1,076 research outputs found

    Multi-source data assimilation for physically based hydrological modeling of an experimental hillslope

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    Data assimilation has recently been the focus of much attention for integrated surface–subsurface hydrological models, whereby joint assimilation of water table, soil moisture, and river discharge measurements with the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has been extensively applied. Although the EnKF has been specifically developed to deal with nonlinear models, integrated hydrological models based on the Richards equation still represent a challenge, due to strong nonlinearities that may significantly affect the filter performance. Thus, more studies are needed to investigate the capabilities of the EnKF to correct the system state and identify parameters in cases where the unsaturated zone dynamics are dominant, as well as to quantify possible tradeoffs associated with assimilation of multi-source data. Here, the CATHY (CATchment HYdrology) model is applied to reproduce the hydrological dynamics observed in an experimental two-layered hillslope, equipped with tensiometers, water content reflectometer probes, and tipping bucket flow gages to monitor the hillslope response to a series of artificial rainfall events. Pressure head, soil moisture, and subsurface outflow are assimilated with the EnKF in a number of scenarios and the challenges and issues arising from the assimilation of multi-source data in this real-world test case are discussed. Our results demonstrate that the EnKF is able to effectively correct states and parameters even in a real application characterized by strong nonlinearities. However, multi-source data assimilation may lead to significant tradeoffs: the assimilation of additional variables can lead to degradation of model predictions for other variables that are otherwise well reproduced. Furthermore, we show that integrated observations such as outflow discharge cannot compensate for the lack of well-distributed data in heterogeneous hillslopes.</p

    Reducing the Loss of Built Heritage in Seismic Areas

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    The presence of the largest part ofWorld Heritage sites in a seismically-prone area, like Italy, demands always greater measures to protect the most important built heritage, as well as the minor architecture. This requires a constant improvement of the current protocol from the damage survey and the provisional safety measures to the final intervention. This procedure is summarized, briefly, here and additional practical suggestions are given to improve the activities, based on the experience of on-site volunteers during the damage survey after the earthquake that struck Italy in 2016. Basic issues on the recurrent characteristics of historic masonry buildings, that make them often complex constructions with unexpected behaviour, are fundamental in the preparation of the volunteers in surveying damage. This helps in reducing evaluation mistakes and in designing the provisional safety structures aimed at the preservation of built heritage to the extent possible. Some examples of incorrect interpretation of the damage in historic buildings are reported here. In conclusion, only the awareness that it is necessary that a correct understanding of the recurrent or, on the contrary, peculiar, characteristics of a historic building plays a key role in the damage evaluation and in its subsequent protection from further damage

    Cinética de volatilização de componentes secundários da aguardente de cana-de-açúcar durante dupla destilação em alambique retificador

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    The qualitative variation of secondary components plays a key role in the aroma and taste of the sugarcane spirit. The objective of this work was to study the volatilization kinetics of secondary components of sugarcane spirits during double distillation process in a rectifying still to verify the cutoff point in ethanol between "head" and "tail" fractions. Fermented sugarcane juice was distilled in rectifying still according to the methodology used for whisky production. Both distillates from first and second distillations were collected in fractions of 500 mL and analyzed for the concentrations of ethanol, copper, volatile acidity, furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural, aldehydes, esters, methanol and higher alcohols. In the first distillation, aldehydes and esters were distilled at the beginning of the distillation, while acetic acid was distilled at the end of the distillation. Methanol was found in the fractions up to almost half of the first distillation. Higher alcohols were distilled during the whole first distillation, but with greater intensity up to the alcoholic degree of 40% v v-1 of the distillate. During the second distillation, aldehydes, esters and methanol were distilled in the first distillate fractions, being collected mainly at alcohol concentrations above 80% v v-1. Acetic acid was distilled in the final distillate fractions, with concentrations in alcohol content below 20% v v-1. Higher alcohols followed a distillation kinetics pattern similar to ethanol, being collected mainly at alcoholic concentrations above 60% v v-1 of the distillate. The presence of copper, furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural was not detected in any fraction of the distillates of the first and second distillation.A variação qualitativa dos componentes secundários é função chave no aroma e sabor da aguardente de cana-de-açúcar. Avaliou-se a cinética de volatilização de componentes secundários da aguardente de cana-de-açúcar ao longo do processo de dupla destilação em alambique retificador para verificar tempo de corte em etanol entre a fração cabeça e calda. Mosto fermentado de caldo de cana-de-açúcar foi destilado em alambique retificador seguindo a metodologia utilizada para a produção de whisky. Os destilados, tanto da primeira como da segunda destilação, foram recolhidos em frações de 500 mL e analisados quimicamente quanto às concentrações de etanol, cobre, acidez volátil, furfural e hidroximetilfurfural, aldeídos, ésteres, metanol e álcoois superiores. Na primeira destilação, os aldeídos e os ésteres foram arrastados no início da destilação, enquanto que o ácido acético se destilou no final da destilação. O destilado apresentou concentração de metanol até praticamente metade da primeira destilação. Os álcoois superiores se destilaram durante toda a primeira destilação, porém com maior concentração até a graduação alcoólica de 40% v v-1 no destilado. Durante a segunda destilação os aldeídos, os ésteres e o metanol se destilaram nas primeiras frações do destilado, sendo recolhidos principalmente em concentrações alcoólicas acima de 80% v v-1. O ácido acético se destilou nas frações finais do destilado, tendo se concentrado em teores alcoólicos abaixo de 20% v v-1. Os álcoois superiores apresentaram a cinética de destilação semelhante à do etanol, sendo recolhidos principalmente em concentrações alcoólicas superiores a 60% v v-1 do destilado. Não foi detectada presença de cobre, de furfural e hidroximetilfurfural nos destilados da primeira e da segunda destilação

    Abertura do capital como o mercado favorece a abertura de capital das empresas

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    A economia brasileira está mais receptiva à entrada de novas empresas no mercado de capitais. Seja pela elaboração de leis que facilitem o processo de entrada no mercado, pela maior entrada de capital entrada de capital estrangeiro ou pela aplicação de novos conceitos como governança corporativa, o mercado de capitais no Brasil está em constante crescimento, possibilitando que novas empresas ingressem no mercado de capitais. O presente trabalho visa mostrar quais os motivos que motivou o crescimento do número de empresas que abriram seu capital nos anos de 2002 a 2007. O trabalho tem como objetivo geral identificar quais foram os motivos que levaram as empresas estudadas a abrirem seu capital no período analisado. Foi utilizada como método de análise a pesquisa bibliográfica em torno do assunto, bem como o levantamento de dados econômicos sobre o assunto. No embasamento teórico, a abordagem foi feita sobre a evolução da legislação que rege o mercado de capitais, foi abordado o conceito de governança corporativa e do Novo Mercado bem como alguns motivos que possam levar empresas a abrirem seu capital. A apresentação dos dados consiste na análise de dados econômicos que possam ter influenciado a economia brasileira a ser mais atrativa à entrada de novas empresas no mercado como a evolução do PIB, entrada de capital estrangeiro e a taxa de juros (SELIC). Na conclusão, é feita uma retomada ao embasamento teórico e à análise dos dados econômicos para que uma conclusão geral do trabalho possa ser obtida, bem como possa ser sugerido novas pesquisas e análises do tema

    New Results on Classifying EMG Signals for Interfacing Patients and Mechanical Devices

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    Abstract In modern days the goal of rehabilitative robotics is to take advantage of robotics-inspired solutions in order to assist people affected by disabilities using physical training assisted by robots. In this way the rehabilitative exercises could be autonomously performed by the patients, with a reduced involvement of the therapist, making high-intensity rehabilitative therapy an affordable reality. Moreover high-precision sensors integrated in rehabilitation devices would allow a quantitative evaluation of the progresses obtained, effectively comparing different training strategies. That would represent a huge scientific achievement in a field where evaluations up to this day are performed only by means of subjective observations. Important results were obtained in rehabilitative robotics, but results in the field of the hand rehabilitation are poorer, due to the high complexity and dexterity of the organ. This chapter proposes to integrate the detection of the muscular activity in the rehabilitation loop. A new EMG analysis tool was developed to achieve a reliable early recognition of the movement. Experimental results confirmed that our system is able to recognize the performed movement and generate the first control variable after 200 ms, below the commonly accepted delay of 300 ms for interactive applications. This shows that it is possible to effectively use an EMG classifier to obtain a reliable controller for a flexible device, able to assist the patient only after having detected his effort

    Long‐Term Monitoring of Coupled Vegetation and Elevation Changes in Response to Sea Level Rise in a Microtidal Salt Marsh

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    Tight interplays between physical and biotic processes in tidal salt marshes lead to self-organization of halophytic vegetation into recurrent zonation patterns developed across elevation gradients. Despite its importance for marsh ecomorphodynamics, however, the response of vegetation zonation to changing environmental forcings remains difficult to predict, mostly because of lacking long-term field observations of vegetation evolution in the face of changing rates of sea level rise and marsh vertical accretion. Here we present novel data of coupled marsh elevation-vegetation distribution collected in the microtidal Venice Lagoon (Italy) over nearly two decades. Our results suggest that: (a) despite increasing absolute marsh elevations (i.e., above a fixed datum), vertical accretion rates across most of the studied marsh were not high enough to compensate for relative sea-level rise (RSLR), thus leading to a progressive marsh drowning; (b) accretion rates ranging 1.7–4.3 mm/year are overall lower than the measured RSLR rate (4.4 mm/year) and strongly site-specific. Accretion rates vary largely at sites within distances of a few tens of meters, being controlled by local elevation and sediment availability from eroding marsh edges; (c) vegetation responds species-specifically to changes in environmental forcings by modifying species-preferential elevation ranges. For the first time, we observe the consistency of a sequential vegetation-species zonation with increasing marsh elevations over 20 years. We suggest this is the signature of vegetation resilience to changes in external forcings. Our results highlight a strong coupling between geomorphological and ecological dynamics and call for spatially distributed marsh monitoring and spatially explicit biomorphodynamic models of marsh evolution


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    Phyloid Tumors are rare fibroepithelial tumors of the breast, representing less than 1% of all breast neoplasms, affecting women in the age group with the highest incidence between 40 and 50 years. With a variable biological behavior, the spectrum of benign presentation is confused with cellular fibroadenoma and, not the other extreme, the malignant presents similarities with other malignant neoplasms of the breast. Indicate, appear as a palpable, smooth, multinodular, firm, mobile and painless tumor, with abnormal mammographic and ultrasound findings. Tumor growth is usually rapid, with no correlation with increased risk of malignancy. The diagnosis is confirmed by histopathological evaluation. The treatment is eminently surgical, with excision with free margins and even mastectomy, a tumor-dependent extension being indicated. The presence of margins is important, since this contributes to the reduction of local recurrences, very common in this type of tumor. Adjuvant radiotherapy is controversial in the literature, but it appears to reduce recurrence without changing mortality. This article requires 02 cases of Phyloid Tumor, a benign and malignant variant, with which we aim to emphasize the importance of differential diagnosis and adequate surgical treatment, especially less postoperative morbidity.Os Tumores Filoides são tumores fibroepiteliais raros da mama, representando menos de 1% de todas as neoplasias mamárias, acometendo mulheres na faixa etária de maior incidência entre 40 e 50 anos. Com comportamento biológico variável, o espectro de apresentação benigna se confunde com o fibroadenoma celular e, no outro extremo, o maligno apresenta semelhanças com outras neoplasias malignas da mama. Geralmente, aparecem na forma de tumoração palpável, lisa, multinodular, firme, móvel e indolor, com achados mamográficos e ultrassonográficos anormais. O crescimento tumoral costuma ser rápido, sem correlação com maior risco de malignidade. O diagnóstico é confirmado por avaliação histopatológica. O tratamento é eminentemente cirúrgico, sendo indicada excisão com margens livres e, até mesmo, mastectomia, a depender da extensão tumoral. É importante a presença de margens livres, visto que isso contribui para a redução das recidivas locais, muito comuns nesse tipo de tumor. Radioterapia adjuvante é controversa na literatura, mas parece reduzir a recorrência, sem alterar a mortalidade. Esse artigo descreve 02 casos de Tumor Filoides, variante benigna e maligna, com os quais objetivamos ressaltar a importância do diagnóstico diferencial e adequado tratamento cirúrgico, visando menor morbidade pós-operatória