156 research outputs found

    Trio-One: Layering Uncertainty and Lineage on a Conventional DBMS

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    Trio is a new kind of database system that supports data, uncertainty, and lineage in a fully integrated manner. The first Trio prototype, dubbed Trio-One, is built on top of a conventional DBMS using data and query translation techniques together with a small number of stored procedures. This paper describes Trio-One's translation scheme and system architecture, showing how it efficiently and easily supports the Trio data model and query language

    Pneumatose kystique intestinale rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e par une stĂ©nose d’une anastomose gastrojĂ©junale : Ă  propos d’un cas

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    La pneumatose kystique intestinale est la prĂ©sence de bulles gazeuses dans la paroi et les sĂ©reuses du tube digestif. Il s'agit d'une pathologie bĂ©nigne, rare, de diagnostic radiologique et de traitement mĂ©dical. Nous rapportons le cas d'un homme ĂągĂ© de 42ans, opĂ©rĂ© il y a 6ans pour une stĂ©nose du bulbe duodĂ©nal d'origine ulcĂ©reuse, il avait bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d'une gastro-entĂ©ro-anastomose avec bivagotomie tronculaire. Il a Ă©tĂ© hospitalisĂ© pour des vomissements associĂ©s Ă  des Ă©pigastralgies. le patient a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d'une fibroscopie oeso-gastro-duodĂ©nale qui a trouvĂ© une stase gastrique gĂȘnant toute exploration, ce qui a conduit Ă  la rĂ©alisation d'une tomodensitomĂ©trie abdominale qui a objectivĂ© un Ă©norme estomac de stase en amont d'une stĂ©nose de l'anastomose gastro jĂ©junale, une pneumatose kystique intestinale et un pneumopĂ©ritoine. Le patient a Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ© et l'exploration a trouvĂ© une ascite, un volumineux estomac de stase et des adhĂ©rences entre le grĂȘle et le colon droit, siĂšges de la pneumatose, provoquant un tour de spire (volvulus) de l'ancienne anastomose gastro-jĂ©junale. L'estomac Ă©tait atone. Une gastrectomie des 2/3 emportant l'ancienne anastomose suivie d'une anastomose type Finsterer manuelle a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. Les suites post opĂ©ratoires Ă©taient simples. La pneumatose kystique intestinale est une affection bĂ©nigne, de diagnostic radiologique. Le scanner permet d'Ă©tudier la diffusion des gaz dans les sĂ©reuses digestives. Son traitement est habituellement mĂ©dical alors que ses complications peuvent relever d'un traitement chirurgical comme pour notre patient.Key words: Pneumatose kystique intestinale, stĂ©nose, anastomose gastro jĂ©junale, gastrectomie, gastrectomi

    ERBlox: Combining Matching Dependencies with Machine Learning for Entity Resolution

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    Entity resolution (ER), an important and common data cleaning problem, is about detecting data duplicate representations for the same external entities, and merging them into single representations. Relatively recently, declarative rules called matching dependencies (MDs) have been proposed for specifying similarity conditions under which attribute values in database records are merged. In this work we show the process and the benefits of integrating three components of ER: (a) Classifiers for duplicate/non-duplicate record pairs built using machine learning (ML) techniques, (b) MDs for supporting both the blocking phase of ML and the merge itself; and (c) The use of the declarative language LogiQL -an extended form of Datalog supported by the LogicBlox platform- for data processing, and the specification and enforcement of MDs.Comment: To appear in Proc. SUM, 201

    Equivalence-Invariant Algebraic Provenance for Hyperplane Update Queries

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    The algebraic approach for provenance tracking, originating in the semiring model of Green et. al, has proven useful as an abstract way of handling metadata. Commutative Semirings were shown to be the "correct" algebraic structure for Union of Conjunctive Queries, in the sense that its use allows provenance to be invariant under certain expected query equivalence axioms. In this paper we present the first (to our knowledge) algebraic provenance model, for a fragment of update queries, that is invariant under set equivalence. The fragment that we focus on is that of hyperplane queries, previously studied in multiple lines of work. Our algebraic provenance structure and corresponding provenance-aware semantics are based on the sound and complete axiomatization of Karabeg and Vianu. We demonstrate that our construction can guide the design of concrete provenance model instances for different applications. We further study the efficient generation and storage of provenance for hyperplane update queries. We show that a naive algorithm can lead to an exponentially large provenance expression, but remedy this by presenting a normal form which we show may be efficiently computed alongside query evaluation. We experimentally study the performance of our solution and demonstrate its scalability and usefulness, and in particular the effectiveness of our normal form representation

    Visual recognition of gestures in a meeting to detect when documents being talked about are missing

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    Meetings frequently involve discussion of documents and can be significantly affected if a document is absent. An agent system capable of spontaneously retrieving a document at the point it is needed would have to judge whether a meeting is talking about a particular document and whether that document is already present. We report the exploratory application of agent techniques for making these two judgements. To obtain examples from which an agent system can learn, we first conducted a study of participants making these judgements with video recordings of meetings. We then show that interactions between hands and paper documents in meetings can be used to recognise when a document being talked about is not to hand. The work demonstrates the potential for multimodal agent systems using these techniques to learn to perform specific, discourse-level tasks during meetings

    Les invaginations intestinales chez l’adulte : A propos de 19 cas

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    Le cathĂ©tĂ©risme veineux central occupe une place considĂ©rable dans le traitement de l’insuffisance rĂ©nale terminale dans l’attente de la crĂ©ation d’une fistule artĂ©rio-veineuse. Cependant il n’est pas dĂ©nuĂ© de complications. Nous rapportons un cas de pneumomĂ©diastin tardif rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par un ƓdĂšme aigu du poumon chez une jeune patiente en hĂ©modialyse, et nous discutons ses particularitĂ©s. L'invagination intestinale est une affection rare chez l’adulte. Elle conduit le plus souvent Ă  la dĂ©couverte d’une cause organique pouvant ĂȘtre tumorale. Le but de notre travail est de dĂ©gager les particularitĂ©s Ă©pidĂ©miologiques diagnostiques et thĂ©rapeutiques de cette affection; Ă  travers une Ă©tude descriptive rĂ©trospective, ayant portĂ©e sur 19 cas d'invagination intestinale de l'adulte opĂ©rĂ©s dans le service des Urgences Chirurgicales ViscĂ©rales du CHU Hassan II de FĂšs du 1er janvier 2009 au Mars 2016.La douleur abdominale Ă©tait prĂ©sente chez tous les patients; L'Ă©chographie abdominale pratiquĂ©e chez neuf patients; elle a montrĂ© une image en cocarde dans cinq cas, une  masse abdominale dans un cas,  et un Ă©paississement grĂ©lique pour un seul patient. La tomodensitomĂ©trie abdominale faite chez 15 patients a objectivĂ© l’invagination intestinale dans tous les cas.Le traitement chirurgical a Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ© chez 18 patients; il a permis de faire la rĂ©section des segments intestinaux invaginĂ© dans 16 cas opĂ©rĂ©s (87,5%). Le rĂ©sultat anatomopathologique de la piĂšce de rĂ©section a retrouvĂ© une cause organique de l’invagination dans 17 cas (89,47%).L’invagination intestinale chez l’adulte est souvent secondaire Ă  une lĂ©sion organique : tumorale ou inflammatoire. Elle se caractĂ©rise par son polymorphisme clinique. Il s’agit essentiellement de phĂ©nomĂšnes subocclusifs Ă  rĂ©pĂ©tition. Concernant le traitement de l’invagination intestinale de l’adulte, la rĂ©section du segment invaginĂ© est toujours nĂ©cessaire car dans 80% des cas, cette affection est secondaire Ă  une lĂ©sion organique qui doit ĂȘtre traitĂ©e
