5,407 research outputs found

    Neighbours of Einstein's Equations: Connections and Curvatures

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    Once the action for Einstein's equations is rewritten as a functional of an SO(3,C) connection and a conformal factor of the metric, it admits a family of ``neighbours'' having the same number of degrees of freedom and a precisely defined metric tensor. This paper analyzes the relation between the Riemann tensor of that metric and the curvature tensor of the SO(3) connection. The relation is in general very complicated. The Einstein case is distinguished by the fact that two natural SO(3) metrics on the GL(3) fibers coincide. In the general case the theory is bimetric on the fibers.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    A trick for passing degenerate points in Ashtekar formulation

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    We examine one of the advantages of Ashtekar's formulation of general relativity: a tractability of degenerate points from the point of view of following the dynamics of classical spacetime. Assuming that all dynamical variables are finite, we conclude that an essential trick for such a continuous evolution is in complexifying variables. In order to restrict the complex region locally, we propose some `reality recovering' conditions on spacetime. Using a degenerate solution derived by pull-back technique, and integrating the dynamical equations numerically, we show that this idea works in an actual dynamical problem. We also discuss some features of these applications.Comment: 9 pages by RevTeX or 16 pages by LaTeX, 3 eps figures and epsf-style file are include

    Finite-size effects in the dynamics of few bosons in a ring potential

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    We study the temporal evolution of a small number NN of ultra-cold bosonic atoms confined in a ring potential. Assuming that initially the system is in a solitary-wave solution of the corresponding mean-field problem, we identify significant differences in the time evolution of the density distribution of the atoms when it instead is evaluated with the many-body Schr\"odinger equation. Three characteristic timescales are derived: the first is the period of rotation of the wave around the ring, the second is associated with a "decay" of the density variation, and the third is associated with periodic "collapses" and "revivals" of the density variations, with a factor of N\sqrt N separating each of them. The last two timescales tend to infinity in the appropriate limit of large NN, in agreement with the mean-field approximation. These findings are based on the assumption of the initial state being a mean-field state. We confirm this behavior by comparison to the exact solutions for a few-body system stirred by an external potential. We find that the exact solutions of the driven system exhibit similar dynamical features.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics

    Representation of quantum states as points in a probability simplex associated to a SIC-POVM

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    The quantum state of a dd-dimensional system can be represented by the d2d^2 probabilities corresponding to a SIC-POVM, and then this distribution of probability can be represented by a vector of Rd2−1\R^{d^2-1} in a simplex, we will call this set of vectors Q\mathcal{Q}. Other way of represent a dd-dimensional system is by the corresponding Bloch vector also in Rd2−1\R^{d^2-1}, we will call this set of vectors B\mathcal{B}. In this paper it is proved that with the adequate scaling B=Q\mathcal{B}=\mathcal{Q}. Also we indicate some features of the shape of Q\mathcal{Q}.Comment: 12 pages. Added journal referenc

    Optimal purification of a generic n-qudit state

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    We propose a quantum algorithm for the purification of a generic mixed state ρ\rho of a nn-qudit system by using an ancillary nn-qudit system. The algorithm is optimal in that (i) the number of ancillary qudits cannot be reduced, (ii) the number of parameters which determine the purification state ∣Κ>|\Psi> exactly equals the number of degrees of freedom of ρ\rho, and (iii) ∣Κ>|\Psi> is easily determined from the density matrix ρ\rho. Moreover, we introduce a quantum circuit in which the quantum gates are unitary transformations acting on a 2n2n-qudit system. These transformations are determined by parameters that can be tuned to generate, once the ancillary qudits are disregarded, any given mixed nn-qudit state.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, remarks adde

    Causal structure and degenerate phase boundaries

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    Timelike and null hypersurfaces in the degenerate space-times in the Ashtekar theory are defined in the light of the degenerate causal structure proposed by Matschull. Using the new definition of null hypersufaces, the conjecture that the "phase boundary" separating the degenerate space-time region from the non-degenerate one in Ashtekar's gravity is always null is proved under certain circumstances.Comment: 13 pages, Revte

    Spectra of phase point operators in odd prime dimensions and the extended Clifford group

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    We analyse the role of the Extended Clifford group in classifying the spectra of phase point operators within the framework laid out by Gibbons et al for setting up Wigner distributions on discrete phase spaces based on finite fields. To do so we regard the set of all the discrete phase spaces as a symplectic vector space over the finite field. Auxiliary results include a derivation of the conjugacy classes of ESL(2,FN){\rm ESL}(2, \mathbb{F}_N).Comment: Latex, 19page

    The reality conditions for the new canonical variables of General Relativity

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    We examine the constraints and the reality conditions that have to be imposed in the canonical theory of 4--d gravity formulated in terms of Ashtekar variables. We find that the polynomial reality conditions are consistent with the constraints, and make the theory equivalent to Einstein's, as long as the inverse metric is not degenerate; when it is degenerate, reality conditions cannot be consistently imposed in general, and the theory describes complex general relativity.Comment: 11

    Unextendible product bases and extremal density matrices with positive partial transpose

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    In bipartite quantum systems of dimension 3x3 entangled states that are positive under partial transposition (PPT) can be constructed with the use of unextendible product bases (UPB). As discussed in a previous publication all the lowest rank entangled PPT states of this system seem to be equivalent, under special linear product transformations, to states that are constructed in this way. Here we consider a possible generalization of the UPB constuction to low-rank entangled PPT states in higher dimensions. The idea is to give up the condition of orthogonality of the product vectors, while keeping the relation between the density matrix and the projection on the subspace defined by the UPB. We examine first this generalization for the 3x3 system where numerical studies indicate that one-parameter families of such generalized states can be found. Similar numerical searches in higher dimensional systems show the presence of extremal PPT states of similar form. Based on these results we suggest that the UPB construction of the lowest rank entangled states in the 3x3 system can be generalized to higher dimensions, with the use of non-orthogonal UPBs.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. V2: Fixed fig.1 not showin
