80 research outputs found

    Consolidation of Customized Product Copies into Software Product Lines

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    Copy-based customization is a widespread technique to serve individual customer needs with existing software solutions. To cope with long term disadvantages resulting from this practice, this dissertation developed an approach to support the consolidation of such copies into a Software Product Line with a future-compliant product base providing managed variability

    Consolidation of Customized Product Copies into Software Product Lines

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    In software development, project constraints lead to customer-specific variants by copying and adapting the product. During this process, modifications are scattered all over the code. Although this is flexible and efficient in the short term, a Software Product Line (SPL) offers better results in the long term, regarding cost reduction, time-to-market, and quality attributes. This book presents a novel approach named SPLevo, which consolidates customized product copies into an SPL

    Consolidation of Customized Product Copies into Software Product Lines

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    In software development, project constraints lead to customer-specific variants by copying and adapting the product. During this process, modifications are scattered all over the code. Although this is flexible and efficient in the short term, a Software Product Line (SPL) offers better results in the long term, regarding cost reduction, time-to-market, and quality attributes. This book presents a novel approach named SPLevo, which consolidates customized product copies into an SPL

    Butterfly gyroid nanostructures as a time-frozen glimpse of intracellular membrane development

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    The formation of the biophotonic gyroid material in butterflywing scales is an exceptional feat of evolutionary engineering of functional nanostructures. It is hypothesized that this nanostructure forms by chitin polymerization inside a convolutedmembrane of corresponding shape in the endoplasmic reticulum. However, this dynamic formation process, including whether membrane folding and chitin expression are simultaneous or sequential processes, cannot yet be elucidated by in vivo imaging. We report an unusual hierarchical ultrastructure in the butterfly Thecla opisena that, as a solid material, allows high-resolution three-dimensional microscopy. Rather than the conventional polycrystalline spacefilling arrangement, a gyroid occurs in isolated facetted crystallites with a pronounced size gradient.When interpreted as a sequence of time-frozen snapshots of the morphogenesis, this arrangement provides insight into the formation mechanisms of the nanoporous gyroid material as well as of the intracellular organelle membrane that acts as the template

    Personality traits of handball goalkeepers

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    Goalkeeping in handball puts special demands on the athletes. Whereas on-court strain and conditional demands of the goalkeeper position are already intensively investigated, research on handball goalkeepers’ personality traits is still lacking. In this study, the sport specific personality structure of male handball goalkeepers (N = 81) on competitive and leisure sport level was assessed for the first time, using a version of the BFI-10 adapted to the sport context. In comparison to the normal population, handball goalkeepers proved to be more conscientious, more neurotic, and less open for new experiences. A relation of the trait conscientiousness and the performance level became visible; goalkeepers on higher performance levels showed higher conscientiousness values. The current investigation presents a sport specific personality profile of handball goalkeepers for the first time, whereby derivations, for example, for the construction of talent diagnostic have to be seen more critical. The results of the current study provide the basis for further research which should, amongst others, especially focus on the comparison of the personality structure of goalkeepers and field players

    Identify impacts of evolving third party components on long-living software systems

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    Abstract-Integrating 3rd party components in software systems provides promising advantages but also risks due to disconnected evolution cycles. Deciding whether to migrate to a newer version of a 3rd party component integrated into self-implemented code or to switch to a different one is a challenging task. Dedicated evolution support for 3rd party component scenarios is hence required. Existing approaches such as Clarkson, Kotoyana, and Zheng do not account for open source components which allow accessing and analyzing their source code and project information. The approach presented in this paper combines analyses for code dependency, code quality, and bug tracker information for a holistic view on the evolution with 3rd party components. We applied the approach in a case study on a communication middleware component for industrial devices used at ABB. We identified 7 methods potentially impacted by changes of 3rd party components despite the absence of interface changes. We further identified self-implemented code that does not need any manual investigation after 3rd party component evolution which was not obvious before, as well as a positive trend of code and bug tracker issues

    Measuring Intergroup Forgiveness: The Enright Group Forgiveness Inventory

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    Until recently, researchers operationalized and measured the psychological construct of forgiveness at the individual, rather than the group, level. Social psychologists started applying forgiveness to groups and examining the role intergroup forgiveness may have in conflict resolution and peace efforts. Initial attempts to define and measure forgiveness at the group level either assumed individual and group capacities were the same, or insufficiently described what intergroup forgiveness meant. We developed a new measure of intergroup forgiveness, and a novel group administration process, that operationalized the construct in a philosophically coherent way. Our conceptualization of intergroup forgiveness was rooted in what groups, as opposed to the individuals who compose them, have the capacity to do. We collected data on the psychometric properties of the measure with 595 participants in three different geographic and cultural settings. We assessed the factor structure, internal consistency, and validity of the measure. We also assessed a novel group-based method of administering the measure to better understand the relationship between group based reports and self-reports of intergroup forgiveness. The factor structure of the measure was supported, and the measure had strong internal consistency, as well as convergent and discriminant validity. The group administration process revealed important group dynamics and was not statistically different than a standard self-report administration; this finding has important implications for research and practice

    Transformationen in der modellgetriebenen Software-Entwicklung

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    odellgetriebene Software-Entwicklung ist in den letzten Jahren insbesondere unter Schlagworten wie MDA oder MDD zu einem Thema von allgemeinem Interesse für die Software-Branche geworden. Dabei ist ein Trend weg von der codezentrierten Software-Entwicklung hin zum (Architektur-) Modell im Mittelpunkt der Software-Entwicklung festzustellen. Modellgetriebene Software-Entwicklung verspricht eine stetige und automatisierte Synchronisation von Software-Modellen verschiedenster Ebenen. Dies verspricht eine Verkürzung von Entwicklungszyklen und mehr Produktivität. Primär wird nicht mehr reiner Quellcode entwickelt, sondern Modelle und Transformationen übernehmen als eine höhere Abstraktionsebene die Rolle der Entwicklungssprache für Software-Entwickler. Software-Architekturen lassen sich durch Modell beschreiben. Sie sind weder auf eine Beschreibungssprache noch auf eine bestimmte Domänen beschränkt. Im Zuge der Bemühungen modellgetriebener Entwicklung lassen sich hier Entwicklungen hin zu standardisierten Beschreibungssprachen wie UML aber auch die Einführung von domänen-spezifischen Sprachen (DSL) erkennen. Auf diese formalisierten Modelle lassen sich schließlich Transformationen anwenden. Diese können entweder zu einem weiteren Modell ("Model-to-Model") oder einer textuellen Repräsentation ("Model-to-Text") erfolgen. Transformationen kapseln dabei wiederholt anwendbares Entwurfs-Wissen ("Muster") in parametrisierten Schablonen. Für die Definition der Transformationen können Sprachen wie beispielsweise QVT verwendet werden. Mit AndoMDA und openArchitectureWare existieren Werkzeuge, welche die Entwickler bei der Ausführung von Transformationen unterstützen