81 research outputs found

    Quelques poissons du Muschelkalk superieur d'Espagne

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    Cet article est consacré à la description de guelques poissons du Muschelkalk supérieur d'Espagne. Bien que l'état de conservation ne soit pas excellent, cette analyse permet de constater que cette ichthyofaune est quasi-identique i celle du Trias mòyen d'Allemagne, d'Autriche et de Lombardie.The description of some Fishes from the Upper Muschelkalk of Spain is presented here. Though the state o£ preservation is not excellent, this description point out the quasi-identity of this ichthyofauna with those coming from Germany, Austria, and Lombardy at the same epoch

    Quelques poissons du Muschelkalk superieur d'Espagne

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    The description of some Fishes from the Upper Muschelkalk of Spain is presented here. Though the state o£ preservation is not excellent, this description point out the quasi-identity of this ichthyofauna with those coming from Germany, Austria, and Lombardy at the same epoch

    Modelo De Arqueo Local

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tendrá como punto de referencia implementar el nuevo modelo de Arqueo Local para AIESEC en Colombia, que permita mejorar la administración del dinero en efectivo en las entidades locales. AIESEC en Colombia, siendo una de las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro, más grande a nivel mundial, se encuentra, en ese punto, de su impacto en la sociedad es cada vez mejor, donde jóvenes entre los 18-30 años quiere vivir una experiencia en el exterior, ya sea de voluntariado global o profesional. Esto implica, trabajo para cada una de las 35 entidades locales de AIESEC en Colombia. Pero, de todo lo anterior, como puede justificarse el modelo de arqueo local, pues es claro, actualmente las entidades local, están clasificadas por Stage, que quiere decir esto, hay entidades Dual Core, Specializadas 1 y 2, Start UP y UT (Unidades en Transicion), como organización es importante clasificarlas en este stage porque no todas hacen el mismo número de intercambios, por ende no reciben el mismo número de ingresos por cada uno de los intercambios que ofrece nuestra organización. Cada entidad local, debe reportar cada uno de estos movimientos, sea de ingreso o egreso a la oficina de AIESEC en Colombia, allí es revisada por la contadora de la organización y sus auxiliares contables, esto se hace de manera quincenal y se encuentra respuesta del mismo modo, por si hay algún error en el mismo. Mensualmente, la revisora fiscal, revisa cada uno de los movimientos que como organización manejamos, pero porque, se hace eso Porque nosotros manejamos el dinero de terceros, lo que quiere, que todos nuestros ingresos, son utilizados para beneficios de nuestra organización

    The non-pathogenic mycobacteria M. smegmatis and M. fortuitum induce rapid host cell apoptosis via a caspase-3 and TNF dependent pathway

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The HIV pandemic raised the potential for facultative-pathogenic mycobacterial species like, <it>Mycobacterium kansasii</it>, to cause disseminating disease in humans with immune deficiencies. In contrast, non-pathogenic mycobacterial species, like <it>M. smegmatis</it>, are not known to cause disseminating disease even in immunocompromised individuals. We hypothesized that this difference in phenotype could be explained by the strong induction of an innate immune response by the non-pathogenic mycobacterial species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A comparison of two rapid-growing, non-pathogenic species (<it>M. smegmatis </it>and <it>M. fortuitum</it>) with two facultative-pathogenic species (<it>M. kansasii </it>and <it>M. bovis </it>BCG) demonstrated that only the non-pathogenic bacteria induced strong apoptosis in human THP-1 cells and murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) and dendritic cells (BMDD). The phospho-<it>myo</it>-inositol modification of lipoarabinomannan (PI-LAM) isolated from non-pathogenic species may be one of the cell wall components responsible for the pro-inflammatory activity of the whole bacteria. Indeed, PI-LAM induces high levels of apoptosis and IL-12 expression compared to the mannosyl modification of LAM isolated from facultative-pathogenic mycobacteria. The apoptosis induced by non-pathogenic <it>M. smegmatis </it>was dependent upon caspase-3 activation and TNF secretion. Consistently, BALB/c BMDM responded by secreting large amounts of TNF upon infection with non-pathogenic but not facultative-pathogenic mycobacteria. Interestingly, C57Bl/6 BMDM do not undergo apoptosis upon infection with non-pathogenic mycobacteria despite the fact that they still induce an increase in TNF secretion. This suggests that the host cell signaling pathways are different between these two mouse genotypes and that TNF is necessary but not sufficient to induce host cell apoptosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results demonstrate a much stronger induction of the innate immune response by non-pathogenic versus facultative-pathogenic mycobacteria as measured by host cell apoptosis, IL-12 and TNF cytokine induction. These observations lend support to the hypothesis that the strong induction of the innate immune response is a major reason for the lack of pathogenicity in fast-growing mycobacteria.</p

    Modulation of Transcriptional and Inflammatory Responses in Murine Macrophages by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mammalian Cell Entry (Mce) 1 Complex

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    The outcome of many infections depends on the initial interactions between agent and host. Aiming at elucidating the effect of the M. tuberculosis Mce1 protein complex on host transcriptional and immunological responses to infection with M. tuberculosis, RNA from murine macrophages at 15, 30, 60 min, 4 and 10 hrs post-infection with M. tuberculosis H37Rv or Δ-mce1 H37Rv was analyzed by whole-genome microarrays and RT-QPCR. Immunological responses were measured using a 23-plex cytokine assay. Compared to uninfected controls, 524 versus 64 genes were up-regulated by 15 min post H37Rv- and Δ-mce1 H37Rv-infection, respectively. By 15 min post-H37Rv infection, a decline of 17 cytokines combined with up-regulation of Ccl24 (26.5-fold), Clec4a2 (23.2-fold) and Pparγ (10.5-fold) indicated an anti-inflammatory response initiated by IL-13. Down-regulation of Il13ra1 combined with up-regulation of Il12b (30.2-fold), suggested switch to a pro-inflammatory response by 4 hrs post H37Rv-infection. Whereas no significant change in cytokine concentration or transcription was observed during the first hour post Δ-mce1 H37Rv-infection, a significant decline of IL-1b, IL-9, IL-13, Eotaxin and GM-CSF combined with increased transcription of Il12b (25.1-fold) and Inb1 (17.9-fold) by 4 hrs, indicated a pro-inflammatory response. The balance between pro-and anti-inflammatory responses during the early stages of infection may have significant bearing on outcome

    Biogéographie de Madagascar = Biogeography of Madagascar

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    Les coelacanthes, apparus au Dévonien, ont peuplé de nombreux milieux aquatiques à toutes les époques jusqu'au Crétacé supérieur. Ces diverses paléogéographies sont maintenant réduites à un seul biotope, l'Archipel des Comores au N.E. du Canal de Mozambique, biotopoe où vit le seul représentant actuel #Latimeria chalumnae. Au N.NW de Madagascar, dans le Bassin de Diego, des formations triasiques appartenant au Karoo, et de faciès peu profond, ont livré des coelacanthes de 20 cm de long en moyenne, et semblant être issus de parturitions de grands spécimens. Il est à noter que ce paléobiotope n'est qu'à 800 km du biotope de #Latimeria, qui dérive probablement d'un des coelacanthes triasiques malgaches. Si l'anatomie de #Latimeria$ est bien connue, en revanche on ignore les lieux de reproduction de ce poisson ovovivipare. La parturition a problablement lieu en eau peu profonde, dans les anfractuosités des récifs coralliens, ou les excavations des pentes volcaniques des Iles Comores, en zone euphotiques. N'y a-t-il pas là un pôle de recherche ? (Résumé d'auteur

    Making and Maintaining Metropolises: Entrepreneurial Municipalism in Turkey

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    This dissertation explores the implications of the public administration and local governance reforms that took place in Turkey in the mid-2000s with a comparative focus on three major metropolitan cities: İstanbul, İzmir, and Diyarbakır. Engaging with the literatures on state rescaling and urban entrepreneurialism, the author analyzes how reforms transformed municipalities into entrepreneurial organizations primarily concerned with territorial competitiveness of their jurisdictions while the central state repositioned itself as a critical actor in urban policy-making. The dissertation research is guided by three critical aspects of urban governance in Turkey: the changing dynamics of intergovernmental relations (national/local and metropolitan/district), the institutional transformation of municipalities (New Public Management restructuring), and emergent urban policies (city branding initiatives, urban transformation projects, and social services). The author argues that variations across three cities indicate how intergovernmental relations imbued with party politics and the local political context are critical in conditioning the scope and content of entrepreneurial action. The author proposes that studies of neoliberal urbanism, which analytically prioritize the political economy perspective, should put cities back into their national context to capture the political and institutional embeddedness of contemporary neoliberal urban governance.Ph.D

    Vida silvestre y recursos naturales a lo largo de la carretera Panamericana. México, D. F.

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