929 research outputs found


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    Pada jaman sekarang ini, internet sudah menjamur di semua kalangan baik kalangan muda maupun kalangan bisnis. Kita sebagai orang umum juga harus dipaksa untuk menggunakan internet, baik itu untuk keperluan pengiriman data maupun hanya sekedar berkirim pesan pendek berbentuk chatting menggunakan handphone. Akan tetapi, dalam pengiriman data tersebut banyak pihak yang tidak berkepentingan ingin mendapatkan data yang dikirimkan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini penulis mempunyai pemikiran untuk membuat aplikasi untuk mengamankan data yang penting. Dalam hal ini, hanya berfokus pada teks. Untuk metode yang diterapkan dalam sistem keamanan ini, penulis menggunakan gabungan dua buah metode yaitu kriptografi dan steganografi. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menjaga keamanan data setelah di kriptografi selanjutnya dilakukan penyimpanan ke file lain yang sering kita sebut steganografi. Dalam kriptografi ini, pesan akan dienkripsi atau diacak sedemikian rupa sehingga orang lain tidak dapat mengetahui apa yang ada dalam pesan tersebut. Pada metode kriptografi ini, penulis menggunakan algoritma stream cipher sebagai algoritma yang paling cocok digunakan untuk mengacak pesan atau menyandikan pesan tersebut. Setelah pesan dapat tersandikan dengan baik, langkah selanjutnya adalah melakukan steganografi. Dalam steganografi, pesan yang tadi sudah terenkripsi dengan baik kemudian disembunyikan pada file lain yang dirasa tidak terlalu penting apabila dilihat oleh orang lain menggunakan teknik End of File. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengaburkan pandangan manusia supaya pesan yang ada di dalamnya masih tetap terjaga. Setelah semua langkah tersebut selesai, baru pesan dapat dikirimkan kepada pihak penerima tanpa diketahui oleh orang lain


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    Latar belakang :Asuhan kebidanan Komprehensif adalah pelayanan yang dicapai ketika terjalin hubungan yang terus – menerus antara seorang wanita dengan bidan. Tujuan asuhan komprehensif yang diberikanya itu untuk memberikan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif secara intensif kepada ibu selama masa kehamilan, persalinan, nifas, bayi baru lahir dan keluarga berencana sehingga mencegah agar tidak terjadi komplikasi (Pratami, 2014) Tujuan :Melaksanakan Asuhan Kebidanan Komprehensif pada Multigravida di Puskesmas Alak dengan dan pendokumentasian secara SOAP. Metode :Penelitian studi kasus yang terdiri dari unit tunggal. Unit tunggal disini dapat berarti satu orang ibu yang diberikan asuhan sejak masa kehamilan hingga KB dengan menggunakan yang terjadi serta menyusun perencanaan perbaikan masalah tersebut (Notoatmodjo, 2012). Populasi :Seluruh ibu hamil trimester III yang berada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Alak. Sampel Ny.O.B G4P3A0AH2, umur 41 tahun usia kehamilan 39 minggu . Hasil : Setelah dilakukan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada Ny.O.B G4P3AOAH2 UK 39 minggu kehamilan berjalan dengan fisiollogi,ada pun keluhan pada kunjungan pertama yaitu sering kencing dan sering buang air kecil. penulis telah melakukan penatalaksanaan sesuai teori sehingga dapat mengurangi keluhan ibu. Proses persalinan berjalan dengan normal di RSUD W.Z Yohanes kupang. Pada tanggal 17-3-2018 pukul 07.00 Wita telah lahir bayi berjenis kelamin perempuan, langsung menangis, tonus ototbaik, warna kulit kemerahan, berat badan 3650 gram dan panjang badan 51cm. Pada kebidanan masa nifas ibu dapat berjalan dengan dengan fisiologis. Kunjungan Keluarga Berencana dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali pada kunjungan pertama memberi konseling tentang jenis-jenis kontrasepsi dan pada kunjungan berikutnya ibu mengambil keputusan mengikuti MAL. Simpulan :Ny.O.B G4P3AOAH2 UK 39 minggu masa kehamilan berjalan normal tidak ada masalah atau komplikasi, persalinan berjalan dengan normal. Selama memberikan asuhan kebidanan masa neonatus tidak ditemukan adanya masalah semuanya berjalan normal, masa nifas berjalan secara normal, dalam memberikan asuhan kebidanan, KB ibu telah diberi konseling dan memutuskan mengunakan MAL

    HARDI: A high angular resolution deployable interferometer for space

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    We describe here a proposed orbiting interferometer covering the UV, visible, and near-IR spectral ranges. With a 6-m baseline and a collecting area equivalent to about a 1.4 m diameter full aperture, this instrument will offer significant improvements in resolution over the Hubble Space Telescope, and complement the new generation of ground-based interferometers with much better limiting magnitude and spectral coverage. On the other hand, it has been designed as a considerably less ambitious project (one launch) than other current proposals. We believe that this concept is feasible given current technological capabilities, yet would serve to prove the concepts necessary for the much larger systems that must eventually be flown. The interferometer is of the Fizeau type. It therefore has a much larger field (for guiding) better UV throughout (only 4 surfaces) than phased arrays. Optimize aperture configurations and ideas for the cophasing and coalignment system are presented. The interferometer would be placed in a geosynchronous or sunsynchronous orbit to minimize thermal and mechanical disturbances and to maximize observing efficiency

    Characteristics of Solar Flare Doppler Shift Oscillations Observed with the Bragg Crystal Spectrometer on Yohkoh

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    This paper reports the results of a survey of Doppler shift oscillations measured during solar flares in emission lines of S XV and Ca XIX with the Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) on Yohkoh. Data from 20 flares that show oscillatory behavior in the measured Doppler shifts have been fitted to determine the properties of the oscillations. Results from both BCS channels show average oscillation periods of 5.5 +/- 2.7 minutes, decay times of 5.0 +/-2.5 minutes, amplitudes of 17.1 +/- 17.0 km/s, and inferred displacements of 1070 +/- 1710 km, where the listed errors are the standard deviations of the sample means. For some of the flares, intensity fluctuations are also observed. These lag the Doppler shift oscillations by 1/4 period, strongly suggesting that the oscillations are standing slow mode waves. The relationship between the oscillation period and the decay time is consistent with conductive damping of the oscillations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Symposium Support: Integrative Biology of Animal Regeneration - Seattle, WA January 2010

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    Certain animals can regrow (regenerate) lost body parts, whereas others cannot. This is a fascinating and important area of biology, but why only some animals have this ability is still poorly understood. The purpose of this conference symposium is to bring together researchers working on regeneration from a variety of research perspectives in order to foster integrative approaches to studying this question. Ten researchers working from different perspectives in regeneration biology, ranging from molecular and cell biology to ecology, will present current research findings and participants will discuss the state of the field and needed areas for future research. Additional researchers, including early-career scientists, will present their findings in short talks. Educators and scientists will also share novel approaches on teaching principles of regeneration biology in classroom and laboratory settings. Women, minorities, and early career scientists are well represented among the symposium presenters and participants. It is anticipated that this symposium will help foster needed crosstalk between different sub-disciplines of regeneration biology and enhance future research efforts

    Highly Ionized Potassium Lines in Solar X-ray Spectra and the Abundance of Potassium

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    The abundance of potassium is derived from X-ray lines observed during flares by the RESIK instrument on the solar mission CORONAS-F between 3.53 A and 3.57 A. The lines include those emitted by He-like K and Li-like K dielectronic satellites, which have been synthesized using the CHIANTI atomic code and newly calculated atomic data. There is good agreement of observed and synthesized spectra, and the theoretical behavior of the spectra with varying temperature estimated from the ratio of the two GOES channels is correctly predicted. The observed fluxes of the He-like K resonance line per unit emission measure gives log A(K) = 5.86 (on a scale log A(H) = 12), with a total range of a factor 2.9. This is higher than photospheric abundance estimates by a factor 5.5, a slightly greater enhancement than for other elements with first ionization potential (FIP) less than about 10 eV. There is, then, the possibility that enrichment of low-FIP elements in coronal plasmas depends weakly on the value of the FIP which for K is extremely low (4.34 eV). Our work also suggests that fractionation of elements to form the FIP effect occurs in the low chromosphere rather than higher up, as in some models.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Acoel and platyhelminth models for stem-cell research

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    Acoel and platyhelminth worms are particularly attractive invertebrate models for stem-cell research because their bodies are continually renewed from large pools of somatic stem cells. Several recent studies, including one in BMC Developmental Biology, are beginning to reveal the cellular dynamics and molecular basis of stem-cell function in these animals

    X-ray Line Diagnostics of Hot Accretion Flows around Black Holes

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    We compute X-ray emission lines from thermal plasma in hot accretion flows. We show that line profiles are strong probes of the gas dynamics, and we present line-ratio diagnostics which are sensitive to the distribution of mass with temperature in the flow. We show how these can be used to constrain the run of density with radius, and the size of the hot region. We also present diagnostics which are primarily sensitive to the importance of recombination versus collisional ionization, and which could help discriminate ADAFs from photoionization-dominated accretion disk coronae. We apply our results to the Galactic center source Sagittarius A* and to the nucleus of M87. We find that the brightest predicted lines are within the detection capability of current XX-ray instruments.Comment: 16 pages, 1 table, 9 figures, accepted to Ap

    The genus Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in Belarus

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    Based on an examination of 360 herbarium specimens of the genus Lepraria, this study deals with their morphology, secondary chemistry, habitat requirements and distribution in Belarus. Nine taxa have been accepted, of which L. ecorticata, L. finkii and L. rigidula are new to the country. L. incana appears to be the commonest species in the country (48% of the studied specimens)

    RESIK observations of He-like Ar X-ray line emission in solar flares

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    The Ar XVII X-ray line group principally due to transitions 1s2 - 1s2l (l=s, p) near 4 Anstroms was observed in numerous flares by the RESIK bent crystal spectrometer aboard CORONAS-F between 2001 and 2003. The three line features include the Ar XVII w (resonance line), a blend of x and y (intercombination lines), and z (forbidden line), all of which are blended with Ar XVI dielectronic satellites. The ratio G, equal to [I(x+y) + I(z)]/I(w), varies with electron temperature Te mostly because of unresolved dielectronic satellites. With temperatures estimated from GOES X-ray emission, the observed G ratios agree fairly well with those calculated from CHIANTI and other data. With a two-component emission measure, better agreement is achieved. Some S XV and S XVI lines blend with the Ar lines, the effect of which occurs at temperatures greater than 8MK, allowing the S/Ar abundance ratio to be determined. This is found to agree with coronal values. A nonthermal contribution is indicated for some spectra in the repeating-pulse flare of 2003 February 6.Comment: Latex file and 3 ps files. Astrophysical Journal Letters (accepted, June 2008
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