14 research outputs found
A Tangible System for Learning Relational Algebra
Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) are those in which users interact with a digital system through the direct manipulation of physical objects (tokens). Tokens are directly linked to a certain data/functionality within the system, so manipulation of these objects affects the system behavior. This paper introduces TanQuery, a tangible system to support the process of learning Relational Algebra. TanQuery incorporates components to detect and track tokens, and to analyze and execute query trees. The system was tested by university students, and obtained results allowed to observe and analyze that students found this type of interface useful and pleasant
ResumenLa evoluci贸n de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n ha permitido que los sistemas evolucionen, proporcionando mecanismos novedosos que apoyen a los usuarios en la realizaci贸n de sus actividades, particularmente, en los Sistemas Colaborativos (SC), ya que este tipo software tiene como objetivo apoyar el trabajo en grupo, en donde los participantes llevan a cabo interacciones sociales y adem谩s se encuentran de manera presencial o distribuida, y trabajan de forma s铆ncrona o as铆ncrona. Este software se caracteriza por proveer herramientas de comunicaci贸n, coordinaci贸n, colaboraci贸n y regulaci贸n y es deseable, que adem谩s cuente con mecanismos que permitan: adaptaci贸n al contexto de uso, medici贸n de rendimiento de desempe帽o de usuarios, adaptaci贸n de interfaces, etc., a partir del an谩lisis de la informaci贸n generada durante el desarrollo de la actividad colaborativa. Este trabajo se enfoca en el an谩lisis de las interacciones sociales en un videojuego colaborativo cuyo objetivo es "capturar y mantener una bandera". La actividad colaborativa en esta modalidad es muy din谩mica y las interacciones sociales se llevan a cabo con una alta velocidad, por lo que en este trabajo se propone un software con tecnolog铆a multi-agente, que permita reproducir una actividad colaborativa e identificar las interacciones individuales y sociales realizadas.Palabra(s) Clave: An谩lisis de actividad, Sistemas colaborativos, Sistemas multi-agente, Videojuego.聽MULTI-AGENT SYSTEM TO SUPPORT THE ANALYSIS OF A COLLABORATIVE ACTIVITY OF A VIDEOGAMEAbstractThe evolution of information and communication technologies has allowed systems to evolve, as it provides novel mechanisms that support users in their activities. In particular, Collaborative Systems (CS), are a software type that aims to support group work. On these groups, users carry out social interactions, are located in the same or different place, and work in synchronous or asynchronous way. CSs are characterized by providing communication, coordination, collaboration and regulation tools. Nevertheless, it is desirable that CSs gather the necessary information from group activity, which allows them to: adapt to the context of use, measure performance of users, user interfaces. This work focuses on the analysis of social interactions in a collaborative video game aimed at "capturing and maintaining a flag". Collaborative activity in this modality is very dynamic and social interactions are carried out with a high speed, so in this work we propose a multi-agent system that allows to reproduce a collaborative activity and to identify the individual and social interactions.Keywords: Activity analysis, Collaborative Systems, Multi-agent systems, Video game
ResumenEl razonamiento, en la inteligencia humana, procesa los conocimientos e informaci贸n que se poseen, aplicando una serie de reglas y experiencias, para deducir y reaccionar ante situaciones en un contexto determinado. Escenario similar se busca en los sistemas conscientes del contexto, que capturan variables del entorno a trav茅s de redes de sensores, con el prop贸sito de hacer razonamientos sobre el propio sistema y el comportamiento del usuario. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la necesidad de crear mecanismos de razonamiento en los sistemas conscientes del contexto, como herramienta para la inferencia basada en la fusi贸n de flujos de datos de fuentes f铆sicas. Como m茅todo se definieron cuatro niveles de trabajo, esto es el acopio de datos de sensores, procesamiento, fusi贸n del flujo de datos y razonamiento para la inferencia del contexto. Se presenta el dise帽o, a alto nivel, del esquema de adquisici贸n y razonamiento basado en datos para la inferencia de la comodidad t茅rmica de los usuarios en determinados espacios de trabajo. Este an谩lisis de la comodidad t茅rmica se puede lograr a trav茅s de la adquisici贸n de datos, razonamiento y reacci贸n del sistema para brindar al usuario servicios que le sean de utilidad en la realizaci贸n de sus actividades cotidianas.Palabra(s) Clave: Contexto, Flujo de datos, Fusi贸n de datos, Inferencia, Razonamiento.聽AbstractReasoning, in the human intelligence, processes the knowledge and information that are possessed, applying a series of rules and experiences, to deduce and react to situations in a determined context. A similar scenario is sought in context-aware systems that capture environment variables through sensor networks, with the purpose of making reasoning about the system itself and the behavior of the user. This work aims to describe the need to create reasoning mechanisms in context-aware systems, as a tool for the inference based on the data stream fusion from physical sources. As method four work levels were defined, this is, data sensing, processing, data stream fusion and reasoning for context inference. The design is presented, at a high level, of the data-based acquisition and reasoning scheme for the inference of the thermal comfort of users in certain workspaces. This analysis of the thermal comfort can be achieved through the data acquisition, reasoning, and reaction of the system to give the user services that are useful in carrying out their daily activities.Keywords: Context, Data flow, Data fusion, Inference, Reasoning
ResumenEn el 谩rea de Trabajo Colaborativo Asistido por Computadora (CSCW), los Groupware son sistemas de informaci贸n que apoyan a equipos de trabajo en la realizaci贸n de una actividad colaborativa. Estos sistemas proporcionan informaci贸n a trav茅s de mecanismos visuales que los usuarios utilizan para comprender lo que sucede en el desarrollo de una actividad colaborativa. La informaci贸n mostrada a los equipos apoya la generaci贸n de consciencia o awareness de grupo, la cual es clave para la toma de decisiones, comunicaci贸n, colaboraci贸n y coordinaci贸n de los integrantes del equipo. Para la generaci贸n eficiente del awareness, se requieren de mecanismos de visualizaci贸n construidos a partir de la selecci贸n de t茅cnicas que brinden y faciliten la generaci贸n de conocimiento, sin provocar una carga cognitiva adicional que dificulte y afecte negativamente el desarrollo intr铆nseco de la actividad. Sin embargo, la falta de convenciones en el dise帽o del awareness y la gran variedad de definiciones y enfoques, en gran medida provoca la conceptualizaci贸n de mecanismos ineficientes para la coordinaci贸n y organizaci贸n de los miembros de un equipo. Por tal motivo, en este art铆culo se presenta un an谩lisis e identificaci贸n de los factores para el dise帽o y visualizaci贸n de awareness en los Groupware. Con base en los factores identificados, se propone un modelo con los elementos a considerar en el dise帽o y desarrollo del soporte de awareness.Palabra(s) Clave: Awareness, Groupware, Visualizaci贸n.聽FACTORS FOR THE DESIGN AND VISUALIZATION OF AWARENESS IN GROUPWARE SYSTEMSAbstractIn the area of Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW), Groupware are information systems that support work teams in carrying out a collaborative activity. These systems provide information through visual mechanisms that users use to understand what is happening in the development of a collaborative activity. These systems provide information through visual mechanisms that users use to understand what is happening in the development of a collaborative activity. The information shown to the teams supports the generation of awareness or group awareness, which is key to the decision making, communication, collaboration and coordination of the team members. For the efficient generation of awareness, it requires visualization mechanisms built from the selection of techniques that provide and facilitate the generation of knowledge, without provoking an additional cognitive load that hinders and negatively affects the intrinsic development of the activity. However, the lack of conventions in the design of awareness and the wide variety of definitions and approaches largely causes the conceptualization of inefficient mechanisms for the coordination and organization of team members. For this reason, this article presents an analysis and identification of the factors for the design and visualization of awareness in Groupware. Based on the identified factors, we propose a model with the elements to be considered in the design and development of awareness support.Keywords: Awareness, Groupware, Visualization
Desarrollo y evaluaci贸n de un sistema interactivo para personas con discapacidad visual
This document presents the experimentation, development and results of testing conducted on a computer application designed for visually impaired people. The interactive system aims to promote some places in the State of Aguascalientes, Mexico, and improve the memory of blind users. The purpose of this article is to describe the construction of the system and the testing conducted to measure the degree of interactivity with blind people. Creating interactivity-focused applications is important since it can improve the degree of technology usage (mobile devices) of people with disabilities. To assess the quality of this type of software, the specifications they should meet need to be established. They involve big screens, adapted keyboards and ergonomics [1] and depend on the type of disability being addressed. Therefore, they should be characterized to determine how to develop them and assess their quality with the degree of interaction obtained. The main contribution of this work is presenting the results of the degree of interactivity of the system when used by blind people and detailing part of the Team Software Process (TSP) defined by Watts Humphrey and adopted for developing the application [2].Lo que se presenta en este documento es una experimentaci贸n sobre el desarrollo y los resultados de las pruebas realizadas de una aplicaci贸n para computadora, enfocadas a personas con discapacidad visual. Los objetivos del sistema interactivo son: dar a conocer algunos lugares del estado de Aguascalientes, M茅xico; y fortalecer la memoria del usuario ciego. El prop贸sito de este art铆culo es que mediante la construcci贸n del sistema y las pruebas realizadas se da a conocer el grado de interactividad para personas ciegas. El construir aplicaciones con calidad enfocada a la interactividad es importante, ya que, para personas con discapacidad, puede mejorar el grado de uso de las tecnolog铆as (dispositivos m贸viles). Para determinar la calidad es necesario conocer las caracter铆sticas que debe de tener este tipo de aplicaciones, como lo son: pantalla grande, teclado adecuado, ergonom铆a, entre otras [1], dependiendo del tipo de discapacidad al que se est茅 refiriendo, es decir, se debe de caracterizar la aplicaci贸n para poder determinar c贸mo desarrollar la aplicaci贸n y la medici贸n de la calidad mediante el grado de interacci贸n obtenido. La principal aportaci贸n de este trabajo es mostrar los resultados obtenidos del grado de interactividad del sistema al ser utilizado por personas ciegas, as铆 como mostrar parte del proceso de producci贸n de software en el trabajo en equipos definido por Watts Humphrey utilizado para la construcci贸n de la aplicaci贸n (TSP) [2]
Towards a Reasoning Model for Context-aware Systems: Modal Logic and the Tree Model Property
Abstract. Modal logics forms a family of formalisms widely used as reasoning frameworks in diverse areas of computer science. Description logics and their application to the web semantic is a notable example. Also, description logics have been recently used as a reasoning model for context-aware systems. Most reasoning algorithms for modal (description) logics are based on tableau constructions. In this work, we propose a reasoning (satisfiability) algorithm for the multi-modal Km with converse. The algorithm is based on the finite tree model property and a Fischer-Ladner construction. We show the algorithm is sound and complete, and we provide the corresponding complexity analysis. We also present some exploratory results of a preliminary implementation of the algorithm
Towards a Context-Aware Framework for Improving Collaboration of Users in Groupware Systems
A Context-Aware Groupware System (CAGS) enables the members of a team to communicate, cooperate and coordinate their activities to achieve a common goal, by providing them tools that are aware of their current execution context and adapt accordingly. CAGS can be found in several domains such as entertainment, particularly Collaborative First-Person-Shooter (FPS) video games. In CAGS, the means of collaboration traditionally provided to users (e.g. text and audio messaging) are not necessarily adequate: for instance, in a FPS, messages can distract the gamer due to the speed of the game. This paper reports a study that, for Collaborative FPS, identifies advantages/disadvantages of current means of collaboration and social behaviors that arise when players interact face-to-face or remotely. Based on this study, a context-aware conceptual model and architecture is proposed for CAGS aimed to improve user collaboration
A Tangible System for Learning Relational Algebra
Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) are those in which users interact with a digital system through the direct manipulation of physical objects (tokens). Tokens are directly linked to a certain data/functionality within the system, so manipulation of these objects affects the system behavior. This paper introduces TanQuery, a tangible system to support the process of learning Relational Algebra. TanQuery incorporates components to detect and track tokens, and to analyze and execute query trees. The system was tested by university students, and obtained results allowed to observe and analyze that students found this type of interface useful and pleasant.Las interfaces tangibles de usuario (TUIs) son aquellas en donde el usuario interact煤a con un sistema digital a trav茅s de la manipulaci贸n directa de objetos f铆sicos (tokens), ligados directamente a cierta funcionalidad/datos dentro del sistema, por lo que su manipulaci贸n afecta el comportamiento del sistema. Este art铆culo presenta TanQuery, un sistema tangible para ayudar en el proceso de aprendizaje de Algebra Relacional. TanQuery incorpora componentes de detecci贸n y seguimiento de tokens, para analizar y ejecutar 谩rboles de consulta. El sistema fue probado por estudiantes universitarios y, como se puede observar por los resultados obtenidos, ellos encontraron 煤til y agradable este tipo de interfaz
Las Aplicaciones Colaborativas (AC o groupware) constituyen un software que apoya a un grupo de usuarios a alcanzar una meta u objetivo en com煤n. Existen AC que utilizan una Interfaz de Usuario Tangible (TUI, por sus siglas en ingl茅s), las cuales utilizan una interacci贸n natural, mediante la manipulaci贸n de objetos f铆sicos que tienen informaci贸n digital. En este art铆culo mediante una Revisi贸n Sistem谩tica de la Literatura (RSL), se examinaron 16 estudios para analizar c贸mo se est谩 evaluando la usabilidad en las AC con TUI, con objeto de identificar problemas y retos actuales. Por lo cual se ha detectado que evaluar la usabilidad de las AC con TUI, no es algo trivial, ya que se ven involucrados aspectos de colaboraci贸n y de la interacci贸n tangible.
Palabras Clave: Aplicaciones Colaborativas, Evaluaci贸n, Interfaces de Usuario Tangibles, M茅tricas, Usabilidad.
Collaborative Applications (AC or groupware) constitute software that supports a group of users to achieve a common goal or objective. There are CAs that use a Tangible User Interface (TUI), which use a natural interaction, by manipulating physical objects that have digital information. In this article, through a Systematic Literature Review (RSL), 16 studies were examined to analyze how usability is being evaluated in CAs with TUI, in order to identify current problems and challenges, which is why it has been detected that evaluating the usability of the CAs with TUI, is not something trivial, since aspects of collaboration and tangible interaction are involved.
Keywords: Evaluation, Groupware, Metrics, Tangible User Interface, Usability