9 research outputs found

    La mejor versión de sí mismos. Educar la individualidad a partir de la filosofía de Nietzsche

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    This essay illustrates the Nietzschean concept of education as it emerges in the Untimely Considerations, is developed in the works of the middle period (Daybreak, Human, All Too Human I and II, The Gay Science) and culminates in Thus Spoke Zarathustra. It also discusses Nietzsche's critique of the educational institutions of his time and the alternative idea of ​​educating by example. Finally, in this essay the possibility and usefulness of using some of Nietzsche's ideas for contemporary teaching - above all the ideal of self-overcoming and self-perfectioning - will be evaluated, and the different theories on this regard critically discussed.Este artículo ilustra el concepto de educación de Nietzsche tal como emerge en las Consideraciones intempestivas, se desarrolla en las obras del período medio (Aurora, Humano, demasiado humano I y II, La Gaya ciencia) y culmina en Así habló Zaratustra. También discute la crítica de Nietzsche a las instituciones educativas de su tiempo y la idea alternativa de educar con el ejemplo. Finalmente, la posibilidad y utilidad de utilizar algunas de las ideas de Nietzsche para la enseñanza contemporánea- especialmente el ideal de superación y superación personal -, se evaluará y discutirá críticamente con los estudiosos que han tratado este tema

    Reconstructing Metaphorical Meaning

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    Desde el lejano exilio durado casi medio siglo, María Zambrano observa el estado de confusión en el cual está su país, devastado, después de la breve esperanza republicana de los años ‘31-’36, desde la guerra civil hasta el régimen franquista. Alumna y asistente de Ortega y Gasset en la Universidad de Madrid antes del 1939, Zambrano imputa sustancialmente a la filosofía la culpa de la crisis en la cual se encuentrael hombre contemporáneo,desprovisto de una guía en su comportamiento y de certezas en las que arraigarse, cuya vida no está iluminada por la razón. Su reflexión tiene como objetivo polémico el racionalismo moderno, por la actitud totalizada y reductiva respecto a la complejidad de lo real y de las dinámicas que lo gobiernan, y por la incapacidad de hablar en modo eficaz al hombre. Efectivamente Zambrano constata que, en nuestro tiempo, al gran desarrollo técnico-científico corresponde una gran pobreza «de todas las formas activas, actuantes, del conocimiento», entendiendo con ellas, aquellas que «se encargan de difundir las ideas fundamentales para hacerlas servir como motivos de conducta en la vida diaria del hombre vulgar que no es, ni pretende ser, filósofo ni sabio». ........... Ver artículo complet

    La razón "metafórica" de María Zambrano

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    Noticias 2017

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    News 2017: Nietzsche et la Phénoménologie. Entre textes, réceptions e interprétations; 27. Internationaler Kongress der Nietzsche-Gesellschaft und der Friedrich Nietzsche Stiftung. Gemeinsame zweisprachige Jahrestagung; Presentación de las obras completas de F. Nietzsche volumen IV. Escritos de madurez II y complementos a la edición; Seminario Nietzsche Complutense (SNC) año 2016; Grupo Nietzsche de Lisboa; XXXVIII Encontros Nietzsche; Nietzsche un die Griechen - Internationale Tagung in Naumburg; El anillo de Nietzsche; Grupo de investigación internacional  «Hypernietzsche»; XIII Edizione del Seminario Permanente Nietzscheano. Nietzsche e l'edcazione; L'eredita di Montinari (1986-2016);North American Nietzsche Society Conference; Exposición del pintor Jobst Günter en Naumburg.Noticas 2017: Nietzsche et la Phénoménologie. Entre textes, réceptions e interprétations; 27. Internationaler Kongress der Nietzsche-Gesellschaft und der Friedrich Nietzsche Stiftung. Gemeinsame zweisprachige Jahrestagung; Presentación de las obras completas de F. Nietzsche volumen IV. Escritos de madurez II y complementos a la edición; Seminario Nietzsche Complutense (SNC) año 2016; Grupo Nietzsche de Lisboa; XXXVIII Encontros Nietzsche; Nietzsche un die Griechen - Internationale Tagung in Naumburg; El anillo de Nietzsche; Grupo de investigación internacional  «Hypernietzsche»; XIII Edizione del Seminario Permanente Nietzscheano. Nietzsche e l'edcazione; L'eredita di Montinari (1986-2016);North American Nietzsche Society Conference; Exposición del pintor Jobst Günter en Naumburg. &nbsp

    Ecological and social factors influence interspecific pathogens occurrence among bees

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    : The interspecific transmission of pathogens can occur frequently in the environment. Among wild bees, the main spillover cases are caused by pathogens associated with Apis mellifera, whose colonies can act as reservoirs. Due to the limited availability of data in Italy, it is challenging to accurately assess the impact and implications of this phenomenon on the wild bee populations. In this study, a total of 3372 bees were sampled from 11 Italian regions within the BeeNet project, evaluating the prevalence and the abundance of the major honey bee pathogens (DWV, BQCV, ABPV, CBPV, KBV, Nosema ceranae, Ascosphaera apis, Crithidia mellificae, Lotmaria passim, Crithidia bombi). The 68.4% of samples were positive for at least one pathogen. DWV, BQCV, N. ceranae and CBPV showed the highest prevalence and abundance values, confirming them as the most prevalent pathogens spread in the environment. For these pathogens, Andrena, Bombus, Eucera and Seladonia showed the highest mean prevalence and abundance values. Generally, time trends showed a prevalence and abundance decrease from April to July. In order to predict the risk of infection among wild bees, statistical models were developed. A low influence of apiary density on pathogen occurrence was observed, while meteorological conditions and agricultural management showed a greater impact on pathogen persistence in the environment. Social and biological traits of wild bees also contributed to defining a higher risk of infection for bivoltine, communal, mining and oligolectic bees. Out of all the samples tested, 40.5% were co-infected with two or more pathogens. In some cases, individuals were simultaneously infected with up to five different pathogens. It is essential to increase knowledge about the transmission of pathogens among wild bees to understand dynamics, impact and effects on pollinator populations. Implementing concrete plans for the conservation of wild bee species is important to ensure the health of wild and human-managed bees within a One-Health perspective

    Ecological and social factors influence interspecific pathogens occurrence among bees

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    Abstract The interspecific transmission of pathogens can occur frequently in the environment. Among wild bees, the main spillover cases are caused by pathogens associated with Apis mellifera, whose colonies can act as reservoirs. Due to the limited availability of data in Italy, it is challenging to accurately assess the impact and implications of this phenomenon on the wild bee populations. In this study, a total of 3372 bees were sampled from 11 Italian regions within the BeeNet project, evaluating the prevalence and the abundance of the major honey bee pathogens (DWV, BQCV, ABPV, CBPV, KBV, Nosema ceranae, Ascosphaera apis, Crithidia mellificae, Lotmaria passim, Crithidia bombi). The 68.4% of samples were positive for at least one pathogen. DWV, BQCV, N. ceranae and CBPV showed the highest prevalence and abundance values, confirming them as the most prevalent pathogens spread in the environment. For these pathogens, Andrena, Bombus, Eucera and Seladonia showed the highest mean prevalence and abundance values. Generally, time trends showed a prevalence and abundance decrease from April to July. In order to predict the risk of infection among wild bees, statistical models were developed. A low influence of apiary density on pathogen occurrence was observed, while meteorological conditions and agricultural management showed a greater impact on pathogen persistence in the environment. Social and biological traits of wild bees also contributed to defining a higher risk of infection for bivoltine, communal, mining and oligolectic bees. Out of all the samples tested, 40.5% were co-infected with two or more pathogens. In some cases, individuals were simultaneously infected with up to five different pathogens. It is essential to increase knowledge about the transmission of pathogens among wild bees to understand dynamics, impact and effects on pollinator populations. Implementing concrete plans for the conservation of wild bee species is important to ensure the health of wild and human-managed bees within a One-Health perspective