1,132 research outputs found

    Nanostructured Polythiophene Hybrid Charge-Transfer Complexes

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    Este trabajo se centra en la síntesis de nuevos nanohíbridos dador-aceptor (D/A) de politiofeno solubles en medios acuosos y en la elucidación de la interacción electrónica entre las unidades D/A como en el funcionamiento de los nanohíbridos en forma de películas delgadas en aplicaciones optoelectrónicas.Utilizando técnicas de auto-ensamblaje in-situ de politiofeno en presencia de diferentes nanomateriales como son el óxido de grafeno, puntos cuánticos de semiconductores o láminas de dicalcogenuros de metales de transición se ha conseguido la formación de complejos de transferencia de carga, solubles en agua y con superiores propiedades electrónicas de relevancia para el desarrollo de dispositivos optoelectrónicos basados en películas delgadas <br /

    Electroactive polymer-carbon nanotube composites: smart organic materials for optoelectronic applications

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    Los nanotubos de Carbono combinados con polímeros conductores intrínsecos contribuirán en un futuro al progreso en nanoelectrónica y al desarrollo de nuevos y mejores dispositivos electrónicos y optoelectrónicos. Este artículo resume nuestro trabajo en materiales compuestos polianilina-nanotubos de carbono altamente funcionales y procesables, y muestra la estrecha relación existente entre las interacciones polímeronanotubo y la funcionalidad y comportamiento en el procesado de los materiales obtenidos.Carbon nanotubes combined with intrinsically conducting polymers may contribute to further progress in nanoelectronics and to the development of improved electronic and optoelectronic devices. This article summarizes our work on highly functional and processable polyaniline-carbon nanotube composite materials. It also demonstrates the close relation between functionality and processing behavior and describes nanotube-polymer interactions

    Fluorescent polymeric carbon dots: from synthesis and elucidation of chemical struture towards photoactive hybrid materials

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    En este trabajo se cubren tres aspectos fundamentales de la investigación en el campo de los carbón dots (CDs). A través de detallados estudios estructurales, caracterización óptica y cálculos teóricos, la primera parte de la tesis consigue identificar las estructuras orgánicas y las fuerzas que producen la fluorescencia azul. En la segunda parte, se ha presentado un nuevo método para controlar la estructura y las propiedades químicas de nanopartículas poliméricas, ofreciendo una herramienta muy versátil para el diseño de materiales basados en CDs como sensores y vectores de fármacos. En la tercera y última parte de la tesis, a partir de los CDs y dicalcogenuros de metales de transición (MoS2 y WS2) se han preparado materiales híbridos, con vistas a su posible uso en aplicaciones de fotocatálisis y conversión de energía. <br /

    Revisiting graphene oxide chemistry via spatially-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy

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    The type and distribution of oxygen functional groups in graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide remain still a subject of great debate. Local analytic techniques are required to access the chemistry of these materials at a nanometric scale. Electron energy loss spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope can provide the suitable resolution, but GO and RGO are extremely sensitive to electron irradiation. In this work we employ a dedicated experimental set-up to reduce electron illumina- tion below damage limit. GO oxygen maps obtained at a few nanometres scale show separated domains with diferent oxidation levels. The C/O ratio varies from about 4:1 to 1:1, the latter corresponding to a complete functionalization of the graphene flakes. In RGO the residual oxygen concentrates mostly in regions few tens nanometres wide. Specific energy-loss near-edge structures are observed for diferent oxidation levels. By combining these findings with first principles simulations we propose a model for the highly oxidized domains where graphene is fully functionalized by hydroxyl groups forming a 2D-sp3 carbon network analogous to that of graphane.AT, AZ and OS acknowledge support from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), program of future investment TEMPOS-CHROMATEM (No. ANR-10-EQPX-50). The work has also received funding from the European Union in Seventh Framework Programme (No. FP7/2007 -2013) under Grant Agreement No. n312483 (ESTEEM2). AMB and WKM are grateful for Financial support from the Spanish Ministry MINECO and the European Regional development Fund (project ENE2013-48816-C5-5-R) and from the Regional Government of Aragon and the European Social Fund (DGA-ESF-T66 Grupo Consolidado). The authors are grateful to P. Launois, S. Rouziere and C.P. Ewels for useful discussion.Peer reviewe

    Oil-in-Water Pickering Emulsions Stabilized with Nanostructured Biopolymers: A Venue for Templating Bacterial Cellulose

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    Pickering emulsions (PEs) differ from conventional emulsions in the use of solid colloidal particles as stabilizing agents instead of traditional amphiphilic molecules. Nanostructured biopolymers (NBs) emerge as a promising alternative for PE stabilization owing to their remarkable biocompatibility, abundant availability, and low cost. To explore this potential, a study is herein presented, in which cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), both type I and type II allomorphs, and chitin nanocrystals (ChNCs) were used for stabilizing oil-in-water PEs prepared by the use of ultrasound. Sunflower oil was selected as the oil phase as it offers the advantages of being edible, renewable, and inexpensive. By utilizing ζ-potential, static light diffraction, and visual observations, we determined the optimal oil/water ratio for each type of NB to obtain stable emulsions after 14 days. The optimized PEs were used to form bacterial nanocellulose composites through emulsion templating. To our knowledge, this study represents a pioneering work in exploiting oil-in-water PEs for this approach. Additionally, it entails the first utilization of nonmercerized type II CNCs as stabilizers for PEs, while also establishing a direct comparison among the most relevant NBs. The resulting composites exhibited a unique morphology, composed of larger pores compared to standard bacterial nanocellulose aerogels. These findings highlight the notable potential of NBs as stabilizers for PEs and their ability to generate green nanocomposites with tailored properties

    Carbon nanotube film electrodes with acrylic additives: Blocking electrochemical charge transfer reactions

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) processed into conductive films by liquid phase deposition technologies reveal increasing interest as electrode components in electrochemical device platforms for sensing and energy storage applications. In this work we show that the addition of acrylic latex to water-based CNT inks not only favors the fabrication of stable and robust flexible electrodes on plastic substrates but, moreover, sensitively enables the control of their electrical and electrochemical transport properties. Importantly, within a given concentration range, the acrylic additive in the films, being used as working electrodes, effectively blocks undesired faradaic transfer reactions across the electrode–electrolyte interface while maintaining their capacitance response as probed in a three-electrode electrochemical device configuration. Our results suggest a valuable strategy to enhance the chemical stability of CNT film electrodes and to suppress non-specific parasitic electrochemical reactions of relevance to electroanalytical and energy storage applications

    Molecular diversity and genetic relationships in Secale

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    The objective of this study was to quantify the molecular diversity and to determine the genetic relationships among Secale spp. and among cultivars of Secale cereale using RAPDs, ISSRs and sequence analysis of six exons of ScMATE1 gene. Thirteen ryes (cultivated and wild) were genotyped using 21 RAPD and 16 ISSR primers. A total of 435 markers (242 RAPDs and 193 ISSRs) were obtained, with 293 being polymorphic (146 RAPDs and 147 ISSRs). Two RAPD and nine ISSR primers generated more than 80% of polymorphism. The ISSR markers were more polymorphic and informative than RAPDs. Further, 69% of the ISSR primers selected achieved at least 70% of DNA polymorphism. The study of six exons of the ScMATE1 gene also demonstrated a high genetic variability that subsists in Secale genus. One difference observed in exon 1 sequences from S. vavilovii seems to be correlated with Al sensitivity in this species. The genetic relationships obtained using RAPDs, ISSRs and exons of ScMATE1 gene were similar. S. ancestrale, S. kuprijanovii and S. cereale were grouped in the same cluster and S. segetale was in another cluster. S. vavilovii showed evidences of not being clearly an isolate species and having great intraspecific differences

    Neutral molecular markers support common origin of aluminium tolerance in three congeneric grass species growing in acidic soils

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    Aluminium (Al) toxicity is the main abiotic stress limiting plant productivity in acidic soils that are widely distributed among arable lands. Plant species differ in the level of Al resistance showing intraspecific and interspecific variation in many crop species. However, the origin of Al-tolerance is not well known. Three annual species, difficult to distinguish phenotypically and that were until recently misinterpreted as a single complex species under Brachypodium distachyon, have been recently separated into three distinct species: the diploids B. distachyon (2n = 10) and B. stacei (2n = 20), and B. hybridum (2n = 30), the allotetraploid derived from the two diploid species. The aims of this work were to know the origin of Al-tolerance in acidic soil conditions within these three Brachypodium species and to develop new DNA markers for species discrimination. Two multiplex SSR-PCRs allowed to genotype a group of 94 accessions for 17 pentanucleotide microsatellite (SSRs) loci. The variability for 139 inter-microsatellite (ISSRs) markers was also examined. The genetic relationships obtained using those neutral molecular markers (SSRs and ISSRs) support that all Al-tolerant allotetraploid accessions of B. hybridum have a common origin that is related with both geographic location and acidic soils. The possibility that the adaptation to acidic soils caused the isolation of the tolerant B. hybridum populations from the others is discussed. We finally describe a new, easy, DNA barcoding method based in the upstream-intron 1 region of the ALMT1 gene, a tool that is 100 % effective to distinguish among these three Brachypodium species

    Platelet-like catalyst design for high yield production of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by catalytic chemical vapour deposition

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    We investigated the effect of catalyst design on the synthesis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). A set of highly active supported sol–gel Co–Mo/MgO and Ni–Mo/MgO catalysts was prepared systematically modifying the calcination temperature. First, the evolution of catalysts’ crystallographic phases and their morphology were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron (SEM) and transmission electron (TEM) microscopy. Second, the catalysts were used for the CVD growth of MWCNTs. The resulting materials were analysed by SEM and TEM, Raman and XRD to establish a relation between catalyst design and MWCNT yield. We show that our catalyst synthesis route leads to the formation of laminar non-porous catalyst systems, which at a calcination temperature of 800 °C stabilize in a crystallographic phase of MexMg1−xMoO4 (Me = Co or Ni). We give evidence that increased MWCNT yields of more than 3000 wt.% with respect to the catalysts are directly related to the aforementioned crystallographic phase. Finally, we propose a growth model based on the continuous exfoliation of platelet-like catalyst systems. This consistently explains the high catalytic activity towards MWCNT production using a non-porous catalyst. Our findings provide important insights for catalyst design strategies towards large-scale MWCNT production.Peer reviewe

    Chronic exposure to environmentally relevant levels of simvastatin disrupts zebrafish brain gene signaling involved in energy metabolism

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    Simvastatin (SIM), a hypocholesterolaemic drug belonging to the statins group, is a widely prescribed pharmaceutical for prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Several studies showed that lipophilic statins, as SIM, cross the blood-brain barrier and interfere with the energy metabolism of the central nervous system in humans and mammalian models. In fish and other aquatic organisms, the effects of SIM on the brain energy metabolism are unknown, particularly following exposure to low environmentally relevant concentrations. Therefore, the present study aimed at investigating the influence of SIM on gene signaling pathways involved in brain energy metabolism of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) following chronic exposure (90 days) to environmentally relevant SIM concentrations ranging from 8 ng/L to 1000 ng/L. Real-time PCR was used to determine the transcript levels of several genes involved in different pathways of the brain energy metabolism (glut1b, gapdh, acadm, accα, fasn, idh3a, cox4i1, and cox5aa). The findings here reported integrated well with ecological and biochemical responses obtained in a parallel study. Data demonstrated that SIM modulates transcription of key genes involved in the mitochondrial electron transport chain, in glucose transport and metabolism, in fatty acid synthesis and β-oxidation. Further, SIM exposure led to a sex-dependent transcription profile for some of the studied genes. Overall, the present study demonstrated, for the first time, that SIM modulates gene regulation of key pathways involved in the energy metabolism in fish brain at environmentally relevant concentrationsThis study was developed under the project Nor-Water -Poluentes emergentes nas águas da Galiza-Norte de Portugal: novas ferramentas para gestão de risco [Reference: 0725_NOR_WATER_1_P], financed by Programa de Cooperação Interreg Portugal/Espanha, (POCTEP) 2014–2020. The study was also supported by the National Funds through Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the projects [UID/Multi/04423/2019 and UID/AGR/04033/2013]. S. Barros was supported by the doctoral fellowship [PD/BD/143090/2018] from FCT. J.B. Quintana acknowledges the financial support of Spanish “Agencia Estatal de Investigación” [ref. CTM2017-84763-C3-R-2] and Xunta de Galicia [ref. ED431C2017/36], both co-funded by FEDER/ERDFS