1,606 research outputs found

    Instability and noise-induced thermalization of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence in the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation

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    We investigate the spontaneous growth of noise that accompanies the nonlinear evolution of seeded modulation instability into Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence. Results from the Floquet linear stability analysis of periodic solutions of the three-wave truncation are compared with full numerical solutions of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. The predicted initial stage of noise growth is in good agreement with simulations, and is expected to provide further insight in the subsequent dynamics of the field evolution after recurrence breakup

    Dear Future Researcher: Reflections on COVID-19

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    Bistability in an injection locked two color laser with dual injection

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    A two color Fabry-Perot laser subjected to optical injection in both modes is examined experimentally and theoretically. The theoretical analysis predicts a bistability between locked states due to a swallow-tail bifurcation, which is unique to the dual injection system. This bistability is confirmed experimentally and used as the basis for an all optical memory element with switching times below 500 ps. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. (doi: 10.1063/1.3605584

    Pulsed Quantum Frequency Combs from an Actively Mode-locked Intra-cavity Generation Scheme

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    We introduce an intra-cavity actively mode-locked excitation scheme for nonlinear microring resonators that removes the need for external laser excitation in the generation of pulsed two-photon frequency combs. We found a heralded anti-bunching dip of 0.245 and maximum coincidence-to-accidental ratio of 110 for the generated photon pairs

    On-chip Quantum State Generation by Means of Integrated Frequency Combs

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    Summary form only given. This paper investigates different approaches to generate optical quantum states by means of integrated optical frequency combs. These include the generation of multiplexed heralded single-photons, the first realization of cross-polarized photon-pairs on a photonic chip, the first generation of multiple two-photon entangled states, and the first realizations of multi-photon entangled quantum states on a photonic chip

    Generation of Complex Quantum States Via Integrated Frequency Combs

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    The generation of optical quantum states on an integrated platform will enable low cost and accessible advances for quantum technologies such as secure communications and quantum computation. We demonstrate that integrated quantum frequency combs (based on high-Q microring resonators made from a CMOS-compatible, high refractive-index glass platform) can enable, among others, the generation of heralded single photons, cross-polarized photon pairs, as well as bi- and multi-photon entangled qubit states over a broad frequency comb covering the S, C, L telecommunications band, constituting an important cornerstone for future practical implementations of photonic quantum information processing

    Femtosecond laser fabrication of micro and nano-disks in single layer graphene using vortex Bessel beams

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    International audienceWe report the fabrication of micro and nano-disks in single layer chemical vapor deposition graphene on glass substrate using femtosecond laser ablation with vortex Bessel beams. The fabricated graphene disks with diameters ranging from 650 nm to 4 μm were characterized by spatially resolved micro-Raman spectroscopy. The variation of ablation threshold was investigated as a function of the number of pulses showing an incubation effect. A very high degree of size control of the fabricated graphene disks is enabled using a sequence of femtosecond pulses with different vortex orders

    Etudes expérimentales et numériques des instabilités non-linéaires et des vagues scélérates optiques

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    Ces travaux de thèse rapportent l étude des instabilités non-linéaires et des évènements extrêmesse développant lors de la propagation guidée d un champ électromagnétique au sein de fibresoptiques. Après un succinct rappel des divers processus linéaires et non-linéaires menant à lagénération de super continuum optique, nous montrons que le spectre de celui-ci peut présenterde larges fluctuations, incluant la formation d événements extrêmes, dont les propriétés statistiqueset l analogie avec les vagues scélérates hydrodynamiques sont abordées en détail. Nous présentonsune preuve de principe de l application de ces fluctuations spectrales à la génération de nombres etde marches aléatoires et identifions le phénomène d instabilité de modulation, ayant lieu lors de laphase initiale d expansion spectrale du super continuum, comme principale contribution à la formationd événements extrêmes. Ce mécanisme est étudié numériquement et analytiquement, en considérantune catégorie de solutions exactes de l équation de Schrödinger non-linéaire présentant descaractéristiques de localisations singulières. Les résultats obtenus sont vérifiés expérimentalement,notamment grâce à un système de caractérisation spectrale en temps réel et à l utilisation conjointede métriques statistiques innovantes (ex : cartographie de corrélations spectrales). L excellent accordentre simulations et expériences a permis de valider les prédictions théoriques et d accéder àune meilleure compréhension des dynamiques complexes inhérentes à la propagation non-linéaired impulsions optiques.This thesis reports the study of nonlinear instabilities and extreme events occurring during the guidedpropagation of an electromagnetic field into optical fibers. After a short overview of the various linearand nonlinear processes leading to optical supercontinuum generation, we show that its spectrumcan exhibit large fluctuations, including the formation of extreme events, whose statistical propertiesas well as hydrodynamic rogue waves analogy are studied in detail. We provide a proof of principle ofusing these spectral fluctuations for random number and random walk generation and identify modulationinstability, associated with the onset phase of supercontinuum spectral broadening, as themain phenomenon leading to extreme event formation. This mechanism is studied both numericallyand analytically, considering a class of exact solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger equation which exhibitsingular localization characteristics. The results are experimentally verified, especially througha real-time spectral characterization system along with the use of innovative statistical metrics (e.g.spectral correlation maps). The excellent agreement between simulations and experiments allowedus to validate the theoretical predictions and get further insight into the complex dynamics associatedto nonlinear optical pulse propagation.BESANCON-Bib. Electronique (250560099) / SudocSudocFranceF
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