110 research outputs found

    Landslides, threshold slopes and the survival of relict terrain in the wake of the Mendocino Triple Junction

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    Establishing landscape response to uplift is critical for interpreting sediment fluxes, hazard potential, and topographic evolution. We assess how landslides shape terrain in response to a wave of uplift traversing the northern California Coast Ranges (United States) in the wake of the Mendocino Triple Junction. We extracted knickpoints, landslide erosion rates, and topographic metrics across the region modified by Mendocino Triple Junction migration. Landslide erosion rates mapped from aerial imagery are consistent with modeled uplift and exhumation, while hillslope gradient is invariant across the region, suggesting that landslides accommodate uplift, as predicted by the threshold slope model. Landslides are concentrated along steepened channel reaches downstream of knickpoints generated by base-level fall at channel outlets, and limit slope angles and relief. We find evidence that landslide-derived coarse sediment delivery may suppress catchment-wide channel incision and landscape denudation over the time required for the uplift wave to traverse the region. We conclude that a landslide cover effect may provide a mechanism for the survival of relict terrain and orogenic relief in the northern Californian Coast Ranges and elsewhere over millennial time scales

    Widespread initiation, reactivation, and acceleration of landslides in the northern California Coast Ranges due to extreme rainfall

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    Episodically to continuously active slow‐moving landslides are driven by precipitation. Climate change, which is altering both the frequency and magnitude of precipitation worldwide, is therefore predicted to have a major impact on landslides. Here we examine the behavior of hundreds of slow‐moving landslides in northern California in response to large changes in annual precipitation that occurred between 2016 and 2018. We quantify the landslide displacement using repeat‐pass radar interferometry and pixel offset tracking techniques on a novel dataset from the airborne NASA/JPL Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar. We found that 312 landslides were moving due to extreme rainfall during 2017, compared to 119 during 2016, which was the final year of a historic multi‐year drought. However, with a return to below‐average rainfall in 2018, only 146 landslides remained in motion. The increased number of landslides during 2017 was primarily accommodated by landslides that were smaller than the landslides that remained active between 2016 and 2018. Furthermore, by examining a subset of 51 landslides, we found that 49 had increased velocities during 2017 when compared to 2016. Our results show that slow‐moving landslides are sensitive to large changes in annual precipitation, particularly the smaller and thinner landslides that likely experience larger basal pore‐water pressure changes. Based on climate model predictions for the next century in California, which include increases in average annual precipitation and increases in the frequency of dry‐to‐wet extremes, we hypothesize that there will be an overall increase in landslide activity

    Beyond the angle of repose: A review and synthesis of landslide processes in response to rapid uplift, Eel River, Northern California

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    In mountainous settings, increases in rock uplift are often followed by a commensurate uptick in denudation as rivers incise and steepen hillslopes, making them increasingly prone to landsliding as slope angles approach a limiting value. For decades, the threshold slope model has been invoked to account for landslide-driven increases in sediment flux that limit topographic relief, but the manner by which slope failures organize themselves spatially and temporally in order for erosion to keep pace with rock uplift has not been well documented. Here, we review past work and present new findings from remote sensing, cosmogenic radionuclides, suspended sediment records, and airborne lidar data, to decipher patterns of landslide activity and geomorphic processes related to rapid uplift along the northward-migrating Mendocino Triple Junction in Northern California. From historical air photos and airborne lidar, we estimated the velocity and sediment flux associated with active, slow-moving landslides (or earthflows) in the mĂ©lange- and argillite-dominated Eel River watershed using the downslope displacement of surface markers such as trees and shrubs. Although active landslides that directly convey sediment into the channel network account for only 7% of the landscape surface, their sediment flux amounts to more than 50% of the suspended load recorded at downstream sediment gaging stations. These active slides tend to exhibit seasonal variations in velocity as satellite-based interferometry has demonstrated that rapid acceleration commences within 1 to 2 months of the onset of autumn rainfall events before slower deceleration ensues in the spring and summer months. Curiously, this seasonal velocity pattern does not appear to vary with landslide size, suggesting that complex hydrologic–mechanical feedbacks (rather than 1-D pore pressure diffusion) may govern slide dynamics. A new analysis of 14 yrs of discharge and sediment concentration data for the Eel River indicates that the characteristic mid-winter timing of earthflow acceleration corresponds with increased suspended concentration values, suggesting that the seasonal onset of landslide motion each year may be reflected in the export of sediments to the continental margin. The vast majority of active slides exhibit gullied surfaces and the gully networks, which are also seasonally active, may facilitate sediment export although the proportion of material produced by this pathway is poorly known. Along Kekawaka Creek, a prominent tributary to the Eel River, new analyses of catchment-averaged erosion rates derived from cosmogenic radionuclides reveal rapid erosion (0.76 mm/yr) below a prominent knickpoint and slower erosion (0.29 mm/yr) upstream. Such knickpoints are frequently observed in Eel tributaries and are usually comprised of massive (> 10 m) interlocking resistant boulders that likely persist in the landscape for long periods of time (> 105 yr). Upstream of these knickpoints, active landslides tend to be less frequent and average slope angles are slightly gentler than in downstream areas, which indicates that landslide density and average slope angle appear to increase with erosion rate. Lastly, we synthesize evidence for the role of large, catastrophic landslides in regulating sediment flux and landscape form. The emergence of resistant blocks within the mĂ©lange bedrock has promoted large catastrophic slides that have dammed the Eel River and perhaps generated outburst events in the past. The frequency and impact of these landslide dams likely depend on the spatial and size distributions of resistant blocks relative to the width and drainage area of adjacent valley networks. Overall, our findings demonstrate that landslides within the Eel River catchment do not occur randomly, but instead exhibit spatial and temporal patterns related to baselevel lowering, climate forcing, and lithologic variations. Combined with recent landscape evolution models that incorporate landslides, these results provide predictive capability for estimating erosion rates and managing hazards in mountainous regions

    Multi-event assessment of typhoon-triggered landslide susceptibility in the Philippines

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    There is a clear need to improve and update landslide susceptibility models across the Philippines. This is challenging, as landslides in this region are frequently triggered by temporally and spatially disparate typhoon events, and it remains unclear whether such spatially and/or temporally distinct typhoon events cause similar landslide responses, i.e. whether the landslide susceptibility for one typhoon event is similar for another. Here, we use logistic regression to develop four landslide susceptibility models based on three typhoon-triggered landslide inventories for the 2009 Typhoon Parma (local name Typhoon Pepeng), the 2018 Typhoon Mangkhut (local name Typhoon Ompong), and the 2019 Typhoon Kammuri (local name Typhoon Tisoy)

    The role of geomorphology, rainfall and soil moisture in the occurrence of landslides triggered by 2018 Typhoon Mangkhut in the Philippines

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    In 2018 Typhoon Mangkhut (locally known as Typhoon Ompong) triggered thousands of landslides in the Itogon region of the Philippines. A landslide inventory of the affected region is compiled for the first time, comprising 1101 landslides over a 570 km2 area. The inventory is used to study the geomorphological characteristics and land cover more prone to landsliding as well as the hydrometeorological conditions that led to widespread failure. The results showed that landslides mostly occurred on grassland and wooded slopes of clay superficial geology, predominantly facing eastsoutheast. Rainfall (Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement, IMERG GPM) associated with Typhoon Mangkhut is compared with 33 highintensity rainfall events that did not trigger regional landslide events in 2018. Results show that landslides occurred during high-intensity rainfall that coincided with the highest soil moisture values (estimated clays saturation point), according to Soil Moisture Active Passive level 4 (SMAP-L4) data. Our results demonstrate the potential of SMAP-L4 and GPM IMERG data for landslide hazard assessment and early warning where ground-based data are scarce. However, other rainfall events in the months leading up to Typhoon Mangkhut that had similar or higher rainfall intensities and also occurred when soils were saturated did not trigger widespread landsliding, highlighting the need for further research into the conditions that trigger landslides in typhoons

    Smart sensors to detect movements of cobbles and large woody debris dams. Insights from lab experiments.

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    An increase in population pressure and severe storms under climate change have greatly impacted landslide and flood hazards globally. At the same time, recent advances in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, microelectronics and machine learning offer new opportunities to effectively monitor stability of boulder and woody debris on landslides and in flood-prone rivers. In this framework, smart sensors embedded in elements within the landslide body and the river catchment can be potentially used for monitoring purposes and for developing early warning systems. This is because they are small, light-weight, and able to collect different environmental data with low battery consumption and communicate to a server through a wireless connection. However, their reliability still needs to be evaluated. As data from field sites could be fragmented, laboratory experiments are essential to validate sensor data and see their potential in a controlled environment. In the present study, dedicated laboratory experiments were designed to assess the ability of a tag equipped with an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a magnetometer to detect movements in two different settings. In the first experimental campaign, the tag was installed inside a cobble of 10.0 cm diameter within a borehole of 4.0 cm diameter. The experiments consisted in letting the cobble fall on an experimental table composed of an inclined plane of 1.5 m, followed by a horizontal one of 2.0 m. The inclined plane can be tilted at different angles (18˚- 55˚) and different types of movement have been generated by letting the cobble roll, bounce, or slide. Sliding was generated by embedding the cobble within a layer of sand. The position of the cobble travelling down the slope was derived from camera videos by a tracking algorithm developed within the study. In the second experimental campaign, a simplified analogue model of a woody debris dam was built from a single hollowed dowel with a length of 40 cm and a diameter of 3.8 cm. The sensor tag is installed in the woody dowel within a 2.5 cm longitudinal borehole. Two metal rigs are mounted at both sides of the woody dowel to allow different modes of movement. Specifically, the woody dowel is allowed to move either horizontally or vertically within a range of 20-30 mm, whereas it is always free to complete full rotations. The woody dowel is mounted on a frame within a 20 m long and 0.6 m wide flume. In these two experimental settings, combining data from the accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer it was possible to detect movements and differentiate between different type of motions both in a woody dowel and in the cobble under different initial conditions. Data were analysed to understand which type of information could be retrieved. This gives important insights for the assessment of the feasibility and effectiveness of the use of smart sensors in the detection of movements in woody logs within dams and boulders embedded in landslides, thus providing indications for the development of early warning systems using this innovative technology

    The role of infrequently mobile boulders in modulating landscape evolution and geomorphic hazards

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    A landscape’s sediment grain size distribution is the product of, and an important influence on, earth surface processes and landscape evolution. Grains can be large enough that the motion of a single grain, infrequently mobile in size-selective transport systems, constitutes or triggers significant geomorphic change. We define these grains as boulders. Boulders affect landscape evolution; their dynamics and effects on landscape form have been the focus of substantial recent community effort. We review progress on five key questions related to how boulders influence the evolution of unglaciated, eroding landscapes: 1) What factors control boulder production on eroding hillslopes and the subsequent downslope evolution of the boulder size distribution? 2) How do boulders influence hillslope processes and long-term hillslope evolution? 3) How do boulders influence fluvial processes and river channel shape? 4) How do boulder-mantled channels and hillslopes interact to set the long-term form and evolution of boulder-influenced landscapes? 5) How do boulders contribute to geomorphic hazards, and how might improved understanding of boulder dynamics be used for geohazard mitigation? Boulders are produced on eroding hillslopes by landsliding, rockfall, and/or exhumation through the critical zone. On hillslopes dominated by local sediment transport, boulders affect hillslope soil production and transport processes such that the downslope boulder size distribution sets the form of steady-state hillslopes. Hillslopes dominated by nonlocal sediment transport are less likely to exhibit boulder controls on hillslope morphology as boulders are rapidly transported to the hillslope toe. Downslope transport delivers boulders to eroding rivers where the boulders act as large roughness elements that change flow hydraulics and the efficiency of erosion and sediment transport. Over longer timescales, river channels adjust their geometry to accommodate the boulders supplied from adjacent hillslopes such that rivers can erode at the baselevel fall rate given their boulder size distribution. The delivery of boulders from hillslopes to channels, paired with the channel response to boulder delivery, drives channel-hillslope feedbacks that affect the transient evolution and steady-state form of boulder-influenced landscapes. At the event scale, boulder dynamics in eroding landscapes represent a component of geomorphic hazards that can be mitigated with an improved understanding of the rates and processes associated with boulder production and mobility. Opportunities for future work primarily entail field-focused data collection across gradients in landscape boundary conditions (tectonics, climate, and lithology) with the goal of understanding boulder dynamics as one component of landscape self-organization

    Untangling the controls on bedload transport in a wood‐loaded river with RFID tracers and linear mixed modelling

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    Bedload transport is a fundamental process by which coarse sediment is transferred through landscapes by river networks and may be well described stochastically by distributions of grain step length and rest time obtained through tracer studies. To date, none of these published tracer studies have specifically investigated the influence of large wood in the river channel on sediment transport dynamics, limiting the applicability of stochastic sediment transport models in these settings. Large wood is a major component of many forested rivers and is increasing due to anthropogenic ‘Natural Flood Management’ (NFM) practices. This study aims to investigate and model the influence of large wood on grain-scale bedload transport. We tagged 957 cobble – pebble sized particles (D50 = 73 mm) and 28 pieces of large wood (> 1 m in length) with RFID tracers in an alpine mountain stream. We monitored the transport distance of tracers annually over three years, building distributions of tracer transport distances with which to compare with published distributions from wood free settings. We also applied linear mixed modelling (LMM), to tease out the influence of wood from other controls on likelihood of entrainment, deposition, and the transport distances of sediments. Tracer sediments accumulated both up and downstream of large wood pieces, with LMM analysis confirming a reduction in the probability of entrainment of tracers closer to wood in all three years. Upon remobilisation, tracers entrained from positions closer to large wood had shorter subsequent transport distances in each year. In 2019, large wood also had a trapping effect, significantly reducing the transport distances of tracer particles entrained from upstream, i.e. forcing premature deposition of tracers. This study demonstrates the role of large wood in influencing bedload transport in alpine stream environments, with implications for both natural and anthropogenic addition of wood debris in fluvial environments
