276 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Career and Technology Student Organizations (CTSOs) in Texas

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which public school administrators believe that Career and Technology Student Organizations (CTSOs) are providing students the necessary skills for employability and academic success. Objectives focused on whether CTSOs are effective in developing students’ leadership skills, keeping them engaged in school, developing technical skills, and improving academic achievement. School administrators were surveyed via the internet. A 28% response rate was achieved. Ninety-two percent of respondents indicated that their school offered students the opportunity to participate in CTSO activities. Administrators indicated that the FFA was the CTSO that was either most effective or second most effective in teaching leadership skills, keeping students engaged in school, improving technical skills, and improving academic achievement. HOSA and Skills USA also were consistent in being among the top three CTSOs that were effective in providing one of the four characteristics. Considering 80 percent as a benchmark, administrators perceived CTSOs very favorably as being either mostly effective or very effective in meeting students’ needs

    Strong-field physics with mid-IR fields

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    Strong-field physics is currently experiencing a shift towards the use of mid-IR driving wavelengths. This is because they permit conducting experiments unambiguously in the quasi-static regime and enable exploiting the effects related to ponderomotive scaling of electron recollisions. Initial measurements taken in the mid-IR immediately led to a deeper understanding of photo-ionization and allowed a discrimination amongst different theoretical models. Ponderomotive scaling of rescattering has enabled new avenues towards time resolved probing of molecular structure. Essential for this paradigm shift was the convergence of two experimental tools: 1) intense mid-IR sources that can create high energy photons and electrons while operating within the quasi-static regime, and 2) detection systems that can detect the generated high energy particles and image the entire momentum space of the interaction in full coincidence. Here we present a unique combination of these two essential ingredients, namely a 160\~kHz mid-IR source and a reaction microscope detection system, to present an experimental methodology that provides an unprecedented three-dimensional view of strong-field interactions. The system is capable of generating and detecting electron energies that span a six order of magnitude dynamic range. We demonstrate the versatility of the system by investigating electron recollisions, the core process that drives strong-field phenomena, at both low (meV) and high (hundreds of eV) energies. The low energy region is used to investigate recently discovered low-energy structures, while the high energy electrons are used to probe atomic structure via laser-induced electron diffraction. Moreover we present, for the first time, the correlated momentum distribution of electrons from non-sequential double-ionization driven by mid-IR pulses.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    Butterfly gyroid nanostructures as a time-frozen glimpse of intracellular membrane development

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    The formation of the biophotonic gyroid material in butterflywing scales is an exceptional feat of evolutionary engineering of functional nanostructures. It is hypothesized that this nanostructure forms by chitin polymerization inside a convolutedmembrane of corresponding shape in the endoplasmic reticulum. However, this dynamic formation process, including whether membrane folding and chitin expression are simultaneous or sequential processes, cannot yet be elucidated by in vivo imaging. We report an unusual hierarchical ultrastructure in the butterfly Thecla opisena that, as a solid material, allows high-resolution three-dimensional microscopy. Rather than the conventional polycrystalline spacefilling arrangement, a gyroid occurs in isolated facetted crystallites with a pronounced size gradient.When interpreted as a sequence of time-frozen snapshots of the morphogenesis, this arrangement provides insight into the formation mechanisms of the nanoporous gyroid material as well as of the intracellular organelle membrane that acts as the template

    LapSeg3D: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Representing Laparoscopic Scenes

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    The semantic segmentation of surgical scenes is a prerequisite for task automation in robot assisted interventions. We propose LapSeg3D, a novel DNN-based approach for the voxel-wise annotation of point clouds representing surgical scenes. As the manual annotation of training data is highly time consuming, we introduce a semi-autonomous clustering-based pipeline for the annotation of the gallbladder, which is used to generate segmented labels for the DNN. When evaluated against manually annotated data, LapSeg3D achieves an F1 score of 0.94 for gallbladder segmentation on various datasets of ex-vivo porcine livers. We show LapSeg3D to generalize accurately across different gallbladders and datasets recorded with different RGB-D camera systems

    LapSeg3D: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Representing Laparoscopic Scenes

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    The semantic segmentation of surgical scenes is a prerequisite for task automation in robot assisted interventions. We propose LapSeg3D, a novel DNN-based approach for the voxel-wise annotation of point clouds representing surgical scenes. As the manual annotation of training data is highly time consuming, we introduce a semi-autonomous clustering-based pipeline for the annotation of the gallbladder, which is used to generate segmented labels for the DNN. When evaluated against manually annotated data, LapSeg3D achieves an F1 score of 0.94 for gallbladder segmentation on various datasets of ex-vivo porcine livers. We show LapSeg3D to generalize accurately across different gallbladders and datasets recorded with different RGB-D camera systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted at the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), Kyoto, Japa

    Extension of corporate services brands: the effect of perceived similarity extension and perceived quality brand

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    O principal objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o efeito da qualidade percebida da marca-mãe e da similaridade percebida sobre as avaliações de extensões de marcas corporativas de serviços. Adicionalmente, também se deseja verificar se a elaboração das características da extensão contribuem para a sua avaliação. As hipóteses foram testadas por meio de três experimentos que envolveram no total 1.131 respondentes. No Estudo 1 foram utilizadas marcas fictícias como estímulo e verificou-se que a qualidade da marca-mãe teve efeito mais importante que a similaridade percebida sobre as avaliações de uma extensão de marca de serviços. No Estudo 2, utilizando como estímulos marcas reais, os mesmos resultados do Estudo 1 foram obtidos. No Estudo 3 verificou-se que a elaboração das características da extensão contribuiu positivamente apenas para uma das extensões propostas para a marca-mãe de alta qualidade, mas não teve nenhum efeito para as extensões propostas para a marca-mãe de baixa qualidade. Tomados em conjunto, os resultados sugerem que a qualidade percebida da marca-mãe tem papel fundamental na avaliação de extensões de marcas corporativas de serviços. O estudo contribui ainda com diversas hipóteses para estudos futuros e implicações gerenciais para gerentes de marcas corporativas de serviços.The main objective of this study is to assess the effect of parent brand perceived quality and perceived similarity on the evaluation of corporate service brand extensions. It is also the intention of this study to verify whether providing information cues about the characteristics of the extension contributes to the brand extension evaluation. The hypotheses were tested by means of three experiments involving 1,131 subjects. The results of Study 1, conducted with fictitious brands as stimuli, demonstrated that the perceived quality of the parent brand played a more significant role than perceived similarity on the evaluations of brand extensions. In Study 2, where real brands were used as stimuli, the results were the same as in Study 1. Study 3 found that providing information cues about the characteristics of the extensions had a positive effect for one of the extensions of the high quality parent brand but not for the two proposed extensions of the low quality parent brand. Taken as a whole, the results suggest that the perceived quality of the parent-brand plays a fundamental role in the evaluation of corporate service brand extensions. The study also contributes several hypotheses for future studies and managerial implications for managers of corporate service brands

    Imaging the Renner-Teller effect using laser-induced electron diffraction

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    Structural information on electronically excited neutral molecules can be indirectly retrieved, largely through pump-probe and rotational spectroscopy measurements with the aid of calculations. Here, we demonstrate the direct structural retrieval of neutral carbonyl disulfide (CS2_2) in the B1^1B2_2 excited electronic state using laser-induced electron diffraction (LIED). We unambiguously identify the ultrafast symmetric stretching and bending of the field-dressed neutral CS2_2 molecule with combined picometer and attosecond resolution using intrapulse pump-probe excitation and measurement. We invoke the Renner-Teller effect to populate the B1^1B2_2 excited state in neutral CS2_2, leading to bending and stretching of the molecule. Our results demonstrate the sensitivity of LIED in retrieving the geometric structure of CS2_2, which is known to appear as a two-center scatterer
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