5,604 research outputs found

    The social genome of friends and schoolmates in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health

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    Our study reported significant findings of a “social genome” that can be quantified and studied to understand human health and behavior. In a national sample of more than 5,000 American adolescents, we found evidence of social forces that act to make friends and schoolmates more genetically similar to one another compared with random pairs of unrelated individuals. This subtle genetic similarity was observed across the entire genome and at sets of genomic locations linked with specific traits—educational attainment and body mass index—a phenomenon we term “social–genetic correlation.” We also find evidence of a “social–genetic effect” such that the genetics of a person’s friends and schoolmates influenced their own education, even after accounting for the person’s own genetics

    Degenerate dispersive equations arising in the study of magma dynamics

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    An outstanding problem in Earth science is understanding the method of transport of magma in the Earth's mantle. Models for this process, transport in a viscously deformable porous media, give rise to scalar degenerate, dispersive, nonlinear wave equations. We establish a general local well-posedness for a physical class of data (roughly H1H^1) via fixed point methods. The strategy requires positive lower bounds on the solution. This is extended to global existence for a subset of possible nonlinearities by making use of certain conservation laws associated with the equations. Furthermore, we construct a Lyapunov energy functional, which is locally convex about the uniform state, and prove (global in time) nonlinear dynamic stability of the uniform state for any choice of nonlinearity. We compare the dynamics to that of other problems and discuss open questions concerning a larger range of nonlinearities, for which we conjecture global existence.Comment: 27 Pages, 7 figures are not present in this version. See http://www.columbia.edu/~grs2103/ for a PDF with figures. Submitted to Nonlinearit

    The Intestinal Microbiota Contributes to the Ability of Helminths to Modulate Allergic Inflammation

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    We thank Manuel Kulagin for technical help, Pierre Bonnaventure for portal vein blood sampling, Francisco Sepulveda for technical assistance in GS-MS acquisition, and Dorothee Hahne (Metabolomics Australia, University of Western Australia) for human samples SCFA isolation, acquisition, and analysis. We also thank Cristina Cartoni (Phenotyping Unit, EPFL) for Milliplex analysis, Jessica Dessimoz and her team from the Histology Core Facility (EPFL), Miguel Garcia and his team from the Flow Cytometry Core Facility (EPFL), and staff from the EPFL CPG animal house for excellent animal care. The computations were partially performed at the Vital-IT Center for high-performance computing of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (http://www.vital-it.ch). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. 310948. Funding for A.W.W. and a subset of the 16S rRNA gene sequencing was provided by the Wellcome Trust (grant number WT 098051). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Erratum: Testing the key assumption of heritability estimates based on genome-wide genetic relatedness

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    Comparing genetic and phenotypic similarity among unrelated individuals seems a promising way to quantify the genetic component of traits while avoiding the problematic assumptions plaguing twin- and other kin-based estimates of heritability. One approach uses a Genetic Relatedness Estimation through Maximum Likelihood (GREML) model for individuals who are related at less than .025 to predict their phenotypic similarity by their genetic similarity. Here we test the key underlying assumption of this approach: that genetic relatedness is orthogonal to environmental similarity. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study (and two other surveys), we show two unrelated individuals may be more likely to have been reared in a similar environment (urban versus non-urban setting) if they are genetically similar. This effect is not eliminated by controls for population structure. However, when we include this environmental confound in GREML models, heritabilities do not change substantially and thus potential bias in estimates of most biological phenotypes is probably minimal

    Observational Constraints on Red and Blue Helium Burning Sequences

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    We derive the optical luminosity, colors, and ratios of the blue and red helium burning (HeB) stellar populations from archival Hubble Space Telescope observations of nineteen starburst dwarf galaxies and compare them with theoretical isochrones from Padova stellar evolution models across metallicities from Z=0.001 to 0.009. We find that the observational data and the theoretical isochrones for both blue and red HeB populations overlap in optical luminosities and colors and the observed and predicted blue to red HeB ratios agree for stars older than 50 Myr over the time bins studied. These findings confirm the usefulness of applying isochrones to interpret observations of HeB populations. However, there are significant differences, especially for the red HeB population. Specifically we find: (1) offsets in color between the observations and theoretical isochrones of order 0.15 mag (0.5 mag) for the blue (red) HeB populations brighter than M_V ~ -4 mag, which cannot be solely due to differential extinction; (2) blue HeB stars fainter than M_V ~ -3 mag are bluer than predicted; (3) the slope of the red HeB sequence is shallower than predicted by a factor of ~3; and (4) the models overpredict the ratio of the most luminous blue to red HeB stars corresponding to ages <50 Myr. Additionally, we find that for the more metal-rich galaxies in our sample (Z> 0.5 Zsolar) the red HeB stars overlap with the red giant branch stars in the color magnitude diagrams, thus reducing their usefulness as indicators of star formation for ages >100 Myr.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Second harmonic generation in SiC polytypes

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    LMTO calculations are presented for the frequency dependent second harmonic generation (SHG) in the polytypes 2H, 4H, 6H, 15R and 3C of SiC. All independent tensor components are calculated. The spectral features and the ratios of the 333 to 311 tensorial components are studied as a function of the degree of hexagonality. The relationship to the linear optical response and the underlying band structure are investigated. SHG is suggested to be a sensitive tool for investigating the near band edge interband excitations.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Gene–environment interactions related to body mass: School policies and social context as environmental moderators

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    This paper highlights the role of institutional resources and policies, whose origins lie in political processes, in shaping the genetic etiology of body mass among a national sample of adolescents. Using data from Waves I and II of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we decompose the variance of body mass into environmental and genetic components. We then examine the extent to which the genetic influences on body mass are different across the 134 schools in the study. Taking advantage of school differences in both health-related policies and social norms regarding body size, we examine how institutional resources and policies alter the relative impact of genetic influences on body mass. For the entire sample, we estimate a heritability of .82, with the remaining .18 due to unique environmental factors. However, we also show variation about this estimate and provide evidence suggesting that social norms and institutional policies often mask genetic vulnerabilities to increased weight. Empirically, we demonstrate that more-restrictive school policies and policies designed to curb weight gain are also associated with decreases the proportion of variance in body mass that is due to additive genetic influences

    Is the Gene-Environment Interaction Paradigm Relevant to Genome-Wide Studies? The Case of Education and Body Mass Index

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    This study uses data from the Framingham Heart Study to examine the relevance of the gene-environment interaction paradigm for genome-wide association studies (GWAS). We use completed college education as our environmental measure and estimate the interactive effect of genotype and education on body mass index (BMI) using 260,402 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Our results highlight the sensitivity of parameter estimates obtained from GWAS models and the difficulty of framing genome-wide results using the existing gene-environment interaction typology. We argue that SNP-environment interactions across the human genome are not likely to provide consistent evidence regarding genetic influences on health that differ by environment. Nevertheless, genome-wide data contain rich information about individual respondents, and we demonstrate the utility of this type of data. We highlight the fact that GWAS is just one use of genome-wide data, and we encourage demographers to develop methods that incorporate this vast amount of information from respondents into their analyses

    The Nature of Starbursts : II. The Duration of Starbursts in Dwarf Galaxies

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    The starburst phenomenon can shape the evolution of the host galaxy and the surrounding intergalactic medium. The extent of the evolutionary impact is partly determined by the duration of the starburst, which has a direct correlation with both the amount of stellar feedback and the development of galactic winds, particularly for smaller mass dwarf systems. We measure the duration of starbursts in twenty nearby, ongoing, and "fossil" starbursts in dwarf galaxies based on the recent star formation histories derived from resolved stellar population data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. Contrary to the shorter times of 3-10 Myr often cited, the starburst durations we measure range from 450 - 650 Myr in fifteen of the dwarf galaxies and up to 1.3 Gyr in four galaxies; these longer durations are comparable to or longer than the dynamical timescales for each system. The same feedback from massive stars that may quench the flickering SF does not disrupt the overall burst event in our sample of galaxies. While five galaxies present fossil bursts, fifteen galaxies show ongoing bursts and thus the final durations may be longer than we report here for these systems. One galaxy shows a burst that has been ongoing for only 20 Myr; we are likely seeing the beginning of a burst event in this system. Using the duration of the starbursts, we calculate that the bursts deposited 10^(53.9)-10^(57.2) ergs of energy into the interstellar medium through stellar winds and supernovae and produced 3%-26% of the host galaxy's mass.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    A quantum spin transducer based on nano electro-mechancial resonator arrays

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    Implementation of quantum information processing faces the contradicting requirements of combining excellent isolation to avoid decoherence with the ability to control coherent interactions in a many-body quantum system. For example, spin degrees of freedom of electrons and nuclei provide a good quantum memory due to their weak magnetic interactions with the environment. However, for the same reason it is difficult to achieve controlled entanglement of spins over distances larger than tens of nanometers. Here we propose a universal realization of a quantum data bus for electronic spin qubits where spins are coupled to the motion of magnetized mechanical resonators via magnetic field gradients. Provided that the mechanical system is charged, the magnetic moments associated with spin qubits can be effectively amplified to enable a coherent spin-spin coupling over long distances via Coulomb forces. Our approach is applicable to a wide class of electronic spin qubits which can be localized near the magnetized tips and can be used for the implementation of hybrid quantum computing architectures
