439 research outputs found

    Effect of the height of konfuzor area on efficiency diffuser inertial vacuum ash collector

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    В данной статье рассказывается о принципиально новом виде золоуловителя. Изменение его конструкции приводит к значительным ухудшениям показателя эффективности газоочистного оборудования. Автором исследуется влияние высоты конфузорного участка входного патрубка установки на эффективность инерционно-вакуумного золоуловителя. Результаты и выводы численного эксперимента содержатся в конце статьи. Работа ведется по заданию и при поддержке фонда «Энергия без границ».This article describes a fundamentally new type of ash collector. Changes its parameters lead to a significant deterioration in the efficiency of gas-cleaning equipment. The author investigates the influence of the height of the konfuzor section inlet on the effectiveness of the inertial-vacuum ash collector. The results of numerical experiments and conclusions are contained in the end of article. The work is conducted on the instructions and with the support of «Energiya bez granits»

    What Do Sheikh-Google And Facebook-Mufti Preach? (Theological Issues in the Muslim Blogosphere and Mobile Apps)

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    The article discusses what the Islamic segment of the Ru.net came to with for the twentieth anniversary of its existence. Using the communication theory of J.Habermas and based on the analysis of Gary Bunt’s work on cybernetic presence of Islam, it is considered how the development of the blogosphere and social networks change the communication and form the special type of Islamic public sphere through the personal pages of preaches - what topics and questions raised and how this commutation formulates the modern Russian Muslim’s vision. The effect of the social and cultural issues of the Muslims rules have been studied in the literature review. The Internet is turning into a kind of platform for expressing theological ideas, notation Mazhabic priorities and functioning models of the Muslim Ummah

    Document management as part of social communication

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    In this article the authors introduce a special type of communications - documen


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    Problem and goal. In recent years, attempts have been made in Russia to increase the accessibility of higher education for persons with disabilities (EHS). Nevertheless, the creation of an effective system of inclusive education faces many serious challenges. Methodology. The key barriers to higher education in four aspects of the educational process are analyzed: the General structure of training, teaching methods, individual work with students, as well as evaluation. To overcome these barriers, it is proposed to use special technical and organizational solutions. Results. A General conclusion is made about the need to develop standards for inclusive education, taking into account the diversity of types of public health services, the need to use special information technologies and the involvement of students in the design of the educational environment. Conclusion. The design of an inclusive educational environment assumes that students are the most competent and interested participants in the educational process, better understanding of both their needs and the effectiveness of various information and communication technologies (ICT) used in learning.Проблема и цель. В последние годы в России предпринимаются попытки повысить доступность высшего образования для лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (ОВЗ). Тем не менее, создание эффективной системы инклюзивного образования наталкивается на множество серьезных проблем. Методология. Проанализированы ключевые барьеры на пути получения ими высшего образования в четырех аспектах образовательного процесса: общей структуре обучения, методике обучения, индивидуальной работы со студентами, а также оценивания. Для преодоления этих барьеров предлагается использование специальных технических и организационных решений. Результаты. Сделан общий вывод о необходимости разработки стандартов инклюзивного образования, учитывающих многообразие видов ОВЗ, необходимость использования специальных информационных технологий и вовлечение студентов в проектирование образовательной среды. Заключение. Проектирование инклюзивной образовательной среды предполагает, что студенты являются наиболее компетентными и заинтересованными участниками образовательного процесса, лучше всех понимающих как свои потребности, так и эффективность различных информационных и коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ), используемых в обучении

    Liposomes loaded with quantum dots for ultrasensitive on-site determination of aflatoxin M1 in milk products

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    A quantitative fluorescence-labeled immunosorbent assay and qualitative on-site column tests were developed for the determination of aflatoxin M1 in milk products. The use of liposomes loaded with quantum dots as a label significantly increased the assay sensitivity by encapsulating multiple quantum dots in a single liposome and, therefore, amplifying the analytical signal. Two different techniques were compared to obtain aflatoxin-protein conjugates, used for further coupling with the liposomes. The influence of nonspecific interactions of the liposome-labeled conjugates obtained with the surface of microtiter plates and column cartridges was evaluated and discussed. The limit of detection for fluorescence-labeled immunosorbent assay was 0.014 mu g kg(-1). For qualitative on-site tests, the cutoff was set at 0.05 mu g kg(-1), taking into account the EU maximum level for aflatoxin M1 in raw milk, heat-treated milk, and milk for the manufacture of milk-based products. The direct addition of labeled conjugate to the milk samples resulted in an additional decrease of analysis time. An intralaboratory validation was performed with sterilized milk and cream samples artificially spiked with aflatoxin M1 at concentrations less than, equal to and greater than the cutoff level. It is shown that milk products can be analyzed without any sample preparation, just diluted with the buffer. The rates for false-positive and false-negative results were below 5 % (2.6 % and 3.3 %, respectively)

    Translating Transcultural Literature: Cultural Translation Squared

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    The present paper focuses on external language-based culture presentation, which can result from two distinct kinds of translation – the traditional translation, departing from a culturally loaded text, and the translation of culture, departing directly from the culture being presented. Despite the fact that in both instances we deal with translation and similar linguistic mechanisms are being involved, the comparative study of a transcultural text of L. Tolstoy’s Hadji Murad and its translation into English allows to demonstrate significant distinctions between the two modes of translation. At that, the distinctions affect such core features of translation as its accuracy and readability. In particular, the study revealed that the direct translation of culture, being unconditioned by the source text and the derivative status, tends to be more precise in rendering the specific features of a unique culture it deals with, introducing xenonymic elements at the expense of language homogeneity. While in traditional text-to-text translation, striving to comply with the requirements of readability and normality, cultural meanings appear to be much more prone to neutralizing and distorting. The presented study demonstrates that the losses and distortions we associate with translation are not inevitable and can be minimized. The practice underlying the translation of culture can serve as a source of a strategy fit to deal with culturally loaded texts