802 research outputs found

    Estudio de la interacción tritrófica: tomate, Meloidogyne javanica y Pochonia chlamydosporia

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    Los nematodos fitopatógenos y en particular los agalladores causan graves pérdidas al tomate, un cultivo de gran importancia económica en España, la Unión Europea y en todo el mundo. El manejo de enfermedades por nematicidas químicos y fumigantes está muy limitado por la prohibición en la Unión Europea y a escala mundial del uso de muchos nematicidas químicos y de fumigantes como el bromuro de metilo. Los suelos supresivos a nematodos son ejemplos de control biológico natural que incluyen antagonistas de nematodos con potencial para su uso en el manejo de dichos patógenos vegetales. Nuestro grupo posee una dilata experiencia en estudio de la biología y en particular en el análisis del modo de acción del hongo parásito de huevos de nematodos, Pochonia chlamydosporia. En este artículo incluimos un resumen de nuestros estudios sobre presencia de P. chlamydosporia en suelos agrícolas. A continuación abordamos el estudio de aspectos celulares y moleculares de la infección de huevos de nematodos por P. chlamydosporia. Nuestro grupo fue pionero al demostrar que los hongos nematófagos se comportan como endófitos colonizando las raíces de mono y dicotiledóneas. Recientemente hemos secuenciado el genoma de P. chlamydosporia. El estudio de sus relaciones filogenómicas y el análisis de sus familias génicas apoyan el comportamiento multitrófico del hongo. Finalmente aportamos nuestros resultados del análisis metabolómico de la interacción tomate-nematodo agallador-P. chlamydosporia. Nuestra actual hipótesis de trabajo es que el estudio de dicha interacción por técnicas de análisis molecular masivo abren nuevas vías al manejo sostenible de nematodos bloqueando su comunicación con la planta y activando o modulando las defensas de los cultivos por hongos antagonistas como P. chlamydosporia.Esta investigación ha sido financiada por el Ministerio Español de Ciencia e Innovación (AGL 2008-00716/AGR, AGL 2.011-29297) y con una beca de la Universidad de Alicante a N. Escudero (UAFPU2011)

    Estudio de los circuitos funcionales de hipocampo mediante generadores multicelulares del potencial extracelular

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias. Fecha de lectura: 06-09-201

    Optimización de contratación de electricidad para consumidores domésticos y pymes

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    En el presente proyecto se describen los procesos que han dado lugar al sistema eléctrico del que disponemos actualmente, cómo hemos ido evolucionando hacia la liberalización del mercado, lo que ha permitido disfrutar de las opciones de contratación presentes hoy en día en el mercado. Partiendo de esa base, y como objetivo principal, se describen los mecanismos necesarios para la optimización de la factura eléctrica. En primer lugar se realiza una breve introducción de los temas a tratar en este proyecto, asi como la definición de los objetivos principales. Posteriormente, para ir adentrándonos en los aspectos más específicos del sistema eléctrico y a modo introductorio, se explica el funcionamiento del mercado, haciendo un recorrido de su evolución desde los tiempos del Marco Legal Estable, totalmente regulado por el gobierno, hasta la actualidad, donde disponemos de un sistema de libre mercado. Este proceso se ha denominado liberalización del sistema eléctrico español. Una vez definido el sistema eléctrico español en rasgos generales, se procede a desglosar las componentes del suministro de electricidad, tanto las componentes reguladas cómo las procedentes del libre mercado. Muchas de estas componentes se recogen en los peajes de acceso, que se definirán para los distintos segmentos. Para comprender las componentes propias del mercado liberado se procederá a la definición más exhaustiva de los tipos de mercados y su funcionamiento. A continuación, se definen las distintas opciones de contratación para el segmento a estudio, así como los métodos de facturación en cada caso; dando algunos ejemplos de aplicación y opciones reales presentes en el mercado. Por último, tras el análisis previo se dispone de las herramientas necesarias para proceder con la aplicación de mecanismos de optimización para un caso concreto. Se procederá a la optimización tanto del término de potencia como de energía atendiendo a la definición de la potencia contratada y del comportamiento del consumidor.In the present Project describes the processes that have led to the actual electric system, how we have been evolving to the liberation of the electric market, what has allowed consumers to enjoy the different contracting options present nowadays in the market. On that basis, and as a principal goal, there are described the necessary mechanisms for the optimization of the electric bill. In the first place, there are introduced all the topics to discuss in this Project, as well as the definition of the principal goals. Then, going deeper to the most specific aspects of the electric system and as an introduction, the operation of the market is explained, analyzing its evolution from times of the Marco Legal Estable, full-regulated by the government, to the present, where we have a free-market system. This process has been called the liberation of the Spanish electric system. Once defined the Spanish electric system in general terms, it is proceed to list the different components of the electricity supply, both regulated and the ones derived from the free market. Several of these components are gathered on the access fees, which will be defined for the different segments. To understand the components derived from the free market a more exhaustive description of the different markets and their operation will be done. Then, there are described the different contracting options for the segment to study, as well as the invoicing methods in each case; leading to some application examples and real offers present in the market. By last, after the previous analysis the needed tools are available to start with the application of the optimization methods for a particular case. The optimization will be done for both power and energy concepts, according to the subscribed power definition and consumer behavior.Ingeniería Industria

    Desarrollo de una plataforma didáctica para la educación infantil

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    Debido a importancia de la robótica en la sociedad y a los grandes avances en la tecnología, la robótica educativa está en auge y poco a poco se está convirtiendo en una herramienta de aprendizaje indispensable en los centros escolares. Existen gran variedad de herramientas educativas para ayudar a los niños desde edades tempranas a desarrollar sus habilidades cognitivas, pero muchas de estas herramientas no son accesibles a los niños con discapacidad debido a sus limitaciones. En este proyecto se pretende construir una plataforma educativa para niños de educación infantil que mediante algunas modificaciones pueda ser utilizada por niños con discapacidad. Esta plataforma debe ser además de bajo coste para facilitar su adquisición y flexible para permitir cambios y modificaciones futuras. En primer lugar se realiza un estudio de la robótica educativa y de las características que debe tener una herramienta educativa para considerarse una plataforma adaptada. Posteriormente se realiza un estudio de las herramientas educativas que existen en el mercado, para saber cuál sería la más adecuada. Por último se construye y se explica paso a paso un pequeño robot educativo de software libre y hardware abierto que permite a los alumnos aprender por ensayo y error a programar sencillas tareas y conseguir que el robot realice trayectorias sobre una alfombrilla temática. A esta herramienta se le realizan unas adaptaciones para que pueda ser utilizado por niños con discapacidad visual.Due to importance of robotics in the human society and the great advances in technology, educational robotics is booming and is gradually becoming a vital learning tool in schools. There are a variety of educational tools to help children develop, at an early age, their cognitive abilities, but many of these tools are not accessible to children with disabilities because of their limitations. This project aims to build an educational platform for preschoolers that by some modifications can be used by children with disabilities. This platform must also be low cost to facilitate acquisition and flexible to allow future changes and modifications. First, a study of educational robotics and a study of the characteristics that must have an educational tool to be considered an adapted platform are made. Subsequently, a study of educational tools available on the market is performed, to know what would be the most appropriate. Finally it is built and carried out step by step a small educational robot with free software and open hardware that allows students to learn by trial and error to program simple tasks and get the robot to perform paths on a thematic mat. Some adjustments will be made on this tool, so it could be used by blind children or children with visual impairment.Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Soil biodiversity: functions, threats and tools for policy makers

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    Human societies rely on the vast diversity of benefits provided by nature, such as food, fibres, construction materials, clean water, clean air and climate regulation. All the elements required for these ecosystem services depend on soil, and soil biodiversity is the driving force behind their regulation. With 2010 being the international year of biodiversity and with the growing attention in Europe on the importance of soils to remain healthy and capable of supporting human activities sustainably, now is the perfect time to raise awareness on preserving soil biodiversity. The objective of this report is to review the state of knowledge of soil biodiversity, its functions, its contribution to ecosystem services and its relevance for the sustainability of human society. In line with the definition of biodiversity given in the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Convention, soil biodiversity can be defined as the variation in soil life, from genes to communities, and the variation in soil habitats, from micro-aggregates to entire landscapes. Bio Intelligence Service, IRD, and NIOO, Report for European Commission (DG Environment

    Parallel Readout of Pathway-Specific Inputs to Laminated Brain Structures

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    Local field potentials (LFPs) capture the electrical activity produced by principal cells during integration of converging synaptic inputs from multiple neuronal populations. However, since synaptic currents mix in the extracellular volume, LFPs have complex spatiotemporal structure, making them hard to exploit. Here we propose a biophysical framework to identify and separate LFP-generators. First we use a computational multineuronal model that scales up single cell electrogenesis driven by several synaptic inputs to realistic aggregate LFPs. This approach relies on the fixed but distinct locations of synaptic inputs from different presynaptic populations targeting a laminated brain structure. Thus the LFPs are contributed by several pathway-specific LFP-generators, whose electrical activity is defined by the spatial distribution of synaptic terminals and the time course of synaptic currents initiated in target cells by the corresponding presynaptic population. Then we explore the efficacy of independent component analysis to blindly separate converging sources and reconstruct pathway-specific LFP-generators. This approach can optimally locate synaptic inputs with subcellular accuracy while the reconstructed time course of pathway-specific LFP-generators is reliable in the millisecond scale. We also describe few cases where the non-linear intracellular interaction of strongly overlapping LFP-generators may lead to a significant cross-contamination and the appearance of derivative generators. We show that the approach reliably disentangle ongoing LFPs in the hippocampus into contribution of several LFP-generators. We were able to readout in parallel the pathway-specific presynaptic activity of projection cells in the entorhinal cortex and pyramidal cells in the ipsilateral and contralateral CA3. Thus we provide formal mathematical and experimental support for parallel readout of the activity of converging presynaptic populations in working neuronal circuits from common LFPs

    Parallel readout of pathway-specific inputs to laminated brain structures

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    Local field potentials (LFPs) capture the electrical activity produced by principal cells during integration of converging synaptic inputs from multiple neuronal populations. However, since synaptic currents mix in the extracellular volume, LFPs have complex spatiotempo-ral structure, making them hard to exploit. Here we propose a biophysical framework to identify and separate LFP-generators. First we use a computational multineuronal model that scales up single cell electrogenesis driven by several synaptic inputs to realistic aggregate LFPs. This approach relies on the fixed but distinct locations of synaptic inputs from different presynaptic populations targeting a laminated brain structure. Thus the LFPs are contributed by several pathway-specific LFP-generators, whose electrical activity is defined by the spatial distribution of synaptic terminals and the time course of synaptic currents initiated in target cells by the corresponding presynaptic population. Then we explore the efficacy of independent component analysis to blindly separate converging sources and reconstruct pathway-specific LFP-generators. This approach can optimally locate synaptic inputs with subcellular accuracy while the reconstructed time course of pathway-specific LFP-generators is reliable in the millisecond scale. We also describe few cases where the non-linear intracellular interaction of strongly overlapping LFP-generators may lead to a significant cross-contamination and the appearance of derivative generators. We show that the approach reliably disentangle ongoing LFPs in the hippocampus into contribution of several LFP-generators.We were able to readout in parallel the pathway-specific presynap-tic activity of projection cells in the entorhinal cortex and pyramidal cells in the ipsilateral and contralateral CA3. Thus we provide formal mathematical and experimental support for parallel readout of the activity of converging presynaptic populations in working neuronal circuits from common LFPs. © 2011 Makarova, Ibarz, Makarov, Benito and Herreras.This study has been financed by grants FIS2010-20054 and BFU2010-19192 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer Reviewe

    The Interaction of Biological and Environmental Factors in Predicting Educational Attainment: The Role of Early Pubertal Development Among Emerging Adult Women in Rural and Urban Settings

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    The inventlon provides highly functionahsed spiro-fused azetidinones having a cyclohexane moiety with the desired number of protected or unprotected hydroxyl groups or carbonated structures, which are introduced with high stereo and regioselectivity, as well as processes for their obtention.Peer reviewedA1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic