1,349 research outputs found

    Sistema diédrico. Técnicas educativas con ayuda 3D en el espacio real y su simulación en el espacio virutual

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    Hay una importante oferta de software educativo con gran variedad en sus características formales y metodológicas; pero a pesar de esta potencialidad se pueden desaprovechar sus posibilidades pedagógicas si, ante esta diversidad, no se selecciona, no se configura o no se aplica, adecuadamente. Se ha realizado un estudio contrastado de distintas técnicas didácticas con diferentes muestras de alumnos, en donde se han utilizado espacios tridimensionales reales y tangibles, con un material didáctico especialmente diseñado para la enseñanza del sistema diédrico. Se han seleccionado sus cualidades más relevantes, vistos los resultados obtenidos, para ofrecer modelos en el diseño, la configuración o la elección del software.There is an important offer of educational software with great variety in its formal and methodological characteristics; but in spite of this potential, its pedagogic possibilities can be wasted if, in the face of this diversity, they are not selected, not configured, or not applied, appropriately. A study has been carried out contrasting the different didactics techniques with different samples of students, wherein real and tangible three-dimensional spaces have been used with a specially designed didactic material for the teaching of the European diedric system. Its most relevant qualities have been selected based on the obtained result to offer models in its design and the configuration or election of the software

    Teaching of the Conical Perspective. Method in the Real Space, and their Simulation in the Virtual Space

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    Para la enseñanza de la perspectiva, los autores utilizan materiales y métodos didácticos usando maquetas reales y tangibles con rendimientos muy satisfactorios, pero conllevan determinadas dificultades de tipo físico y operativo. Se ha confeccionado un software infográfico con el objetivo de emular en 3D virtual los materiales utilizados en el espacio real, aprovechando las características de la imagen digital. Con este material se ha realizado un estudio comparativo entre ambos métodos (en el espacio real y en el 3D virtual) participando alumnos de segundo ciclo de Bellas Artes en el que se han obtenido interesantes datos para el desarrollo y utilización de estos materiales en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.In order to teach perspective in a Fine Arts degree, the authors use materials and didactic methods which include real and tangible models with very satisfactory yields, but they bear certain physical and operative problem. Digital graphic software has been developed in order to model materials in 3D before being used in the real space, taking advantage of the characteristics of the digital image. A comparative study with graduate students of Fine Arts has been made between the two methods (in the real space and in the 3D virtual) where interesting data have been obtained on the usage and development of virtual modelling

    Cell migration within confined sandwich-like nanoenvironments

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    Aim: We introduced sandwich-like cultures to provide cell migration studies with 4 representative nano-bio-environments where both ventral and dorsal cell receptors are activated. Methods: We have investigated different nano-environmental conditions by changing the protein coating (fibronectin, vitronectin) and/or materials (using polymers that adsorb proteins in qualitatively different conformations) of this sandwich system to show their specific role in cell migration. Results: Here we show that cell migration within sandwich cultures greatly differs from 2D cultures and shares some similarities with migration within 3D environments. Beyond differences in cell morphology and migration, dorsal stimulation promotes cell remodeling of the ECM over simple ventral 12 receptor activation in traditional 2D cultures.</p

    El servivio de orientación en la universidad

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    Problemas en la evaluación de la competencia discursiva en inglés como L2

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    Nowadays, language testing is considered a fundamental component in foreign language teaching and learning. In this paper, some of the most representative features of language testing are described and special attention is given to the question of language test validity. Some well-known language-testing institutions use the native speaker (NS) as a stakeholder to evaluate the overall level in the foreign language, without taking into account the feasibility of such a concept. In this regard, some arguments are presented in order to demonstrate the ambivalence of the notion of “native speaker” in language learning evaluation. Particular attention is paid to international language-testing standards that, although well-known and widely used, may not be as appropriate as they are assumed to be. Some suggestions are made for the field of bilingualism studies

    La ciudad presente en la corte: la diputación del regidor gaditano D. Rodrigo Caballero (1697-1699)

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    Haciendas locales y reformismo borbónico : Teoría y práctica en el municipio de Jérez de la Frontera

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    Págs. 189-20

    Ordering the direction of the family. Testamentary disposition of D. Antonio de Ulloa and the fate of the children: between tradition and innovation at the end of the 18th century

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    Esta investigación pretende un acercamiento a las estrategias familiares planteadas en el último tercio del siglo XVIII. Utilizando una metodología cualitativa y centrada en el estudio de casos, a través del micro análisis de lo expuesto por D. Antonio de Ulloa en su disposición testamentaria (1785), se intentaran captar las modificaciones de las prácticas y conductas familiares y su incidencia sobre el futuro de los hijos. Los aspectos que se consideran serán los relacionados con los sentimientos, el honor, los matrimonios, la educación y las salidas profesionales.This research aims at an approach to the family strategies in the last third of the 18th century. Using a qualitative methodology centred on the study of cases, through the microanalysis of the above by D. Antonio de Ulloa in his testamentary disposition (1785), try to capture the modifications of practices, family behaviour, and its impact on the future of children. The aspects that are considered will be those related to feelings, honour, marriage, education and the career opportunities

    El "hablante nativo" de la lengua meta: ¿qué importancia tiene para la enseñanza de la L2?

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    This paper centers on research related to a concept used very often in the field of foreign language learning and teaching: the belief that native speaker usage is the definite standard of the target language. Too frequently we use it as the ultimate criterion for language correctness and/or appropriateness, especially in the L2 classroom. My goals were to identify some skills ideally attributed to the native speaker, to test them with empirical research and to check their validity. In this paper I deconstruct some of the abilities linguists have traditionally attributed to the native speaker of any language; specifically, I examine the ability to produce fluent spontaneous written discourse. I was able to validate my hypothesis that native speaker’s individal variation accounts for its inadecuacy as a justification for L2 learners’ performance in L2 tests. Finally, I infer some pedagogical implications teachers will need to take into account when evaluating writing achievements in the L2