30 research outputs found

    Generation Z members' intentions to work in tourism in their World Heritage Site hometowns

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    This study analyzes the impact of four dimensions on Generation Z’s intentions to work in the tourism industry in their hometown of Antequera (Malaga, Spain) within the specific tourism context of World Heritage Sites (WHSs). We estimate the influence of young residents’ perceptions toward tourism development through WHS recognition, community involvement, and place attachment on this variable, following the theory of planned behavior (TPB). A structural equation model based on variance by partial least squares, PLS-SEM, has been proposed. The results show that Generation Z's community involvement, place attachment, and positive perceptions toward tourism development directly influence their intentions to work in their WHS hometown; meanwhile, the negative perceptions toward tourism development have no direct impact on these intentions to work.This research is part of the PRY081/22 project titled: ‘Seeking the sustainability of organizations in strategic sectors: tourism and bioeconomy’ to the Andalusian Public Foundation Centro de Estudios Andaluces (ROR: https://ror.org/05v01tw04 and Crossref Funder ID 100019858)

    Generation Z Within the Workforce and in the Workplace: A Bibliometric Analysis.

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    This article aims to improve the knowledge on Generation Z as employees within workforce and in the workplace, as well as on the main thematic trends that drive the research on the topic. To this end, and using bibliometric techniques, a sample of 102 publications on this subject from Web of Science between 2009 and 2020 is analyzed. Research discusses the most published and most cited authors and journals to have a broad view of the context of the subject. Later, through a longitudinal view, the study mainly focuses on analyzing the evolution of thematic clusters, to assess the progress of the themes, as well as the network around the principal motor cluster of each period. The obtained results suggest a hardly developed topic, which started to draw attention in 2018, while still having a wide margin for growth. The core of research on the topic has evolved around “Generation-Z” “generations,” “workplace,” “management” and “attitudes,” “leadership,” “career,” or “learning-teaching-education,” although a low keyword stability among periods was noted. There is a need for further development on a variety of aspects regarding this generation and the labor market, as the study shows a clear orientation toward management and generational diversity within the workplace

    Motivación y desempeño laboral en la organización.

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    La motivación de los miembros que trabajan en una organización se considera un elemento fundamental para un buen desempeño laboral y está adquiriendo una gran importancia en los recursos humanos de la empresa. Así, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar la motivación de los miembros de la organización y su desempeño laboral. Esta investigación está estructurada, por un lado, en una parte teórica, donde se expone el concepto de motivación laboral, tipos de motivación, así como las teorías y enfoques más importantes sobre la motivación en el puesto de trabajo. Por otro lado, se expone un caso aplicado basado en una adaptación del cuestionario de gestión por motivación. A partir de los datos obtenidos se realiza un análisis estadístico descriptivo, analizándose las diferentes necesidades de los trabajadores, su motivación en desempeño laboral. En conclusión, destacamos que las empresas deben establecer una política de recursos humanos en base a las necesidades de sus trabajadores. Si las medidas que se adoptan en la organización no suponen la satisfacción de alguna necesidad o deseo del trabajador dichas medias no servirá para estimular dicha motivación el desempeño laboral. Palabras clave: Motivación, rendimiento laboral, satisfacción, necesidadesUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Higher Education Students’ Assessments towards Gamification and Sustainability: A Case Study

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    : Some academics are pushing for teaching staff to implement didactical practices to obtain sustainable behavior. Moreover, a fundamental element of gamification in all educational stages is the noteworthy effect it has on student motivation. In our study, we examined higher education students’ assessments in the University of Malaga on the design of educational gamification and the teaching criteria that relate to gamification, and its effect on student’s motivation, the applications of gamification, and the attitude towards sustainability. A questionnaire was administered to students studying for degrees in education from the University of Malaga. A total of 187 valid surveys were obtained. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was computed for these data based on an exploratory–confirmatory model and using SmartPLS version 3.3.2. A positive relationship between assessment of students’ motivation and sustainability attitude was found. We found that the opinions of the students about the role of their training and teaching design material in education would affect students’ motivation and the sustainability behavior, although the power of this last construct is moderate

    Adelante / Endavant

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    Séptimo desafío por la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres del Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere "Purificación Escribano" de la Universitat Jaume

    Emotional intelligence, leadership, and work teams: A hybrid literature review

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    Emotional intelligence (EI) has been widely researched in different fields of knowledge. This paper reviews the literature on emotional intelligence, leadership, and teams in 104 peer-reviewed articles and reviews provided by the Web of Science and Scopus databases from 1998 to 2022. It is a hybrid or mixed review as it uses both quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques. The aims of this study are a performance analysis of the selected documents (years of publication, country, sectors, techniques used, most cited authors, authors with more publications, journals, journal quartiles, and scope of publication), as well as a co-word analysis using Atlas. ti v8. The results of the quantitative analysis indicate that the majority are empirical works. The qualitative analysis is a co-word analysis providing the following results: (i) classification of authors by major themes-categories (EI, leadership, team), (ii) classification of themes within each major theme: three subcategories in EI, 17 subcategories in leadership, and 19 subcategories in team and, lastly, (iii) classification according to the chronological development of main objectives from the most cited authors' articles we analyzed. Leadership (transformational, emergence, virtual, effective, health, effectiveness) is the major theme we studied. Our in-depth review of the articles has shown that emotionally intelligent leaders improve both behaviors and business results and have an impact on work team performance. It also highlighted a positive relationship between emotional competence and team members’ attitudes about work. The new trends focus on the impacts of COVID19, the global crisis due to the Ukraine War, working in VUCA and BANI environments, comparative studies between generations, the application of artificial intelligence and the influence of mindfulness on organizations

    Relación de los equipos de trabajo en la organización: papel del líder emocionalmente inteligente

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los resultados del análisis bibliométrico proporcionado exclusivamente por la base de datos Web of Science, concernientes a los estudios científicos referentes a la influencia que puede ejercer el líder emocionalmente inteligente en las relaciones del equipo de trabajo de una organización. El análisis comprende 143 artículos en inglés publicados entre 2002 y 2021. Los resultados constituyen una base actualizada para profundizar en la investigación de esta temática

    Residents’ Negative Perceptions towards Tourism, Loyalty and Happiness: The Case of Fuengirola, Spain

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    Current studies suggest focusing on the study of residents’ negative perceptions towards tourism. This study estimates a confirmatory model of structural equations based on variance. The negative perceptions of residents living in Fuengirola (Spain), divided into three dimensions (negative economic impact, negative social impact, and negative environmental impact), according to social exchange theory, and, also the residents’ loyalty to their city are considered to be predictors of residents’ happiness. We have proposed a construct of residents’ loyalty to their tourism destination residence as a novelty, being composed of two indicators. The model has been computed based on partial least squares-structural equation modeling. The following hypotheses have been tested: (a) negative perceptions have positive effects on each other; (b) negative perceptions have a negative effect on happiness; and, (c) residents’ loyalty has a positive effect on happiness. The hypotheses were not rejected. Moreover, the loyalty of the residents has the highest direct positive impact, while the negative impacts have weak negative effects, direct and indirect, on the happiness of the residents. The result of the positive relationship between place loyalty and happiness referred by those persons who perceive their living place (neighborhood) as prestigious is consistent with our findings, which is, an increase of loyalty was found to be associated with an increase in happiness

    Gender diversity in boards of directors: A bibliometric mapping

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    The literature on gender diversity in boards of directors has expanded significantly in recent years, due to the fact that women are increasingly holding higher management positions within the company hierarchy, clearly demonstrating that certain characteristics of women have a positive impact on different areas within the company. The objective of this paper is to analyze scientific articles on the presence of women in boards of directors, based on a literature review, in order to learn about the evolution of this concept over time. The search conducted for this paper produced 300 documents from the Web of Science, with a final total result of 168 documents after passing the initial results through various filters. VOSviewer software was used to analyze the information, which enabled the creation of bibliometric citation, co-citation and co-word maps. The results reveal the most relevant authors and studies on this subject and identify the most current studies, the main topic of which deals with sustainability and corporate social responsibility, in addition to highlighting the characteristics of women that are of vital importance to boards of directors within the current context: empathy, open innovation, concern for the needs of interest groups and a heightened perception of risks

    Aprendizaje basado en problemas a través de las TIC

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónLa adaptación de la Universidad española al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) conlleva la necesidad de incorporar nuevas herramientas que faciliten el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje.El uso generalizado de las TIC, la creación de plataformas de enseñanza en la red y la utilización de nuevos métodos de enseñanza basados en el fomento del trabajo colaborativo y en la resolución de casos reales marcan la tendencia general de este nuevo entorno. En este trabajo se muestra cómo la utilización de la plataforma de enseñanza virtual de la Universidad de Málaga puede favorecer dichos métodos centrándose, para ello, en la metodología del aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP).NavarraUniversidad de Navarra. Biblioteca; 31080 Pamplona; +34948425600; +3494817731080; [email protected]