98 research outputs found

    Concepção de Sistemas ETL Seguros e Confiáveis em Alloy

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    Over the last few years, several proposals have been presented for supporting conceptual and logical modelling of data warehousing populating processes - ETL processes. However, these processes usually have a high degree of specificity, which entails very complex data requirements and elaborate processing routines – often difficult to validate. In ETL process modelling, the use of the Alloy specification language introduces an innovative formalism to the traditional approaches, maintaining the flexibility for handling the specific behaviours of an ETL process. Additionally, Alloy specifications can be analysed and validated, offering greater confidence in its correctness, which is essential for the success of complex software products. In this paper we present and discuss how to specify and validate ETL processes - blocks of operations and their dependencies - using Alloy, inspired by advances in this area of research, which show the potential of using a formal language in the ETL process modelling domain.Ao longo dos últimos anos foram apresentadas diversas propostas para suporte à modelação conceptual e lógica de processos de povoamento de data warehouses - processos de ETL. Todavia, estes processos apresentam usualmente um grau de especificidade elevado, acarretando requisitos de dados bastante complexos e rotinas de transformação muito elaboradas, cuja correção é frequentemente de difícil validação. Na modelação de processos de ETL, a utilização da linguagem de especificação Alloy introduz um formalismo inovador perante as abordagens tradicionalmente utilizadas, mantendo a flexibilidade necessária para lidar com comportamentos específicos dos processos ETL. Adicionalmente, as especificações criadas podem ser analisadas e validadas, oferecendo maior confiança quanto à sua correção, uma característica imprescindível no sucesso de produtos de software complexos. Neste artigo, inspirados pelos avanços registados nesta área de trabalho, apresentamos e discutimos formas de especificar e validar processos de ETL - blocos de operações e as suas dependências - utilizando a linguagem Alloy.Este trabalho foi suportado pelo COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043, by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Descoberta de padrões num sistema de certificação de empresas

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    Uma das tarefas mais vulgares em mineração de dados é fazer a descoberta de padrões escondidos num conjunto de dados, isto é, descobrir informação útil que ajude a tomar decisões numa dada área de trabalho. Neste artigo apresenta-se um estudo desenvolvido sobre a descoberta de padrões numa base de dados que descreve os certificados adquiridos pelas empresas portuguesas no período 2008-2010. A certificação é um processo voluntário que pode ser crucial para a sobrevivência das empresas. O conjunto de certificados que uma empresa deve adquirir pode variar com vários fatores, como a região onde a empresa se encontra localizada ou o seu sector de atividade. A aplicação de técnicas de mineração de dados neste domínio permite fazer uma previsão de quais os certificados a adquirir que melhor se adaptam às características da empresa e lhes possam trazer algumas vantagens em mercados de acesa concorrência.Uma das tarefas mais vulgares em mineração de dados é fazer a descoberta de padrões escondidos num conjunto de dados, isto é, descobrir informação útil que ajude a tomar decisões numa dada área de trabalho. Neste artigo apresenta-se um estudo desenvolvido sobre a descoberta de padrões numa base de dados que descreve os certificados adquiridos pelas empresas portuguesas no período 2008-2010. A certificação é um processo voluntário que pode ser crucial para a sobrevivência das empresas. O conjunto de certificados que uma empresa deve adquirir pode variar com vários fatores, como a região onde a empresa se encontra localizada ou o seu sector de atividade. A aplicação de técnicas de mineração de dados neste domínio permite fazer uma previsão de quais os certificados a adquirir que melhor se adaptam às características da empresa e lhes possam trazer algumas vantagens em mercados de acesa concorrência

    Discovering patterns in a certification system of companies

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    One of the most common tasks in data mining is the discovery of hidden patterns in a specific dataset in order to find relevant information to help making decisions in a given working area. This paper presents a study carried out over a specialized database containing information about a large number of certificates acquired by Portuguese companies, in the period 2008-2010. Certification is a voluntary process that can be crucial to the survival of a company in its business area. The set of certificates that a company must acquire may vary according to several factors, like the region where the company is located or its sector of activity. The application of data mining techniques in this area allows making predictions about which licenses a company may acquire that best fit its business characteristics and that bring some advantages in its business activities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Corporate social responsibility levels and firm performance: Evidence from countries in crisis

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsIn times of economic downturn it is of utmost importance for companies to find alternative ways to enhance their value while disregarding all activities that have the potential to destroy value. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosures inform analysts and investors about companies‟ ethical accountability and engagement towards society, possibly contributing to the overall value of a company. This paper examines the rapport between different levels of CSR disclosure and stock market performance, analyzing a sample comprised by companies from Portugal, Spain and Italy, given that these are some of the countries most affected by the 2008 financial crisis. The period covered ranges from 2008 to 2012. CSR disclosure levels are measured through the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. Results unveil that markets value a low CSR disclosure negatively, but do not find other levels of disclosure to add value, which implies that in times of crisis a low CSR disclosure may increase information asymmetry between a company and market participants. Furthermore, an analysis of the changes in GRI reveals the existence of a positive relation between stock market returns and upward changes in CSR disclosure levels

    Crença no mundo justo e estratégias de coping num contexto de bullying

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    O presente estudo teve como objectivo principal perceber se a Crença no Mundo Justo (CMJ) se encontrava associada às estratégias de coping utilizadas. Esperava-se que pessoas com elevada CMJ recorressem a estratégias de coping mais adaptativas. Foram conduzidos dois estudos com adolescentes, adoptando, enquanto situação de vitimização, um episódio de bullying (Estudo 1 – Bullying de Exclusão Social; Estudo 2 – Bullying Físico). Os resultados de ambos os estudos confirmaram a hipótese apresentada. A CMJ revelou estar positivamente associada a estratégias de coping activo e de procura de apoio social. Verificou-se ainda que, no bullying, as raparigas tendem a apresentar mais comportamentos pró-sociais, relativamente aos rapazes. Para além disso, quanto maior é CMJ, menor a incidência de vitimização e maior o número de comportamentos pró-sociais. As principais conclusões deste trabalho apontam no sentido de uma possível mediação das estratégias de coping na relação entre CMJ e Bem-Estar Psicológico.The main purpose of this study was to understand if the Belief in a Just World (BJW) was associated with adaptative coping strategies. We expected that people with high belief in a just world would resort to more adaptive coping strategies. Two studies were conducted, having a bullying episode as a victimization situation (Study 1 – Physical Bullying; Study 2 – Social Exclusion Bullying). The results of both studies have confirmed our hypothesis. The BJW revealed to be associated with an active coping and search for social support. Furthermore, the results have also demonstrated that girls tend to engage in pro-social behaviors, more often than boys. Moreover, the higher the BJW, the less victimization and more pro-social behaviors are observed. The foremost conclusion of this study is that, possibly, coping strategies mediate the relation between BJW and Psychological Well-Being

    Regeneration patterns of Quercus suber according to montado management systems

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    Traditional management of montado (dehesa) is an example of integration of sustainable land-use and biodiversity conservation. The whole system sustainability is currently threatened by the intensification of soil tilling to control shrub invasion and promote pastureland, the absence of tree natural regeneration being one of the most outstanding threats. A study to assess effects of management on tree regeneration at early stages was developed in a cork oak montado grazed by cattle, in southern Portugal. We specifically compared the effects of harrowing every 3–4 years with those of shrub clearing with a shredder every 5–7 years. We hypothesized that extending shrub maintenance may facilitate cork oak regeneration at early stages in grazed montado. Fenced cork oak paddocks under the same management system for at least the last 40 years were surveyed for cork oak seedling, juvenile and sapling density; shrub cover percentage was also estimated. Recruitment bottleneck was observed after the seedling stage under harrowing, while in shredded areas all stages were well represented and often associated with shrub patches. Overall, the highest cork oak recruitment occurred at intermediate shrub cover (40–60 %). By maintaining shrub patches and their protective effect against direct radiation and grazing impact, while preventing shrub encroachment, shredding every 7 years seems to create an important temporal window for effective oak regeneration. This management practice might thus be suitable to favour successful tree regeneration in grazed cork oak montado, assuring the persistence of this system

    Eventos adversos no tratamento de hemodiálise

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    As unidades de hemodiálise são locais que estão sempre sujeitas à ocorrência de eventos adversos, pois apresentam fatores de risco como procedimentos invasivos, utilização de equipamentos complexos, pacientes críticos, alta rotatividade de pacientes e administração de medicamentos potencialmente perigosos, como a heparina. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os eventos adversos relacionados ao tratamento hemodialítico, registrados em prontuários de pacientes atendidos no centro de diálise do Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB). Para realização da pesquisa, foram analisados 26 prontuários de pacientes disponibilizados pelo arquivo do hospital, o que permitiu a avaliação de 2.455 sessões de hemodiálise. Diante dessa análise verificou-se a ocorrência de 109 eventos adversos (EA) registrados nos prontuários. O maior número de ocorrências com 39,45% foi a infecção do acesso (n=43), seguido pelo fluxo sanguíneo inadequado e coagulação do sistema, ambas com 19,27% (n=21), sangramento pelo acesso, com 19 registros (17,44%), fixação incorreta do cateter com 2 registros (1,84%), e por último, com 1 registro cada (0,91%) está dializador com vazamento, infiltração da punção e trombose venosa profunda (TVP) em membro do cateter. Diante disso, percebe-se a importância de se compreender o tratamento e suas complicações para que o enfermeiro preste uma assistência eficaz e segura, onde a atuação da equipe desde a monitorização do paciente, a detecção de anormalidades e a intervenção precoce, é primordial para a garantia de um procedimento seguro para o paciente

    Phase equilibria modeling for biofuels production

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia QuímicaEm consequência de uma série de problemas ambientais, económicos e políticos relacionados com o uso de combustíveis convencionais, vários países estão agora a focar as suas atenções em combustíveis alternativos. O biodiesel está na linha da frente das alternativas ao petróleo no sector dos transportes, sendo considerado uma opção a curto prazo visto que o seu preço é competitivo e não são necessárias mudanças nos motores para implementar o seu uso. De entres os possíveis processos de produzir biodiesel, a reacção de transesterificação com catálise básica é o método preferido. Depois da reacção são sempre necessários processos de purificação de modo ao biodiesel produzido cumprir os standards definidos para os combustíveis alternativos, reduzindo problemas de motor e consequentemente aumentando a sua aceitação por parte dos consumidores. De entre as especificações encontram-se o conteúdo em água, em álcool e em glicerol. Ser-se capaz de descrever correctamente o equilíbrio de fases de sistemas que são de interesse para os processos de purificação de biodieseis numa gama alargada de condições termodinâmicas é uma condição necessária para uma correcta simulação do processo industrial, de modo a se atingir uma elevada produtividade a baixos custos de operação. O uso de moléculas oxigenadas como combustíveis representa uma alteração significativa em termos da termodinâmica de soluções. Para combustíveis baseados em petróleo as equações de estado cúbicas e os modelos clássicos de coeficientes de actividade mostraram ser apropriados, no entanto para combustíveis novos como o biodiesel, sendo mais complexos do ponto de vista das interacções intermoleculares com formação de dipolos e pontes de hidrogénio, são necessários modelos termodinâmicos mais complexos para descrever essas interacções. Neste trabalho a CPA EoS (Cubic-Plus-Association Equation of State) será desenvolvida de modo a permitir uma descrição adequada dos equilíbrios líquido-vapor e líquido-líquido para uma serie de sistemas binários e multicomponentes contendo água, ácidos gordos, ésteres de ácidos gordos, glicerol e álcoois.As a consequence of a range of environmental, economical and political problems related to the use of conventional petroleum based fuels, several countries are now focusing their attention on alternative fuels. Biodiesel is at the forefront of the alternatives to petroleum based fuels in the transportation sector, being considered an important short-time option since its price can be competitive with conventional diesel and no motor changes are required. Among the various approaches to produce biodiesel, basic catalyzed transesterification is the preferable method. After the transesterification reaction purification steps are always necessary in order to provide the fuel with the quality levels required by the standards for alternative fuels, reducing engine problems and consequently increasing consumers’ acceptance. Among the specifying minimums are the water, the alcohol and the glycerol contents. Being able to correctly describe the phase equilibria of systems of interest for the biodiesel purification processes in a broad range of thermodynamic conditions is a necessary condition for a correct simulation of the industrial process, in order to achieve high productivity and low operating costs. The use of oxygenated molecules as fuels represents a significant change in terms of solution thermodynamics. While for petroleum-based fuels, cubic equations of state and classic activity coefficient models have proved to be appropriate, new fuels, such as biodiesel, are more complex from the point of view of intermolecular interactions with dipoles and hydrogen bonding being important on these systems. To be able to represent such interactions more complex engineering thermodynamics models are required. In this work the CPA EoS (Cubic – Plus – Association Equation of State) will be developed to provide an adequate description of the vapor-liquid and liquidliquid phase equilibria of several binary and multicomponent systems containing water, fatty acids, fatty acid esters, glycerol and alcohols

    Bioprocessing of sugarcane molasses into gluconic acid by Aureobasidium pullulans: effect of oxygen transfer rate in stirred and airlift bioreactors

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    The bioconversion of glucose to gluconic acid (GA) by Aureobasidium pullulans is an extremely oxygen-consuming bioprocess. The utilization of low-cost raw materials, instead of pure glucose or glucose syrup, is a step forward in the development of a sustainable process for GA production. For the first time, sugarcane molasses (ScM), which is approximately 20 times cheaper than pure glucose, was used as the substrate for GA production by A.pullulans in three bioreactors typology stirred tank (STR) operating at atmospheric pressure (400 rpm and 600 rpm), pressurized STR (1 bar and 4 bar of total air pressure), and airlift bioreactor (1 vvm and 2 vvm). For each bioreactor tested, the highest GA production was obtained in highly aerated cultures 600 rpm (STR), 4 bar (pressurized STR), and 2 vvm (airlift). Among the bioreactors, the highest GA titers were obtained in STR (67 g·L-1) and airlift (75 g·L-1), though the productivity was considerably lower in airlift. Simultaneously with GA synthesis, a considerable amount of fructooligosaccharides was produced in the first hours of the process, particularly in the airlift bioreactor (64 g·L-1). The findings of this work demonstrated, for the first time, the ability of A. pullulans to use ScM as a cheap substrate for the simultaneous production of GA and FOS, providing a novel strategy for the sustainable and economical production of both added-value compounds, according to the circular bioeconomy assumptions.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) - UID/BIO/04469/2019, PhD grant SFRH/BD/129475/2017 and LABBELS-Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechanical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sowing wildflower meadows in Mediterranean peri-urban green areas to promote grassland diversity

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    Introduction: The increase of urban areas and their infrastructure network is homogenizing the landscape and threatening biodiversity and ecosystems functions and services. Wildflower meadows have a high biodiversity value and can prosper in degraded areas dominated by nitrophilous species, making them suitable to be used in peri-urban and urban areas to promote local flora, create habitat for pollinators and other small fauna, and increase overall biodiversity. Moreover, the application of wildflowers seed mixes suitable for rehabilitating anthropized environments should be restricted to native species of regional origin, and the results properly monitored. However, thorough monitoring of seed mixes evolution is uncommon. This study evaluates the effectiveness of a seed mix of wild native species developed to promote grassland diversity in Mediterranean peri-urban areas. Methods: The study was divided into two sequential phases. Firstly, a preparatory phase consisted in developing two seed mixes and sowing them (autumn 2016) in ex-situ plots (three plots of 5 × 2 m2 per mix) at an experimental field to choose the one with the best performance. The second phase consisted of the in-situ application (autumn 2018) of the chosen seed mix by sowing 14 plots (10 × 2 m2) in pocket parks distributed along pedestrian trails of South Portugal. All plots were monitored through floristic surveys for two springs (ex-situ trials: 2017 and 2018; in-situ trials: 2019 and 2020). Results: All sowed species germinated in the in-situ plots over the first 2  years. The seed mix application positively contributed to the floristic community, generating a significant increase in the total species richness, diversity, evenness, and vegetation cover. The seed mix establishment did not require watering nor soil fertilizing and the mowing frequency was low (once in late spring), contributing to sustainable and low-cost management of these green areas. Discussion: The tested seed mix promoted native flora diversity rapidly and seems suitable for use in peri-urban context under identical climate conditions. Given the small number of native seed mixes tested in the Mediterranean, this study represents a contribution toward improved management standards of native flora diversity in Mediterranean green urban and peri-urban areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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