46 research outputs found

    Quantum hall response to time-dependent strain gradients in graphene

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    Mechanical deformations of graphene induce a term in the Dirac Hamiltonian that is reminiscent of an electromagnetic vector potential. Strain gradients along particular lattice directions induce local pseudomagnetic fields and substantial energy gaps as indeed observed experimentally. Expanding this analogy, we propose to complement the pseudomagnetic field by a pseudoelectric field, generated by a time-dependent oscillating stress applied to a graphene ribbon. The joint Hall-like response to these crossed fields results in a strain-induced charge current along the ribbon. We analyze in detail a particular experimental implementation in the (pseudo)quantum Hall regime with weak intervalley scattering. This allows us to predict an (approximately) quantized Hall current that is unaffected by screening due to diffusion currents

    Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks Through the Lens of Partial Differential Equations

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    Quantization of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) is a common approach to ease the computational burden involved in the deployment of CNNs, especially on low-resource edge devices. However, fixed-point arithmetic is not natural to the type of computations involved in neural networks. In this work, we explore ways to improve quantized CNNs using PDE-based perspective and analysis. First, we harness the total variation (TV) approach to apply edge-aware smoothing to the feature maps throughout the network. This aims to reduce outliers in the distribution of values and promote piece-wise constant maps, which are more suitable for quantization. Secondly, we consider symmetric and stable variants of common CNNs for image classification, and Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) for graph node-classification. We demonstrate through several experiments that the property of forward stability preserves the action of a network under different quantization rates. As a result, stable quantized networks behave similarly to their non-quantized counterparts even though they rely on fewer parameters. We also find that at times, stability even aids in improving accuracy. These properties are of particular interest for sensitive, resource-constrained, low-power or real-time applications like autonomous driving

    Building devices in magic-angle graphene

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    Twisted bilayer graphene enables the realization of Josephson junctions and single electron transistors in a single, crystalline material using electric feld gating only, thereby avoiding interfaces between dissimilar materials

    Shaping Exciton Dynamics in 2D Semiconductors by Tailored Ultrafast Pulses

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    Excitonic resonances in two-dimensional semiconductors play a crucial role in enhancing nonlinear light-matter interactions. However, the influence of resonant dynamics on the time-dependent behavior of these nonlinear effects has received little attention, as optical wave-mixing is commonly assumed to be instantaneous. In this study, we investigate the impact of excited state dynamics on the generation of second and third-order nonlinearities from Monolayer WSe2\text{WSe}_\text{2} in ambient conditions. By shaping a sub-10fs driving pulse to complement the exciton resonant dynamics, we demonstrate a significant enhancement of four-wave-mixing beyond what is achieved using a transform-limited pulse. Conversely, a time-reversed pulse shape leads to destructive quantum interference effects, suppressing nonlinear generation. We apply this technique simultaneously to two successive exciton states, showcasing the selective choice in the resonant state that produces nonlinearity. The ability to control nonlinear carrier dynamics in two-dimensional semiconductors holds promise for remote noninvasive optical manipulation in optoelectronic devices

    Cumulative Polarization Coexisting with Conductivity at Interfacial Ferroelectrics

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    Ferroelectricity in atomically thin bilayer structures has been recently predicted1 and measured[2-4] in two-dimensional (2D) materials with hexagonal non-centrosymmetric unit-cells. Interestingly, the crystal symmetry translates lateral shifts between parallel 2D layers to a change of sign in their out-of-plane electric polarization, a mechanism referred to as "Slide-Tronics"[4]. These observations, however, have been restricted to switching between only two polarization states under low charge carrier densities[5-12], strongly limiting the practical application of the revealed phenomena[13]. To overcome these issues, one needs to explore the nature of the polarization that arises in multi-layered van der Waals (vdW) stacks, how it is governed by intra- and inter-layer charge redistribution, and to which extent it survives the introduction of mobile charge carriers, all of which are presently unknown14. To explore these questions, we conduct surface potential measurements of parallel WSe2 and MoS2 multi-layers with aligned and anti-aligned configurations of the polar interfaces. We find evenly spaced, nearly decoupled potential steps, indicating highly confined interfacial electric fields, which provide means to design multi-state "ladder ferroelectrics". Furthermore, we find that the internal polarization remains significant upon electrostatic doping of a mobile charge carrier density as high as 1013 cm-2, with substantial in-plane conductivity. Using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT), we trace the extra charge redistribution in real and momentum space and identify an eventual doping-induced depolarization mechanism

    Fluidity Onset in Graphene

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    Viscous electron fluids have emerged recently as a new paradigm of strongly-correlated electron transport in solids. Here we report on a direct observation of the transition to this long-sought-for state of matter in a high-mobility electron system in graphene. Unexpectedly, the electron flow is found to be interaction-dominated but non-hydrodynamic (quasiballistic) in a wide temperature range, showing signatures of viscous flows only at relatively high temperatures. The transition between the two regimes is characterized by a sharp maximum of negative resistance, probed in proximity to the current injector. The resistance decreases as the system goes deeper into the hydrodynamic regime. In a perfect darkness-before-daybreak manner, the interaction-dominated negative response is strongest at the transition to the quasiballistic regime. Our work provides the first demonstration of how the viscous fluid behavior emerges in an interacting electron system.Comment: 8pgs, 4fg

    Imaging resonant dissipation from individual atomic defects in graphene

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    Conversion of electric current into heat involves microscopic processes that operate on nanometer length-scales and release minute amounts of power. While central to our understanding of the electrical properties of materials, individual mediators of energy dissipation have so far eluded direct observation. Using scanning nano-thermometry with sub-micro K sensitivity we visualize and control phonon emission from individual atomic defects in graphene. The inferred electron-phonon 'cooling power spectrum' exhibits sharp peaks when the Fermi level comes into resonance with electronic quasi-bound states at such defects, a hitherto uncharted process. Rare in the bulk but abundant at graphene's edges, switchable atomic-scale phonon emitters define the dominant dissipation mechanism. Our work offers new insights for addressing key materials challenges in modern electronics and engineering dissipation at the nanoscale

    Visualizing Poiseuille flow of hydrodynamic electrons

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    Hydrodynamics is a general description for the flow of a fluid, and is expected to hold even for fundamental particles such as electrons when inter-particle interactions dominate. While various aspects of electron hydrodynamics were revealed in recent experiments, the fundamental spatial structure of hydrodynamic electrons, the Poiseuille flow profile, has remained elusive. In this work, we provide the first real-space imaging of Poiseuille flow of an electronic fluid, as well as visualization of its evolution from ballistic flow. Utilizing a scanning nanotube single electron transistor, we image the Hall voltage of electronic flow through channels of high-mobility graphene. We find that the profile of the Hall field across the channel is a key physical quantity for distinguishing ballistic from hydrodynamic flow. We image the transition from flat, ballistic field profiles at low temperature into parabolic field profiles at elevated temperatures, which is the hallmark of Poiseuille flow. The curvature of the imaged profiles is qualitatively reproduced by Boltzmann calculations, which allow us to create a 'phase diagram' that characterizes the electron flow regimes. Our results provide long-sought, direct confirmation of Poiseuille flow in the solid state, and enable a new approach for exploring the rich physics of interacting electrons in real space