494 research outputs found

    HIV subtype and drug resistance patterns among drug naïve persons in Jos, Nigeria

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    To determine HIV-1 subtypes and antiretroviral drug resistance mutations for 16 infected, pregnant women in Jos, Nigeria, part of pol (1040 bp) was amplified from patient PBMC DNA, sequenced andanalyzed. Eight of the samples were subtype G, three were CRF02_AG and 2 were unique recombinant forms (URF) between G and CRF02_AG. The remaining consisted of 3 different strains: one was subtypeC, and the other 2 were unrelated URF. Nearly full-length genome sequences were completed for 6 of the strains: 4 subtype G and 2 CRF02_AG. In the 14 drug-naïve subjects, no primary resistance-associated mutations were found, but secondary mutations were identified in 7 different codons of the gene coding for protease: PR K20I, M36I, L63A/P/V, V82I, L10M/I and I93L. In addition, the K238R mutation was identified in the reverse transcriptase gene of 3 viruses. The PR K20I and M36I mutations occurred in all of the strains, and the L10M and V82I mutations occurred only in subtype G. The mutation, I93L, was carried by subtype C viruses. Two of the women that had prior niverapine treatment, had primary resistance-associated mutations, RT M184V and K103N, archived in their proviral DNA several months after treatment cessation. The study reports a predominance of clade G and CRF02_AG, and provides many more examples of nearly full-length genome sequences for subtype G viruses from Nigeria. The ubiquitous presence of PI secondary resistance-associated mutations, as well as primary resistanceassociatedmutations in 2 previously treated women, underscores the need to ensure adherence compliance to treatment

    Heightened Levels of Antimicrobial Response Factors in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic progressive autoimmune disease leading to considerable disability over time. The disease can be characterized by the presence of multiple autoantibodies in the serum and synovial fluid. Microbial dysbiosis is proposed to play a role in the pathogenesis of RA. Increased systemic bacterial exposure leads to elevated levels of antimicrobial response factors (ARFs) in the circulation. In the present study, we tested whether RA patients have increased levels of ARFs by analyzing the levels of multiple ARFs in serum from RA patients and healthy age and sex-matched controls. The levels of soluble CD14 (sCD14), lysozyme, and CXCL16 were significantly elevated in RA patients compared to healthy controls. Lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) levels remained unchanged in RA patients compared to healthy controls. A positive correlation of LBP with rheumatoid factor (RF) was also found in RA subjects. Interestingly, the levels of anti-endotoxin core antibodies (EndoCAb) IgM, total IgM, EndoCAb IgA, and total IgA were significantly elevated in RA patients compared to healthy controls. No significant changes in the levels of EndoCAb IgG and total IgG were observed in RA patients compared to healthy controls. Furthermore, lysozyme and CXCL16 levels were positively correlated with disease severity among RA subjects. Increases in the levels of several ARFs and their correlations with clinical indices suggest systemic microbial exposure in the RA cohort. Modulation of microbial exposure may play an important role in disease pathogenesis in individuals with RA

    Pilots for Space Tourism

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    This article sheds light on the key player needed for any space tourism adventure: the pilot who flies the spacecraft. The paper addresses the potential benefits of including a pilot at the controls when designing a space tourism spacecraft. It examines the basic qualifications and advanced skills required of space tourism pilots and discusses key training requirements for selected pilots and space pilots’ pay and benefits. In addition, the research concludes that, just as the pioneers of passenger transport in aviation entertained and captured the interest of their passengers, the space pilot should have the skills of a tour guide

    Pregnancy-induced changes in cell-fate in the mammary gland

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    The protective effect of an early full-term pregnancy is a well established phenomenon; in contrast, the molecular and cell-specific mechanisms that govern parity-specific changes in the mammary gland have not been well described. Recent studies signify a dramatic advance in our understanding of this phenomenon, and indicate a 'cell fate' model for parity-related changes that lead to protection against breast cancer

    Visualization of proteomics data using R and bioconductor.

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    Data visualization plays a key role in high-throughput biology. It is an essential tool for data exploration allowing to shed light on data structure and patterns of interest. Visualization is also of paramount importance as a form of communicating data to a broad audience. Here, we provided a short overview of the application of the R software to the visualization of proteomics data. We present a summary of R's plotting systems and how they are used to visualize and understand raw and processed MS-based proteomics data.LG was supported by the European Union 7th Framework Program (PRIME-XS project, grant agreement number 262067) and a BBSRC Strategic Longer and Larger grant (Award BB/L002817/1). LMB was supported by a BBSRC Tools and Resources Development Fund (Award BB/K00137X/1). TN was supported by a ERASMUS Placement scholarship.This is the final published version of the article. It was originally published in Proteomics (PROTEOMICS Special Issue: Proteomics Data Visualisation Volume 15, Issue 8, pages 1375–1389, April 2015. DOI: 10.1002/pmic.201400392). The final version is available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pmic.201400392/abstract

    The MALATANG Survey : The L GAS-L IR Correlation on Sub-kiloparsec Scale in Six Nearby Star-forming Galaxies as Traced by HCN J = 4 → 3 and HCO + J = 4 → 3

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in The Astrophysical Journal. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/aac512.We present HCN J = 4→3 and HCO+ J = 4→3 maps of six nearby star-forming galaxies, NGC 253, NGC 1068, IC 342, M82, M83, and NGC 6946, obtained with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope as part of the MALATANG survey. All galaxies were mapped in the central 2×2 region at 14 (FWHM) resolution (corresponding to linear scales of ∼0.2-1.0 kpc). The LIR-Ldense relation, where the dense gas is traced by the HCN J = 4→3 and the HCO+ J = 4→3 emission, measured in our sample of spatially resolved galaxies is found to follow the linear correlation established globally in galaxies within the scatter. We find that the luminosity ratio, LIR/Ldense, shows systematic variations with LIR within individual spatially resolved galaxies, whereas the galaxy-integrated ratios vary little. A rising trend is also found between LIR/Ldense ratio and the warm-dust temperature gauged by the 70 μm/100 μm flux ratio. We find that the luminosity ratios of IR/HCN (4-3) and IR/HCO+ (4-3), which can be taken as a proxy for the star formation efficiency (SFE) in the dense molecular gas (SFE dense), appear to be nearly independent of the dense gas fraction ( f dense) for our sample of galaxies. The SFE of the total molecular gas (SFEmol) is found to increase substantially with f dense when combining our data with those on local (ultra)luminous infrared galaxies and high-z quasars. The mean LHCN(4-3) LHCO+(4-3) line ratio measured for the six targeted galaxies is 0.9±0.6. No significant correlation is found for the L'HCN(4-3) L'HCO+(4-3) ratio with the star formation rate as traced by L IR, nor with the warm-dust temperature, for the different populations of galaxies.Peer reviewe

    Assessment of Systemic Genetic Damage in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

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    The etiology of distal site cancers in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is not well understood and requires further study. We investigated whether pediatric IBD patients' blood cells exhibit elevated levels of genomic damage by measuring the frequency of mutant phenotype (CD59-/CD55-) reticulocytes (MUT RET) as a reporter of PIG-A mutation, and the frequency of micronucleated reticulocytes (MN-RET) as an indicator of chromosomal damage. IBD patients (n = 18 new onset disease, 46 established disease) were compared to age-matched controls (constipation or irritable bowel syndrome patients from the same clinic, n = 30) and young healthy adults age 19 - 24 (n = 25). IBD patients showed no indication of elevated MUT RET relative to controls (mean ± std. dev. = 3.1 ± 2.3 x 10-6 versus 3.6 ± 5.6 x 10-6 , respectively). In contrast, of 59 IBD patients where %MN-RET measurements were obtained, 10 exceeded the upper bound 90% tolerance interval derived from control subjects (i.e., 0.42%). Furthermore, each of the 10 IBD patients with elevated MN-RET had established disease (10/42), none were new onset (0/17) (p = 0.049). Interestingly, each of the subjects with increased chromosomal damage was receiving anti-TNF based monotherapy at the time blood was collected (10/10, 100%), whereas this therapy was less common (20/32, 63%) among patients that exhibited ≤ 0.42% MN-RET (p = 0.040). The results clearly indicate the need for further work to understand whether the results presented herein are reproducible, and if so, to elucidate the causative factor(s) responsible for elevated MN-RET frequencies in some IBD patients
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