105 research outputs found

    Una propuesta para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los sistemas de numeración

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    En este artículo se exponen algunas reflexiones sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas escolares de grado sexto. Dichas reflexiones se refieren específicamente a la experiencia vivida al planear, diseñar y desarrollar una unidad temática sobre los sistemas de numeración, para estudiantes de grado sexto del colegio

    El juego en la prevención de las dificultades del aprendizaje (D.A.)

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    Primeres Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 1995-1996

    Examining associations between obesity and mental health disorders from childhood to adolescence: A case-control prospective study

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    Childhood obesity and mental disorders often co-exist. To date, most of the studies are cross-sectional, involve the assessment of a specific disorder, and rely on self-report questionnaires. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive psychological assessment to examine the concurrent and prospective association between childhood obesity and mental health problems. We compared 34 children with obesity with 37 children with normal weight at baseline, and at a five-year follow-up, to examine the development of mental health disorders from childhood (8–12 years) to adolescence (13–18 years). Both assessments included a clinical interview and self-reported measures of psychosocial and family markers. Findings showed that the obesity group had a higher prevalence of mental disorders, and psychological comorbidity increased in five years. Prospectively, childhood obesity was associated with a psychological diagnosis in adolescence. Moreover, the obesity group displayed higher severity of symptoms at both times. Finally, body esteem contributed to predicting mental health disorders in adolescence regardless of weight status, while eating symptomatology was a specific marker for the obesity group. Therefore, in the management of childhood obesity is suggested to address also psychosocial variables such as weight-related teasing and body esteem, to prevent the onset or development of mental health problem

    Spanish validation of two social media appearance-related constructs associated with disordered eating in adolescents: The Appearance-related Social Media Consciousness scale (ASMC) and the Critical Thinking about Media Messages scale (CTMM)

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    Appearance-related constructs underlying social media are negatively associated with mental health. However, their impact on the Spanish population is still unexplored. The present study aimed to validate the Spanish versions of two appearance-related scales: (1) the appearance-related social media consciousness (ASMC) scale; and (2) the critical thinking about media messages (CTMM) scale. Translation and cultural adaptation of the scales were carried out. The scales’ psychometric properties were assessed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, measurement invariance across gender (boys vs. girls) and age groups (early adolescents vs. middle adolescents), internal consistency, and convergent validity. The sample included 803 Spanish secondary school adolescents aged between 12 and 18 (Mage = 15.1, 47.9% girls, 47.2% boys, 4.9% non-binary gender/others). The exploratory factor analyses replicated original one-factor structures of both scales, which was verified using confirmatory factor analysis. Regarding the ASMC Scale, a re-specified model (allowing for error correlations between Items 1–2) presented an adequate fit. Both models were invariant across gender and age groups. Excellent internal consistency was found. Bivariate correlations between the ASMC and eating disorders related variables (body esteem, disordered eating, self-esteem, sociocultural attitudes towards appearance, and general mental health) supported its convergent validity and proved ASMC to be a potential target for future preventive eating disorder interventions. However, the CTMM scale correlated only with sociocultural pressures, thus, further research is needed to assess the validity of the CTMM in Spanish sample

    Assessing Body Esteem in Adolescents: psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Body Esteem Scale (BESAA-S)

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    Background: “How do I perceive my own body?“ is a central question during adolescence, which addresses the subjective assessment of body image, called Body Esteem. Although concern about body esteem increases during adolescence, there is a lack of psychometrically validated measures to assess it specifically among Spanish adolescents. Objective: This study aims to validate the Body-Esteem Scale for Adolescents and Adult populations (BESAA), a widely used measure of body esteem across cultures, among the Spanish adolescent population. Methods: The cross-cultural adequacy and acceptability of the Argentinian-Spanish version by Forbes et al., (2012) were pilot tested and the questionnaire was completed by 1,258 students (Mage = 15.56). Next, several psychometric analyses were carried out: exploratory (AFE) and confirmatory (CFA) factorial structure, convergent and discriminant validity, nomological validity, internal consistency, and temporal reliability. Results: The AFE and CFA supported a reduced Spanish version of the BESAA of 14 items (BESAA-S) and maintained the original three-factor structure (BE-Weight, BE-Appearance, and BE-Attribution subscales). The BESAA-S showed acceptable internal consistency and strong test-retest reliability. Discriminant validity between subscales was appropriate, and convergent validity was appropriate except for the BE-Attribution subscale. Nomological validity was supported through significant correlations with body appreciation, general self-esteem, sociocultural attitudes towards appearance, and disordered eating symptoms. Body esteem was negatively associated with weight status. Conclusions: This study presents a culturally appropriate, shortened Spanish BESAA as a reliable instrument for body esteem assessment among Spanish speaking adolescentsFunding information The authors did not receive fnancial support from any organization for the submitted wor

    Childhood obesity and adolescent follow-up depressive symptoms: Exploring a moderated mediation model of body esteem and gender

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    Obesity is a well-recognized risk factor for adolescent depressive symptoms, but mediating mechanisms of this association have scarcely been studied. This study is unique in examining an indirect pathway of this link via body esteem (BE) prospectively from childhood (8–12 years) to adolescence (13–18 years). In addition, potential gender moderation was examined. This study utilized data from a case–control study comparing 100 children with and without obesity matched on important confounders (age, gender, and socioeconomic status). Our findings provide support for the mediating role of BE in the link between childhood weight status and adolescent depressive symptoms at a 5-year follow-up. This mediation effect did not differ between boys and girls. The findings suggest the relevance of specifically targeting children’s BE in preventive intervention programs among children with obesity to prevent future mental health problem

    Needs and Supports of people with Intellectual disability and their families in Catalonia

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    Background: The study assesses the support needs of individuals with Intellectual Disability (ID) and their families in Catalonia. We examine Family Quality of life (FQoL), identify the individual services required, and assess families' perceptions of the extent to which their family member with ID and they themselves receive the services they need. Materials and Methods: The N&S questionnaire (Needs and Supports for people with ID and their families) was administered to 2,160 families with a member with ID aged under 70 in Catalonia (Spain). Results: Overall mean FQoL was quite high. FQoL was associated with family income, education, employment and percentage level of disability. Neither people with ID nor their families receive the specific support they need. Conclusions: Besides providing specific support for individuals with ID, local policy-makers and practitioners should apply a family-centered approach to the provision of support for families in order to improve FQoL

    Microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 is involved in the metabolic and cardiovascular alterations associated with obesity

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    Background and Purpose: Microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1) is an inducible isomerase responsible for prostaglandin E2 production in inflammatory con ditions. We evaluated the role of mPGES-1 in the development and the metabolic and cardiovascular alterations of obesity. Experimental Approach: mPGES-1+/+ and mPGES-1 / mice were fed with normal or high fat diet (HFD, 60% fat). The glycaemic and lipid profile was evaluated by glu cose and insulin tolerance tests and colorimetric assays. Vascular function, structure and mechanics were assessed by myography. Histological studies, q-RT-PCR, and western blot analyses were performed in adipose tissue depots and cardiovascular tissues. Gene expression in abdominal fat and perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) from patients was correlated with vascular damage. Key Results: Male mPGES-1 / mice fed with HFD were protected against body weight gain and showed reduced adiposity, better glucose tolerance and insulin sensi tivity, lipid levels and less white adipose tissue and PVAT inflammation and fibrosis, compared with mPGES-1+/+ mice. mPGES-1 knockdown prevented cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, cardiac fibrosis, endothelial dysfunction, aortic insulin resistance, and vascular inflammation and remodelling, induced by HFD. Obesity-induced weight gain and endothelial dysfunction of resistance arteries were ameliorated in female mPGES-1 / mice. In humans, we found a positive correlation between mPGES-1 expression in abdominal fat and vascular remodelling, vessel stiffness, and systolic blood pressure. In human PVAT, there was a positive correlation between mPGES-1 expression and inflammatory markers. Conclusions and Implications: mPGES-1 inhibition might be a novel therapeutic approach to the management of obesity and the associated cardiovascular and meta bolic alterations

    Guía para la práctica de la mediación policial

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    Departament de Dret Públic. Codis de les assignatures: EHQ001, EHQ002, EHQ003, EHQ004, EHQ005, EHQ006, EHQ007, EHQ008, EHQ00