unexplored by researchers, exchanges between providers and consumers of higher education but also to point out – and further explore in future publications – how these devices, and the specific features of fairs, contribute to the reproduction and transformation of educational inequalities in access to higher education (Benninghoff et al. 2012)

    Long-term disturbance dynamics and resilience of tropical peat swamp forests

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    Summary 1.The coastal peat swamp forests of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, are undergoing rapid conversion, predominantly into oil palm plantations. This wetland ecosystem is assumed to have experienced insignificant disturbance in the past, persisting under a single ecologically-stable regime. However, there is limited knowledge of the past disturbance regime, long-term functioning and fundamentally the resilience of this ecosystem to changing natural and anthropogenic perturbations through time. 2. In this study, long-term ecological data sets from three degraded peatlands in Sarawak were collected to shed light on peat swamp forest dynamics. Fossil pollen and charcoal were counted in each sedimentary sequence to reconstruct vegetation and investigate responses to past environmental disturbance, both natural and anthropogenic. 3. Results demonstrate that peat swamp forest taxa have dominated these vegetation profiles throughout the last c. 2000-year period despite the presence of various drivers of disturbance. Evidence for episodes of climatic variability, predominantly linked to ENSO events, and wildfires is present throughout. However, in the last c. 500 years, burning and indicators of human disturbance have elevated beyond past levels at these sites, concurrent with a reduction in peat swamp forest pollen. 4. Two key insights have been gained through this palaeoecological analysis: (i) peat swamp forest vegetation has demonstrated resilience to disturbance caused by burning and climatic variability in Sarawak in the late Holocene, however (ii) coincident with increased fire combined with human impact c. 500 years ago, these communities started to decline. 5. Synthesis. Sarawak's coastal peat swamps have demonstrated resilience to past natural disturbances, with forest vegetation persisting through episodes of fire and climatic variability. However, palaeoecological data presented here suggest that recent, anthropogenic disturbances are of a greater magnitude, causing the observed decline in the peat swamp forest communities in the last c. 500 years and challenging the ecosystem's persistence. This study greatly extends our knowledge of the ecological functioning of these understudied ecosystems, providing baseline information on the past vegetation and its response to disturbance. This understanding is central to developing management strategies that foster resilience in the remaining peat swamp forests and ensure continued provision of services, namely carbon storage, from this globally important ecosystem.</p

    Brace technology thematic series: the dynamic derotation brace

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The dynamic derotation brace (DDB) was designed in Greece in 1982, as a modification of the Boston brace. It is a custom-made, underarm spinal orthosis featuring aluminium blades set to produce derotating and anti-rotating effects on the thorax and trunk of patients with scoliosis. It is indicated for the non-operative correction of most curves, barring the very high thoracic ones, (when the apex vertebra is T5 or above). The purpose of this article is to familiarize physicians with the DDB, analyze the rationale behind its design, and present the published results of its application.</p> <p>Description & Principles</p> <p>The key feature of the DDB is the addition of the aluminium-made derotating blades posteriorly. These function as a force couple, which is added to the side forces exerted by the brace itself. Corrective forces are also directed through pads. One or more of previously proposed pathomechanical models of scoliosis may underline the corrective function of the DDB: it may act directly on the apical intervertebral disc, effecting correction through the Heuter-Volkman principle; the blades may produce an anti-rotatory element against the deforming "spiral composite muscle trunk rotator"; or it may alter the neuro-motor response by constantly providing new somatosensory input to the patient.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on measurements of the Cobb and Perdriolle angles, up to 82% of patients remained stable or improved with the use of the DDB. Results have varied, though, depending on the type/location of the deformity. The overall results showed that 35% of the curves improved, 46% remained stable and 18% became worse, as assessed by measuring the Cobb angle. The DDB has also been shown to improve cosmesis (except for right thoracic curves) and leave several aspects of patient quality of life unaffected during use.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Conservative treatment of idiopathic scoliosis using the DDB has shown favorable results. Thoracic curves appear more resistant to both angular and rotatory correction. The published outcome data on the DDB support our belief that the incorporation of aluminium blades to other orthoses would likely improve their efficacy.</p