4,250 research outputs found

    Asymptotic inference for a stochastic differential equation with uniformly distributed time delay

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    For affine stochastic differential equation with uniformly distributed time delay the local asymptotic properties of the likelihood function are studied. Local asymptotic normality, local asymptotic mixed normality, periodic local asymptotic mixed normality or local asymptotic quadraticity is proved for different values of the parameter. Applications to the asymptotic behaviour of the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter based on continuous sample are given

    Lucretia - intersection type polymorphism for scripting languages

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    Scripting code may present maintenance problems in the long run. There is, then, the call for methodologies that make it possible to control the properties of programs written in dynamic languages in an automatic fashion. We introduce Lucretia, a core language with an introspection primitive. Lucretia is equipped with a (retrofitted) static type system based on local updates of types that describe the structure of objects being used. In this way, we deal with one of the most dynamic features of scripting languages, that is, the runtime modification of object interfaces. Judgements in our systems have a Hoare-like shape, as they have a precondition and a postcondition part. Preconditions describe static approximations of the interfaces of visible objects before a certain expression has been executed and postconditions describe them after its execution. The field update operation complicates the issue of aliasing in the system. We cope with it by introducing intersection types in method signatures.Comment: In Proceedings ITRS 2014, arXiv:1503.0437

    The Learning Regions (preface)

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    Business plan of vegetarian lifestyle online shop Green Bean in Latvia

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    The purpose of this document is to present innovative business plan in the field of vegetarianism which is rapidly growing and currently underdeveloped market in Latvia. The idea of family business is to create vegetarian lifestyle online shop with the goal to provide wide range of vegetarian products, inspire in vegetarian cooking, help in meeting other vegetarians as well as inform and give advices about vegetarian lifestyle in Latvia. The methodology used in development of this business plan is the analysis of historical roots of vegetarianism, research about latest trends in customers’ lifestyles and eating and shopping habits under the influence of current economic crisis situation. Research also explores main reasons for people becoming vegetarian. For acquiring more specific and local trends about vegetarianism - online survey was performed with more than 350 vegetarian respondents. The analysis of data and the conclusions drawn about eating and shopping habits of Latvian vegetarians were applied in different business development tools – PESTS, TOWS, IFE, EFE matrixes as well as 7P’s marketing mix – in order to determine main target audience, product assortment, price level, corporate and business strategies as well as marketing techniques of the vegetarian online shop. According to the results of the analysis the intense growth and focus strategies were chosen for the company’s development. The positioning – highly interactive provider of wide range of vegetarian products. As a final point, implementation procedures and financial perspective is presented with positive NPV and IRR ratio highly exceeding discount rate which proves that business plan is financially beneficial.O propósito deste documento é apresentar um plano de negócio inovador no campo do vegetarianismo o qual está em rápido crescimento e o seu mercado, actualmente, ainda em desenvolvimento na Letónia. A ideia de negócio de família é de criar uma loja de estilo de vida vegetariano online com o objectivo de disponibilizar uma ampla gama de produtos vegetarianos, inspirado na culinária vegetariana, apoio para conhecer outros vegetarianos assim como informar e dar conselhos sobre o estilo de vida vegetariano na Letónia. A metodologia usada no desenvolvimento deste plano de negócio é a análise das raízes históricas do vegetarianismo, pesquisa sobre as últimas tendências de estilos de vida, dos hábitos alimentares e de consumo dos clientes, sob a influência da actual situação de crise económica no mundo e também na Letónia. A pesquisa também explora, as principais razões, pelas quais, as pessoas se tornam vegetarianas. Para obter mais informações relativas a tendências locais e específicas sobre o vegetarianismo - foram realizadas sondagens online a mais de 350 vegetarianos. A análise dos dados e das conclusões retiradas sobre os hábitos alimentares e de consumo dos Letões vegetarianos foi aplicada em ferramentas de desenvolvimento – matrizes PEST, TOWS, IFE, EFE assim como os 7 P´s do marketing mix – com ordem a determinar o principal público-alvo, selecção de produto, nível de preço, estratégias empresariais e de negócio, assim como técnicas de marketing da loja vegetariana online. De acordo com os resultados da análise, o intenso crescimento e as estratégias focalizadas foram escolhidas para o desenvolvimento da empresa. O posicionamento - fornecedor altamente interactivo de uma ampla gama de produtos vegetarianos. Como etapa final, procedimentos de implementação e perspectiva financeira são apresentados com NPV positivo e o rácio IRR excedendo largamente os valores de desconto que provam que o plano de negócio é financeiramente vantajoso

    The Śūdrācāraśiromani of Krsna Śesa: A 16Th Century Manual of Dharma for Śūdras

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    From the fourteenth to the seventeenth century C.E., a śāstra of a new type on the topic of Śūdras was composed and circulated among Dharmaśāstrins. These śūdradharma texts were primarily concerned with the ritual life of Śūdras—the rites, sacraments, and forms of religious knowledge to which they were entitled in śruti and smr&#;ti. But they also included expositions on the generation of Śūdra jātis according to the theory of varn&#;asankara and descriptions of the ways of life and occupations of Śūdras. This is a study and translation of one of these texts, the Śūdrācāraśiroman&#;i of Kr&#;s&#;n&#;a Śes&#;a, among the most brilliant and eminent pan&#;d&#;its of late medieval Sanskrit, celebrated as both grammarian and poet. In the series of essays that accompany the translation, I analyze the text and piece together the fragmentary evidence for its date and authorship. Śūdradharma texts were one response of the Brahmin intellectual elite to the challenges to traditional dharma and dominance arising from the changing socio-economic conditions of Sultanate and Mughal India. They represent a shift in Dharmashastric discourse from the ritual exclusion of Śūdras as the sign of their social subjection to fuller integration into the Brahmanical fold. As an effort to deepen the ritual regulation of low castes in a time of and caste instability and anxiety (the improved but precarious class position of many Śūdras) and social ferment (the Bhakti movements) they were adjunct to a more general reassessment of varn&#;&#;a and the identity and place of Brahmins and Ks&#;atriyas. Śūdradharma texts like the Śūdrācāraśiroman&#;i preserve the Vedic privilege and ritual primacy of Brahmins while adjusting to the new realities of caste by the qualified inclusion of sat, i.e., “good” Śūdras as a new client base for ritual services. The Śūdrācāraśiroman&#;i was composed in typical nibandha style, but in the form of a concise and comprehensive handbook for Brahmins to instruct and guide Śūdras in their daily ritual life