221 research outputs found

    Breakout Local Search for the Travelling Salesman Problem

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    The travelling salesman problem (TSP), a famous NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem (COP), consists of finding a minimum length tour that visits n cities exactly once and comes back to the starting city. This paper presents a resolution of the TSP using the breakout local search metaheuristic algorithm (BLS), which is based on the iterated local search (ILS) framework and improves it by introducing some fundamental features of several well-established metaheuristics such as tabu search (TS) and variable neighbourhood search (VNS). BLS moves from a local optimum of a neighbourhood to another by applying perturbation jumps whose type and number are determined adaptively. It has already been applied to many COP and gives good results. This innovative hybridisation resolved well 41 instances from the commonly used benchmark library TSPLIB. The high quality of experimental results shows the competitiveness of the proposed algorithm compared to other algorithms based on local search

    Role of molecular tools and serology tests in the diagnosis of the novel coronavirus: SARS-CoV-2

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    Since the emergenceof severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), it has become increasingly clear that bats are important reservoirs of coronaviruses. This investigation, with the apparition of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan (China, December 2019), has shown 96.2% sequence similarity with the bat coronavirus. Through this review, we report the characterization of a SARS-CoV-2. The virus belongs to the Betacoronavirusgenera and shares less than 80% of identity with the SARS-CoV. This similarity was helpful to develop RT-PCR and other tools involved in SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection. We also report the importance of the different molecular tools and, the possible use of serology tests in the diagnosis of COVID-19. We discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each of these methods


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    Perilaku masyarakat dalam membuang sampah di bantaran Sungai Setail menjadi penyebab terjadinya pencemaran sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis  perilaku masyarakat dalam membuang sampah plastik di bantaran sungai setail dengan harapan masyarakat dapat lebih tanggap dan memahami akan masalah dilingkungan sekitar yang dapat merugikan alam dan manusia karena tindakan pembuangan sampah di bantaran sungai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi yang dilakukan melalui survey dengan metode pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Lokasi penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sekitar Bantaran Sungai Setail Desa Purwoharjo, dengan sampel penelitian adalah masyarakat Dusun Curahpecak Desa Purwoharjo Kecamatan Purwoharjo yang berjumlah 30 orang. Data penelitian dianalisis untuk mengetahui perilaku masyarakat membuang sampah plastik di bantaran Sungai Setail dengan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku masyarakat membuang sampah  mulai dari yang tertinggi sampai terendah adalah indicator sikap sebesar 88%, indicator pengetahuan sebesar  68% dan indikator sarana prasarana sebesar 62%. Data penelitian dapat disimpulkan perilaku masyarakat membuang sampah plastik di bantaran sungai setail masih berlangsung karena kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat akan penyebab yang ditimbulkan dari pembuangan sampah di sungai. Tingginya pengetahuan masyarakat tidak menjadi patokan terkait  kesadaran yang dimiliki masyarakat untuk tidak mencemari sungai.Perilaku masyarakat dalam membuang sampah di bantaran Sungai Setail menjadi penyebab terjadinya pencemaran sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis  perilaku masyarakat dalam membuang sampah plastik di bantaran sungai setail dengan harapan masyarakat dapat lebih tanggap dan memahami akan masalah dilingkungan sekitar yang dapat merugikan alam dan manusia karena tindakan pembuangan sampah di bantaran sungai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi yang dilakukan melalui survey dengan metode pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Lokasi penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sekitar Bantaran Sungai Setail Desa Purwoharjo, dengan sampel penelitian adalah masyarakat Dusun Curahpecak Desa Purwoharjo Kecamatan Purwoharjo yang berjumlah 30 orang. Data penelitian dianalisis untuk mengetahui perilaku masyarakat membuang sampah plastik di bantaran Sungai Setail dengan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku masyarakat membuang sampah  mulai dari yang tertinggi sampai terendah adalah indicator sikap sebesar 88%, indicator pengetahuan sebesar  68% dan indikator sarana prasarana sebesar 62%. Data penelitian dapat disimpulkan perilaku masyarakat membuang sampah plastik di bantaran sungai setail masih berlangsung karena kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat akan penyebab yang ditimbulkan dari pembuangan sampah di sungai. Tingginya pengetahuan masyarakat tidak menjadi patokan terkait  kesadaran yang dimiliki masyarakat untuk tidak mencemari sungai

    Management of Viral Hepatitis C: Therapeutic and Economic Study in Morocco

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    Viral hepatitis C is not only a major public health problem by its significant morbidity and mortality worldwide, but also a medical and economical burden. Over the last 5 years, numerous research laboratories have enabled the development of several direct acting anti-HCV molecules whose effectiveness is well established. Great progress has been made in particular in the field of therapy although the cost of these treatments is today the focus of discussions, dissemination of new antiviral treatments to direct action should be a priority for public powers to heal and reduce the complications of this disease, thus the line ministry has given permission to market a generic of sofosbuvir drugs at an affordable price, acceptable and 80 times cheaper than the princeps. The first part of this paper elucidates the news of new drugs available to treat HCV, in the second part economical study aspects of the different therapeutical strategies currently available in Morocco. Thus we will study impacts of economical consequences of the therapy used against chronic hepatitis C. Keywords: Sofosbuvir; hepatitis C; direct-acting antiviral; guideline and management of viral hepatitis C; therapeutic and economic study in morocco; sustained virological respons

    A diagnostic dilemma in breast pathology – benign fibroadenoma with multinucleated stromal giant cells

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    Fibroadenomas are common benign breast tumours that display a characteristic pathological morphology, although several epithelial and stromal variations exist. A very rare histological finding is the presence of multinucleated giant cells throughout the stroma of a benign fibroadenoma. Cells of this type, which are more commonly found incidentally within the interlobular stroma of breast tissue, are benign and should not be mistaken for malignant cells on microscopic examination. Unfortunately a lack of awareness of this pathological entity can lead to diagnostic confusion amongst pathologists resulting in the multinucleate giant cells being mistaken for highly mitotic cells and consequently the fibroadenoma being mistaken for a malignant lesion. This may have serious implications for the subsequent management of the patient. The presence of this unusual cell type in the stroma does not alter the prognosis of otherwise benign lesion. We encountered two such cases at our institution in a six month period recently. We present their histories along with relevant radiological, microscopic and immunohistochemical features, followed by a discussion of this unusual pathological entity

    Hypothalamus-olfactory system crosstalk: orexin a immunostaining in mice.

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    Short title: Orexin in miceInternational audienceIt is well known that olfaction influences food intake, and conversely, that an individual's nutritional status modulates olfactory sensitivity. However, what is still poorly understood is the neuronal correlate of this relationship, as well as the connections between the olfactory bulb and the hypothalamus. The goal of this report is to analyze the relationship between the olfactory bulb and hypothalamus, focusing on orexin A immunostaining, a hypothalamic neuropeptide that is thought to play a role in states of sleep/wakefulness. Interestingly, orexin A has also been described as a food intake stimulator. Such an effect may be due in part to the stimulation of the olfactory bulbar pathway. In rats, orexin positive cells are concentrated strictly in the lateral hypothalamus, while their projections invade nearly the entire brain including the olfactory system. Therefore, orexin appears to be a good candidate to play a pivotal role in connecting olfactory and hypothalamic pathways. So far, orexin has been described in rats, however, there is still a lack of information concerning its expression in the brains of adult and developing mice. In this context, we revisited the orexin A pattern in adult and developing mice using immunohistological methods and confocal microscopy. Besides minor differences, orexin A immunostaining in mice shares many features with those observed in rats. In the olfactory bulb, even though there are few orexin projections, they reach all the different layers of the olfactory bulb. In contrast to the presence of orexin projections in the main olfactory bulb, almost none have been found in the accessory olfactory bulb. The developmental expression of orexin A supports the hypothesis that orexin expression only appears post-natally

    The Expectation Value of Electron Momentum of Li2+ ion on Principal Quantum Number n ≤ 3 in Momentum Space

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    Information on electron behavior in a hydrogen atom, such as electron expectation, electron probability, electron position, electron energy spectrum, etc. can be obtained through Schrodinger equation.ions are  atoms that lose   so that they become hydrogenic atoms. This research aims to determine the expectation value of electron momentum of ion in momentum space at the main quantum number  using Schrodinger equation approach. The method used in this research is literature study with non-experimental research type. The results obtained expectation value depends on the interval and the value of the quantum number. The larger the interval, the expectation value of electron momentum increases. While the greater the value of quantum numbers, the expectation value of electron momentum is getting smaller. Based on the analysis, the expectation value of electron momentum is quite varied from to . From this research, it is found that the expectation value of electron momentum is the same as the expectation value of electron position. 

    Contribution of Lasergrammetry, Photogrammetry and Electrical Tomography for the Survey and 3D Representation of Caves: Case Study of the Cave of Kef El Baroud, Province of Benslimane, Morocco

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    The modeling of caves is constantly evolving and the classic modeling tools are giving way to new techniques that are more precise and more practical, indeed scientists are increasingly using 3D modeling to improve the representations of caves, in this study we have used lasergrammetry and photogrammetry which occupy an increasing place in the 3D representation of caves. Their simplicity favors their use for recording and modeling the parietal morphology of caves and the detailed representation of the complexity of Endokarst. As part of the geomorphological study of the Kef El Baroud Cave which is located in the province of Benslimane in Morocco, two modeling methods were carried out, it is a digital survey by lasergrammetry and by photogrammetry of the cave. and its parietal morphologies. The study was completed by a topographical survey with a DistoX rangefinder. The geophysical contribution by electrical tomography was also carried out. The 3D terrestrial laser scanning technique was performed by a LEICA RTC 345 scanner. These measurements made it possible to reconstruct the evolutionary stages of the paragenetic morphologies, and their relationships with the local geomorphology, and the structural elements. The field measurements were integrated into the morphometric analyzes of the digital models, which allowed a large number of observations.The surveys also made it possible to compare the results with those of the photogrammetry carried out by a reflex camera and a wide-angle lens with appropriate editing software.Lasergrammetry and its application have enabled us to precisely position within the point cloud all the details of the covered wall, and thus constitutes, alongside photogrammetry, an interesting means for the geomorphological study of the Caves. An electrical tomography study was coupled with the other measurements and made it possible not only to delimit the walls of the Cave according to the resistivity gradients but also to detect the very probable presence of fractured zones under the Cave which could constitute an aquifer

    Dilatation mitrale percutanée des rétrécissements mitraux en hypertention pulmonaire importante au cours de la grossesse

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    Le rétrécissement mitral (RM) rhumatismal est la valvulopathie organique la plus fréquente dans les pays en voie de développement. La grossesse constitue l´une des circonstances de décompensation de cette valvulopathie. Nous rapportons notre expérience dans la dilatation mitrale percutanée des rétrécissements mitraux en hypertension pulmonaire importante au cours de la grossesse. La commissurotomie mitrale percutanée a été réalisée chez deux cent vingt-trois parturientes entre janvier 2009 et d écembre 2015. Quarante trois soit 19% de ces patients avaient une hypertension pulmonaire importante (PAPS > 70 mmHg). Toutes les parturientes de notre série sont porteuses d´un RM très serré symptomatique malgré un traitement médical bien conduit. La CMP a été un succès chez l´ensemble des patientes de l´étude, toutes les patientes se sont améliorées sur le plan clinique. L´insuffisance mitrale a progressé d´un grade chez deux patientes. Une patiente a présenté une tamponnade avec une évolution favorable après ponction péricardique. Aucun avortement n´est survenu après procédure et deux accouchements prématurés ont été rapportés. La prise en charge d´un RM serré durant la grossesse doit être multidisciplinaire et faire intervenir le gynécologue-obstétricien, l´anesthésiste et le cardiologue. La CMP constitue actuellement le traitement de référence du RM au cours de la grossesse