12 research outputs found

    Strongly exchange-coupled triplet pairs in an organic semiconductor

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    From biological complexes to devices based on organic semiconductors, spin interactions play a key role in the function of molecular systems. For instance, triplet-pair reactions impact operation of organic light-emitting diodes as well as photovoltaic devices. Conventional models for triplet pairs assume they interact only weakly. Here, using electron spin resonance, we observe long-lived, strongly-interacting triplet pairs in an organic semiconductor, generated via singlet fission. Using coherent spin-manipulation of these two-triplet states, we identify exchange-coupled (spin-2) quintet complexes co-existing with weakly coupled (spin-1) triplets. We measure strongly coupled pairs with a lifetime approaching 3 µs and a spin coherence time approaching 1 µs, at 10 K. Our results pave the way for the utilization of high-spin systems in organic semiconductors.Gates-Cambridge Trust, Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability, Freie Universität Berlin within the Excellence Initiative of the German Research Foundation, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant ID: EP/G060738/1)This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group at http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nphys3908

    Pharmacokinetic basis of the neuromuscular blocking effects of vecuronium bromide; a study in animals and man

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    De proeven in dieren dienden om zowel het algemene farmacokinetische gedrag en het spierverslappende effect van vecuronium te karakteriseren alsmede om de functie van de lever in de verdelinge en eliminatie van vecuronium nauwkeuriger te definiëren. Het is echter bekend dat zowel de effecten als de verwerking van spierverslappers door het lichaam bij de mens kan afwijken van die bij het dier. Daarom werden de farmacokinetiek en farmacodynamiek van vecuronium ook onderzocht bij mensen. ... Zie: Samenvatting