8,398 research outputs found

    Guidance, flight mechanics and trajectory optimization. Volume 12 - Relative motion, guidance equations for terminal rendezvous

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    Equations of relative motion and guidance for orbital transfer and docking maneuvers in spacecraft rendezvou

    Scalar Quantum Field Theory with Cubic Interaction

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    In this paper it is shown that an i phi^3 field theory is a physically acceptable field theory model (the spectrum is positive and the theory is unitary). The demonstration rests on the perturbative construction of a linear operator C, which is needed to define the Hilbert space inner product. The C operator is a new, time-independent observable in PT-symmetric quantum field theory.Comment: Corrected expressions in equations (20) and (21

    Harmonic oscillator well with a screened Coulombic core is quasi-exactly solvable

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    In the quantization scheme which weakens the hermiticity of a Hamiltonian to its mere PT invariance the superposition V(x) = x^2+ Ze^2/x of the harmonic and Coulomb potentials is defined at the purely imaginary effective charges (Ze^2=if) and regularized by a purely imaginary shift of x. This model is quasi-exactly solvable: We show that at each excited, (N+1)-st harmonic-oscillator energy E=2N+3 there exists not only the well known harmonic oscillator bound state (at the vanishing charge f=0) but also a normalizable (N+1)-plet of the further elementary Sturmian eigenstates \psi_n(x) at eigencharges f=f_n > 0, n = 0, 1, ..., N. Beyond the first few smallest multiplicities N we recommend their perturbative construction.Comment: 13 pages, Latex file, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    A photometric and kinematic study of the stars and interstellar medium in the central two kpc of NGC 3379

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    HST images of NGC 3379 show that the V and I luminosity profiles in the inner 13 arcsec of this E1 galaxy are represented by two different components: a stellar bulge following a Sersic Law with exponent n = 2.36, and a central core (r < 0.7 arcsec) with a characteristic "cuspy" profile. Subtraction of the underlying stellar component represented by the fitted Sersic profile revealed the presence of a small (r ~ 105 pc) dust disk of about 150 solar masses, oriented at PA = 125 degrees and inclined ~ 77 degrees with respect to the line of sight. The same absorption structure is detected in the color-index (V-I) image. The stellar rotation in the inner 20 arcsec is well represented by a parametric planar disk model, inclined ~ 26 degrees relative to the plane of the sky, and apparent major axis along PA ~ 67 degrees. The gas velocity curves in the inner 5 arcsec show a steep gradient, indicating that the gas rotates much faster than the stars, although in the same direction. The velocity field of the gaseous system, however, is not consistent with the simple model of Keplerian rotation sustained by the large (7 x 10E9 solar masses within a radius of ~ 90 pc) central mass implied by the maximum velocity observed, but the available data precludes a more detailed analysis.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX(aaspp4.sty), 9 figures included. Figs. 1 and 5 are colour plates. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (part 1

    Deconfined quantum criticality and generalised exclusion statistics in a non-hermitian BCS model

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    We present a pairing Hamiltonian of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer form which exhibits two quantum critical lines of deconfined excitations. This conclusion is drawn using the exact Bethe ansatz equations of the model which admit a class of simple, analytic solutions. The deconfined excitations obey generalised exclusion statistics. A notable property of the Hamiltonian is that it is non-hermitian. Although it does not have a real spectrum for all choices of coupling parameters, we provide a rigorous argument to establish that real spectra occur on the critical lines. The critical lines are found to be invariant under a renormalisation group map.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Stylistic changes, results unchange

    Global study of quadrupole correlation effects

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    We discuss the systematics of ground-state quadrupole correlations of binding energies and mean-square charge radii for all even-even nuclei, from O16 up to the superheavies, for which data are available. To that aim we calculate their correlated J=0 ground state by means of the angular-momentum and particle-number projected generator coordinate method, using the axial mass quadrupole moment as the generator coordinate and self-consistent mean-field states only restricted by axial, parity, and time-reversal symmetries. The calculation is performed within the framework of a non-relativistic self-consistent mean-field model using the same non-relativistic Skyrme interaction SLy4 and a density-dependent pairing force to generate the mean-field configurations and mix them. (See the paper for the rest of the abstract).Comment: 28 pages revtex, 29 eps figures (2 of which in color), 10 tables. submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Correlation energies by the generator coordinate method: computational aspects for quadrupolar deformations

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    We investigate truncation schemes to reduce the computational cost of calculating correlations by the generator coordinate method based on mean-field wave functions. As our test nuclei, we take examples for which accurate calculations are available. These include a strongly deformed nucleus, 156Sm, a nucleus with strong pairing, 120Sn, the krypton isotope chain which contains examples of soft deformations, and the lead isotope chain which includes the doubly magic 208Pb. We find that the Gaussian overlap approximation for angular momentum projection is effective and reduces the computational cost by an order of magnitude. Cost savings in the deformation degrees of freedom are harder to realize. A straightforward Gaussian overlap approximation can be applied rather reliably to angular-momentum projected states based on configuration sets having the same sign deformation (prolate or oblate), but matrix elements between prolate and oblate deformations must be treated with more care. We propose a two-dimensional GOA using a triangulation procedure to treat the general case with both kinds of deformation. With the computational gains from these approximations, it should be feasible to carry out a systematic calculation of correlation energies for the nuclear mass table.Comment: 11 pages revtex, 9 eps figure

    Contact line motion for partially wetting fluids

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    We study the flow close to an advancing contact line in the limit of small capillary number. To take into account wetting effects, both long and short-ranged contributions to the disjoining pressure are taken into account. In front of the contact line, there is a microscopic film corresponding to a minimum of the interaction potential. We compute the parameters of the contact line solution relevant to the matching to a macroscopic problem, for example a spreading droplet. The result closely resembles previous results obtained with a slip model

    The Isophotal Structure of Early-Type Galaxies in the SDSS: Dependence on AGN Activity and Environment

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    We study the dependence of the isophotal shape of early-type galaxies on their absolute B-band magnitude, their dynamical mass, and their nuclear activity and environment, using an unprecedented large sample of 847 early-type galaxies identified in the SDSS by Hao et al (2006). We find that the fraction of disky galaxies smoothly decreases with increasing luminosity. The large sample allows us to describe these trends accurately with tight linear relations that are statistically robust against the uncertainty in the isophotal shape measurements. There is also a host of significant correlations between the disky fraction and indicators of nuclear activity (both in the optical and in the radio) and environment (soft X-rays, group mass, group hierarchy). Our analysis shows however that these correlations can be accurately matched by assuming that the disky fraction depends only on galaxy luminosity or mass. We therefore conclude that neither the level of activity, nor group mass or group hierarchy help in better predicting the isophotal shape of early-type galaxies.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    VLT and NTT Observations of Two EIS Cluster Candidates. Detection of the Early-Type Galaxies Sequence at z~1

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    Optical data from the ESO VLT-UT1 Science Verification observations are combined with near-infrared data from SOFI at the NTT to obtain optical-infrared color-magnitude diagrams for the objects in the fields of two EIS cluster candidates. In both cases, evidence is found for a well-defined sequence of red galaxies that appear to be significantly more clustered than the background population. These results suggest that the two systems are real physical associations. The (R-Ks), (I-Ks) and (J-Ks) colors of the red sequences are used, in conjunction with similar data for spectroscopically confirmed clusters, to obtain redshift estimates of z ~ 0.9 and z ~ 1.0 for these two systems. These results make these EIS cluster candidates prime targets for follow-up spectroscopic observations to confirm their reality and to measure more accurately their redshift.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Special Letters Edition on "First Science with the VLT"