28 research outputs found

    Resistencia a la corrosión de urtitas y concreto basado en urtita

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    El uso de tipos no tradicionales de materias primas artificiales en la producción de materiales de construcción es un problema económico y ambiental relevante. El obstáculo para resolver el problema es que en la composición de las sobrecargas apatitonefelinas de los depósitos contiene nefelina, que según los estándares actuales es una impureza nociva para los áridos de los hormigones. El objetivo del trabajo es realizar estudios especiales de rocas, áridos y hormigones que permitan evaluar la resistencia de estos materiales a la corrosión en ambientes acuáticos y ácidos. El trabajo utilizó métodos de investigación físico-mecánicos, así como técnicas de microscopía de luz y barrido. Está científicamente justificado que el árido de nefelina en la composición del hormigón, siendo activo en relación con el hidróxido de calcio, proporciona una zona de contacto más densa con la matriz de cemento, lo que contribuye al aumento de la resistencia a la corrosión de hormigones. Los materiales del artículo son de valor científico y práctico para resolver el problema de la eliminación de los desechos mineros de los depósitos de apatitonefelina y el uso de sus sobrecargas de extracción como áridos de hormigone

    Mining waste utilization in the production of building materials

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    Possibilities of utilization of Olenegorsk iron ore deposit and Khibiny apatite-nepheline ore deposit overburden rocks (Kola Peninsula, Russia) in the production of building materials have been considered. It has been shown that overburden rocks minerals, particularly nepheline, chemically react with cement phase thereby consolidating the contact zone. According to the obtained results the overburden rocks can be used in road building, civil and industrial engineering

    Оценка эффективности альфа-2-адреномиметика в комбинированной терапии пациентов с сочетанием первичной открытоугольной глаукомы и осевой миопии

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    PURPOSE: To assess the possibility of glaucoma compensation and stabilization in patients with a combination of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and axial myopia on 0.2% brimonidine as part of combination glaucoma therapy.METHODS: We conducted a clinical results analysis of a 1-year treatment program of 30 patients with a combination of non-compensated POAG and axial myopia. All patients underwent an ophthalmologic examination that was sufficient to verify the diagnosis, as well as an analysis of the morphometric parameters of the retina and optic nerve using Cirrus HD OCT 4000. 0.2% brimonidine instillation was added to the treatment 2 times day as part of the hypotensive treatment.RESULTS: Adding 0.2% brimonidine to the course of treatment in patients with POAG and axial myopia allowed achieving IOP compensation and reducing the initial IOP level by 25.3-29.9%. No statistically significant changes in visual acuity and perimetry data were registered during the year of observation. There were no changes in OCT parameters, which demonstrated a stable condition of the optic disc and retina during the treatment course.CONCLUSION: The use of 0.2% brimonidine as part of combination glaucoma therapy in patients with POAG and axial myopia is expedient and effective.ЦЕЛЬ. Оценить возможность компенсации и стабилизации глаукомного процесса у пациентов с сочетанием первичной открытоугольной глаукомы (ПОУГ) и осевой миопии при назначении 0,2% бримонидина в составе комбинированной антиглаукомной терапии.МЕТОДЫ. Произведен анализ клинических результатов лечения в течение 1 года 30 пациентов с сочетанием разностадийной некомпенсированной на медикаментозном режиме (без препарата бримонидин 0,2%) ПОУГ и осевой миопии. Пациентам было проведено достаточное для верификации диагноза офтальмологическое обследование, а также исследование морфометрических параметров сетчатки и зрительного нерва с помощью Cirrus HD OCT 4000. При проведении мер по медикаментозной компенсации внутриглазного давления (ВГД) к лечению были добавлены инстилляции 0,2% бримонидина 2 раза в день. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Добавление к курсу лечения пациентам с ПОУГ и осевой миопией 0,2% бримонидина позволило добиться компенсации офтальмотонуса и снизить исходный уровень ВГД на 25,3-29,9%. При анализе функционального состояния органа зрения испытуемых не выявлено статистически значимых изменений в течение года наблюдения ни в функции остроты зрения, ни в данных периметрии. Изменений ОКТ-параметров не было выявлено, что демонстрировало стабильное состояние диска зрительного нерва и сетчатки на фоне лечения.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Использование 0,2% бримонидина в составе комбинированной антиглаукомной терапии у пациентов с комбинацией ПОУГ и осевой миопии целесообразно и эффективно

    Эффективность и переносимость бесконсервантной фиксированной комбинации тимолола и травопроста у пациентов с глаукомой после проведенной хирургии катаракты

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    PURPOSE. The aim of the study was to evaluate the tolerability and effectiveness of the preservative-free combination eye drops timolol 0,5%/travoprost (Travapress Duo, ROMPHARM Company) when changing therapy in patients with initial and moderate stages of glaucoma after phacoemulsification of age-related cataract.METHODS. The study included 38 patients with disorders of the ocular surface with specific complaints, initial and moderate stages of glaucoma compensated for therapy with β-blockers and prostaglandin F2-α analogues. The patients were using monodrugs of these groups, or their fixed combinations. All patients had previously undergone phacoemulsification of age-related cataract with implantation of a monofocal aspherical intraocular lens. The main group consisted of 18 patients who underwent a change in antiglaucoma therapy to a preservative-free combination eye drops timolol 0,5%/travoprost (Travapress Duo, ROMPHARM Company) with once-per-day instillation regimen. Participants included in the control group (20 patients) remained on the treatment they had been using. All patients completed a questionnaire survey of subjective complaints and their condition, underwent assessment of the level of intraocular pressure (IOP), visual functions, parameters of the state of ocular surface (Schirmer test, epitheliopathy according to the Oxford scale), perimetric data on Humphrey 860 (Humphrey Field Analyzer III 860, Zeiss, USA), as well as morphometric parameters and indicators of retinal blood flow and optic nerve on OCT Cirrus 5000 Angioplex (Zeiss, USA) over three months of observation.RESULTS. After switching the drug all patients of the main group experienced a significant improvement in their subjective condition and gave less complaints about the ocular surface. At the same time, stable IOP compensation and no changes in retinal light sensitivity were achieved according to the results of perimetry, the morphometric data and indicators of retinal and optic nerve blood flow.CONCLUSION. The combined preservative-free eye drops timolol 0,5%/travoprost (Travapress Duo, ROMPHARM Company) is well tolerated by patients and is an effective antiglaucoma drug that allows achieving target IOP level with stabilization of morphological and functional parameters in patients with initial and moderate stages of glaucoma after previous cataract phacoemulsification.ЦЕЛЬ. Оценить переносимость и эффективность бесконсервантного комбинированного препарата тимолол 0,5%/травопрост (Травапресс Дуо, ROMPHARM Company) при смене терапии при начальной и развитой стадиях глаукомы после факоэмульсификации возрастной катаракты.МЕТОДЫ. Были отобраны 38 пациентов с нарушениями со стороны глазной поверхности и специфическими жалобами, с начальной и развитой стадиями глаукомы, компенсированной на терапии β-блокаторами и аналогами простагландинов F2α. Пациенты закапывали монопрепараты либо их фиксированные комбинации. Всем пациентам ранее была проведена факоэмульсификация возрастной катаракты с имплантацией монофокальной асферической интраокулярной линзы. В основной группе (18 пациентов) антиглаукомную терапию сменили на Травапресс Дуо с режимом закапывания 1 раз в сутки. Контрольная группа (20 пациентов) была оставлена на используемом ими лечении. У всех пациентов было проведено анкетирование субъективных жалоб и состояния, оценка уровня внутриглазного давления (ВГД), зрительных функций, параметров состояния глазной поверхности (тест Ширмера, эпителиопатия по оксфордской шкале), периметрических данных на приборе HFA III 860 (Humphrey Field Analyzer III 860, «Zeiss», США), а также морфометрических параметров и показателей кровотока сетчатки и зрительного нерва на приборе OCT Cirrus 5000 Angioplex («Zeiss», США) в течение 3 месяцев.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. У всех пациентов основной группы после смены препарата было отмечено значительное улучшение субъективного состояния, уменьшение жалоб в отношении глазной поверхности. Были достигнуты стойкая компенсация ВГД и отсутствие изменений светочувствительности сетчатки по результатам периметрии, а также морфометрических данных и показателей кровотока сетчатки и зрительного нерва.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Препарат Травапресс Дуо обладает хорошей переносимостью и является эффективным антиглаукомным препаратом, позволяющим достичь целевого уровня ВГД со стабилизацией морфофункциональных показателей у пациентов с начальной и развитой стадиями глаукомы после перенесенной ранее факоэмульсификации


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    In prospective multicenter study were included 20 pediatriconcohematologic patients with mucormycosis. Age: 3 – 17 yy (median – 11), females – 60%. The diagnosiswas made according to EORTC/MSG 2008 criteria (post mortem – 25%). The main underlying disease was acutel eukemia (70%), risk factors – prolong severe neutropenia (median – 31 d) and lymphocytopenia (median – 33 d) after cytostatic chemotherapy or hematopoietic stem cells transplantation. Etiology agents were Lichtheimia corуmbifera, Rhizopus spp. and Rhizomucor spp. Main sites of infection were lungs (65%) and paranasal synuses (30%), dissemination – 45%. Antifungal therapy (amphotericin B lipid coplex, posaconazole, caspofungin, amphotericin B) was used in 75% patients, surgery – 30%. Overall mortality in 12 weeks was 70%.В проспективное многоцентровое исследование включили 20 детей с гематологическими и онкологическими заболеваниями, осложнившимися мукормикозом. Возраст – от 3 до 17 лет (медиана – 11 лет), девочки – 60%. Диагноз мукормикоза был установлен согласно критериям EORTC/MSG, 2008 (post mortem – 25%). Установлено, что мукормикоз развивается преимущественно у больных острым лейкозом (70%), на фоне длительного агранулоцитоза (медиана – 31 день) и лимфоцитопении (медиана – 33 дня) после интенсивной цитостатической и/или иммуносупрессивной терапии, а также трансплантации гемопоэтических стволовых клеток. Возбудители: Lichtheimia corуmbifera, Rhizopus spp. и Rhizomucor spp. Заболевание начинается с поражения легких (65%) и придаточных пазух носа (30%), диссеминацию выявили у 45% пациентов. Антимикотическую терапию (липидный комплекс амфотерицина В, позаконазол, каспофунгин, амфотерицин В) проводили 75% больных, хирургическое лечение – 30%. Общая летальность в течение 12 недель составила 70%

    Rivaroxaban Compared with Standard Anticoagulants for the Treatment of Acute Venous Thromboembolism in Children: a Randomised, Controlled, Phase 3 Trial

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    Background: Treatment of venous thromboembolism in children is based on data obtained in adults with little direct documentation of its efficacy and safety in children. The aim of our study was to compare the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban versus standard anticoagulants in children with venous thromboembolism. Methods: In a multicentre, parallel-group, open-label, randomised study, children (aged 0–17 years) attending 107 paediatric hospitals in 28 countries with documented acute venous thromboembolism who had started heparinisation were assigned (2:1) to bodyweight-adjusted rivaroxaban (tablets or suspension) in a 20-mg equivalent dose or standard anticoagulants (heparin or switched to vitamin K antagonist). Randomisation was stratified by age and venous thromboembolism site. The main treatment period was 3 months (1 month in children <2 years of age with catheter-related venous thromboembolism). The primary efficacy outcome, symptomatic recurrent venous thromboembolism (assessed by intention-to-treat), and the principal safety outcome, major or clinically relevant non-major bleeding (assessed in participants who received ≥1 dose), were centrally assessed by investigators who were unaware of treatment assignment. Repeat imaging was obtained at the end of the main treatment period and compared with baseline imaging tests. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02234843 and has been completed. Findings: From Nov 14, 2014, to Sept 28, 2018, 500 (96%) of the 520 children screened for eligibility were enrolled. After a median follow-up of 91 days (IQR 87–95) in children who had a study treatment period of 3 months (n=463) and 31 days (IQR 29–35) in children who had a study treatment period of 1 month (n=37), symptomatic recurrent venous thromboembolism occurred in four (1%) of 335 children receiving rivaroxaban and five (3%) of 165 receiving standard anticoagulants (hazard ratio [HR] 0·40, 95% CI 0·11–1·41). Repeat imaging showed an improved effect of rivaroxaban on thrombotic burden as compared with standard anticoagulants (p=0·012). Major or clinically relevant non-major bleeding in participants who received ≥1 dose occurred in ten (3%) of 329 children (all non-major) receiving rivaroxaban and in three (2%) of 162 children (two major and one non-major) receiving standard anticoagulants (HR 1·58, 95% CI 0·51–6·27). Absolute and relative efficacy and safety estimates of rivaroxaban versus standard anticoagulation estimates were similar to those in rivaroxaban studies in adults. There were no treatment-related deaths. Interpretation: In children with acute venous thromboembolism, treatment with rivaroxaban resulted in a similarly low recurrence risk and reduced thrombotic burden without increased bleeding, as compared with standard anticoagulants. Funding: Bayer AG and Janssen Research & Development. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd

    Variation of Spectral Characteristics of Coelenteramide-Containing Fluorescent Protein from Obelia Longissima Exposed to Dimethyl Sulfoxide

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    Effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a widespread biomedical agent, on spectral-luminescent characteristics of coelenteramide-containing fluorescent protein – discharged obelin – is investigated. Contributions of violet and blue-green spectral components to fluorescence of discharged obelin are elucidated and characterized at different photoexcitation energies. Dependences of these contributions on the DMSO concentration are presented. Spectral changes are related to the destructive effect of DMSO on fluorescent protein and decreasing efficiency of proton transfer to electronically excited states of fluorophore

    Some Elements of Biologization in Crops Production on Radioactively Contaminated Areas

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    The modern environmental and biological approaches to the selection of field agricultural crops for cultivation at contaminated areas are considered. It is established that the satiation of rotations with agricultural crops differed by potentially low capacity to accumulate 13Cs can significantly extend the areal of radioactively contaminated lands use for the production of safe products. The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on radiocaesium uptake by plants is analyzed. The ability of arbuscular mycorrhiza to modify significantly radiocaesium accumulation by agricultural crops is found

    Clinical effectiveness of nutrof total supplement for Dry age-related macular Degeneration

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    The paper’s purpose is to assess visual functions in patients with dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) who receive antioxidant Nutrof Total supplement. Three groups of patients over 50 were examined. The main group, AMD+, consisted of patients with dry AMD who took 1 capsule of the supplement once a day for 3 months. Control group 1, AMD-, was composed of patients with dry AMD who took no supplement at all and control group 2, Normal, was composed of healthy subjects who took 1 capsule once a day for 3 months. All subjects were subjected to a regular ophthalmologic examination supplemented by evaluation of photostress test recovery time, and measurement of the optical density of macular pigment (MPOD) and achromatic spatial contrast sensitivity (CS): all tests were taken prior to the study and repeated 1 and 3 months after the study’s start. Vision quality was assessed by a VFQ-25, 2000 version questionnaire. Groups AMD+ and Normal revealed a statistically significant improvement in uncorrected distance and near visual acuity and best-corrected distance visual acuity, MPOD increase, improved recovery of visual acuity after a photostress test, and improvement in achromatic CS in all spatial frequency ranges. AMD- patients revealed no positive effects of visual functions. The results of the study thus confirm the efficiency and usefulness of continuous Nutrof Total supplement administration for 3 months by dry AMD patients and all patients over 50 // Russian Ophthalmological Journal, 2016; 2: 90-5. doi: 10.21516/2072-0076-2016-9-2-90-95

    Variation of Spectral Characteristics of Coelenteramide-Containing Fluorescent Protein from Obelia Longissima Exposed to Dimethyl Sulfoxide

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    Effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a widespread biomedical agent, on spectral-luminescent characteristics of coelenteramide-containing fluorescent protein – discharged obelin – is investigated. Contributions of violet and blue-green spectral components to fluorescence of discharged obelin are elucidated and characterized at different photoexcitation energies. Dependences of these contributions on the DMSO concentration are presented. Spectral changes are related to the destructive effect of DMSO on fluorescent protein and decreasing efficiency of proton transfer to electronically excited states of fluorophore