22 research outputs found

    Megalitismo y medio edafológico en el noroeste peninsular

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    [Resumen] Se estudia la relación existente entre la distribución de tumbas megalíticas y las caracteristicas de los suelos en la provincia de La Coruña. Las mayores concentraciones de túmulos y la presencia de los de mayor tamaño están relacionadas con los suelos más aptos para el cultivo. Por el contrario en zonas con suelos poco aptos para la agricultura los túmulos son más escasos y de menor tamaño.[Abstract] The relations between the distribution of megali thic graves and the soil characteristics in the province of La Coruña are studied. The highest concentrations of tombs and the biggest ones are related to the best soils for the agriculture. On contrary in zones with poor soi ls the graves are less abundant and of smallest siz

    Afectación de granos llenos por panícula en Oryza sativa L. cultivar Reforma, por altas temperaturas (Original)

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    Future efforts in rice cultivation should aim to produce varieties that are widely tolerant of high temperatures. The article show the results of the experiment was implemented under controlled conditions in the Seed Testing Laboratory of the Manuel Espinosa Ramírez Processing Plant of the Granma Seed Base Business Unit, in order to evaluate the number of filled grains per panicle under controlled conditions in the Reforma cultivar. Due to high temperatures. Rice plants 10 days after germination were selected according to the uniformity of the number of photosynthetically active leaves and the length of the seedling. At the beginning of the anthesis, three pots with rice plants were placed in a chamber for growth tests with a relative humidity of 70 % and different temperature levels that began at 35 oC and increased every 0.5 oC until reaching 39.5oC. For the control treatment, the temperature was maintained at 32.3 oC. The percentage of affected grains filled by panicles will be decreased in relation to the control. It is evident that from 35.0 oC the number of filled grains per panicle -1 begins to decrease and reaches affectations of more than 20 % at temperatures above 39.0 oC.Los esfuerzos futuros en el cultivo del arroz deben apuntar a producir variedades ampliamente tolerantes a las altas temperaturas. En el artículo se muestran los resultados de una investigación desarrollada en condiciones controladas en el Laboratorio de Ensayo de Semillas de la Planta de Beneficio Manuel Espinosa Ramírez de la Unidad Empresarial de Base Semillas Granma, con la finalidad de evaluar el número de granos llenos por panícula en condiciones controladas en el cultivar Reforma, por altas temperaturas. Se seleccionaron plantas de arroz a los 10 días de germinadas de acuerdo a la uniformidad del número de hojas fotosintéticamente activas y la longitud de la plántula. En el inicio de la antesis se colocaron en una cámara para ensayos de crecimiento tres macetas con plantas de arroz con una humedad relativa de 70 % y diferentes niveles de temperatura que comenzaron a 35 oC y se incrementaron cada 0.5 oC hasta llegar a 39.5 oC. Para el tratamiento control la temperatura se mantuvo a 32.3 oC. Se determinó el porcentaje de afectación de los granos llenos por panículas con relación al control. Se evidenció que a partir de 35.0 oC comienza a disminuir la cantidad de granos llenos por panícula -1 y alcanzar afectaciones de más del 20 % a temperaturas por encima de 39.0 oC

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Megalitismo y medio edafológico en el Noroeste Peninsular

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    [ES] Se estudia la relación existente entre la distribución de tumbas megalíticas y las características de los suelos en la provincia de A Coruña. Las mayores concentraciones de túmulos y la presencia de los de mayor tamaño están relacionadas con los suelos más aptos para el cultivo. Por el contrario en zonas con suelos poco aptos para la agricultura los túmulos son más escasos y de menor tamaño.[EN] The relations between the distribution of megalithic graves and the soil characteristics in the provide of A Coruña are studied. The highest concentrarions of tombs and the biggest ones are related to the best soils for the agriculture. On contrary in zones with poor soils the graves are less abundant and of smallest size

    Megalitismo y medio físico en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica: Estado de la cuestión y perspectivas

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    La investigación sobre el mundo megalítico del NW peninsular ha estado ceñida hasta el presente al estudio de los aspectos arqueológicos tradicionales, centrándose la mayor parte de los trabajos en cuestiones de tipología, cronología y relaciones con otras áreas culturales. Otros aspectos relativos al megalitismo han sido soslayados o bien tratados más de un modo implícito y ocasional que de una forma clara y sistemática. Entre éstos se encuentra el de la relación de los monumentos megalíticos y el medio físico, especialmente la conexión entre la distribución de los túmulos megalíticos, en gallego mámoas, y el sustrato geológico sobre el que se asientan, así como su vinculación con los diferentes tipos de suelos

    Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) protocols for problematic plant, oomycete, and fungal samples

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    Common problems in the processing of biological samples for observations with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) include cell collapse, treatment of samples from wet microenvironments and cell destruction. Using young floral tissues, oomycete cysts, and fungi spores (Agaricalesas examples, specific protocols to process delicate samples are described here that overcome some of the main challenges in sample treatment for image capture under the SEM. Floral meristems fixed with FAA (Formalin-Acetic-Alcohol) and processed with the Critical Point Dryer (CPD) did not display collapsed cellular walls or distorted organs. These results are crucial for the reconstruction of floral development. A similar CPD-based treatment of samples from wet microenvironments, such as the glutaraldehyde-fixed oomycete cysts, is optimal to test the differential growth of diagnostic characteristics (e.g., the cyst spines) on different types of substrates. Destruction of nurse cells attached to fungi spores was avoided after rehydration, dehydration, and the CPD treatment, an important step for further functional studies of these cells. The protocols detailed here represent low-cost and rapid alternatives for the acquisition of good-quality images to reconstruct growth processes and to study diagnostic characteristics.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 634429. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. We also acknowledge the financial contribution made by the Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC. SR is grateful to the European Union [ITN-SAPRO-238550] for the support of her research in Saprolegnia. We also want to thank Francisco Calonge for kindly provide the Phellorinia herculanea images and B. Pueyo for processing samples (Figure 5). All images were taken by the SEM service at the Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC in Madrid

    Megalitismo y medio geológico en el Noroeste Peninsular

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    [ES]La investigación de la cultura megalítica de Galicia ha estado centrada hasta el presente en el estudio de problemas de índole estrictamente arqueológica, tales como la definición tipológica de sus materiales y arquitectura, sus paralelos y cronología. Este enfoque unidireccional ha ocasionado que otros muchos aspectos del megalitismo, esenciales para la comprensión de la totalidad cultural que acompaña a este fenómeno, hayan sido total o parcilamente descuidados. Entre éstos, uno de los de mayor importancia es el estudio de la dialéctica hombre/espacio y, dentro de ella, las relaciones de la sociedad con su marco cultural.Peer reviewe

    Megalitismo y medio geológico en el Noroeste Peninsular

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    [ES]La investigación de la cultura megalítica de Galicia ha estado centrada hasta el presente en el estudio de problemas de índole estrictamente arqueológica, tales como la definición tipológica de sus materiales y arquitectura, sus paralelos y cronología. Este enfoque unidireccional ha ocasionado que otros muchos aspectos del megalitismo, esenciales para la comprensión de la totalidad cultural que acompaña a este fenómeno, hayan sido total o parcilamente descuidados. Entre éstos, uno de los de mayor importancia es el estudio de la dialéctica hombre/espacio y, dentro de ella, las relaciones de la sociedad con su marco cultural.Peer reviewe

    Speech pause distribution as an early marker for Alzheimer’s disease

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    Background: Pause duration analysis is a common feature in the study of discourse in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) since this patient group has shown a consistent trend for longer pauses in comparison to healthy controls. This speech feature may also be helpful for early detection; however, studies involving patients at the pre-clinical, high-risk phase of amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) have yielded varying results. Objective: To characterize the probability density distribution of speech pause durations in 26 patients with AD, 57 amnestic multi-domain amnestic MCI patients (29 with memory encoding deficits, a-mdMCI-E, and 28 with retrieval impairment only, a-mdMCI-R) and 29 healthy controls (HC) in order assess whether there are significant differences between them. To explore the potential differences in pause production between patients with a-mdMCI-E and a-mdMCI-R, as the former are considered to be at higher risk of progressing to dementia. Methods: The 112 picture-based oral narratives obtained were manually transcribed and annotated for the automatic extraction and analysis of pause durations. Different probability distributions were tested for the fitting of pause durations while truncating shorter ranges. Recent findings in the field of Statistics were considered in order to avoid the inherent methodological uncertainty that this type of analysis entails by addressing the question of temporal thresholding and its potential repercussions on inter-annotator reliability in manual transcriptions. Results: A lognormal distribution (LND) explained the distribution of pause duration for all groups. Its fitted parameters (, ) followed a gradation from the group with shorter durations and a higher tendency to produce short pauses (HC) to the group with longer pause durations and a considerably higher tendency to produce long pauses with greater variance (AD). Importantly, a-mdMCI-E produced significantly longer pauses and with greater variability than their a-mdMCI-R counterparts (alpha=0.05). Conclusion: We report significant differences at the group level in pause distribution across all groups of study that could be used in future diagnostic tools and discuss the clinical implications of these findings, particularly regarding the characterization of a-mdMCI.This work is supported through a PhD grant awarded to P.P-D. by the banking Foundation ‘‘La Caixa’’ (ID 100010434, code: LCF/BQ/ES15/10360020). F.D-V. was supported by a grant awarded to project no. PID2019-107042GB-I00 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación). A.H-F. and I.G.T. were supported by the grant no. TIN2017- 89244-R (MACDA) (Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitivi- dad, Gobierno de España) and the project PRO2020-S03 (RCO03080 Lingüística Quantitativa) of l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i BenestarPostprint (published version