26 research outputs found

    Expanding the stdpopsim species catalog, and lessons learned for realistic genome simulations

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    Simulation is a key tool in population genetics for both methods development and empirical research, but producing simulations that recapitulate the main features of genomic datasets remains a major obstacle. Today, more realistic simulations are possible thanks to large increases in the quantity and quality of available genetic data, and the sophistication of inference and simulation software. However, implementing these simulations still requires substantial time and specialized knowledge. These challenges are especially pronounced for simulating genomes for species that are not well-studied, since it is not always clear what information is required to produce simulations with a level of realism sufficient to confidently answer a given question. The community-developed framework stdpopsim seeks to lower this barrier by facilitating the simulation of complex population genetic models using up-to-date information. The initial version of stdpopsim focused on establishing this framework using six well-characterized model species (Adrion et al., 2020). Here, we report on major improvements made in the new release of stdpopsim (version 0.2), which includes a significant expansion of the species catalog and substantial additions to simulation capabilities. Features added to improve the realism of the simulated genomes include non-crossover recombination and provision of species-specific genomic annotations. Through community-driven efforts, we expanded the number of species in the catalog more than threefold and broadened coverage across the tree of life. During the process of expanding the catalog, we have identified common sticking points and developed the best practices for setting up genome-scale simulations. We describe the input data required for generating a realistic simulation, suggest good practices for obtaining the relevant information from the literature, and discuss common pitfalls and major considerations. These improvements to stdpopsim aim to further promote the use of realistic whole-genome population genetic simulations, especially in non-model organisms, making them available, transparent, and accessible to everyone

    Evaluating the quality of the 1000 genomes project data

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    Rationalizing Directed Evolution through Protein Dynamics

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    Mode specific THz spectra of solvated amino acids using the AMOEBA polarizable force field.

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    We have used the AMOEBA model to simulate the THz spectra of two zwitterionic amino acids in aqueous solution, which is compared to the results on these same systems using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations. Overall we find that the polarizable force field shows promising agreement with AIMD data for both glycine and valine in water. This includes the THz spectral assignments and the mode-specific spectral decomposition into intramolecular solute motions as well as distinct solute-water cross-correlation modes some of which cannot be captured by non-polarizable force fields that rely on fixed partial charges. This bodes well for future studies for simulating and decomposing the THz spectra for larger solutes such as proteins or polymers for which AIMD studies are presently intractable. Furthermore, we believe that the current study on rather simple aqueous solutions offers a way to systematically investigate the importance of charge transfer, nuclear quantum effects, and the validity of computationally practical density functionals, all of which are needed to fully quantitatively capture complex dynamical motions in the condensed phase

    Solvent Entropy Contributions to Catalytic Activity in Designed and Optimized Kemp Eliminases

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    We analyze the role of solvation for enzymatic catalysis in two distinct, artificially designed Kemp Eliminases, KE07 and KE70, and mutated variants that were optimized by laboratory directed evolution. Using a spatially resolved analysis of hydration patterns, intermolecular vibrations, and local solvent entropies, we identify distinct classes of hydration water and follow their changes upon substrate binding and transition state formation for the designed KE07 and KE70 enzymes and their evolved variants. We observe that differences in hydration of the enzymatic systems are concentrated in the active site and undergo significant changes during substrate recruitment. For KE07, directed evolution reduces variations in the hydration of the polar catalytic center upon substrate binding, preserving strong protein–water interactions, while the evolved enzyme variant of KE70 features a more hydrophobic reaction center for which the expulsion of low-entropy water molecules upon substrate binding is substantially enhanced. While our analysis indicates a system-dependent role of solvation for the substrate binding process, we identify more subtle changes in solvation for the transition state formation, which are less affected by directed evolution